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Why would Greek civilization be considered Western and Iranian civilization

So let me understand you correctly, you claim to say 'your are racially white'?! If you do, could your care to explain, how?!Also I don't know where you came up with that notion of yours when you say a 'portion of American population & not the Neocons'?!!

Human races are socially constructed. But anthropologists usually differentiate between three human races: the Caucasian (white), Mongoloid and Negroid races. Racially speaking Iranians (and Pakistanis as well) are considered to be part of the Caucasian race. That means that if a scientists would examine the human remains (skull structure) of an Iranian and Italian, he can't make any distinction.
Human races are socially constructed. But anthropologists usually differentiate between three human races: the Caucasian (white), Mongoloid and Negroid races. Racially speaking Iranians (and Pakistanis as well) are considered to be part of the Caucasian race. That means that if a scientists would examine the human remains (skull structure) of an Iranian and Italian, he can't make any distinction.

In regards to your statement "That means that if a scientists would examine the human remains (skull structure) of an Iranian and Italian, he can't make any distinction."Are you sure about that?!

Furthermore the stuff you mentioned about the Three Racial Classification is an old theory!
Also, last time I checked, Iranians are pretty big on Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)!
In regards to your statement "That means that if a scientists would examine the human remains (skull structure) of an Iranian and Italian, he can't make any distinction."Are you sure about that?!

Furthermore the stuff you mentioned about the Three Racial Classification is an old theory!
Also, last time I checked, Iranians are pretty big on Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)!

Yes, I am sure about that. And no, rhinoplasty has nothing to do with racial characteristics. In fact, if you would have some knowledge you would know that cartilage differs from a bone. So if I would die, my nose would not remain in tact. Therefore, racial differences are measured by cranial differences and the skull structure of humans.
Human races are socially constructed. But anthropologists usually differentiate between three human races: the Caucasian (white), Mongoloid and Negroid races. Racially speaking Iranians (and Pakistanis as well) are considered to be part of the Caucasian race. That means that if a scientists would examine the human remains (skull structure) of an Iranian and Italian, he can't make any distinction.

Not true, I can easily post sources from genetic studies showing clear genetic differences between most populations.

Besides, I know what is a White person without having to refer to such studies. You do as well, despite your attempt to pretend not to.

Again, billy...I mean hilly-billy, the concept of "west" arose somewhere in freaking 17th century. Greece and Rome had no idea..not even in their wildest imaginations..of something called "western civilization". And no, history doesn't regard them as 'Western civilizations', but Meditarranean one's...See, I gave you multiple links of historians, text books, professor's lecture etc. All calling Rome and Greece as "Mediterranean" civilizations.

But Again, its useless to talk with an ignorant, poor guy with user name like "American-Millennium" :omghaha:

And well, you are toilet-skinned...or bird sh!t..whatever. "Stained" with? Dude, toilet takes p!ss, vomit, diarrhea, and sh!t too..and that actually fits quite well on white people though. As whitteys are an inferior race, and whenever they mate with other races, it is always that the traits of THOSE races become superior/visible in the offspring..and not the other way around. Whitteys are so pathetic that they get 'sun-burned' while other races are evolved to be sun resistant genetically...

Poor toilet-skins :omghaha:

Yea, you keep talking about how it's useless Achmed, yet you keep repeating yourself.

They are the center of Western Civilization Achmed, nothing more than that.
Human races are socially constructed. But anthropologists usually differentiate between three human races: the Caucasian (white), Mongoloid and Negroid races. Racially speaking Iranians (and Pakistanis as well) are considered to be part of the Caucasian race. That means that if a scientists would examine the human remains (skull structure) of an Iranian and Italian, he can't make any distinction.

So? Power lies in the mind, science, technology. Having certain physical features don't prevent people from creating advanced societies or backwater societies. Take an example. Syria has no space program. China does. Has nothing to do with having certain physical features. Einstein had dark eyes, yet is one of the greatest scientists who ever lived. Remember, a beautiful mind is of the essence. :bounce:
Yea, you keep talking about how it's useless Achmed, yet you keep repeating yourself.

