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Will Arab states support Pakistan militarily in future conflict with India?

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One big aspect of support everyone tends to overlook is not ammo or additional fighter jets or support equipment. This thing is called oil & LOTS of oil. In a full scale war scenario between India and Pakistan , what we can expect to have is critical oil supply in sufficient quantities from our friendly arab states. Iran also offered Pakistan with free or cheap oil during 65 war.

Nevertheless , Gulf states would have to take side in such a future conflict , and i can confidently say with GCC slowly creeping towards a full scale military alliance lead by Turkey at some point , they would be in a position to help Pakistan in more ways than one.

This ain't 65'. Back in those days, you people were under a common umbrella of Cold War. Times have changed. But Pakistan will still have to face a naval blockade other than NATO supplies which are already stopped due to other reasons.
What do you mean India is anti-Islam? How do you define anti-Islam? If you talk about the number of people killed by the state, then more Muslims have been killed in Pakistan in the last 60 years than India.
You have been given misinformation or you are basing your opinion on some lunatic Indian members here who don't represent the Indian govt. or the Indian public at large. There is full freedom of religion and one of the few countries in the world where Islamic law is enshrined in its constitution for Muslims. Something that many other countries don't have.

Please stop trying to hide the facts, if there is an outbreak of another Arab-Israeli war you indians and your government would be cheering on the israelis, you would provide them the diplomatic support and betray the Arabs as you have betrayed the Iranians.
A lot of dimwits in this thread? or what?
there won't be a war in the future and this the leaders of the two nations no, be the NDA or the UPA in INDIA or the PPP, or any other party or PA is not interested to go into a war and ruin each others reputation and respect in the international arena.
Consider a nuclear war and a millions suffering on both side of the border do you think the rest of the world will rush to aid the ailing casuality of the war, NO one will show up your or my doorstep to help us but they will or make fun of both for not sorting out the problems over a cup or coffee or tea or even SCOTCH.

Please stop trying to hide the facts, if there is an outbreak of another Arab-Israeli war you indians and your government would be cheering on the israelis, you would provide them the diplomatic support and betray the Arabs as you have betrayed the Iranians.
in what manner have we betrayed the IRANIANS, stop your ranting. WE are the largest importer of IRANIAN oil and we have not reduced our import because USA says so.
you can now piss off
in what manner have we betrayed the IRANIANS, stop your ranting. WE are the largest importer of IRANIAN oil and we have not reduced our import because USA says so.
you can now piss off

US Lauds India's support on Iran sanctions

India very supportive on sanctions against Iran: US

US thanks India for its support in IAEA vote on Iran nuclear issue

"Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi told reporters in Tehran that Iran was particularly surprised by the vote against it from India. "We will send a letter of objection to the countries that voted for the resolution", he said."
Pakistan has been a strict Arab Ally.It supported Arab states in wars with Israel in 1967 and 1973 and sending troops during the Gulf War in 1990 and even refused to sell military spare parts to Iran during the Iraq-Iran war.
Being more Christian than the Pope rarely earns anybody brownie points, let alone unquestioned loyalty.

It is vital for both Pakistanis and non-Pakistanis to recall that Pakistani leaders have held this position before, especially in 1965 when they tried to convert their mutual-defense pact with the United States into a war-promoting anti-India alliance. I do not think it is a good idea to tempt Pakistan's leaders with the prospect of a blank cheque - they're too apt to spend it, along with peoples' lives, in their quest for greater power and glory.
Being more Christian than the Pope rarely earns anybody brownie points, let alone unquestioned loyalty.

It is vital for both Pakistanis and non-Pakistanis to recall that Pakistani leaders have held this position before, especially in 1965 when they tried to convert their mutual-defense pact with the United States into a war-promoting anti-India alliance. I do not think it is a good idea to tempt Pakistan's leaders with the prospect of a blank cheque - they're too apt to spend it, along with peoples' lives, in their quest for greater power and glory.

Ahh yes I remember that one, the same defense pact that US brandished to Brezhnev to stop Indira from over-running west Pakistan isn't it?

It did end up being used as anti-India later on. West Pakistanis should thank USA once again for saving its *** from Indira.
Pakistan has been a strict Arab Ally.

It supported Arab states in wars with Israel in 1967 and 1973 and sending troops during the Gulf War in 1990 and even refused to sell military spare parts to Iran during the Iraq-Iran war.

Arab Military forces were still pretty nascent during 1965 and 1971 so they didn't offer Pakistan much military aid during those wars with India as it was Pakistan who was offering military aid to the Arab states.

These days, Arab forces have state of the art equipment, large ground troops, and powerful naval and aviation assets such as Saudi Arabia.

