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Why was there never an Islamic invasion of Nepal?

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Barbarians are those without culture, language etc. Mughals for example adopted persian culture and invaded south asia, they were anything but barbarian. And hindus should be greatefull to them, they also abolished Sati.

;), we were grateful alrigt to these @cktards. :lol:

I don't remember you being this dumb illusion this is what you said,

That thinking is error filled.

There was no oil in Arabia in those times - why would the Barbarians invade desolate places like the deserts?

No barbarians invaded Arabia, Arabia is considered the peninsula that makes up KSA, Oman, and Yemen. If you think Iraq and Iran are just endless deserts than you need a geography lesson and second you need a historical lesson to understand why Indian subcontinent was invaded and what was the wealth difference between Indian subcontinent versus Nepal.

@Jaanbaz said there was nothing there so why would they invade and you say barbarians invaded Arabia when there was no oil there at the time which is false because nobody invaded Arabia and Iran plus Iraq is not Arabia either.
I don't remember you being this dumb illusion this is what you said,

No barbarians invaded Arabia, Arabia is considered the peninsula that makes up KSA, Oman, and Yemen. If you think Iraq and Iran are just endless deserts than you need a geography lesson and

So what else would you call Arabia other than a desert?

You need a lesson on what's a desert I guess...These hordes invaded the deserts of Northern Africa...."the Sahara" ring a bell? or the endless bland swathes of present day Afghanistan.

Sahara Desert - The Sahara Desert in Africa

Arabian Desert (desert, Arabian Peninsula) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

second you need a historical lesson to understand why Indian subcontinent was invaded and what was the wealth difference between Indian subcontinent versus Nepal.

There is an entirely different reason for the non conquest of Nepal - lets stick to the topic...adios.
So what else would you call Arabia other than a desert?

You need a lesson on what's a desert I guess...These hordes invaded the deserts of Northern Africa...."the Sahara" ring a bell? or the endless bland swathes of present day Afghanistan.

Sahara Desert - The Sahara Desert in Africa

Arabian Desert (desert, Arabian Peninsula) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

I know what a desert is however you don't know that historically no one invaded Arabia, as for Africa you are just bringing that up now so that is a different story. Africa was invaded because Muslims were at war with the Byzantines and Byzantines had African holdings such as Egypt, Libya, and Tunis. According to another historian (Will Durant) the rest of Africa was then taken over so as to remove the possibility of a two front war against the Byzantines, so capturing North Africa was entirely for strategic purposes not to mention it is not all deserts like you are making it out to be.
I know what a desert is however you don't know that historically no one invaded Arabia, as for Africa you are just bringing that up now so that is a different story. Africa was invaded because Muslims were at war with the Byzantines and Byzantines had African holdings such as Egypt, Libya, and Tunis. According to another historian (Will Durant) the rest of Africa was then taken over so as to remove the possibility of a two front war against the Byzantines, so capturing North Africa was entirely for strategic purposes not to mention it is not all deserts like you are making it out to be.

At least almost all of Arabia - as you claimed KSA, Oman and Yemen is called the Arabian desert - you learnt something in the bargain.

yaar I am not keen on this tu tu main main kiddish game - my starting point was Nepal was much more better than non oil, non resource, non developed regions. There is an entirely different reason for the non invasion of Nepal other than hunting for resources, and I am sure the Muslim hordes weren't hunting for resources in their conquest.
At least almost all of Arabia - as you claimed KSA, Oman and Yemen is called the Arabian desert - you learnt something in the bargain.

yaar I am not keen on this tu tu main main kiddish game - my starting point was Nepal was much more better than non oil, non resource, non developed regions. There is an entirely different reason for the non invasion of Nepal other than hunting for resources, and I am sure the Muslim hordes weren't hunting for resources in their conquest.

No they were invading for wealth, which Nepal did not have in abundance. Also you cannot bunch early Muslim expansion in with the Turkic invasions of South Asia as they had different reasons behind each that were independent of one another.
No they were invading for wealth, which Nepal did not have in abundance. Also you cannot bunch early Muslim expansion in with the Turkic invasions of South Asia as they had different reasons behind each that were independent of one another.

Lets get back to the topic.

I am not entirely sure why there was no successful Muslim invasion of Nepal - maybe the reason was the same as to why the British with their much superior army failed.

@GorkhaPride, I am sure you have figured out the reason.
Islam has spread to other places like Indonesia and Bengal peacefully but for most of South Asia isn't that how they got into contact with Islam?
The wording is fine, people will refer to it on the internet as Islamic invasion of Spain or India.

Why would there be violent conversion? Religion means peaceful way of life. I sometime don't get why there are so much violence in Abrahamic religions. Dharmic religions are not that violent. Also Allah challenged mankind to produce a Surah (Chapter) like Quranic verses otherwise he said, be ready for hellfire.

"And if you (Arab pagans, Jews, and Christians) are in doubt concerning that which We have sent down (i.e. the Qur'ân) to Our slave (Muhammad Peace be upon him ), then produce a Sûrah (chapter) of the like thereof and call your witnesses (supporters and helpers) besides Allâh, if you are truthful.
But if you do it not, and you can never do it, then fear the Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers." 1:23-24

Why did he challenge mankind? Are we in fight with him? I am Muslim but slowly turning into agnostic. I really don't want to be an agnostic but after reading so many violent verses in Quran I can't help it. I will surely ask to him in hereafter when he will raise me from grave that why he needs violence and why he needs military invasion in every corner of the world. Why? If he replied me then I have no problem if he wants to punish me for questioning him.
I think you got confused about the topic sir, here is the thread I think you intended to post in.
Only Aurangzdeb continuously tried to capture Assam and we know he was a zealot.

It started from Shah Jahan's time, both Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb only had partial success against the Ahoms for a short period of time.
Haha @Aeronaut you closed Pakistan vs india cricket match thread! ! Open it asap and close this useless thread.
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