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Will China become Isreals new host or Medium for its survival?

the jewish population does a very good job i think , they can get assimilated while being like an undercover agent and lobbier for their country while just being like from the country , but turks are always turks , shout it out , never lose their language and usually culture , but who cares i like it like this. Also we need to kick out all foreign words aswell except some are ok .
the jewish population does a very good job i think , they can get assimilated while being like an undercover agent and lobbier for their country while just being like from the country , but turks are always turks , shout it out , never lose their language and usually culture , but who cares i like it like this. Also we need to kick out all foreign words aswell except some are ok .

That would cause Racism riots...
In my opinion, China should adopt a neutral and reconciliated approach for the middle east, stir up one against other is just short term gain, long term lost as what American is doing now: not only Arabe people hate them but Juive people living there will because they can't live a long lasted peace and always to be concern about their security
Israel always need a "big brother" to stand behind him. Before USA it was England and after USA there has to be one. Israelis are wise and understand their own skin cannot bare the pressure which their deeds bring upon them.. now offending USA, they are feeding China in terms of military tech and secrets.. Israel stole jet engines from their own stock and said they are "lost somewhere". Funny but rational and right step which a state like Israel needs.

But I don't think Israel has been able to poison China with their neocon evangelical agendas yet. I also believe Chinese are wiser than Americans and wouldn't adopt a rotten child just because child wanted so.
I dont know on what basis you are making claims as china will never become breeding ground. As you have claimed yourself chinese are much wiser than american counterparts.. Even if go by these words. Then why not i would say china is most smart country in the world and if israel bring in profit and supporting them is beneficial for china then why not??
Dont get surprise if you see china is behaving like a big brother as international condition and scenario changes take place according to nation's need and deed.:azn:
Angry, aren't we? You kiss your mother with that mouth?

The US of A isn't going anywhere, not now and not ever. China will become more powerful, undoubtedly, but Israel has always been Pro-American, even when America was not Pro-Israel. And that is how it's going to stay for the foreseeable future.

I can see the logic here. Is there nothing you would not do for China? I don't want to use vulgarity but it's clear that you are exactly what you describe Israel to be.

You cannot compare Israel with any other country in the world. There could be 100 points which make Israel unique but if you want to compare Pakistan backed by China and Israel backed by USA then Pakistan is needed by China in strategic terms. We don't hold their economy neither we poison their hearts and make it appear a religious obligation to defend us nor we black-male them to support us. Also we don't sell China's secrets to any other country as we are not in need to appease "a different father". Are you getting it or should I explain it to you more :)
The solution to this problem is for the Arab nations to become a superpower themselves, and so will not need to worry about the diplomatic relations of other nations.

Saudia Arabia has the resources and skilled workforce, to perhaps match China some decades.
You have not heard that the population of China will go down quickly if China does not change her one-child policy??? As for the high quality of population from Israel, I do not think China mind taking in a couple of millions, or even the whole population.

Actually if Israel gets close to China it is good. China can probably mediate between Jews and Muslims (good relations with both) a lot better since their ruling elite are atheists and are not inclined towards one side or the other. At least in theory. :cheers:

Your population is crazy huge you need all your lands for yourself. :coffee:
Anyone who even asks such a question lacks any understanding of why the West supports Israel. Israel rules the West -- financially, politically and culturally -- and the control is so absolute, the only way for the West to salvage its pride is by pretending that they are willing 'supporters' of Israel. No Western politician or mainstream personality will dare to stand up to Israel, or else the media will destroy their career. Any media portrayal critical of Israel will be buried, while pro-Israeli propaganda will be broadcast far and wide.

The Zionist control of the West is due to a number of factors:
-- from birth, people in the West are infused with guilt and conditioned to treat Jews with extra-special respect. No one will dare point out the rampant ethnic nepotism by Jews within the media and finance.
-- the Christian heritage, though not always spelled out, inclines people to favor Jews over their adversaries.
-- while millions of Poles and gypsies died in the Holocaust, the average Westerner doesn't even know about it -- all they know, from birth, is the Jewish casualties.

