Physical violence against females at home being quite common even in the western countries; had the husband shot his wife, it would not have made big ‘News’ because people expect it. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin and can cause one to temporarily go berserk. 'Crime of passion’ in which the lover or spouse commits the act because of sudden strong impulse such as sudden rage is nothing new.
Admittedly such crimes are mostly committed by men rather than women. However female of the species can also be deadly. I had come across the following article a few years back.
In my humble opinion, there is no point in getting riled up over rights & wrongs of either party. I may be old but still remember the age old proverb.
“All is fair in love and war”
You might be surprised to learn how much domestic violence is committed by women. That it's "mostly committed by men" is only true in some countries, and only be a sliver: