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"EXSUM: TF Eagle Border Flag Meeting in Shkin (28SEPT)

On the afternoon of 28SEP07 TF Eagle hosted a border flag meeting at the Angorada checkpoint with PAKMIL representatives from the 21st Sindh (LTC Zahid) 13th Sindh (MAJ Saqib) and 6th Punjab (LTC Zahid) Battalions. The purpose of the meeting was to further the trust and communication between the PAKMIL and U.S. Forces. The meeting started with introductions, and a TF Eagle presentation to PAKMIL including U.S. Forces locations, strength, and contact information. The presentation included intelligence updates with direct reference ACM HVTs currently believe to be inside Pakistan and detailed information (cleansed of sources and methods) concerning rocket attacks on CF originating in Pakistan. The critical point discussed was the need for PAKMIL to update U.S. Forces on their checkpoint locations to ensure situational awareness and synchronization. Following this discussion, the PAKMIL covered the importance of good communications with U.S. Forces and the need for a better system of communication than the existing TacChat that is too heavily relied upon now. Both parties discussed the need for reliable FM communications and methods to increase effectiveness despite the mountainous terrain. The next topic discussed was the importance and need to include ANSF in future border flag meetings in order to facilitate their development, professionalism and mutual trust with PAKMIL. The meeting ended with discussions about conducting a large, multi-battalion/BDE BFM at FOB Bermel in late October that will include ANA leadership. Following the discussions, the PAKMIL offered refreshments and photographs were taken to commemorate the event.

General Observations: The attendance of the CJTF-82 PAKMIL LNO (LTC Tariq) was extremely valuable. LTC Tariq knew many of the PAKMIL officers in attendance from prior assignments and brought immediate credibility to U.S. officers attending. LTC Tariq spoke freely and, many times, very bluntly to his fellow PAKMIL officers. He commented on the need for PAKMIL to take action on reports of ACM activity on their side of the border and then, necessarily, report their findings to their US counterparts. He requested that the PAKMIL BN commanders take aggressive action to develop trust and cooperation between US and PAKMIL forces. He requested that the PAKMIL BN Cdrs personally address their junior leaders and press the issue of developing trust with CF officer; in effect, to start acting like allies. His comments were invaluable since they would not have been well received coming from U.S. officers. It appeared to shock the attending BN commanders that there was a senior PAKMIL officer working in the CJTF-82 headquarters.

Overall, LTC Tariqs presence immediately increased the level of trust between the two parties and led to the most effective border flag meeting we have had in our battle space. As a result, this BFM did not became a blame game (LTC Tariq also exhorted the PAKMIL officers stop engaging in these types of sessions as they accomplish little and harbor distrust). The tone of the meeting was relaxed and comfortable, the collective feeling of participants was that it was a productive event where all sides looked to immediately increase ways to reduce and stop miscreant activity along the shared border.

ANA Distrust of the PAKMIL IVO Shkin: ANA forces at BSP-213 were surprisingly and openly hostile to LTC Tariq. The ANA were visibly upset at U.S. Forces for bringing a PAKMIL officer to their checkpoint and made openly hostile remarks and gestures towards him. This reaction was unexpected but further highlights the need for U.S. Forces to speak with the ANA chain of command and address the issue directly. While senior ANA Officers routinely attend the BSSM, the spirit of cooperation does not extend down to the company level and below. The level of cooperation and view of PAKMIL must be enhanced in order for border relations to continue to improve and progress. TF Eagle is going to immediately engage the ANA leadership on this point and ensure they understand that it is a critical step in their development as a professional force."

---------- Post added at 01:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 PM ----------

