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Will Turkey ever have to give back NATO nukes?


Jul 15, 2012
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According to president Gul, the world should be Nuke free. We all know this is not possible since nobody will give up their nukes. Not Russia, not Isreal, not US or anybody else. Nor will all countries agree on nuclear agreements.

So only option is that Turkey keeps its nuclear arsenal. Turkey has 90 nukes and only has the codes of half of them. There were some noise from NATO about wanting to take back the nukes but will Turkey give them back?

Nukes are last deterrents. Countries that have Nukes will never be completely defeated because they will also have the nuclear option. For example would Japan be nuked if Japan also had Nukes at the time? No, because a Nuke on Japan, would mean a nuke on US soil as retaliation. I hope these talks are just political correct shit:

I mean at the moment US and Turkey's interest go hand-in-hand. Who says it will always be like that? When US doesn't see benefit in the relationship they will be your enemy in a split second. Turkey should take advantage of the situation and build their own arsenal as soon as possible while Turkey is geopolitically important for the west. When western interest and Turkey's interest collide in the far future (50 years from now). It might be very difficult to build the nukes because they will boycot Turkish products like they boycot Iranian products today.
No we won't as they won't take it back from us. If you look to the NATO's NSP nations, they're all participants for Pentagon's JSF program. After the deliveries of F-35 jets to Turkey, Italy and the Netherlands; NATO&US has a modernisation program for these B-61 gravity bombs, that it includes integration to F-35. upgrading the warhead...etc.
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According to president Gul, the world should be Nuke free. We all know this is not possible since nobody will give up their nukes. Not Russia, not Isreal, not US or anybody else. Nor will all countries agree on nuclear agreements.

So only option is that Turkey keeps its nuclear arsenal. Turkey has 90 nukes and only has the codes of half of them. There were some noise from NATO about wanting to take back the nukes but will Turkey give them back?

Nukes are last deterrents. Countries that have Nukes will never be completely defeated because they will also have the nuclear option. For example would Japan be nuked if Japan also had Nukes at the time? No, because a Nuke on Japan, would mean a nuke on US soil as retaliation. I hope these talks are just political correct shit:

I mean at the moment US and Turkey's interest go hand-in-hand. Who says it will always be like that? When US doesn't see benefit in the relationship they will be your enemy in a split second. Turkey should take advantage of the situation and build their own arsenal as soon as possible while Turkey is geopolitically important for the west. When western interest and Turkey's interest collide in the far future (50 years from now). It might be very difficult to build the nukes because they will boycot Turkish products like they boycot Iranian products today.

How can you give back what is ours already under our control? Unless we are at war with a hostile nation, it does not belong to Turkey. If we are at war then yes Turkey can put the nukes on their fighter bombers and on.
I thought as a condition for resolving the Cuban crisis, NATO had agreed to remove the nukes from Turkey. Also even if there are nukes in Turkey, they would be under the control of the NATO country that supplied them, most likely to be the US, thus these nukes are US property and can only be used in the event of a nuclear conflict which threatened NATO/US/EU - and only when the US or NATO orders them to be used, same as the nukes in Germany.
I thought as a condition for resolving the Cuban crisis, NATO had agreed to remove the nukes from Turkey. Also even if there are nukes in Turkey, they would be under the control of the NATO country that supplied them, most likely to be the US, thus these nukes are US property and can only be used in the event of a nuclear conflict which threatened NATO/US/EU - and only when the US or NATO orders them to be used, same as the nukes in Germany.

The condition was ballistic missiles armed with nukes. Not bombs for the fighter bombers..
The condition was ballistic missiles armed with nukes. Not bombs for the fighter bombers..
Oh OK thanks for the info. I wonder if you can resolve the other part of my post whether the nuclear bombs that are stationed in Turkey are under Turkish control to be used as and when the Turks want to. My opinion is that these weapons are not under Turkish control, however I would be grateful if you (or anyone) can explain what is the current status.
How can you give back what is ours already under our control? Unless we are at war with a hostile nation, it does not belong to Turkey. If we are at war then yes Turkey can put the nukes on their fighter bombers and on.

nope. 40 of 90 B-61s are under HVKK's (TURAF) command requiring NATO approval not US's.

I thought as a condition for resolving the Cuban crisis, NATO had agreed to remove the nukes from Turkey. Also even if there are nukes in Turkey, they would be under the control of the NATO country that supplied them, most likely to be the US, thus these nukes are US property and can only be used in the event of a nuclear conflict which threatened NATO/US/EU - and only when the US or NATO orders them to be used, same as the nukes in Germany.

That's a different case. During Cuban Missile Crisis, US had deployed Jupiter ICBMs. 90 B-61s in Incirlik AB are deployed due to NATO's Nuclear Sharing Policy
I am sure Turkey cannot launch a nuke on its own. They need US permission first. And if NATO asks for them back and Turkey refuses, they will just be rendered useless as US will disable them.
^^^ From what I understand, without the codes that Turkey does not have, the nukes for all intents and purposes
are just shells of dumb bombs and so useless.
I read somewhere that half of them are under Turkish control and half of them are under NATO control.

Turkey has source codes of the Nukes but not all of them. There are 90 nukes on Turkish soil and 40 of them Turkey has the source codes of.

So in case they are needed, Turkey can drop 40 bombs on targets. The only problem is that Turkey doesn't have nuclear capable bombers..

Here is more information: http://www.silkroadstudies.org/new/inside/turkey/2010/100412A.html
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I get a little bit confused by your post #12, #13.
does Turkey's aircraft have the capability of carrying and using Nuclear bombs or not?
what's your opinion?
I get a little bit confused by your post #12, #13.
does Turkey's aircraft have the capability of carrying and using Nuclear bombs or not?
what's your opinion?
NATO and Turkey is not clear about this subject. So it is only speculation.

One source says if the nukes in Turkey want to be used, US bomber needs to come to deliver the strike because at the moment there are no bombers in Turkey capable of carrying nukes.

Another source says that Turkish F16 can deliver the nuclear strike too. Another point of speculation is how many nukes are present in Turkey. They say between 70-90 but we can't be sure.

My speculation is that the Turkish f-16 are capable of delivering nuclear strike. Why? Because Turkey doesn't have US bombers on Incirli base. Why does Turkey have nuclear bombs on its soil if they can't deliver it? As the article says I posted. If Turkey wants to deliver nuclear strike, US bomber has to fly all the way to Turkey, pick up the nuke from the base and then deliver the strike. This will take more than one week.

Turkey resents giving back the nukes. So Turkey's f-16 has the capablity to deliver and Turkish Armed Forces have been doing secret exercises, or Turkish Armed Forces is planning to upgrade the f-16 to be able to carry nukes. But as I said earlier, according to analist Turkey already has ability to deliver nuclear strike with f-16.
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