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Will China become Isreals new host or Medium for its survival?

A tiny little state that crushed 3 countries in 6 days.

You need to understand that the Chinese are pragmatic, they would not make an enemy of Israel. They leave it to the likes of you to do all the mindless hating, while they are improving their economy and the lives of their citizens.

You are a prime example than even with the UK educational system, intelligence and reason are not acquired by the mindless.

Oh, did I hurt your feelings there?

Can't take it that apart from whites, no-one else gives a crap about you.

Even Indians are just using you temporarily for certain benefits that will run out in a 10-15 years.
My sincere opinion on Jewish culture and people as a whole:

They are an incredibly resourceful people, and very resilient to external hardships imposed on them. As a culture, they are quite united, helping them survive for thousands of years when other civilizations have fallen. As individuals they are quite intelligent, making them excel in business and science. For a group with so little population, their impact on this world is very disproportionate, especially in modern times.

Now with that said, they're not neccessarily a wise people. There is a huge difference between intelligent and wise. For thousands of years they have been kicked around like a soccer ball. You might argue anti-semitism runs strong, but doesn't it tell you something when you still can't find peace after several thousand years? If one group keeps picking on you, that might just be that group being mean. When everybody can't get along with you wherever you go, pershaps the problem is on you.
Oh, did I hurt your feelings there?

Can't take it that apart from whites, no-one else gives a crap about you.

Even Indians are just using you temporarily for certain benefits that will run out in a 10-15 years.

You are not an Indian, stop talking on our behalf.
Oh, did I hurt your feelings there?

Can't take it that apart from whites, no-one else gives a crap about you.

Even Indians are just using you temporarily for certain benefits that will run out in a 10-15 years.

You need to read up on Jewish history. They have been hunted for centuries, and they survived. Any other group with such a small population size would have vanished by now. The Native Indians are pretty much gone, as are the much more populous Mayans, and you could add the Huguenots to that list as well.

They know how to survive, and have always come out on top. And they are enjoying higher living standards then people in most Arab countries and South Asia. Those who work hard get rewarded. Simple.

And East Asians from my interactions are very similar in work ethic. When some* muslims are out rioting, East Asians and Jews are working and paying their taxes.
Now that is not the correct example to use that Israelis are religious fanatics, and cannot think with reason. There are hundreds of such claims made by other religions, and Islam has more than its share.

Religious bigotry is at the core of Israel's raison d'etre and enshrined within its constitution. That makes every Israeli who supports their constitution a religious bigot.

Just because you don't want to accept reality, or are scared to speak truth due to political correctness, will not change the facts on Israel.

Yes, Palestine problem has to be solved and solved that is satisfactory to all the parties involved, but Israelis have as much right to their own country as citizenry of other countries do.

If you feel that way, then carve out a part of India, evict the current residents, and give it to the Zionists to form a "Jewish State". Until and unless you are willing to do that, do NOT demand this sacrifice of others.

And here's the rub: THEY, not you, will decide which part of India to reserve as such.

You need to understand that the Chinese are pragmatic, they would not make an enemy of Israel.

Nobody is expecting the Chinese to make an enemy of Israel. The point is that they will not become a poodle of Israel, like the West. They will not send thousands of their soldiers to die for Israel's dirty wars.
Religious bigotry is at the core of Israel's raison d'etre and enshrined within its constitution. That makes every Israeli who supports their constitution a religious bigot.
I guess religious bigotry in the muslim world is the reason why YOU do not live in that world?
I guess religious bigotry in the muslim world is the reason why YOU do not live in that world?

Purely economic reasons. Like the OVERWHELMING majority of migrants to the West.

In any case, what happens or not in the Muslim world does not change the fact that religious bigotry is enshrined in the very core of Israel's constitution.

ok, bijatch, i can post now again, so lets give it a twist shall we?

I LOVE it when you lose it!

Firstly for one accusing people of reading skills, heres a nice slip up of yours:

^^ This are not Merkel's words. I guess it escaped your agenda driven eyes that those are the words of a spokesperson which is even implied in the transcript you offered.

You truly are a glutton for punishment, aren't you?

Merkel issued a "personal reassurance" to Jewish groups. Do you know what a "spokesperson" is and what they do? Do you know why they are called a "spokesperson". Hint: they do NOT pull words out of their as$; they relay prepared statements.

So, again we come to here....if the development minister "insulted" Zionist masters by her inquiry request, would she not be sacked if they really controlled everything like you say?

Do you have trouble reading? Merkel had to personally intervene to save the minister after "Jewish leaders called for the resignation". Do you think it is an everyday occurrence for Merkel to go around apologizing for her ministers' comments? The minister didn't say anything racist -- she merely asked for a UN enquiry into Israel's conduct in Lebanon, and Merkel had to personally intervene to save her from Jewish wrath.

