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Why was there never an Islamic invasion of Nepal?

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What is this wall?? Are you talking about the Great wall of China??

Please tell us more about this..
He has it confused , the Quran mentions a ruler by the name of Zulqarnain though it is not clear who it is some claim it to be Cyrus etc

Who told you the Mongols never attacked India? In fact, India is the only country to have repulsed a Mongol attack. The Mongols had repeated attacked the Delhi sultanate between 1221 to 1327, and except for minor territorial gains, were largely kept out of the subcontinent.

And you don't seem to know anything about Nepal's gepgraphy. It's Terai region is flat plain and the rice bowl of the Nation, and yet even this belt was not captured by the Mughals or other Islamic kingdoms of the subcontinent.

If i am not wrong i think it was the Khilji's who repulsed them , right?
Mughal Empire didn't exist back then.but Mongol did raid against other Islamist Empires which existed around 12-13 century...and they beaten those empires...

Mongol invasions of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Yup, you are right...but why didnt they attack India....when Mongol attacked Muslim World...Baghdad etc ? (before Mughal Empire)

What is this wall?? Are you talking about the Great wall of China??

Please tell us more about this..

Nope...It was the wall that separated between Yajuj Majuj (destroyer type human tribal) and the people who live in the land that is hot....the wall made by Iskandar Zulkarnaen (a person that is told in Quran)...Alexander Agung I believe is the man since he has come to Middle East...and Jews story told that Alexander build some religious building there....So Alexander is a Jew (monoteist)

Zulkarnaen= man with two horn (English)....if you check Alexandre Empire...it really looks like two horn.

ALLAH told about Zulkarnaen because he was so famous at that time....I bet only Alexandre that really famous during prophet Muhammad time....since he has land until Egypt in the middle east.

It is trough Himalayan of course Mongol can penetrate India ....and the wall is something to cover the gap (or the way) that exist between Himalayan to go to India/Pakistan.....(but the wall will be destroyed after some times (Quran told)...so we will not see it anymore now...since Yajuj Majuj has already been around us now....)

Why dont you ask your Muslim Malaysian about the story ? ;)

I believe Yajud Majud is Mongol and Jerman tribe (white guys that eventually whipe out Roman Empire and has so many people around the world....Australia is also taken by them)

Have you heard gog Magog (Yajuj Majuj) ? This is to study
Gog and Magog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Nothing to tell. These are just wild projections and stories. Identification of Alexander with Zulqarnain is faulty in my view. The description rather fits Cyrus as observed by Maulana AbulKalam Azad.
Indo makes the claim that as per Quran Alexander was monotheistic. The history I read says that Alexander followed the Greek pantheon of Gods and also proclaimed himself as God later.. Cyrus, I suppose was a Zoroastrian (fire worshipper) by faith.
Indo makes the claim that as per Quran Alexander was monotheistic. The history I read says that Alexander followed the Greek pantheon of Gods and also proclaimed himself as God later.. Cyrus, I suppose was a Zoroastrian (fire worshipper) by faith.

He visited Middle East and has land in Egypt...and if you studied Judaism...their material....you know that it is a very strong backing.....so he convert and become Jew...after conquering Middle East...not Jew in the beginning of course....
Yup, you are right...but why didnt they attack India....when Mongol attacked Muslim World...Baghdad etc ? (before Mughal Empire)

Nope...It was the wall that separated between Yajuj Majuj (destroyer type human tribal) and the people who live in the land that is hot....the wall made by Iskandar Zulkarnaen (a person that is told in Quran)...Alexander Agung I believe is the man since he has come to Middle East...and Jews story told that Alexander build some religious building there....So Alexander is a Jew (monoteist)

Zulkarnaen= man with two horn (English)....if you check Alexandre Empire...it really looks like two horn.

ALLAH told about Zulkarnaen because he was so famous at that time....I bet only Alexandre that really famous during prophet Muhammad time....since he has land until Egypt in the middle east.

