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Will crush media spreading anti-Cong ‘propaganda’: Shinde

@SpArK Come now there is nothing nefarious about this statement, nothing which indicated premeditated malice about to be directed at the media...nope this is something far more prosaic..Shinde indulging in the 5 year long right we gave him to act as an idiot and issue asinine statements.
lol.. how seriously he says that! :lol:

& He want to become PM of INDIA...............................

Shinde is not serious and its the problem with congress they believe in freedom, free speech and rights.

They should crush anti India propogenda, on what basis they allow abuses to national leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and fake propogenda and insults to India and its leaders. Koi firoz gandhi ko mulla bolta hai koi rajev gandhi ko gaali deta hai. This is all sick.

Under which law or constitution its allowed? But again congress is very very soft on opponents.

मोदीजी के कारनामों से बनी हमारी नयी वर्णमाला
Mr. Modi has written his own new ABCD of scams! The ‘vibrant’ list exposes the ugly truth behind the paid, projected and over-hyped Gujarat Model. And here we must confess, be it scam or corruption or hog wash, Modi has successfully made Gujarat a perfect role-model!
To Be Continued...

Health dept raising money - Hindustan Times

Rahul hits out at Vajpayee, Advani for deriding his father
India Today Online New Delhi, February 24, 2014 | UPDATED 16:44 IST

Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi hit out at senior BJP leaders former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and LK Advani for deriding the achievements of his father and former PM Rajiv Gandhi.

Lashing out at the BJP for its habit of deriding Congress achievements and then trying to appropriate them, Gandhi said, "Senior BJP leaders, like Vajpayeeji and Advaniji, derided my father (former PM Rajiv Gandhi) as computer boy. Today, you have mobile phones in your pockets and this is because of his thinking which was ahead of his time."

Rahul Gandhi

"Everybody knows Congress brought about the White Revolution. Their (BJP's) leaders now say they brought about the revolution in Gujarat. They have now laid their hands on Sardar Patel who was very critical of the RSS," he said.

Gandhi, addressing a farmer's meet, called manifesto consultation session, in Sonepat district of Haryana, said it was part of the BJP's thinking to put people against people and garner votes. "In every state, they make one group the insider and all others outsiders. That's their politics," he said.

The Congress, Gandhi said, believed in playing fair politics. "For us, India is an idea," he said. "We believe in giving you all a choice rather than orders which is the BJP's way," he said.

Aiming to woo farmers, the Congress scion said, "The real empowerment of farmers will begin when they will have a say in ticket distribution. When MPs would fear that poor work will force them out. And I will do that in five-seven years."

Talking about corruption, Gandhi said, "There a lot of people who speak on this, and they only speak. But the root of corruption is the lack of people's representation. Today, roughly 500 people select all candidates for all Assemblies and Lok Sabha in a party. We have to raise this number to 10,000 and more."

Slamming the BJP for being a one-man party, Gandhi said, "They believe one man knows everything. They believe in concentrating power in one man. They believe one man can run the country. We believe in the opposite. We believe in decentralising power."

Responding to a question on forcible land acquisition in Bhatta-Parsaul in Greater Noida in Uttar Pradesh, Gandhi responded, "The land belonged to farmers. But it was taken away forcefully from them for making Formula One track which is used once every year. Even that is now closed."
"Bhatta-Parsaul is just one example. In Niyamgiri in Odisha, the same thing is happening, as elsewhere also."

Read more at: Rahul hits out at Vajpayee, Advani for deriding his father : India, News - India Today
I read somewhere that this Shinde was once a constable who was let go of duty due to corruption charges is now our home minister. Is it true or is it just propaganda?
I read somewhere that this Shinde was once a constable who was let go of duty due to corruption charges is now our home minister. Is it true or is it just propaganda?

He's one of the most shamelessly corrupt Gandhi bootlickers out there. He's a builders' man in Mumbai who plays his dalit card when convenient, but in reality is perfectly at home in a gathering of billionaire land mafia.

Such low quality, incompetent people reach important positions because their only required qualification is bootlicking. This family rule over india has caused us decades and decades in lost opportunities and today we must get rid of this curse called the royal family of india. Modi is right, this cancer must be eradicated.
Union home minister Sushilkumar Shinde on Monday threatened to "crush" the electronic media in the country and said it was indulging in "false propaganda."

"Recently, there have been efforts by the media to provoke us (Congress). The media has opened a front against the Congress in the past three to four months. We will crush such elements in the electronic media, which are indulging in false propaganda," Shinde said at a Youth Congress event in his hometown Solapur in Maharashtra.

"I have the intelligence department under me. I know who is doing such things."

Shinde's remarks follow a series of opinion polls in the national and regional media.

Conducted by private agencies, these opinion polls have predicted a drubbing for the Congress while forecasting an impressive tally for the BJP in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

Shinde, who is keen to contest the elections from Solapur again, said the people of India would never forgive those dividing the nation.

"The media should focus on positive stories, which will be welcomed by the people. The people of the country will not accept those dividing the country by disturbing society."

The home minister's remarks were promptly condemned by the Action Committee against Attacks on Journalists.

Will crush media spreading anti-Cong ‘propaganda’: Shinde - Hindustan Times

@JanjaWeed @Roybot @levina @Dillinger @Parul :haha:

ROFL....naive ...very naive.
Somebody tell Mr.Shinde that this is the 21st century and give him a wake up call.He has not woken up from a deep slumber yet.....:lol:

Adios Congress!!!

मोदीजी के कारनामों से बनी हमारी नयी वर्णमाला
Mr. Modi has written his own new ABCD of scams! The ‘vibrant’ list exposes the ugly truth behind the paid, projected and over-hyped Gujarat Model. And here we must confess, be it scam or corruption or hog wash, Modi has successfully made Gujarat a perfect role-model!
To Be Continued...

Try Congress barnamala instead, you won't have to stop at E.

And the electronic media will roast them alive if they try it.

Someone sane in the congress party should put a lid on all their pappu's if they want their deposits back.

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