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Wise words from an old warrior

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New Recruit

Apr 26, 2009
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In an article in dawn.com tiltled "Wise words from an old warrior", the air marshall asghar khan says "The fact is that in the last 60 years of our existence, India has not started hostilities against Pakistan unless provoked to do so, or until we created conditions, as we did in 1971 in East Pakistan, for India to interfere militarily….
you can do a simple google search to get the link. I am not allowed to post the link as i am just a new born in this forum. :-) please google for the link.

Do you agree with his comments?
google what? .. sensationalist? also google "Jews brought down the WTC"
i wont all the marshall senationalist
Asghar Khan is a well respected officer. he is considered the father of PAF correct me if i am wrong.
:)google mumbai drama by RAW upon its own people
The intention of the lead poster seems to be to initiate a heated debate about the topic. Lengthy posts, even with bashing and some venom would serve that purpose.
I would put a better question for all people here regardless of nationality.

How do you think each of the Indo-Pak wars started?

Do no google searches or reading for posting here.
Answer based upon you current knowledge. Let us compare our stories. Not countering them. I dont want to see an argument about who convinces whom? Please do not try to convince others. Just post your knowledge, comments or opinions.


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