[/COLOR]"Mission: Key leaders from TF Raptor conduct a border flag meeting with representatives of PAKMIL 030500ZOCT07 to develop a partnership for border security IOT prevent OMF infiltration.\n\nConcept of Operations:\nThe purpose of this operation is to continue to develop a working relationship with Pakistani frontier security forces in order to prevent enemy infiltration and movement of supplies through the border region. \n\nPhase I: JBAD PRT to Landi Kotel (PAK)\nPhase II: L/U w/ PAKMIL, move to BFM Site\nPhase III: Border Flag Meeting\nPhase IV: Landi Kotel (PAK) to JBAD PRT\n\nThe desired endstate of this operation is a good working relationship between CF and PAKMIL, willingness to solve border security issues, and a subsequent scheduled BFM during October.\n\nScheme of Maneuver:\n\nPhase I: COL AKRAM (ABP Chief will link up with CF at the JBAD PRT at 0300Z on 03OCT, and all pax will be staged at the JBAD PRT HLZ at 0400Z. A/C will arrive for pickup at approximately 0425Z and will fly to Landi Kotel (Pakistan) immediately over the border from Torkham Gate. Grid for the HLZ is 42SXC 99225 75300.\n\nPhase II: Once the 173rd STB pax and ANSF elements have cleared the A/C, they will be met by elements of the Khyber Rifle Regiment (commanded by COL Qaiser) and moved to the Border Flag Meeting site (Khyber Rifles HQ) at 42SXC 98316 76107 .\n\nPhase III: The Border Flag Meeting will begin at approximately 0500Z and continue until discussions are complete. Topics to be covered will include border sector security issues, exchange of updated contact information, coordination of efforts to maximize border security, and determination of a time / place of the next Border Flag Meeting.\n\nPhase IV: Return to JBAD PRT will be conducted conversely to the movement to Landi Kotel. As the meeting is wrapping up (~0930Z), the communications element will convey impending mission completion to the JBAD JOC who will notify TF BAYONET via mIRC. Following closing comments and farewells, PAKMIL forces will escort the 173rd STB element to the previously used HLZ (42SXC 99225 75300). The A/C will move the 173rd STB element from Landi Kot (PAK) to JBAD PRT and RTB.\n\nEND OF OP BRIEF"
Massive Leak of Documents Show Faltering Afghan War, Duplicity by Pakistan

The whistleblower website WikiLeaks has given three news organizations a trove of over 90,000 records of events and intelligence reports covering six years that provide a grim assessment of the U.S. war in Afghanistan, portray a Taliban insurgency that has gained in strength, and suggests that Pakistan's spy service has met with the Taliban in secret strategy sessions to organize resistance to the American effort.

One of the news organizations, the British Guardian newspaper, called the disclosures one of the biggest leaks in U.S. military history. The New York Times and the German weekly Der Spiegel were the other news organizations to receive the documents.

The Times, which published them online Sunday, said the documents "are a daily diary of an American-led force often starved for resources and attention as it struggled against an insurgency that grew larger, better coordinated and more deadly each year" and "detail why, after the United States has spent almost $300 billion on the war in Afghanistan, the Taliban are stronger than at any time since 2001."

James Jones

The Times also said that Pakistan, which gets more than $1 billion a year in U.S. military aid to combat the insurgents, has allowed representatives of its spy agency, the ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) to meet directly with the Taliban "in secret strategy sessions to organize networks of militant groups that fight against American soldiers in Afghanistan, and even hatch plots to assassinate Afghan leaders.

In its story, the Guardian assessed the Pakistan disclosures with some skepticism: "For all their eye-popping details, the intelligence files, which are mostly collated by junior officers relying on informants and Afghan officials, fail to provide a convincing smoking gun for ISI complicity. Most of the reports are vague, filled with incongruent detail, or crudely fabricated. The same characters – famous Taliban commanders, well-known ISI officials – and scenarios repeatedly pop up. And few of the events predicted in the reports subsequently occurred."

The leak drew a sharp response from the White House.

National Security Adviser James Jones said in a statement, "The United States strongly condemns the disclosure of classified information by individuals and organizations which could put the lives of Americans and our partners at risk, and threaten our national security."

"Wikileaks made no effort to contact us about these documents – the United States government learned from news organizations that these documents would be posted," the statement said. "These irresponsible leaks will not impact our ongoing commitment to deepen our partnerships with Afghanistan and Pakistan; to defeat our common enemies; and to support the aspirations of the Afghan and Pakistani people."

Politics News, Analysis, and Opinion for the U.S. and the World
Date/Time: (to/from)
07 0330Z 1130Z FEB 07

2. Location: (grid and location name) (Assessment of the facility)
42S WB 865 640; We met in the middle of a wadi. They set up chairs for us. Likely that this was done to keep us away from their facility.

3. Attendees: (IRoA, Mullahs, Tribal Elders) (official vs local leaders)
LTC Bilal and his staff of the Frontier Corps unit, PAKMIL

4. Meeting With:
Pro 5, Pro 2, D 36

5. Meeting Objective:
Establish contact with adjacent Ally.

6. Discussion Items:
Border security, commo plan, joint patrols, IDF

7. Commitments/Agreements:
Nothing concrete; potential for future engagements, radio comms

8. Assessment:
PAKMIL not an effective disruption force; the leadership sounded to be on the right path, but it was not echoed in the actions of the unit.

