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Will Arab states support Pakistan militarily in future conflict with India?

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don't get involved in arab conflicts pakistanis should not be cannon fodder for arabs any longer we have our own problems to deal with and our focus should be solely on pakistan arabs should fend for themselves ! f uck your "BROTHERHOOD "
There seems to be this odd habit among some Pakistanis to make unsubstantiated claims about their involvement in other peoples' conflicts.
What a joke of a human being you must be, bharati!

Let me restate your statement for you so you can see yourself in the mirror:

There seems to be this odd habit among some bharatis to make unsubstantiated claims about their involvement in other peoples' conflicts. bharatis think the whole world revolves around them and their borrowed culture, they think they are a "shupaar powaar", shining incredibly, more so than the sun itself.

Their claims about their supposed contribution to the Arab Israel war (that never resulted in anything on the ground and didn't change the results) go on increasing. Same with claims about Bosnia, Srilanka, this mosque affair and so on...

looks like you have a sever burn somewhere. :flame:

PAF israeli aerial victories


"Saif-ul-Azam with King Hussein of Jordan and young Prince Abdullah."
Pakistan Military Consortium :: www.PakDef.info

We actually did participate in the Bosnian war and lost a few troops to the Serbs, there are even various sources confirming that Pakistan was providing ATGM's to Bosnians in order to stop Serbian tanks from overrunning their positions:

"In the Bosnia war, the Pakistan-made HJ8 ATM destroyed a large number of M84 (T72) tanks of the Yugoslavia army. (Kanwa News for full story, see Kanwa Jan 10 Issue)"


In fact, i even read on this forum that there was a whole container ship full of RPG's, AK's, and other arms sent from Pakistan but was intercepted by NATO and therefore could not reach its destination.

Pakistani General accused of supplying arms to Bosnians

"I think the Bosnia link is referring to a totally true (and independently verified) chapter in the the Bosnian war where the hard pressed BiH (Bosnian Army) Fifth Corps received what I recall were called Pakistani "Green Arrow" anti-tank missiles. Although not a deciding factor in the overall war, limited numbers of these were used to great effect in and around Bihac (north western Bosnia). Usually Serb forces would just park a tank right in front of BiH defended locations and use it is as a form of mobile artillery. I'll try to find the article (and scan it for you) but a French journalist saw irregular muslim units linked to the 5th Corp first use these missiles against three tanks bombarding a Bosnian held village. The results were spectacular - two tanks were destroyed whilst the third **** itself and escaped. More importantly, the introduction of the "Green Arrow" caused a major shift in Serb strategy which prevented them deploying their tanks as mobile artillery/assault vehicles. The "Green Arrow" and even its percieved threat did a lot to counter the massive Serbian advantage in armour.

I presume the "Green Arrow" is the Pakistani built version of China's "Red Arrow"
. "
Pakistan key weapons inventory

United Nations Protection Force in Bosnia (UNOROFOR)

Blonde Muslims find shelter in Pakistan: Refugees from Bosnia were given a warm welcome in a distant land, Ahmed Rashid writes from Islamabad - Europe - World - The Independent

Pakistan Army's participation in Somalia during Black Hawk Down, we saved Ameircan's from being butchered by the Somalis.

And yes, there were active Pakistani Pilots flying Sri Lankan air craft pounding LTTE positions, no source can be more reliable than this member Muradk who is a PAF pilot that served in indo-Pak war (forgot which one):



In 1969, South Yemen (strong ally of USSR at that time) attacked and captured Mount Vadiya in Sharoora Province of Saudi Arabia. PAF pilots (and officers and men of other branches) who were serving in Saudi Arabia, along with the Saudi pilots drove the enemy away. The painting depicts two RSAF Lightnings successfully carrying out the close air support mission against the enemy tanks. RSAF Lightnings and F-86s took part in that battle."


PAF Falcons - Picture Gallery - Aviation Art by Rehan Siraj - Pakistan Air Force at War

More PAF pilots serving in Arab air forces:




Pakistan Military Consortium :: www.PakDef.info

PAF pilots in Middle Eastern Air Forces



Reason: So little to be proud of in their own military history.
We have every reason to be proud of our armed forces, who despite all odds have managed to stand their ground and have proved to be one of the most capable in the world! So you can take this statement of yours and shove it up where the sun don't shine bharati!

Score: India 4 Pakistan 0.
Lolz, did you just pull that figure out of you rear end?

How nice! :lol:

BTW, about that Mosque seizure situation, i wonder why Saudis asked for Pakistanis if we are so incapable compared to their SANG, they might as well have asked hindu soldiers from "shupaar powaar" india to assist them!
don't get involved in arab conflicts pakistanis should not be cannon fodder for arabs any longer we have our own problems to deal with and our focus should be solely on pakistan arabs should fend for themselves ! f uck your "BROTHERHOOD "
Since when Pakistan is a cannon fodder for Arabs?:lol:
Oh plz just help yourselves we don't need anything from you.
A reminder:::
The the title of the thread is:
Will Arab states support Pakistan militarily in future conflict with In
Since when Pakistan is a cannon fodder for Arabs?:lol:
Oh plz just help yourselves we don't need anything from you.
A reminder:::
The the title of the thread is:
Will Arab states support Pakistan militarily in future conflict with In

Cannon fodder for

Shia vs Sunni
Ummah cause in Afghanistan
Arab vs Persian
Since when Pakistan is a cannon fodder for Arabs?:lol:
Oh plz just help yourselves we don't need anything from you.
A reminder:::
Unfortunately, the reality says otherwise.

