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Will India join strategic containment of China?

India cannot contain China but it can actively assist. China is worried and they are actively looking for cues. But our response should be strong and precise. "Stop supporting activities against our interests." China has played hardball for all these yrs. China should resolve the border in our favor and stop supporting NK and Pakistan then we will play ball.
Come on guys ...let us accept the fact rather than just trying to cuddle ourselves with such sugar coated words.After 65 years iof independence, India is still struggling to cope with itslef to handle its poverty, illetracy and internal harmony withing its society....There are more than 50% of people in our country who lacks basic needs in their day to day life.....First of all we are yet to build a complete nation...We are still in the process of cretaing a nation.....With the blessing of Nheru and its familly, we are in such a beutiful situation.....And on the top of that we have been imposed with so called psudo democracy and psedo secularism.....When all these so called toxic ingredients are in the place like India...We may need another 100 years to stabilize our nation....So a nation like India, who can not contain itself....how can it will contain a county like China....This is just another joke....The person who has written this question should understand that a weak people does not demand anything rather they are simply listen to others....Beleive me or not..If our present political system and this as hole democracy goes on...we have to compare ourself as " Can INDIA be a part of containment statergy for Bhutan too"...

Dude its sounds harsh...but it is fact...India is weak so we donot have the luxury of choice with the question that India should be part to contain China....Whover has coined this word..he simply day dreaming....

I agree to a point ISRO but it's our government's fault we are in this sad state. We all need to admit that. But we can change. We need to put some real work in to uplifting India. It will take 10 yrs of solid work. We should take it as a challenge and do it. But in order to do so, we need a an active govt that openly supports the ppl. Whistleblowers and activists are being persecuted in India, a democracy. Sad to say, I was right all along. The Hindu just a did piece on it. How can ppl who are pointing out what needs to be fixed be persecuted on BS reasons? The only way for us to progress and correct all the negatives you mentioned is to fix gov;t. There is no other way. We are to concerned about paychecks but we will never fix anything with that mentality. We need to go back to the way things were done in te Independence movement. It has to be big. It has to excompass the entire nation. The country needs to stop and notice the ppl are beyond tired and upset. They are boiling with rage for the incompetence being shown.
India cannot contain China but it can actively assist. China is worried and they are actively looking for cues. But our response should be strong and precise. "Stop supporting activities against our interests." China has played hardball for all these yrs. China should resolve the border in our favor and stop supporting NK and Pakistan then we will play ball.

Why does India want us to stop supporting North Korea? :blink:

Are you speaking as an Indian or as an American?
Why does India want us to stop supporting North Korea? :blink:

Are you speaking as an Indian or as an American?

No I am speaking as a global citizen. The world is seeing China using provactive measures to arm rogue nations with nuke tech. Nobody is going to sit around and watch anymore. China should learn that, if it hasn;t noticed yet.
No I am speaking as a global citizen. The world is seeing China using provactive measures to arm rogue nations with nuke tech. Nobody is going to sit around and watch anymore. China should learn that, if it hasn;t noticed yet.

You complain about us supporting Pakistan as well...

But did you know that the USA provides billions of dollars of military aid to Pakistan every year?

That is more than the rest of the world combined. But that's OK for you, because they are a Western nation, right? :azn:
You complain about us supporting Pakistan as well...

Do you know that the USA provides billions of dollars of military aid to Pakistan every year? (And we do not).

You know Pakistan is a very tricky case? Im sure you are smart enough to figure out why? Also, that military aid is not used for missiles or nuke or even nuke tech. That itself is a very different matter
You know Pakistan is a very tricky case? Im sure you are smart enough to figure out why? Also, that military aid is not used for missiles or nuke or even nuke tech. That itself is a very different matter

Here is your answer:

Indian Express - US envoy to Pak justified funds as ‘defence’ against ‘threat from India’

It's OK for America to provide billions of dollars of military aid to Pakistan every year (since they are a Western nation)... but China who does NOT do this is the bad guy for supporting Pakistan.

The logic has nothing to do with actual support, and everything to do with the fact that we are not a Western nation. :no:
Will India join strategic containment of China?

well, on the other side, both India and china have joined hands in contaminating the world, not sure about containment of china, but India and china are already contaminating the world by excessive pollution and will only continue to do so with rise in economy.
the bigger worry should be the contamination by the pollution rather than containment by minds.
Here is your answer:

Indian Express - US envoy to Pak justified funds as ‘defence’ against ‘threat from India’

It's OK for America to provide billions of dollars of military aid to Pakistan every year (since they are a Western nation)... but China who does NOT do this is the bad guy for supporting Pakistan.