The Chinese, Indians and others will never let themselves be mind-controlled, and ruled by guilt, by the Zionists the way the West has allowed itself to be. The Russians. however, are still vulnerable since they are culturally tied to the Judeo-Christian West, as well as the WW2 legacy of Holocaust guilt (for not doing enough).
The reason why Jews has been so successful in twisting Europe is because they were able to twist preaching of christanity to suit their agendas. Has somebody ever thought why the term OLD TESTAMENT and NEW TESTIMENT are grouped even though they are two independent religions with variations in their belief? Who gave name of NEW TESTIMENT to book of christanity? Book of Christanity is Holy Bible but see a hidden hand behind making it a "NEW TESTIMENT" keeping an "OLD TESTIMENT" in its back. Okay now why to stop there.. if Torat is the book of God, if Angeel is the book of God then why is Zaboor not one? Why is Quran not one? Why is Zaboor not the EARLIEST TESTIMENT and Quran the NEWEST TESTIMENT? :)

China on the other hand is independent of this religious grouping and is not possible to be twisted. Also Israelis have been late in Identifying China as their "next god father" and the best they can do is to appease them with sharing technology. How much can they gain out of this is definately less than what they were able to get from a Christian country.
You have not heard that the population of China will go down quickly if China does not change her one-child policy??? As for the high quality of population from Israel, I do not think China mind taking in a couple of millions, or even the whole population.
We do mind and stop you BS。
First check the Israel Spell ( who is your english Teacher:cry: )

and my answer for your question is


Doesn't matter.. no matter which spelling you use you are talking about a deformed and unrealistic "wana be state". A deformed state needs representative spellings so feel it easy. israiel izrael isorael or israel are all good to them.
The solution to this problem is for the Arab nations to become a superpower themselves, and so will not need to worry about the diplomatic relations of other nations.

Saudia Arabia has the resources and skilled workforce, to perhaps match China some decades.

Actually you don't look towards broken hand for a contribution. Arabs (other than Saudis and UAE perhapes) are literally broken and need centuries of repair before they could understand what they need to do. When you talk about HOPE and a balancing agent against israel - you talk about people who you are told to have a hope from - the people of the land of Khorasan.
Anyone who even asks such a question lacks any understanding of why the West supports Israel. Israel rules the West -- financially, politically and culturally -- and the control is so absolute, the only way for the West to salvage its pride is by pretending that they are willing 'supporters' of Israel. No Western politician or mainstream personality will dare to stand up to Israel, or else the media will destroy their career. Any media portrayal critical of Israel will be buried, while pro-Israeli propaganda will be broadcast far and wide.

The Zionist control of the West is due to a number of factors:
-- from birth, people in the West are infused with guilt and conditioned to treat Jews with extra-special respect. No one will dare point out the rampant ethnic nepotism by Jews within the media and finance.
-- the Christian heritage, though not always spelled out, inclines people to favor Jews over their adversaries.
-- while millions of Poles and gypsies died in the Holocaust, the average Westerner doesn't even know about it -- all they know, from birth, is the Jewish casualties.

The Chinese, Indians and others will never let themselves be mind-controlled, and ruled by guilt, by the Zionists the way the West has allowed itself to be. The Russians. however, are still vulnerable since they are culturally tied to the Judeo-Christian West, as well as the WW2 legacy of Holocaust guilt (for not doing enough).

The overwhelming majority of support for Israel is from the US. Europe doesn't compare as European protestantism hasn't morphed into the monster that is American evangelicalism.

But there is still considerable opposition to Israel from American Jews. The younger generation as a whole are more liberal and tolerant than the Israeli Jews. And seeing the current miniscule numbers of American Jews emigrating to Israel is case in point.
Since China's rise, the Jewish State is getting closer to the PRC. Its very possible by 2030, the chinese may have its own version of AIPAC and increased Technology transfers like Avionics and ABM technology. Will China fall in the Trap as the UsA by fightings its wars, tax spending on its defence etc?

NO. Jews don't look like Chinese. In America, Jews are entrenched in society, they look similar to white. Unless, Chinese convert en massed and become more loyal to Israel than China, then no suchthing will happen. Jews don't like Chinese, so it makes no sense for the Chinese to be more loyal to Israel than China. I can't see Jews taking over Chinese politics. However America is going to be powerful for a long time, and Jews do not need China for their survival.
The overwhelming majority of support for Israel is from the US. Europe doesn't compare as European protestantism hasn't morphed into the monster that is American evangelicalism.

But there is still considerable opposition to Israel from American Jews. The younger generation as a whole are more liberal and tolerant than the Israeli Jews. And seeing the current miniscule numbers of American Jews emigrating to Israel is case in point.

It's more complicated.

Yes, the evangelical Christian demographic is a strong factor in American support for Israel, and probably even outstrips Jewish-American support, but the Zionist control of Europe is also very tight. Europe has some of the strictest laws against free speech, dubbed anti-Semitism laws, which have the effect of snuffing any criticism of Israel. Major European media powerhouses, like Springer Verlag, have an explicit clause in their contract requiring their journalists to support Israel.

German Anti-Semitism Laws Stifle Critics of Israel : NPR

European leaders, from Merkel to Chirac, routinely grovel for Israeli forgiveness every time there is any hint of anti-Israeli sentiments.

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