The the title of the thread is:
Will Arab states support Pakistan militarily in future conflict with In
You have an obligation to support us, your monarchies are afraid of their own people and their own military's, so much so that they don't even trust their own SANG that they have to request 2 divisions of Pakistan Army Special Forces to protect them from similar uprisings as seen in Libya, Egypt, Syria, and Bahrain.

Its a two way street; we scratch your back, you scratch ours. Unless you think we are retarded enough to send our troops to protect your royal families and not expect nothing in return? But sadly, it doesn't work that way.
Cannon fodder for

Shia vs Sunni
Ummah cause in Afghanistan
Arab vs Persian

No one asked you to get involved, we have enough strength to defend ourselves.

Unfortunately, the reality says otherwise.

You have an obligation to support us, your monarchies are afraid of their own people and their own military's, so much so that they don't even trust their own SANG that they have to request 2 divisions of Pakistan Army Special Forces to protect them from similar uprisings as seen in Libya, Egypt, Syria, and Bahrain.

Its a two way street; we scratch your back, you scratch ours. Unless you think we are retarded enough to send our troops to protect your royal families and not expect nothing in return? But sadly, it doesn't work that way.
What is this?:blink:
Oh plz, tell me you are not talking about the 16 pilots.
No one asked you to get involved, we have enough strength to defend ourselves.

What is this?:blink:
Oh plz, tell me you are not talking about the 16 pilots.

I have posted the two links numerous times, you should know by now what i mean by 2 divisions.

Pakistan ready for Middle East role

"ISLAMABAD - With a broad Sunni Muslim bloc of countries lining up against an emerging Shi'ite crescent in the Middle East, Sunni-majority and nuclear-armed Pakistan could play an important - albeit somewhat reluctant - role.

A step in this direction is Pakistan's decision to keep two army divisions on standby for deployment to Saudi Arabia in the event of trouble there. This followed a visit by Saudi Prince and secretary general of the National Security Council Prince Bandar Bin Sultan to Pakistan."

Pakistan poised to dispatch army to Saudi Arabia

"Pakistan is prepared to move two army divisions into Saudi Arabia to protect the kingdom in the event of any outbreak of trouble, such as what has happened in Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt, Libya and other Middle East and North African nations, informed sources say in a report from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin."
"Pakistan is prepared to move two army divisions into Saudi Arabia to protect the kingdom in the event of any outbreak of trouble, such as what has happened in Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt, Libya and other Middle East and North African nations, informed sources say in a report from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin."
is this true if a revoultion happened in saudi you would send your army to kill the protesters ?
shut up and read before talking nonsense.....all of that is happening inside our borders!
You telling me to shut up?:rofl:
Oh world wide web, you give audacity to such lot...

Anyway, we have discussed this before, I have no desire to have any debate with you, you don't deserve any attention.
You telling me to shut up?:rofl:
Oh world wide web, you give audacity to such lot...

Anyway, we have discussed this before, I have no desire to have any debate with you, you don't deserve any attention.

typical arrogance instead of factual debate..hashmite repression is doing you no good.
In case, and in case IRAN comes to our door steps, we will ask them to come to negotiation tables rather than fight a bloody war with a superior opponent and be blown to oblivion. As a long friend of all sides because of our NAM policy we will have the backing of RUSSIA & CHINA to push US and its alies to negotiate with IRAN and a mutually win win situation be delivered to the people of IRAN.

:rofl: are you for real??
is this true if a revoultion happened in saudi you would send your army to kill the protesters ?

The situation is very complex, Pakistan and GCC regimes relations have become intertwined, they need us and we need them, they need our troops, our training, and our man power, in return we get to pilot their planes, try out their latest weapons and get more pay, not to mention (and this is ground reality, not just my words) if they fall then their is no guarantee that the replacement regime would be supportive to us. We have no alternative.

To put it easier for you, they helped us survive the sanctions in 1990's to early 2001, now we have to assist them, and vice versa.

Pakistan have helped Arabs in -- 67 Arab-Israel War...
Arabs have helped Pakistan in -- 71 Pak-India War...

Pakistan have helped protecting Arab land with troops i.e. like the Vatican City.
Arabs have helped Pakistan in atomic bomb financial aid.


Pakistan gives Arabs cheap Agricultural Resources
Arabs give Pakistan cheap Oil

Pakistan gives labourers and expats
Arabs invest in Pakistan


Pakistan will help Arabs achieve Nuclear Weapons
Arabs will help Pakistan in economic aid.

The cooperation is very strong. I don't see anything wrong in the relationship....
i dont think it would be responsible for Pakistan to help any of those countries achieve nuclear weapons - knowing that it would fuel nuclear arms race in the entire region and we'd be creating a huge MESS
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