They are the center of Western Civilization Achmed, nothing more than that.

lol, you are dumb.
Yes, I am sure about that. And no, rhinoplasty has nothing to do with racial characteristics. In fact, if you would have some knowledge you would know that cartilage differs from a bone. So if I would die, my nose would not remain in tact. Therefore, racial differences are measured by cranial differences and the skull structure of humans.

You apparently seem clueless on the subject being discussed, i.e. 'Craniology' ! Support your claim! Which is in regards to, a Forensic Anthropologist not unable to decipher between an Iranian & an Italian!

Also, is it not true Iranians are BIG on Rhinoplasty?! I guess, since they so wanna claim 'Aryan' i.e. Western Ancestry!

NOTE: Oh & Btw. COLOR IS NOT A DETERMINING CRITERIA! Hazara's are a light skin people but a PURE MOGOLOID Race!
So? Power lies in the mind, science, technology. Having certain physical features don't prevent people from creating advanced societies or backwater societies. Take an example. Syria has no space program. China does. Has nothing to do with having certain physical features. Einstein had dark eyes, yet is one of the greatest scientists who ever lived. Remember, a beautiful mind is of the essence. :bounce:

lol...80% of entire 'white world' doesn't have a space program as advance as India. Does it makes indians better than say Georgians?

PS, there is no backwater or advance in historical terms. For the over-whelming majority part of history, Persians created farrrrrr more advance societies than Germans. Today, Germans have more advance society than Persians. What does this prove?

Human societies constantly evolve...outperforming each other at various phases. It has nothing to do with 'genes' so to speak. Only idi*ts like American_Milinieum or @East Asia United will believe in 'genetic superiority' theory, which has been rejected and laughed at by modern science.
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lol...80% of entire 'white world' doesn't have a space program as advance as India. Does it makes indians better than say Georgians?

PS, there is no backwater or advance in historical terms. For the over-whelming majority part of history, Persians created farrrrrr more advance societies than Germans. Today, Germans have more advance society than Persians. What does this prove?

Human societies constantly evolve...outperforming each other at various phases. It has nothing to do with 'genes' so to speak. Only idi*ts like American_Milinieum or @East Asia United will believe in 'genetic superiority' theory, which has been rejected and laughed at by modern science.

I have one question. If genetic background doesn't play a role then why we still haven't seen a developed African civilization? Africa has failed and even today they are not successful.
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I have one question. If genetic background doesn't play a role then why we still haven't seen a developed African civilization? Africa has failed and even today they are not successful.

Massive resources.

Tribal nature.

Geography etc..

Africa is vast! Africans didn't have the evolutionary push to go out, fight, and get resources. Africa had great resources, land, water, animals, food, and so on.

PS, Africans did create some impressive empires in the past..but thats too long in the past.
I have one question. If genetic background doesn't play a role then why we still haven't seen a developed African civilization? Africa has failed and even today they are not successful.



This book explains why. Read it.
lol...80% of entire 'white world' doesn't have a space program as advance as India.

European Space Agency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even Brazil has one Brazilian Space Agency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for Africa, I find the Ishango bone to be quite intriguing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_YkdxdAGX8
Iranians are most certainly white people. They are the cousins of "Aryans" in Indian history that invaded Indian subcontinent, created Hinduism and caste system that attempted to separate its own people from the Australoid native people of India.

The western branch of the Indo Iranians got separated from those who moved east long before the ancient Hindu texts were written. So calling the Hinduism and caste system, a creation of Iranians is nothing short of distorting the history to a great extent.
The western branch of the Indo Iranians got separated from those who moved east long before the ancient Hindu texts were written. So calling the Hinduism and caste system, a creation of Iranians is nothing short of distorting the history to a great extent.

according to Wikipedia , Iranians separated from indo-Iranians with the invent of Zoroastrianism and decline of Mithraism.
The western branch of the Indo Iranians got separated from those who moved east long before the ancient Hindu texts were written.

That's not backed by scriptural evidence. The 8th Mandala of the Rg veda, a late part, has the closest linguistic connection to the early Iranian scriptures. Corresponding evidence exists in Iranian scriptures of late separation with Iranian mythology showing signs of connection with the late parts of the Rg veda.

(btw, ignore the poster you quoted, he is in it purely to troll)
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