9. Attachments: (photos, notes, etc)

On 7FEB07, 2-321 (ABN) FA conducted a Border Flag Meeting with an adjacent PAKMIL commander. The PAKMIL contingent met us near one of their check points in the middle of a large wadi vic. (WB865640), displaying a white flag. They had a few individuals dispersed throughout the wadi as well as some OPs on the high ground. Their compound was around a bend in the wadi, but we never saw it. There were approximately 50 PAKMIL visible throughout the wadi and surrounding high ground. They were loosely patrolling, but not in an aggressive stance at all.
Although we brought an interpreter, we soon learned he was unnecessary. The individuals we met with spoke excellent English. The leader was Lieutenant Colonel Bilal, and artilleryman, who commanded a Frontier Corps battalion. With him was a MAJ who was in charge of a standard army unit working with the Frontier Corps battalion. Together, their unit was responsible for approximately 17 km of the AF-PK border along southern Khowst province.
The colonel didnt waste any time getting to the point saying that there needs to be more communication between the two forces on either side of the border. He complained that his unit receives indirect fire from the AF side of the border while trying to conduct patrols. Bilal said that if we had better communication, this could be avoided and if we needed help, he could assist on his side with patrols. Bilal also stated that we need to have regular monthly meetings between himself and the CF commander on the AF side.
He was interested in executing a commo plan he had negotiated with COL Donahue, over a year ago. He lamented that COL Donahue had given him a phone number to contact him, but it had never been answered. His plan was to conduct regular radio checks on two different freqs, 65.40 SC PT with his HQ in Ghulam Khan (WB 959678) and 55.40 SC PT with the Check Point near the site of the meeting. They do radio checks at 0900 and 1800 Pakistan Standard Time (Z+5 hours) and want CF to conduct them as well. His units call sign is Quaids Guards. We successfully conducted a radio check with our radios on site. Colonel Bilals next request was for rechargeable batteries for the AN/PRC-77 radios that he had been provided from an unknown source years before. He had very few and was using an improvised car battery. Bilal also provided two phone numbers for Thuraya phones: 89803358 and 89851380 for us to use to contact his HQ. We gave him the battalions Thuraya phone number as well and we said we would look into more batteries and radio checks, but made no promises. He finished his points by saying that future meetings should be held at his HQ in Ghulam Khan.
He was also very interested in our array of forces and locations of Border Security Points; as he said to avoid accidental fighting. Of course we were vague and changed the subject.
We asked about their border security plan. They conduct three basic operations: patrols, checkpoints, and observation posts. Bilal and his team explained they run constant patrols along the border and successfully enforce a curfew within 3 km of the border. (Comment: This is highly unlikely. Reporting indicates that movement from PK to AF during hours of darkness has happened recently. Also, due to the terrain, it would take constant patrolling by PAKMIL and probably the use of night observation devices (which they do not have) to stop people from crossing the border in either direction at night.)

The officers readily stated how focused they were to border security and stated that a lot of blame throwing has been done recently. Bilal feels that this is unfair because the PAKMIL is doing its share. They said that the security situation has improved as a result of the agreement made last year between TB, tribal leaders, and the PAKMIL in Waziristan. When asked if he expected a violent Spring Offensive, Bilal stated that he did not believe so, because the Frontier Corps control is firm there is no organized group in Pakistan. (Comment: This comment alone shows how disconnected this particular group of leadership is from what is going on in reality. The security situation probably has improved in PK, but after the agreement, AF, particularly Khowst, has seen a 300% increase in enemy activity since the agreement.)
Wrapping up, Bilal made a final proposal. He stated his interest in organizing joint patrols along the border so that both sides will know the allies on the other side of the border.
Following the formal discussion, they set a table of finger foods and chi. We continued to talk discussing more personal histories and the two officers were very open and candid. We took a group photo (they had taken several of us already while we were sitting there) and then left the way we came.

Comments: LTC Bilal truly seemed committed to assisting with border security. He felt that his unit was doing a good job. He is likely so disconnected with the ground truth that his own soldiers could be assisting TB border crossings. He said on multiple occasions that if we on the AFG side noticed forces moving along the border to contact them and they would action. I doubt that this would do any good because PAKMIL/ISI is likely involved with the border crossing, but it may be worth trying. At least forewarning of IDF may be a good idea to gauge the response of the infiltrating unit.
Also, some reporting has indicated that PAKMIL is building a fence and mining their side of the border. We saw no such thing and that was not one of the three measures they said that they were taking to increase border security (patrols, check points, and OPs).
Future meetings should be encouraged with well thought out talking points. Either one of two things could result from further dialogue: 1) the PAKMIL could be leveraged to increase border security, or 2) or we can ascertain what elements in the PAKMIL are supporting cross border operations.

