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Will India's missile test trigger arms race with China?

India-China war senario is almost impossible. No matter what our megaton friend says Chinesse leader are sane so are Indians. So it's only going to be mutual growth with multi billion dollars. No war. And indo-USA relations are not in Chinese context atleast for India.

Chinese Leaders are sane but same cannot be said about suedo Zaid Hamids in chinese media and think tanks
as well as members of 50 cent party
I have no doubts that with Agni 5 there is going to be a arm race; however, the arm race would not be of the one we have seen during the cold war. This would surreptitious.
china is seeking to match the US not india, and india is not spending 5% of GDP to match china, there is no arms race, when countries are spending 5%+ then we can be really concern. for instance the soviet union is widely quoted to have spent upwards of 25% on arms in its arms race with the USA who at times spend 10 to 15% of GDP on arms.
Pls dont downgrade china to India level. we dont want to pay attention to them. it's indians always talking about china, china.
india is not qualified to our rival.
Ans. NO

china is seeking to match the US not india, and india is not spending 5% of GDP to match china, there is no arms race, when countries are spending 5%+ then we can be really concern. for instance the soviet union is widely quoted to have spent upwards of 25% on arms in its arms race with the USA who at times spend 10 to 15% of GDP on arms.
Infact its hardly 2%.
BBC News - Will India's missile test trigger arms race with China?


mmm...apparently both China and India have very similar nuclear doctrines. A "second strike" capability...very interesting.

our defense budget is 41 billion dollars not 48.9

China will continue to modernize its military to meet its defensive requirements as its economic and trade relations grows. Whatever missile tests, rather Agni-5, 7, or 25, India might take will not affect China's progress and decision.

our aim is minimum credible deterrence

The west really wants china and India to go to war and destroy each others economies and thus the west will rule for a very long time to come.

It's that classic western concept of divide and conquer.

I thought the Chinese government response was very good. The west probably hoped for an angry response by the Chinese government to really stir things up. Lol the west didn't get it.

China's enemy is not India, its the white man, especially, US, Britain and France.

not all west probably but US definitely if we believe Yekaterina Kudashkina

in this thread he is saying US is trying to create rift between China and India

Pls dont downgrade china to India level. we dont want to pay attention to them. it's indians always talking about china, china.
india is not qualified to our rival.
It would have been better if it was compared to Vietnam . Comparing with India will be an insult to us where we get quality products and you make cheap products :P
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