I will be charitable and assume that English is not your first language, and this mental fog on your part is not just due to your dim wits.

Which were those? Please, do refresh our memories, will you!

No spoonfeeding; do your own work and look up American (and NATO) deaths in recent wars.

Hard statement that the minister's job was on the line. Without that you simply peddle the same old shyte as always, your delusions in short.

from Deutsche Welle Merkel Soothes Jewish Ire After Minister's Cluster Bomb Remark | Germany | DW.DE | null

from Haaretz http://www.haaretz.com/news/german-jewish-leader-accuses-merkel-minister-of-anti-semitism-1.196180

I figured if anyone will mention the power the Jews have over Germany Haaretz would be it. No go sadly. Any how since im dumb ill be glad if you can provide a hard link saying the minister's job was actually on the line. Which ofcourse you wont be able to provide.

Now since, youre a dumbass, ill also tell you why it would not be possible. And the simple reason is that the German ruling coalition would dissolve if that happened.

You truly are a glutton for punishment, aren't you?

Merkel issued a "personal reassurance" to Jewish groups. Do you know what a "spokesperson" is and what they do? Do you know why they are called a "spokesperson". Hint: they do NOT pull words out of their as$; they relay prepared statements.

So, what was it then, a personal assurance or assurance through a spokesperson? Flaws in your delusions everywhere and i like to point them out :)

hint: it was a gov. spokesperson

No spoonfeeding; do your own work and look up American (and NATO) deaths in recent wars.

Ah, so it was for the Jews, not for the oil? damn, them juice sure do run cars well when you put them in the gasoline tank!

You're a joke dude, words like glutton and mental fog dont hide it. Its in plain sight. And you make it easy for people like me to come after you on a day they require some entertainment.
I figured if anyone will mention the power the Jews have over Germany Haaretz would be it.

You figured wrong. Reality is not hostage to your incompetence.

No go sadly. Any how since im dumb ill be glad if you can provide a hard link saying the minister's job was actually on the line. Which ofcourse you wont be able to provide.

The NPR article referenced earlier specifically says Jewish groups called for her resignation. Just because the article you posted censored that bit out doesn't negate the NPR article. The Jewish demand was taken seriously enough for Merkel to personally get involved to save the minister's job.

Now since, youre a dumbass, ill also tell you why it would not be possible. And the simple reason is that the German ruling coalition would dissolve if that happened.

Spare me your analysis. We know your understanding of geopolitical matters would fit on the back of a postage stamp.

So, what was it then, a personal assurance or assurance through a spokesperson? Flaws in your delusions everywhere and i like to point them out :)

hint: it was a gov. spokesperson

Another display of sad ignorance.

For your education, here's how things work in the real world. Top officials hold private meetings with various groups, and their spokesperson relays the gist of the meeting to reporters.

Why do you insist on displaying your ignorance of so many subjects?

Ah, so it was for the Jews, not for the oil? damn, them juice sure do run cars well when you put them in the gasoline tank!

Don't even bother trying to understand the complexity of global geopolitics. It's a futile effort in your case.

You're a joke dude, words like glutton and mental fog dont hide it. Its in plain sight. And you make it easy for people like me to come after you on a day they require some entertainment.

What is amusing is you jumping through hoops to defend your masters.

It's a known psychological disorder: the only way you can salvage your pride is by denying that you are a slave of the Zionists. Watching your mental contortions denying reality is quite amusing, but you have outlived your entertainment value.

Anyway, this thread is about Isreal/China, and you are not worth my time any more.
ah deflecting as per expectations.

But since im a good guy ill help you with staying in focus:

Hard statement that the minister's job was on the line. Without that you simply peddle the same old shyte as always, your delusions in short.

Thanks. We both know you wont be able to provide, so....

Just for reference: any German citizen can call (like the Jewish Germans did)for a resignation of any official. Its called free speech and unlike in Pakistan when a religious bigot calls out religious edicts everyone embraces it as the ultimate truth it does not need to go through if the accusations were unfounded.

Now seeing i already wrote 2 paragraphs and your focus problems, ill just remind you once more:

Hard statement that the minister's job was on the line. Without that you simply peddle the same old shyte as always, your delusions in short.

Thanks. Eagerly awaiting your answer because you seem to be really really knowledgeable about geo politics. lol

but you have outlived your entertainment value.
Anyway, this thread is about Isreal/China, and you are not worth my time any more.