It is trough Himalayan of course Mongol can penetrate India ....and the wall is something to cover the gap (or the way) that exist between Himalayan to go to India/Pakistan.....(but the wall will be destroyed after some times (Quran told)...so we will not see it anymore now...since Yajuj Majuj has already been around us now....)

Why dont you ask your Muslim Malaysian about the story ? ;)

I believe Yajud Majud is Mongol and Jerman tribe (white guys that eventually whipe out Roman Empire and has so many people around the world....Australia is also taken by them)

Have you heard gog Magog (Yajuj Majuj) ? This is to study
Gog and Magog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you saying Alexander created the Himalaya mountain range? And it will be destroyed when yajuj majuj comes?
I'll definitely ask this question to my Malay Muslim friends, but most of them don't seem to be knowledgeable about Islamic issues..

He visited Middle East and has land in Egypt...and if you studied Judaism...their material....you know that it is a very strong backing.....so he convert and become Jew...after conquering Middle East...not Jew in the beginning of course....
I never read this version of history which says Alexander converted to Judaism. Can you give me some proofs for that.
Are you saying Alexander created the Himalaya mountain range? And it will be destroyed when yajuj majuj comes?
I'll definitely ask this question to my Malay Muslim friends, but most of them don't seem to be knowledgeable about Islamic issues..

Himalayan Mountain range is created by Alexandre...don't be so crazy :partay:.................There is a way to go trough in Himalayan.....so Alexandre just make a wall so the way trough can not be used anymore by a large army....

I never read this version of history which says Alexander converted to Judaism. Can you give me some proofs for that.

I have read a book that tells Israelite story...from their own material and perspective. Maybe, if I have time I will search the book at my home..and bring the story to you.....
Himalayan Mountain range is created by Alexandre...don't be so crazy :partay:.................There is a way to go trough in Himalayan.....so Alexandre just make a wall so the way trough can not be used anymore by a large army....
Where is that wall?

I have read a book that tells Israelite story...from their own material and perspective. Maybe, if I have time I will search the book at my home..and bring the story to you.....
Thanks. Will be grateful if you could find the source of the story about Alexanders conversion to Judaism.
Where is that wall?

I have said before...in my theory it is somewhere in Himalayan mountain....Actually Historian is also confused of why Mongol didnt attack India when it attacked Muslim world....so this theory is very logic isnt it ?

The remaining of the wall...? I dont know.....as Quran told that it will be destroyed...and Yajuj Majuj will come...and it is the sign of End World...I believe we have already been so near....(just learning from Hadist of our prophet and see today phenomenon...it is a crystal clear)

As I have said my theory...you have to share profit to me if you really make National Georaphic fund you to search the location and make a movie about this...:D
Indo makes the claim that as per Quran Alexander was monotheistic. The history I read says that Alexander followed the Greek pantheon of Gods and also proclaimed himself as God later.. Cyrus, I suppose was a Zoroastrian (fire worshipper) by faith.

Zoroastrianism was not prevalent during the time of Cyrus. His religion can not be fixed with certainty. If he is indeed Zulqarnain, then he was a monotheist.

People have romantic notions about Alexander and tend to raise his stature. But from available evidence, one could say that he was not a monotheist and thus can not be Zulqarnain as described in Quran.

I have said before...in my theory it is somewhere in Himalayan mountain....Actually Historian is also confused of why Mongol didnt attack India when it attacked Muslim world....so this theory is very logic isnt it ?

The remaining of the wall...? I dont know.....as Quran told that it will be destroyed...and Yajuj Majuj will come...and it is the sign of End World...I believe we have already been so near....(just learning from Hadist of our prophet and see today phenomenon...it is a crystal clear)

As I have said my theory...you have to share profit to me if you really make National Georaphic fund you to search the location and make a movie about this...:D

Mongols did attack South Asia, but could not make headway in face of resistance put up by Sultans of Delhi. Moreover they had easier success in Central Asia and Persia. They did not need to attack South Asia as such. History does record sacking of Lahore by Mongols, but there is evidence that it was a city West of Indus and not my home town.

