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Will accept Modi if he apologises: UP Muslims

Well now that you know that its fake you can take it off at least. 60 Hindus also got burnt alive in the Godhra Train. But you don't see us posting those photos here.

As I said whatever happened in Gujarat was wrong, but these propaganda photos don't exactly help the cause of communal harmony.

Ok i have removed the fake ones and have put the real ones-- and yes those pictures can make a difference--- some humane people may change their minds not to vote for the killer---
The cause of communal harmony can be achieved only if the culprits are punished not made future PM probables--- I hope justice prevails some day :tup:-

---------- Post added at 02:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:15 PM ----------

look at the comments under these articles:azn:
i think u didnt read them:D

Read the article itself-
i think u didnt bother to read it :argh:-

btw i see alot of (PDF indian) type of comments there--- they just dismissed the paper even without researching the figures shown in it--- and of course they are shooting the messenger--- let me see if they called the writer a Pakistani some where :lol:---
wikileaks on modi:

WikiLeaks on Narendra Modi

and see the people who voted in favour of the article of rise of modi:azn:

WikiLeaks: Narendra Modi's rise worried US - India News - IBNLive

Moradabad: Ahead of UP elections next year, Sunni Sufi Muslims have come under an umbrella to back reforms in madarsa system of education. The group which claims to have support of over 80 per cent of Muslims in India oppose deoband system of education calling it regressive.
Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi was on a token fast for peace and harmony in Dwarka in Gujarat on Monday and over thousand kilometers away in Moradabad in west UP, a section of Muslims coming together to make themselves heard. What's the connection between the two?
Sunni Sufi Muslims have come under an umbrella to back reforms in madarsa system of education. All India Ulema and Mashaikh Board, which claims to have support of over 80 per cent of Muslims in India oppose deoband system of education calling it regressive.
President All India Ulema and Mashaikh Board said, "Sufi Muslims can conditionally accept Narendra Modi. If he says what happened was a mistake and would never happen again. Anybody who is ready to apologise, we will be soft on them."
Deoband's chief cleric Ghulam Mohammed Vastanvi was the last prominent Muslim who dared to come out in praise of Modi and he had to pay a heavy price, being forced to retract his statement, the over lakh Sufi Sunni Muslims who gathered here are aware of just how difficult it is to position themselves as in a liberal sense.
Ulema and Mashaikh Board say that the Sunni Sufi Muslims form nearly 80 per cent of the total Muslim population of India. Renouncing the deoband system of madarsa education as regressive, the Sufis say that wahabis in India promote views that poison young Muslim minds.
Distancing themselves from the hardliners within the community, the group with a sizeable support of Muslims favours reforms in madarsas.
With an attempt to redefine the agenda for Muslims, and the road ahead, this gathering with its eye on UP elections next year made it clear they cannot be treated as a single block of vote bank anymore.

Will accept Modi if he apologises: UP Muslims - India News - IBNLive

Who are UP's muslims to ask Modi to apologise. What next, apologies to Pakistani/Bangadeshi muslims... Modi should not need to be fake secular.. he should be what he is...
ulema is sensing the National coming of Modi at delhi as PM in 2014 hence for the fear of being sidelined into oblivion they are offering truce to modi but they cant say it with straight for fear of losing face hence indirect way of sayin if modi say sorry they can forgive him.Btw who are they to forgive him?case is subjudice let law take its own course.
No political party that has ever ruled India has ever been known for its "efficiency". Corruption has been rampant in the BJP regime just as it has been in the Congress led ones...No one fooled anyone...we only fool ourselves.
But Narendra Modi is the new hip thing, join the bandwagon dude.I like this whole idea, all we need to do is elect shaktimaan (Modi) then India will turn into supa dupa powar in a mater of time.Less effort on my part as a citizen?

I take that idiot thing back. I think I insulted idiots by using that word on you. My apology to such people...

From your links (from 2008!) :;

The NSS report — 'Household Consumer Expenditure in India' — published recently suggests that Gujarat has a very high percentage of people in the middle MPCE category — between Rs 580 and Rs 2,540. Almost 83.6% of people fall in this category, behind only Delhi (87.6%) and Assam (84.7%).