You got nothing, we both know it and this is your exit strategy. Thanks for, well some entertainment- you gave up too early for any more meaningful contribution.
btw..without checking the thread id wager you brought the "slaves of the Zionists" argument in here, so dont be whining out with off-topic calls now.

Also if immitation is the sincerest form of flattery, im flattered! The entertainment value remark you picked straight from my post :)

I could go on about how you defeat your own theory with the links you provide (ie. if Jews really controlled something the minister would be out of work/imprisoned) but i figure you are already way in over your head.

you still know what link i want from you? just checking....still waiting

p.s.: ill throw in a special "thanks" if you manage to connect zionist rule over us poor sobs with EU rejection to list Hezbollah as a terrorist organization (deplorable dumb, politically correct move imo) and why did Hezbollah receive 70 mill. euros this year alone? Im sure if the evul juice was in charge they'd get nothing, wouldn't you say? :wave:

imma throw this little gem in too:

While trade is growing, political relations between Israel and the EU are frosty at best. Last week, the union’s Foreign Affairs Council slammed Israel for the “acceleration of settlement construction,” settler violence and Jerusalem’s decisions to retroactively legalize some West Bank outposts. The Foreign Ministry retorted that the council’s accusations are “partial, biased and one-sided.”


Educate yourself, fool, before replying to me again.
Just for reference: any German citizen can call for a resignation of any official. Its called free speech

Let me know when the Chancellor personally grovels to ward off such calls, and to save the official's job.

Now seeing i already wrote 2 paragraphs and your focus problems, ill just remind you once more:

It has been there all along in the original NPR article:
- The minister made a remark.
- Jewish groups called for her resignation.
- Merkel got personally involved to defuse the situation (not an everyday occurrence).

We know you will never accept what is written in plain, straightforward English prose, so I won't waste any more time and will let the thread return to Israel/China.

Also if immitation is the sincerest form of flattery, im flattered! The entertainment value remark you picked straight from my post :)

Do you have any interaction with humans in real life? People use it all the time in normal human interactions. Specifically, in this forum, it has been used by many people, including myself, years before you ever showed up.

Now with that said, they're not neccessarily a wise people. There is a huge difference between intelligent and wise. For thousands of years they have been kicked around like a soccer ball. You might argue anti-semitism runs strong, but doesn't it tell you something when you still can't find peace after several thousand years? If one group keeps picking on you, that might just be that group being mean. When everybody can't get along with you wherever you go, pershaps the problem is on you.

It's a vicious circle.

It is a fact that Jews have been persecuted throughout history. This gives them a siege mentality which fosters ethnic nepotism and a sense of entitlement. This creates resentment in the wider community which leads to more persecution.

Which is a shame because, as a group, they are unusually resourceful and creative.
ah, so now it is defusing situation, not saving her job? nice backpaddling yo....i edited above post with more goods for you. Knock yourself out.

So if i understand correctly because Merkel said that the position of the government is not the same as the minister's is groveling and err excusing/begging for her to stay in office?

Must be in your geopolitical fantasy world. So, in conclusion, NPR article does not deliver what you promised.

I want you to try harder...you can do it!

Do you have any interaction with humans in real life? People use it all the time in normal human interactions. Specifically, in this forum, it has been used by many people, including myself, years before you ever showed up.

You are so specific you used in in the next post after mine. Sorry, that reeks of plagiarism and lack of creativity/poor vocabulary-which funnily includes a lot of bad meaning words but not what's important it seems.
Really ? A tool ? Enlighten me why exactly then Beijing funds major projects in Pakistan , provides critical tech ( more critical than you can think ) and defense equipment to Islamabad , treats it as a brother :azn:

Actually , our friendship extend far beyond the " traditional Indian " enmity as thought so by some ... Even if China supports us due to Indian threat ( even though they do not even consider it as one :lol:) , what threat does US of A feels to support you ? :azn: ... It is only due to influential parasitic Jewish influence in Washington that you survive even till today and continue to be the largest Aid recipient of Washington ! If this wasn't the case , nobody would even known there once was a country called " Israel " ...
Actually, most American citizens support Israel(Proven by yearly polls) and have the least empathy for Pakistan.
And yet, America supports both of our countries. One is solely to use Pakistan as a tool, like China uses you. While Americans support Israel out of religious, cultural and strategic reasons.
Your ignorance might be a bliss but that simply makes you an ignorant simpleton. The vast majority of support for Israel comes from the Christian Americans and not by Jewish Americans.

And to prove you wrong even more: America started supporting Israel over the Arabs only after the 6 day war, in which Israel destroyed 3 Arab countries in 6 days while they were being supported by the Soviets. And the aid started only in the 70's.
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