The logic has nothing to do with actual support, and everything to do with the fact that we are not a Western nation. :no:

Yeah I read it but its a lot more than that here you go

Anne Patterson Outed By WikiLeaks As A Truth-Teller
India cannot contain China but it can actively assist. China is worried and they are actively looking for cues. But our response should be strong and precise. "Stop supporting activities against our interests." China has played hardball for all these yrs. China should resolve the border in our favor and stop supporting NK and Pakistan then we will play ball.

Are you so naive as to think the United States gives priority to Indian interests ? United States works for itself and apologizes to no one. So long as they stand to gain, what happens to their "allies" matter very little to them. This is aptly demonstrated on numerous instances. A very recent example would be the time they played Iran and Iraq against each other before the gulf war. Today they play India and China against each other to ensure US superiority over the region and the acceptance of US "protection". I am not saying its wrong....i am suggesting we play the same game and make sure we do not alienate our neighbors like China. As for Pakistan....they can go to hell.
Are you so naive as to think the United States gives priority to Indian interests ? United States works for itself and apologizes to no one. So long as they stand to gain, what happens to their "allies" matter very little to them. This is aptly demonstrated on numerous instances. A very recent example would be the time they played Iran and Iraq against each other before the gulf war. Today they play India and China against each other to ensure US superiority over the region and the acceptance of US "protection". I am not saying its wrong....i am suggesting we play the same game and make sure we do not alienate our neighbors like China. As for Pakistan....they can go to hell.

Every nation pays for itself first and foremost. India should always do what is in India;s best interest. I never detered from that train of thought. China was the one acting like a bully lately. Remember, while the US and China had better relations and at times worked actively worked against us, times have changed. All I am saying is embrace the moment. It can work in our favor and it already has. China has not for one moment ever changed its stance or its attitudes towards us. Only when we actively courted the US and vice versa, we start to see China changing its hardened positions. Why? Ask yourself? The US has superiority in the region already with smaller nations willingly catering to it. India will only help soldify that position. I rather put my faith in a democracy whose ppl have been more open to the world than any other time before than China whose ppl are spon fed what their gov;t wants them to believe. That is a powerful compelling difference.

I agree with your points and I think we are playing the game. I only highlight to go slow with both. China recently has opened up a bit but we can see their actions in our neighborhood. I have seen it before moments of harmony while something more sinister is planned. CHina has a strong govt and they think in a myriad of ways and have many options unlike us. A possibility we have to always be alert to you is that they are willing to settle for peace temporarily, till they are in a better position to squeeze us. The US is in a great position right now, yrs later who knows.

As for allies, you talk about Pakistan. But was Pakistan ever a true ally? A military govt mingling with a democracy? Look at the UK, France, Turkey, Etc. I'll be first to admit the US has made mistakes, but at some point you got to work in the present and try to rekindle a realtionship that has more to offer in terms of positive development. The US understands the world has changed and it is slowly but surely realizing that.

Who is more of threat the US or CHina to India in your opinion?
No I am speaking as a global citizen. The world is seeing China using provactive measures to arm rogue nations with nuke tech. Nobody is going to sit around and watch anymore. China should learn that, if it hasn;t noticed yet.

wow.global citizen?tell me which country in this planet has or is criticizing China for we arm NK with nuke !!! if you cann't find one, stop bs please.
and if the No.1 country who are not willing to see NK has a nuke is SK,the No.2 would be China,and the last in this zone is US.
i'm waiting for your story.
I believe that India will pursue a shrewd policy of observe and decide with China. Though it might not want to instigate such an apparent policy of containing and countering China but it will keep such measures in its diplomacy books. Let's see.
wow.global citizen?tell me which country in this planet has or is criticizing China for we arm NK with nuke !!! if you cann't find one, stop bs please.
and if the No.1 country who are not willing to see NK has a nuke is SK,the No.2 would be China,and the last in this zone is US.
i'm waiting for your story.

Nah mate there is no story. There is intel nobody wants to ring out in the open yet, Im sure it's being discussed behind closed doors.
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