The percentage of urbanites in Gujarat spending less than Rs 580 — the cut-off for the poverty level — is lower than most states, except Assam (8.3%) and Punjab (7.7%). Gujarat's percentage is 13.3%.

Explaining Gujarat's low ranking in the high-spending bracket, senior IIM-A economist Ravindra Dholakia says: "Income levels in Gujarat are more equitable than other states. But expenditure figures do not reflect the fact that Gujaratis have a much higher propensity to put money in the share market, mutual funds and banks."

Sociologist Gaurang Jani believes the fast-changing face of urban Gujarat has pushed a very high percentage of people having average spending capacity in the unorganized sector. Another economist Gagan Bihari Sahu, who studies consumption patterns at the Centre of Social Studies, Surat, says: "We find urban population in Gujarat seeks to sacrifice the present for the sake of future. They believe in asset creation and spending on human resource development."


It would be refreshing to once read an intelligent, thoughtful remark.
No need to apologize for non-existant mistakes.....and fyi no evidence to prove him guilty...

So don't expect any apology and did any one apologize for the godhra train burning?
the common theme i encountered from indian Muslims was that not only they don't accept him as legitimate but also they want him to be tried for his crimes and state-backing of genocide against Muslims living in hindustan

in no civilized country do state ministers openly allow the mass killing of its residents, just because they belong to a minority community
^i'm guessing target kilings in karachi (done by ruling & opposition parties) don't count?
why people want Modi to apologize on behalf of saffron terrorists who killed Muslims in 2002? the one thing that pisses me off is that minority religions can be attacked at will without any consequences there 4x the number of Sikhs killed in Delhi compared to the Gujarat riots yet not 1 person has been jailed same in the Gujarat riots except there are even ugly saffron terrorists gloating about there crimes in Gujarat i saw a video of a man being proud of killing a pregnant women

this is why India needs tough minority protection legislation its shameful how we claim to be secular but this crap happens and remains as blotches on our history the Sikh genocide and Gujarat riots are probably the 2 most shameful acts in our country....
why people want Modi to apologize on behalf of saffron terrorists who killed Muslims in 2002?
Because this all happened during his rule and he failed to stop all these killings.If Modi is not responsible for keeping his house in order then who is :cheesy: .As a Indian I want him to apologize for his failure as a CM to stop the killings.

About the 84 massacre nothing has been done nothing will ever be, we have seen both BJP and Congress rule in the center.If the biggest minority in the country can't get justice in this country for the crimes done against them in 2002,don't think a minority amongst minority will get justice for something that happened in 1984.
why people want Modi to apologize on behalf of saffron terrorists who killed Muslims in 2002? the one thing that pisses me off is that minority religions can be attacked at will without any consequences there 4x the number of Sikhs killed in Delhi compared to the Gujarat riots yet not 1 person has been jailed same in the Gujarat riots except there are even ugly saffron terrorists gloating about there crimes in Gujarat i saw a video of a man being proud of killing a pregnant women

this is why India needs tough minority protection legislation its shameful how we claim to be secular but this crap happens and remains as blotches on our history the Sikh genocide and Gujarat riots are probably the 2 most shameful acts in our country....

This is for you:

Gujarat Riots 2002 | Indian Muslims

Gujarat Riots 2002
Submitted by kashif on Sun, 04/16/2006 - 19:58.

report from Amnesty International

AI report

Tracking the trials:
Number of criminal cases sent out side Gujarat for trial: 13
Number of criminal cases pending in courts in Gujarat: 4,252
Criminal cases in which charge sheet filed: 2,037
Closed cases due to lack of evidence: 2,032
Closed cases reopened after Supreme Court order: 2,000
Reopened cases in which new arrests made: 830
Reopened cases in which charge sheet filed: 59
New cases registered based on investigation of old cases: 15
Departmental action initiated against investigating/supervisory officers: 114
Murder cases in which 10 or more killed: 11
Rape cases: 43
Cases of looting and arson: 3,800
Cases in which convictions made: 13

And this is old so numbers have only gone up.
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