I would still stand by my opinion - Women are totally controlled in KSA.
from NYT:
"the list of fundamental rights still denied to Saudi women is long and shameful. Men — their fathers or husbands — control whether they can travel, work, receive health care, attend school or start a business. "
and more women are raped in KSA and Pakistan then in India but not reported. By the quality of your posts my IQ is better then yours for sure.
Now even though I accept rapes happen in India, lets see if you have the guts to accept that women are totally controlled in KSA? Or else we know who is a bigot.
LOL, Women need permission so they don't get raped, like In India.
if Indians were smart (they are not) they would follow Saudi and reap the benefits of some of the lowest rape cases on earth.
Have you ever talked to a Saudi woman?
I have, she is a PHD student and says that there is no issues for her in Saudi.
Just because your women are used to going out in public naked (and getting raped while doing it) does not mean Saudi women are controlled just because they don't want to go out naked and get raped.
And yes yes, you now have magic powers to know when a crime happens without it even being reported!
Tell me, why didn't you use this magic power to save that poor 5 year old from getting raped and murdered?
Women are not controlled in Saudi, the get full facilities from education to sport venues.
Every Saudi woman had the ability to get a PHD if she wants to, and best of all, no saudi women ever goes to bed starving!
Now lets compare that to shining India.
How many woman have the ability to get an education?
how about medical care?
How about even food?
60% of your population is starving, don't have access to clean water, education or medicare.
Yet here are you crying like a little b!ch about women in Saudi.
Save your tears for the rape victims in India, they need it more than rich Saudi women