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Why Western criticism of India’s Mars mission is blatant racism

The reality is 19th century belonged to british
20th to americans
and 21 to india and china

and seeing the rise of these two countries,though china is ahead but india is also one step back ,in many places india has beaten chiina,,,seeing this love hate relationship of two brothers the western nerds are burning up :flame: they r fucking afraid
us is getting india towards it so tht it can pump india to fight china we r also smart to know our intrests..

third comes pakistan the most developed muslim nation..there government is good but there army creates a mess...we dnnt want war but west want tht we shud fight.

all the three nations are great ,i respect all
all three nations know war is not solution from last 60 years we have got nothing fruitfull from enemity
and at the peak time of development war for any country among the three is drastic
Jai Hind
guys americans consider them vulnerable and at same time sardonic to..

and funny things about americans is
see this--american movies--

1-every alien attacks america
2-every villian is russian
3-america has greatest weapons like aricraft carrier which moves in air
4-america always wins
5-schools focuses less in studies and more on basketball
6-every college has sex parties
7-every supernatural being exists in america like vampires werewolfs..
8-most of american citizens are undercover cop
9-america is most peice loving country
last but not least
10-american army always wins
Eastern Russia as a Asian territory is just a classification of landmass. The land belong to Russians and Russians aren't Asians but East Europeans.

Dude, i'm not arguing if Russians in Vladivostok are European or not. The argument was if white folk governs over 4 and a half continents or not.
Go read what i was debating with one of your fellow Indians.
Bro, I'm British so of course I like it in the UK. What I was raving about was the mindset of certain British/Western people that I notice day in day out and particularly in the Western media. And that is this seeming superiority complex certain Caucasians have to quote one of my favourite shows (Generation kill), the feeling that "the white man's got to rule the world". The apparent ignorance to the fact that much of the wealth of the West was built on the backs of the "savages" ie the likes of OUR ancestors. There certainly is a feeling amongst much of the less educated people (even the educated ones) that the West/White people is/are somehow just a privileged lot who have magically found themselves with high wealth, low poverty and the like.

And then to criticise (as many do) the efforts of developing nations to better themselves is just the icing on top of the cake. As if the industrial revolution or even the space race happened during 21st levels of low poverty. The fact the West doesn't look at its own history to see how a developing nation becomes a developed nation but just expects these nations to eradicate poverty and the like overnight.

It angers me no end. I hear certain fools who have been privileged enough to be born in the West, trying to dictate to these nations how they should be allocating their resources. The worst part is the blatant hypocrisy.

It's almost the standard format now when reporting on Indian technological successes to mention poverty and recently rape. As if the West but especially that capitalist utopia that is America doesn't have poverty or sexual abuse or a myriad of other domestic issues.

As a brown guy I love the idea that my homeland (no way of getting around this, India is) and Asia as a whole, is prospering and sticking it to the West.

Possibly it is my study of history that gets me so enraged by these kind of remarks by Western commentators I really don't know but all I know is these constant jibes and attempts to belittle Asia/India get me so riled up. It is overt RACISM.

Most White people/nations DO NOT respect Brown people/nations- this is just a fact. They'll see India/Asia as that land of curry or where Bollywood is from and they'll think that's cute or whatever but they won't recognise that India is a global power or a future power.
people of every country feel superior to others, if you ask brits they will tell americans are stupid, germans are humourless and frech have weird food habits. Its quite normal that they have xyz view towards poorer countries.

besides, most in europe just want to lead a good life, not any power status. As long as US rules the world, they dont have to bother about spending on military much, nor does it give them any benefit
Now it is not necessary, since we were both the victims of the prejudice of the western hegemony.

We won't mind if India went ahead of us in the Mars probe mission.

When i saw so much racist reactions from the West on India, i am fully supporting India on this one.

First of all, thank you for the topic.

These western powers have no qualms about providing India with billions of dollars with weapon systems. But space exploration in a cost effective way? No.

This is all I'm saying. I only posted because I read a few posts degenerating all brits as some evil colonial masters with dodgy moustaches. Seriously people here are taking my posts personally, I'm only saying the average working class guy on the streets in London who barely makes enough to keep his house thinks why the hell is India getting hundreds of millions of pounds in aid while this government is cutting services to its own people. That's all I'm saying. Some Indians however take everything too personally. Calm down, it's not like that rocket is going to plant the Indian flag on Mars.

Thread necromancy.

What you say is fair enough. But the Indian government did insist that the British stop the aid. India do need to spend some on it's sciences to curb the brain drain. So many brilliant minds are over in the west. Something needs to be happening in India too. But there must also be a realist approach.

:-) apologise for the personal nature of the attacks here.
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