If any future conflict breaks out between India and Pakistan, will Arab states remain neutral so as not to jeopardize relations with the growing economic power of India, or just give token support so as to please both sides or start a massive arms transfer to Pakistan to assist Pakistan in the conflict with India?
What help Arab countries can give us militarily??....they are themselves in need of our help all the times.....If Pakistan wants to be sound and surviving in this world shold never look for any help from any country in this world, no matter what. It shold be on its feet now if it don't then unfortunately it won't be able to survive.......This is real tradgedy in this world can't depend on nobody even though we have best trustable friendz...We shold never bother anybody cuz everybody got their own problems and limitations......:coffee:
What help Arab countries can give us militarily??....they are themselves in need of our help all the times.....If Pakistan wants to be sound and surviving in this world shold never look for any help from any country in this world, no matter what. It shold be on its feet now if it don't then unfortunately it won't be able to survive.......This is real tradgedy in this world can't depend on nobody even though we have best trustable friendz...We shold never bother anybody cuz everybody got their own problems and limitations......:coffee:

Arab countries have advanced Fighter Aircraft, Tanks, and especially attack helicopters which will prove vital in any future war with India.

I mean even if 30-40 Saudi Tornadoes with another 18 F-15 along with 18 F-16 block 60 fighters from UAE will great increase our offensive potential.

US Lauds India's support on Iran sanctions

India very supportive on sanctions against Iran: US

US thanks India for its support in IAEA vote on Iran nuclear issue

"Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi told reporters in Tehran that Iran was particularly surprised by the vote against it from India. "We will send a letter of objection to the countries that voted for the resolution", he said."
we do not want a nother nation to posses WMD. as far as IRAN is cosidered its present PRESIDENT called for the destruction of ISREAL from the face of earth and its not in favour of any nation supporting IRANS nuclear ambition. We have indeed supported a economic and technology curfew over tehran but we have told the USA that its not in our interest to see INOCENT IRANIAN people going hungry by imposing brutal sanctions that makes sure that IRANIANS go hungry.
we do not want a nother nation to posses WMD. as far as IRAN is cosidered its present PRESIDENT called for the destruction of ISREAL from the face of earth and its not in favour of any nation supporting IRANS nuclear ambition. We have indeed supported a economic and technology curfew over tehran but we have told the USA that its not in our interest to see INOCENT IRANIAN people going hungry by imposing brutal sanctions that makes sure that IRANIANS go hungry.

So in any potential conflict between USA/Israel/Arabs vs Iran...which side would you back?

Or in otherwise, if war breaks out and Iran comes to India and asks for military aid or spare parts for its military? Would India reciprocate?
So in any potential conflict between USA/Israel/Arabs vs Iran...which side would you back?

Or in otherwise, if war breaks out and Iran comes to India and asks for military aid or spare parts for its military? Would India reciprocate?

Staying neutral.
But what if Iran asks you for military aid?

Or USA/Israel asks you to assist in the fight or prevent you from aiding Iran?

What then ?

India is not a tiny country who could be forced to take sides. We never had asked military aid from Iran in the past so they won't ask so and US and Israel have enough resources they don't need to ask India and in past our government has refused US request for sending troops.
we do not want a nother nation to posses WMD.

What gives you the right to decide who can and can not have nukes. Who cares what you want. In any event you are reliant on their oil.

its present PRESIDENT called for the destruction of ISREAL from the face of earth

You are talking rubbish and repeating western lies

ion. We have indeed supported a economic and technology curfew over tehran but we have told the USA that its not in our interest to see INOCENT IRANIAN people going hungry by imposing brutal sanctions that makes sure that IRANIANS go hungry.

get a life your country does not dictate it does what America tells it.

back to topic some Arab states may provide limited support but on the whole they are under neo colonialism of Pax America and their leaders are bullied or bribed by Americans who would not allow them to do much
But what if Iran asks you for military aid?

Or USA/Israel asks you to assist in the fight or prevent you from aiding Iran?

What then ?

This is all speculation, but the best indication will be the stance taken by India on Afghanistan and Iraq. We were asked to participate in both wars by the US and we declined. This is an issue for both countries to resolve diplomatically, and if they still choose to go to war, they need to deal with the consequences. We are not contract bound by NATO, and we have enough problems of our own to deal with.

If there is war, and results in heavy losses for Iran, India will certainly help with humanitarian and other rebuilding efforts, (not trying to be presumptuous, only if they need it). We are not big enough for the spotlight to fall on us, or for countries to judge our actions, so our Non-Aligned approach will work well. Bottom line is India should not get pulled into this ego-war of politicians, but we will support humanitarian causes and post war recovery efforts.
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