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Why Whites, not Chinese, dominated the world despite inventions

If rest of the world's scientists are all so stupid like you , then yes we are smarter than all of them combined. You have no facts and no understanding . All you have is a shameless life with nothing better to do .

Leave it the guy hasn't stepped foot into a university yet has the audacity to call others stupid. An angry, frustrated firangi who steals other's identity. He doesn't realize Jesus was an arab, the bible was written in the middle east.

Maybe if you turd-eaters bothered to consult the evidence you'd realize you have accomplished nothing in the history of your country.

Read up, and then summarily dismiss! Kurgan hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If we are turd eaters, what is a firangi melchha like you? smegma eater?
Leave it the guy hasn't stepped foot into a university yet has the audacity to call others stupid. An angry, frustrated firangi who steals other's identity. He doesn't realize Jesus was an arab, the bible was written in the middle east.

If we are turd eaters, what is a firangi melchha like you? smegma eater?

he is a false flagger with no guts to post under his true flag.
how convenient. Whites taught Indians about Vedas and Hinduism. Then there was a comet strike which wiped out the Hindu whites and also all traces of Hinduism and Vedic knowledge from Europe.

Must be the conspiracy of evil hindu baniyas to take away the legacy of Vedas from whites. :lol:

Story of Vasistha Rishi and Indra...

Vasistha Risha had devoted his life to the study of Vedas... When his time came he prayed to Indra... Indra appeared...

Vasistha Muni asked for the boon that his life may be prolonged by another lifetime... Boon was granted... Study of vedas continued...... Again time came to go... Again Muni prayed ... Again boon granted by Indra.... Continued for numerous such boons

After 20 such boons, Muni asked for boon again....Indra said, come with me to the Himalayas... There he picked up a fistful of soil.... Told the Rishi... What you have studied so far is like this fist of soil....What remains is the Himalayas... Please let the cycle of life and death do its work...

At least all Aryas should start the journey by reading the vedas... and perform its rituals regularly

Mlechas can never understand a word of veda... they should be ignored with conempt
For Hindus, Vedas are the word of God...just as Quran is for Muslims

Please do not insult our religious texts....unless you want yours to be insulted too...

Stop derailing threads. No body cares about Indians. This thread is about CHINA. Is that so hard for you to understand. Also just because your religious belief dictates you to claim the contribution of every civilization as your own, is just YOUR BELIEF, and keep that to your self. This is about REAL legitimate history. Not nut job , I believe so, then it is so, history, which you pull out of your *****.. On every thread.. You have proven to be a neusence.
Story of Vasistha Rishi and Indra...

Vasistha Risha had devoted his life to the study of Vedas... When his time came he prayed to Indra... Indra appeared...

Vasistha Muni asked for the boon that his life may be prolonged by another lifetime... Boon was granted... Study of vedas continued...... Again time came to go... Again Muni prayed ... Again boon granted by Indra.... Continued for numerous such boons

After 20 such boons, Muni asked for boon again....Indra said, come with me to the Himalayas... There he picked up a fistful of soil.... Told the Rishi... What you have studied so far is like this fist of soil....What remains is the Himalayas... Please let the cycle of life and death do its work...

At least all Aryas should start the journey by reading the vedas... and perform its rituals regularly

Mlechas can never understand a word of veda... they should be ignored with conempt

Vedas require you to have a soul to comprehend their wisdom.
Indians need to be sterilized.


Stop derailing threads. No body cares about Indians. This thread is about CHINA. Is that so hard for you to understand. Also just because your religious belief dictates you to claim the contribution of every civilization as your own, is just YOUR BELIEF, and keep that to your self. This is about REAL legitimate history. Not nut job , I believe so, then it is so, history, which you pull out of your *****.. On every thread.. You have proven to be a neusence.

Lets not begin with what is written in your books.

The MAIN theory that has consensus in the scientific community.

Kurgan hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There's no point in listing the literally hundreds of thousands of studies that have already concluded that this is what happened.

Here are a few snippets Australoid:

It is indeed interesting to see how the Cro Magnons expanded in course of time and will continue expanding in the rest of Asia, ie, occupation of China and replacing the Chinese populations.