10. Follow-up/Scheduled Meet:
None scheduled.

---------- Post added at 01:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 PM ----------


Arrived back safe and sound and it turned out to be quite a memorable day, specifically for the Brigadier and the TFK crew who had not really experienced anything like this during their tour in Afghanistan. The Pakmil were very hospitable, they were on time at the border and transported the party to Chaman Fort without event. At the fort they provided light refreshment with snacks and curry lunch with music post meeting. Presentations were made to the Brigadier and the ANP Chief and was reciprocated by the Canadian contingent.

The meeting went ahead with the Pakmil echoing your sentiments, (we will need to do a rethink and get an SOP established for BFM) and I agree with you in that they should be little but often. However previous BFM''s had been rather grand affairs (almost BSSM) which is why I introduced the Working groups after the last BSSM in order to combat the obvious gaps in the programme, but I do agree and we do need to keep the ANSF interested, they were slightly perturbed at the structure of the Pakmil presence but we discussed this issue during the meeting and arrived at the same conclusion, so now we can work on that point and resolve it.

They were really keen on the communications part of the meeting, which is strange considering they have been reluctant to complete the first part of the training programme. However I spoke in depth with the Comms Officer during lunch, he did not see the requirement to train until the new radios were issued, but when I explained that it would be an ideal opportunity to firstly get to know your counterparts and to plan future SOP''s and Exercises before the radios arrived. They now fully support the idea and are willing to go ahead. I will speak to J6 here tomorrow and propose a date to meet, still feel that they will be reluctant to travel to Afghanistan. (even though this was impressed upon them during the meeting)

An interesting point was raised by the Colonel Masud during the meeting that in RC(E) CF went into Pakistan and killed a Pakmil and took 3 or 4 more soldiers hostage, this was last night apparently, we obviously could not comment but promised that we would look into it on our return.

The meeting was heading in the direction of a nice meeting without any controversial points or issues been raised. At this juncture I spoke to both parties to and informed them that this was their opportunity to be open with each other and speak freely. Indeed this would be the forum to raise these issues and to get concerns out in the open, that spurred them on and then we had a number of useful albeit diplomatic issues raised.

The meeting concluded with relationships and dialogue between the Pakistan and Afghanistan certainly much improved than at the start, this should be a good stepping stone for the future meetings. it is now imperative that we follow this up very closely with the Communication Ex as soon as possible, this will give credibility to the purpose of this flag meeting.

I will be in touch regards the Islamabad Conference tomorrow when I have had the opportunity to discuss the issue with the key players.


John Reynolds
Maj (UK)
Why would you highlight that Pasban?

Pakistan allows the Nato convoy from Port of Karachi to Afghanistan, and has suffered an immense amount because of this. 1 billion dollars is not enough to say the least.
and where these leaks come from ? these are from USA army ... does we need to talk about it any more ?

Reading in norwegain newspapir who only are telling about ISI back stabing USA etc. and Pakistan geting alot of ad. Which isnt true at all.
Why would you highlight that Pasban?

Pakistan allows the Nato convoy from Port of Karachi to Afghanistan, and has suffered an immense amount because of this. 1 billion dollars is not enough to say the least.

I didn't highlight it to demean any party. Moreover, I'm not the author of the text either. I only highlighted the most controversial or more Pakistan-tied statements which I found in the article.
if it looks like a duck

and quacks like a duck

it's obvious that it's some zionist controlled media campaign to make a peaceful, gentle dove appear like a duck.

it can't possibly be an actual duck, though. no no, that would be silly.
Why would you highlight that Pasban?

Pakistan allows the Nato convoy from Port of Karachi to Afghanistan, and has suffered an immense amount because of this. 1 billion dollars is not enough to say the least.

Do you also know that the Trucks that carry the NATO loads are Pakistani and they make money by ferrying the goods. And that these trucks pay each and every tax and toll that is levied upon them. There is an economy going on there as well. So stop cribbing over roads and their usage. Your Truckers make a living out of NATO supplies along with some corrupt officials on PAK AFGHAN border.
Do you also know that the Trucks that carry the NATO loads are Pakistani and they make money by ferrying the goods. And that these trucks pay each and every tax and toll that is levied upon them. There is an economy going on there as well. So stop cribbing over roads and their usage. Your Truckers make a living out of NATO supplies along with some corrupt officials on PAK AFGHAN border.

i guess for the same reasons indians were begging usa to get a trade link thru PAK to afghans..... :azn:
Well , this can be an opportunity to finish the purging Army from those who are still on Saudi payroll. These guys on Saudi payroll have been sabotaging the directorate for a long time and we could not get rid of them. This might be the right moment.Out of chaos comes order.
I wonder how credible the CIA reports are. We all know their WMD Intelligence reports prior to the Iraq war. I don't think they have a problem creating false reports if it suits their interests.

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