In any case Alexander is reputed to have ordered building of a defensive wall, but Cyrus is also known to have ordered building of a wall to stop barbarians. Moreover, Cyrus' name is mentioned in Jewish scriptures as an emperor who liberated them from Babylonians. I could write more, but I think that you need to reconsider your opinions about Alexander.
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Zoroastrianism was not prevalent during the time of Cyrus. His religion can not be fixed with certainty. If he is indeed Zulqarnain, then he was a monotheist.

People have romantic notions about Alexander and tend to raise his stature. But from available evidence, one could say that he was not a monotheist and thus can not be Zulqarnain as described in Quran.

Mongols did attack South Asia, but could not make headway in face of resistance put up by Sultans of Delhi. Moreover they had easier success in Central Asia and Persia. They did not need to attack South Asia as such. History does record sacking of Lahore by Mongols, but there is evidence that it was a city West of Indus and not my home town.

In any case Alexander is reputed to have ordered building of a defensive wall, but Cyrus is also known to have ordered building of a wall to stop barbarians. Moreover, Cyrus' name is mentioned in Jewish scriptures as an emperor who liberated them from Babylonians. I could write more, but I think that you need to reconsider your opinions about Alexander.

1.The barbarian told in Quran is not just a barbarian that we can see every where...it is Yajuj and Majuj who will whipe out the world
Only Mongol and Jerman Tribe that suits this definition.
2. Mongol attacked South Asia after the wall broken as it has been said in Quran that it will be destroyed as well after sometimes......but India was not attacked in a time where Islam world was destroyed by Mongol.....
3. Alexandre The Great had been in India for years
4. The famous conquers of all time is Alexandre....and ALLAH told something to prophet Muhammad about a very famous person.
5. Alexandre came to Egyptian and the Middle East...where the only monoteism religion there is Jews during Alexandre time...since Alexandre is a thinking person...of course he will meet Jew and learn about Jews. And Jews history has said that Alexandre made a religious place for them.
6. India was frequently attacked by Mongol before the wall is made....but of course it will be attacked again after the wall is diminished.
7. Mongol troops is a horse driven soldiers....building a wall make their troops so difficult to penetrate
8. Middle East is not a mountain areas...why do we have to make a wall where the enemy can always make other way around to get trough....it is different with India/Pakistan vs Mongol...where Himalayan is difficult to pass....particularly if the gap between mountains is blocked by a wall.......So it must be a story telling about India...and fit with Alexandre trip to India story that telling he stayed there for years.
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To answer your question empires conqouer not out of the whim of a leader or any ideology but rather on realism. The most productive parts of South Asia were and have been those that were the chains of trade routes called the Indian Ocean trade (that introduced South and South East Asia to Arabs and thus Islam before any army) and the Silk Road, the plains that were food producers and finally the inter-linkages that allowed such a system to exist and thrive.

Nepal, firstly, does not figure into this equation well as an important target.

Secondly, the geography of the place makes it costlier to invade, thus, either the incentive should be large economically or in terms of defence. It was not the case in either direction.

Third, contrary to what we've been told again and again, South Asia is actually harder to invade from the outside the only viable corridors are from what's today KPK of Pakistan and this is the reason why South Asian Empires from antiquity onwards have tried to cease this territory to act as a buffer against incoming invasion. The route from the east is notoriously hard for armies (Burma) and finally, the corridor of what today is Nepal needn't be included as an outpost like KPK.

