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Why they hate China

Yes, they can, they have, and they are, and more than two. These places are Australia, Canada, USA...!

So what!


Do not use the usual Communist method of deflecting.

I asked you if the UK can claim India and Pakistan to be their territories, just because they colonised the areas and ruled them!

Do not use the usual Communist method of deflecting.

I asked you if the UK can claim India and Pakistan to be their territories, just because they colonised the areas and ruled them!

That's nothing to do with communism,Tibet is a part of China,like Assam is a part of India.I think before British came in,Mughal Empire never ruled Assam.
Does that trouble you profoundly? Remember nearly 25% of the world population is Chinese.

Of course, many of your(plural) lies will be exposed a lot more easily. :yahoo:

I have no doubt there is a correlation b/w sudden publicity of Tibet and rise of Chinese memberships all over the net..
CPC rocks..

Do not use the usual Communist method of deflecting.

I asked you if the UK can claim India and Pakistan to be their territories, just because they colonised the areas and ruled them!

He didn't deflect with you said "Communist" method. I don't think you know the Communism very well but just distorted it with your unhappiness in your life, social or not. I have said that you like making it looks like you know well of a thing. But actually, you have fleet many faults of your knowledge of some basic issues. I suggest you to checking the way and accent you talk.

If deduced from your logic, I think it is so suitable for UK to claim India to be its territories. Because, if it doesn't every idian could claim he as a king and his home as a country.
Even being ruled by the present Indian gov, he and his home have the right to claim, yes?
why not? :)

So, Mr. Salim, you are gonna to claim you as a member of your own country, or be a part of UK??

Who can translate text below? "西方人民是非常愚蠢的,他们被资本主义的喉舌媒体所蒙蔽,他们就是希特勒说的劣等人,西方政府从来都想掠夺我们,只是现在他们打不过我们,只好和我们做生意赚钱,但他们的狼子野心是从来不曾改变的。几千年前,俺的老乡说以直报怨,以德报德,可惜被封建帝王改成以德报怨,到如今都被政府采用,这是曲解孔子的理论。对这些西方人,你只能修理他们,他们欠收拾。用方言说,他们就是一帮私孩子。"

He didn't deflect with you said "Communist" method. I don't think you know the Communism very well but just distorted it with your unhappiness in your life, social or not. I have said that you like making it looks like you know well of a thing. But actually, you have fleet many faults of your knowledge of some basic issues. I suggest you to checking the way and accent you talk.

If deduced from your logic, I think it is so suitable for UK to claim India to be its territories. Because, if it doesn't every idian could claim he as a king and his home as a country.
Even being ruled by the present Indian gov, he and his home have the right to claim, yes?
why not? :)

So, Mr. Salim, you are gonna to claim you as a member of your own country, or be a part of UK??


What exactly are you trying to convey.

I have not understood your English.

Do give it in point form!
What exactly are you trying to convey.

I have not understood your English.

Do give it in point form!

Salim your argument is weak.......your clutching at straws again.
Answer my question please....going of your own post that says a chinese scholar says that china has had tibet since the 17th century.....do you agree with him or not.
Do you think he is indulging in debate???

He is out here to win cheap points and drive thrill in his low life.
Salim your argument is weak.......your clutching at straws again.
Answer my question please....going of your own post that says a chinese scholar says that china has had tibet since the 17th century.....do you agree with him or not.

Request you put his words in a form that I understand, if indeed you have understood.

As far as the Chinese scholar goes, he is from Communist China and therefore, one may like to believe him. That is why the debate! One would like to know the veracity instead of time wasting intellectually deficient stuff like this which adds nothing to knowledge but high on childish tripe:

Originally Posted by Titanium View Post
Do you think he is indulging in debate???

He is out here to win cheap points and drive thrill in his low life.
Do you think he is indulging in debate???

He is out here to win cheap points and drive thrill in his low life.

Moby Dick surfaces again!

Good to know that you are by profession an agent for China and its views!

As far as the Chinese scholar goes, he is from Communist China and therefore, one may like to believe him. That is why the debate! One would like to know the veracity instead of time wasting intellectually deficient stuff like this which adds nothing to knowledge but high on childish tripe:


A simple yes or no will do.....

As a champion of "human rights and freedom" do you also support the people in kashmir in there struggle for freedom?

I wonder how long kashmir has been part of india..?

Is there a UN resoultion calling for a vote in tibet?
A simple yes or no will do.....

As a champion of "human rights and freedom" do you also support the people in kashmir in there struggle for freedom?

I wonder how long kashmir has been part of india..?

Is there a UN resoultion calling for a vote in tibet?

Indeed I am all for human rights.

What is this you talk of Freedom of Kashmir? Are they not free? What makes you feel otherwise? Because they are Moslem? Are the Mois'lem in Pakistan free? Care to tell us about the Ahmediyas or even the Shias, more so of the Northern Areas?

And it is interesting to hear the word Freedom from a votary of the Communist system i.e. China.

Pakistan has free TV and press. What does China have?

Is that your idea of freedom?

That is the mindset that encourages the military to apply the martial law now and then and indeed it works for Pakistan.

Therefore, you acting as a cheerleader for Communism is not surprising!!

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