May be in the next thousands of years down the line, Chinese will be replaced by Indians and Russians.
Stop derailing threads. No body cares about Indians. This thread is about CHINA. Is that so hard for you to understand. Also just because your religious belief dictates you to claim the contribution of every civilization as your own, is just YOUR BELIEF, and keep that to your self. This is about REAL legitimate history. Not nut job , I believe so, then it is so, history, which you pull out of your *****.. On every thread.. You have proven to be a neusence.

Can you please ask your friend @whitemansburden to refrain from derailing the threads.. We are just responding to him as he thinks that white supremacy allows him the right to barge in anywhere and peddle his wares.
Can you please ask your friend @whitemansburden to refrain from derailing the threads.. We are just responding to him as he thinks that white supremacy allows him the right to barge in anywhere and peddle his wares.

Oh my God. There is something seriously wrong with you people. You people derailed the thread with your troll nut job history lessons "everything was invented in India till everyone stole it" Then you brought in your religious texts which no Non-Cow worshipping person believes in, then you brought in your inferiority complex of your skin colours, then a little dash of Pakistan's heritage because you guys don't have much to show for yourselves. Seriously, What is wrong with you people? You are all over the place in such a mess..

If anything you guys have made a laughing stock of yourselves.
Vedas require you to have a soul to comprehend their wisdom.

Yes and I find it very interesting that the description of Asuras by Bhagwan Sri Krishna ji in Bhagwad Gita is absolutely true for the white Mlechhas:

Attributes of the Asuras, which lead to bondage:

Ostentation (even in worship), arrogance, self-conceit, anger, rudeness, ignorance, bad conduct, absence of truth, inabillity to know what should be done and what is not to be done, atheistic, diminished intellect, fierce deeds, born to contribute to the destruction of the world, hypocritical, proud, arrogant, impure, deluded, insatiable, lustful, angry, always strive to accumulate vast wealth by unsavory means, beset with immense cares ending with death, elevates sensual pleasure to the highest. Non-cleanliness and non-AchAra (proper conduct as per scriptures), atheistic.

The Asuras think : This is all, I am great, I am rich noble, I did this, I got this, I am successful, powerful. They hate Krishna (the Self) who resides in their bodies and in those of others. They sink further and further.
It is indeed interesting to see how the Cro Magnons expanded in course of time and will continue expanding in the rest of Asia, ie, occupation of China and replacing the Chinese populations.


May be in the next thousands of years down the line, Chinese will be replaced by Indians and Russians.

What? hahaha~~~:yahoo:

Do you eat psychosis tablets before you sh!ting on this thread? Maybe in next thousands years, all the races on earth will be replaced by Indians, by your trash sh!t on the street.

Just a kind reminder, open your head and check out what is wrong with your brain, full of sh!t or curry?
Oh my God. There is something seriously wrong with you people. You people derailed the thread with your troll nut job history lessons "everything was invented in India till everyone stole it" Then you brought in your religious texts which no Non-Cow worshipping person believes in, then you brought in your inferiority complex of your skin colours, then a little dash of Pakistan's heritage because you guys don't have much to show for yourselves. Seriously, What is wrong with you people? You are all over the place in such a mess..

If anything you guys have made a laughing stock of yourselves.

and what is wrong with you. why do you have to spew hatred of Hindus, India, Vedas and Idols in every post.

Vedas are the oldest and the most respected literature of Mankind. if you hate them because of your hate of Hindus, you cannot change the fact.
What? hahaha~~~:yahoo:

Do you eat psychosis tablets before you sh!ting on this thread? Maybe in next thousands years, all the races on earth will be replaced by Indians, by your trash sh!t on the street.

Just a kind reminder, open your head and check out what is wrong with your brain, sh!t or curry?

Don't know about other races but Chinese will surely be replaced by Indians to an extent. Chinese population is decreasing while Indian population is increasing.

The ultimate goal in a man's life is how many clones he can create in how much time. This is how human species colonized the entire planet. Get it into your thick skull.

The MAIN theory that has consensus in the scientific community.

Kurgan hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There's no point in listing the literally hundreds of thousands of studies that have already concluded that this is what happened.

Here are a few snippets Australoid:

Do you understand the difference between theory and hypothesis?
Also , it would be really great if people could completely go through the links and check if it helps their point, before posting them.
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