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Will Arab states support Pakistan militarily in future conflict with India?

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In the 1967 war, it was really only the secular Arab nationalists who belonged to the leftist bloc vs Israel. The main belligerents were Egypt, Iraq and Syria. Jordan was reluctantly forced into the conflict. While all other western allied countries like Pakistan, GCC Arab countries, Morocco gave on verbal support in the 1967 war and never participated.

The the fact that PLO sided with Saddam Hussein in the 91 Gulf war invasion in Kuwait angered the GCC Arab countries and their support froze until the 2000s when King Abdullah after discussion with Bush launched the Arab Peace initiative which included the two state solution and full diplomatic recognition of Israel

Still it is worth reading up on Pakistani relations with the left leaning Arab countries like Egypt and the view of their diplomats during the 53 and the 67 wars
Here is an excerpt from Israel-Pakistan relations
If the government adopted a pro-Western policy over the issue, Pakistani diplomats went a step further. In private conversations, they were strongly supportive of Israel and its actions against Nasser. One such conversation took place in Ottawa on December 23, 1956, just weeks after the cease-fire, but before Israel withdrew from Sinai. The Indian embassy in Canada hosted a reception in honor of Prime Minister Nehru, and among others, the Israeli and Pakistani ambassadors were invited. Reporting on his conversation with his Pakistani counterpart, Israeli Ambassador M.S. Comay recorded:

..... the Pakistan High Commissioner Mirza Osman Ali Baig publicly came up to me, shook me by the hand, and warmly ongratulated me on the ‘wonderful show your splendid little army put up in beating the Egyptians.’ His only regret was that the British and the French had intervened, otherwise we might have gone right through to Cairo. In thanking him, I expressed regret that his Government apparently did not share his view, and continued to display great hostility towards us. He assured me that not all Pakistanis were pro-Arab or anti-Israel and that some of them, like himself, realized quite well what a menace Nasser was. He hoped that a way could be found some time of procuring a modus vivendi between Pakistan and Israel, and thought that Turkey was in the best position to bring it about because of its association with both countries. When I suggested this was a matter he and I might explore further sometime, he welcomed the idea....33

The following March, Ambassador Baig exhibited similar sentiments when he met Comay during a reception hosted by the French embassy.34 For his part, infuriated by Islamabad’s negative position, Nasser excluded Pakistan from the United Nations Emergency Force that operated in the Sinai following the Israeli withdrawal. The subtle tension continued, and during the 1967 war Pakistan confined itself to verbal support for the Arabs.
Just a Pakistan and damn proud of it :pakistan: ! I don't care if I descend from a bunch of Indo-European horse-riders or not...! I'd rather be identified by a said viewpoint about life and on life then with an archaic concept of ethnicity or linguistics !

That's up to you. However that weird racist link you posted is definitely not what I meant by what I said.
That's not true, we sent over a 100 million$ during the floods, we gave more before that.

just 100 million.. kafir americans give more than that. you could have provided free oil for at least 5 years. that would mean real help. or part some of your wealth with impoverised umma brothers.
and by the way arabs didnt even helped much when pakistan was flooded... pakistanis were crying everywhere n then some arab sheikhs gave some alms.

please, go edcuate yourself before making baseless claims

Saudi Arabia has allocated more than US $361.99 million for the relief operation topping the list of all donating countries http://www.infopak.gov.pk/Flood Relief Fund/17_9_2010ForeignAssistance_a.pdf

By the way India donated $25 million so thanks for that :) It was more than Turkey, UAE, Syria, Qatar, and Lebanon!

I guess India came to the rescue when the other countries didn't? :D
You guys are Arabs, Turks, Persians, Aryans it's an identity crises.

No we are P A K I S T A N

This is our identity:

P punjabi
A afghania
K kashmiri
I nothing
S sindhi
Tan balochistani

iranian/persian? lol Iran has only 1/4 of Balochistan. Our only relaitonship and that too we hold majority of land and population
Punjabi? India holds only 1/3 of Punjab. Our only relationship and that too we hold majority of land and population
Afghani or Pashtun? Afghanistan holds majority of land. Our only relationship but most of their population lives in Pakistan.
Arabs, Turks? I don't get what you mean. We have no relationship.
the term Arab Country seems vague in India- Pakistan contest, are you talking about 22 Member Arab league as a block or you are talking about few strong Arab Nations like Saudi Arabia,UAE, Egypt & Algeria yes they can help militarily and financially both but other small Arab countries can be a moral booster by lip service.just my take

the inception of Pakistan is on the name of Islam so their identity should and must be a Islamic one.
the term Arab Country seems vague in India- Pakistan contest, are you talking about 22 Member Arab league as a block or you are talking about few strong Arab Nations like Saudi Arabia,UAE, Egypt & Algeria yes they can help militarily and financially both but other small Arab countries can be a moral booster by lip service.just my take

the inception of Pakistan is on the name of Islam so their identity should and must be a Islamic one.

There is a deeper problem though. The islam that Saudi Arabia views is very different to the islam seen in Pakistan/India. Saudi Arabia has held the view propagated by Muhammad Ibn Al Wahab, whereas most Pakistanis are Sunnis, and most Indians are a mix of Sunnis and Deobandis.

Each sect is constantly attacking each other for being deviant and the scholars are all disagreeing with each other (albeit on very small matters). The muslim countries should come to common grounds for the betterment of the Ummah (Collective Islamic identity)

And rarely do countries come together on the means of religion (especially like Islam). Countries are way too self-absorbed with their own nationalities and patriotism to appreciate each other among common grounds such as religion.
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