These are the reasons why Nepal was not invaded.
To my knowledge there hasn't been any attempts by the Mughal Empire to attack Nepal, why is this?
1.The barbarian told in Quran is not just a barbarian that we can see every where...it is Yajuj and Majuj who will whipe out the world
Only Mongol and Jerman Tribe that suits this definition.
2. Mongol attacked South Asia after the wall broken as it has been said in Quran that it will be destroyed as well after sometimes......but India was not attacked in a time where Islam world was destroyed by Mongol.....
3. Alexandre The Great had been in India for years
4. The famous conquers of all time is Alexandre....and ALLAH told something to prophet Muhammad about a very famous person.
5. Alexandre came to Egyptian and the Middle East...where the only monoteism religion there is Jews during Alexandre time...since Alexandre is a thinking person...of course he will meet Jew and learn about Jews. And Jews history has said that Alexandre made a religious place for them.

My friend you ideas seem to be very confused and full of conjecture.

1. If I assume that by 'Jerman' you mean German, then please be informed that there are no tribes in Germany.

2. Mongols had nothing to do with any wall. I can not see any relevance. About Zulqarnain's wall, there are many theories and I am not aware of any that has anything to do with South Asia as such. You are the first person I have come across who mentions it.

3. Alexander did come to India, but he faced strongest resistance of his military career in Punjab. He and his army was forced to quit this country while suffering heavy losses. He almost lost his army while traversing Baluchistan (Gadarosia?). He had little or peace here and he built nothing here. He did not get close to Himalayas except when he passed through to attack Punjab. He was just a glorified murderer, who happened to inherit Persian empire after One battle. Cyrus brought peace and built his empire from just a petty chieftanship. You should read more about him.

4. Your views are a reflection of opinions of scholars who made conjectures. There is no basis for them in scriptures.

I do not wish to discuss this any more. The topic was Nepal, and not Alexander.
Maybe for the same reason that there hasn't been an 'Islamic' invasion of India, as some could argue!
My friend you ideas seem to be very confused and full of conjecture.

1. If I assume that by 'Jerman' you mean German, then please be informed that there are no tribes in Germany.

2. Mongols had nothing to do with any wall. I can not see any relevance. About Zulqarnain's wall, there are many theories and I am not aware of any that has anything to do with South Asia as such. You are the first person I have come across who mentions it.

3. Alexander did come to India, but he faced strongest resistance of his military career in Punjab. He and his army was forced to quit this country while suffering heavy losses. He almost lost his army while traversing Baluchistan (Gadarosia?). He had little or peace here and he built nothing here. He did not get close to Himalayas except when he passed through to attack Punjab. He was just a glorified murderer, who happened to inherit Persian empire after One battle. Cyrus brought peace and built his empire from just a petty chieftanship. You should read more about him.

4. Your views are a reflection of opinions of scholars who made conjectures. There is no basis for them in scriptures.

I do not wish to discuss this any more. The topic was Nepal, and not Alexander.

1. German Tribes are various.......French is one of them...all of European now is under their hands...I believe you havent read a book about western civilization.

2. Yup...It is my own theory

3. I will read about Cyrus maybe....At war of course there are many murder...as long as not targeting civilians...it can be justifiable during that time...(if he really made a wall...so many of you are saved by this man)

4. It is of course my own theory (combining my Quran knowledge and learning about Past India Story)
1. German Tribes are various.......French is one of them...all of European now is under their hands...I believe you havent read a book about western civilization.

2. Yup...It is my own theory

3. I will read about Cyrus maybe....At war of course there are many murder...as long as not targeting civilians...it can be justifiable during that time...(if he really made a wall...so many of you are saved by this man)

4. It is of course my own theory (combining my Quran knowledge and learning about Past India Story)

I have in fact read a few books dealing with Western Europe, its civilization, its history, etc... French would be very angry at your characterization of them as Germans. Maybe you think of 'White' people as Germans. That would be very wrong of course.

You need to improve your theory with available evidence, not your own peculiar interpretations.

Alexander's army put the whole of population of Multan to death for the sin of defending themselves against invaders. I can not think of him as any one other than a murderer. Again, you should read history before you concoct theories on your own.
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