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Will show Modi how to treat minorities: Imran Khan

Polar opposites.

Modi regularly obsessed over Imran Khan and Pakistan. He vomits abuse on all Muslims.

Modi is nothing but a stain on humanity.

Imran Khan is a religious nationist and Islam respects the rights of minorities.

Your very existence is 1,000 years of proof.

Existence of Pakistan, Bangladesh and 200 million more in India tell it's untrue.
You are mixing two different topics .... How a Tamil Muslim and Kanadiga Muslim , Andhrait Muslim , Oriya Muslim’s , Bengali Muslim’s , Muslim’s of UP how they become your kin when they speak different language , follow different culture, eat different food .... if your basis of kinship is religion then give a glance to Chinese Muslims hope how they get treated in China but it’s non of my business....... we can discuss Kashmir in some other thread this thread is about Pakistani PM’s lecture on Indian minority treatment
Told you we are kin.
Besides you also have captured our land in kashmir.
We have problem and we are sorting it out.
Yii have problem and you are outright denying it.
Come on.
Don't your politicians talk about dividing Pakistan, doing terrorism in Pakistan, funding the proxy in Pakistan and blah blah everyday which are far worse then this.
Accept you have a problem.
Until its too late..
Always remember Pakistan would not hurt you, you Indians are self sufficient in doing that for yourself..
You are mixing two different topics .... How a Tamil Muslim and Kanadiga Muslim , Andhrait Muslim , Oriya Muslim’s , Bengali Muslim’s , Muslim’s of UP how they become your kin when they speak different language , follow different culture, eat different food .... if your basis of kinship is religion then give a glance to Chinese Muslims hope how they get treated in China but it’s non of my business....... we can discuss Kashmir in some other thread this thread is about Pakistani PM’s lecture on Indian minority treatment
We are the Muslims of Indian subcontinent.
Yes not only based on religion, but also common culture.
Much of the above ethnicties too settle in Pakistan and they are the ones visiting their relatives in India and Pakistan vice versa.
Besides Muslims of subcontinent have a common culture too and a common language too with which they can actually communicate..
You would find many difference and many simarities.
I have many friends from kerala, I respect people of that state no matter what religion. They are very hard working .
Anyways they Muslims and we share same food, culture, even he can understand me.
Which a uigher cannot.
That doesn't mean that I don't care for them.
But them I am for peace and all the people with different religion who are oppressed I am with them.
But with Muslims of Indian subcontinent we have special bond. Which you cannot break.
We can be friends and love each other while being local to respective countries.. One measure of loyality cannot be defined like how much they hate Pakistan.
. .
Every year more than 5000 Pakistani Hindus apply for Indian citizenship. How many Indian Muslims have applied for Pakistani citizenship in last few year? Can anyone give the exact figures? Tells a lot about how India and Pakistan treat their minorities.

25000 are you sure?? As per my knowledge around 2000 people were killed in 2002 riots and more than half of them were Hindus and most of the Hindus were killed in firing by police forces. Still no one blames Modi for killing of Hindus but they do blame Modi for killing of Muslims for political reasons.

Economic migrants. Not oppressed minorities.
. .
Indian Muslims or people of anyother religion needs no certificate of loyalty from anyone ...... under Indian constitution every one is equal but again how Indian minorities get treated is none of any one’s business outside India be it a PM of fellow south Asian country or PM from some other country ..... how foolish a Country head sounds while lecturing on the internal matters of other country

we were considered one of the best secular democratic country from the time of jawaharlal nehru , atal bihari bajpayi up to manmohan singh, now pseudo hindus are bringing bad name to hindus by their criminal extremist behaviour .

Because how minorities are treated in today's india.
Not only you are committing a genocide of innocent kashmiris. But even the Muslims in your States don't feel save.. Even the privillaged class of Muslims such as actors etc are fearing the current atmosphere.
Muslims now cannot offer prayers in public , they can be killed if they eat cow whereas the irony is that India is the biggest exporter of beef.
See the condition of dalits who are Hindus but acorrding to your religion low class.
No religion on the earth have this class system, as you people have. This is disgusting and inhumane.
The Sikh nation are put to drugs by raw, for the fear of uprising.
And its you guys who complain a lot about the number of Hindus at the creation of pakistan...
While totally forgetting that Pakistan then include Bangladesh and they majority of Hindus were in Bangladesh and Sindh.. And it still is 10 percent in Bangladesh and 6 percent in Pakistan... Those who move during partition to India, almost double the amount of Muslims migrated to Pakistan because their states are forcefully hijacked by Indians.

if you go against state kashmiris in india or pashtuns in fata or baloch in balochistan get the same treatment .

Economic migrants. Not oppressed minorities.

check the statistics of hindus , masihis, qadianis, hazaras and shia asking for asylum in different countries .

Every pakistani is equal no matter what

ha ha ha ...................:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
we were considered one of the best secular democratic country from the time of jawaharlal nehru , atal bihari bajpayi up to manmohan singh, now pseudo hindus are bringing bad name to hindus by their criminal extremist behaviour .

if you go against state kashmiris in india or pashtuns in fata or baloch in balochistan get the same treatment .

check the statistics of hindus , masihis, qadianis, hazaras and shia asking for asylum in different countries .

ha ha ha ...................:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
My dear youbare still begging for food on youtube .
Racism and cast culture is rife in your armed foeces. Fix your house and thne talk
. . .
Minorities Status?

Common vision problems - Imran is unable to see Minorities Status status in Pakistan.
Why are Pakistan's Christians targeted?
In every community and in every country there are idiots who do stupid things. In pakistan its a tiny minority. But sadly in india its the vast majority and not just against other religious minorities but also against sub casts
yes and only insecure people would come up with as an excuse.

How is refering to a person and showing them how to do what they can't is equal to credibility, and not shaming them?

Or you folk are too retarded, all thanks to the delusional juices your system keeps feeding you?

Modi gets his credibility by mentioning Pakistan, always has, tell me if I'm wrong.

Hopefully IK would be man enough to highlight the Uighurs issue

Every pakistani is equal no matter what

Yeah, Hafiz Saeed and Aasia Bibi are treated as equal under law.
Hopefully IK would be man enough to highlight the Uighurs issue

Yeah, Hafiz Saeed and Aasia Bibi are treated as equal under law.
So aasia bibi wasnt freed eventually..i agree it should never have done to court and the man who shouted the most is in prison now. Sk the law works but sometimes it makes an *** of itself.
So tell me in india is everything perfecg legally and if the answer is nobthen why are you even commenting
So aasia bibi wasnt freed eventually..i agree it should never have done to court and the man who shouted the most is in prison now. Sk the law works but sometimes it makes an *** of itself.
So tell me in india is everything perfecg legally and if the answer is nobthen why are you even commenting
Aasia Bibi was in prison for several years. She is still not allowed to leave your country even after being acquitted by the highest court of your country. And those you think are now in prison, in fact are living a comfortable life in their private homes.
yeah, everybody is equal in your land of pure.
Aasia Bibi was in prison for several years. She is still not allowed to leave your country even after being acquitted by the highest court of your country. And those you think are now in prison, in fact are living a comfortable life in their private homes.
yeah, everybody is equal in your land of pure.
Oh dear....
Yes they are equal and yes miscarriges of justice do happen. Is it right ....hell no.
But unlike indians we accept there is a problem and we want to fix it.
You on the other hand defend rapist. Murderers. Child killers and all in the name of greater india.
So u see fix your own house and then point fingers at others. You indians think you are a rich country yet your people are starving. You have no toilets and and you claim to be first world. Now do u want me to start posting stuff about where i dia abuses its minorites because you will be here days

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