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Will Indonesia replace India in the BRICs?

Wonder why people assume Indonesia's inclusion would come only at the cost on India's exclusion? If Indonesia is included it would make BRIC's stronger but exclusion of India or any other member would make it weaker.

Doesn't necessarily have to be at the exclusion of India. I was stressing more on the importance of Indonesia being in there to ASEAN than India. If both can be in there, why not? India's size and huge middle-class market is always lucrative for any kind of economic venture. More the merrier!
Rupee drops to a new record low of 56 to the dollar

The rupee has been one of the worst performing currencies in Asia

AV Rajwade: Blame rupee's fall on domestic woes, not global

I do not agree with either of the comments of the prime minister or the finance minister that the basic problem is in the global economy. I think the basic problem is domestically created, which is the huge deficit on current account. Indian economy through deceleration in exports, widening of trade and current account deficit, decline in capital flows, fall in the value of Indian Rupee, stock market decline and lower economic growth.

Blame rupee's fall on domestic woes, not global: AV Rajwade
Rupee $56: Rupee crisis hits new corner

The rupee's precipitate fall down to 56 to a dollar has been effortless, with experts predicting a headlong dive to 60 levels. Despite the Reserve Bank of India announcing it will buy government bonds worth Rs 12000 crore last evening, the rupee continued with its downslide, hitting a fresh low of 56.04 at 13.39 hours on Wednesday.

Ab Tak 56: Rupee crisis hits new corner
Rupee $56: Rupee crisis hits new corner

The rupee's precipitate fall down to 56 to a dollar has been effortless, with experts predicting a headlong dive to 60 levels. Despite the Reserve Bank of India announcing it will buy government bonds worth Rs 12000 crore last evening, the rupee continued with its downslide, hitting a fresh low of 56.04 at 13.39 hours on Wednesday.

Ab Tak 56: Rupee crisis hits new corner

60 is my prediction by fall and seems to me it's gonna challenge that level much earlier than expect.
60 is my prediction by fall and seems to me it's gonna challenge that level much earlier than expect.

so scary....

Rupee keep falling out of control : Petrol prices will go up.. inflation will go up.. Jobs will disappear..
Soon it would touch 60 a dollar and just imagine the burden we have to take up where it always stayed between 45-47 up until last year - 2012 and future is going be a devastating years for a country like us - it's just unimaginable...
is it not a matter of will, is it just a matter of when, yes definitely indonesia shuld replace india in brics , that way is it better for every one. please do the honourable thing india leave brics before they kick you out.
is it not a matter of will, is it just a matter of when, yes definitely indonesia shuld replace india in brics , that way is it better for every one. please do the honourable thing india leave brics before they kick you out.


The Rupee has lost over 24% in 2011, and more than 13% in 2012 itself

is it not a matter of will, is it just a matter of when, yes definitely indonesia shuld replace india in brics , that way is it better for every one. please do the honourable thing india leave brics before they kick you out.

You do realize it is not an actual legitimate organisation? One doesn't apply to join BRICS nor does one get kicked out. It is merely a term coined by economist Jim O'Neill to describe emerging economic nations that has stuck.

You are single-handily hell bent on trolling this entire site spreading doom and gloom of Indian economy on every thread you can. Pathetic mate, absolutely pathetic.
You are single-handily hell bent on trolling this entire site spreading doom and gloom of Indian economy on every thread you can. Pathetic mate, absolutely pathetic.

We are just returning the favour. :cheers:

No one on this site is more hell-bent on predicting the collapse of China, than you and your fellow Indians.

On Indian forums, there are ten-year old sticky threads, predicting the collapse of China. Ironically, it was actually India that ended up getting downgraded, for poor economic fundamentals. :lol:

The Rupee has lost over 24% in 2011, and more than 13% in 2012 itself


Wow didn't realise it was that bad 37% and accelerating. Where will this end up. I think Incredible is probably more appropriate adjective for Indonesia than India. I am worried though if Indian's are asked to leave it could hurt their ego's because they like to boast a lot izen tit
Dear Chinese your plan to eliminate India will not happen because your govt want good ties with India no matter what Indian currency value is . We dont cheat the world like you . Please say your govt to remove India . They will say you F*** Off because they dont consider you and your opinions .
India Econ Collapse?

Falling exchange rate of rupee against dollar is due to hyperinflation. Dr. Manmohan Singh was comparing Indian currency crisis against dollar to Brazil. It’s not true, our Prime Minister was trying to manipulate. Hyperinflation in India, I am afraid, will have to be compared to hyperinflation in Zimbabwe. When Zimbabwe won independence from British in 1980, the Zimbabwean dollar was more valuable than the US dollar. Slowly but steadily wrong economic and land reform policies implemented by Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe led to total debacles. Production of food and manufacturing outputs fell drastically (60%), this led to unemployment (80%), Mugabe government was not ready to admit errors and to impliement remedial actions while continued to print currency notes which had no purchasing power since there was no production of goods and services. Zimbabwe Dollar denominations were ranging from 10 to 100 billon still with very little value. The magnitude of the currency scalars signifies the extent of the hyperinflation. In 2009 Zimbabwe currency was dead and was laid to RIP, so currencies of other countries are used. What is happening is no laughing matter. For Zimbabweans – bread, meat, margarines, even once ubiquitous morning cup of tea – have become unimaginable luxuries. Where India is heading to?
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