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Why the Pakistani and Indian People so rude and disgusting?

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Feb 1, 2012
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So My question is Why the subcontinent people are so rude and have disgusting habits?The Pakistanis and Indians tend to be rude.Why we people are not cool like Americans (They way they greet strangers etc). I have observed that in our society your habits don't matter.Only your wealth matters as long as you have $$$ ( No matter how big of a jerk you are ) people will kiss your a$$ where as poor people are treated like dirt (even though they may be the nicest people in the world). I never had to suffer any of this sh!t because i belonged to a wealthy family but i was even disgusted by the behavior of my own father and other members of my family towards poor people specially servants and it's common in Pakistan (I bet it's same in India)...Why ???Why we don't treat poor with respect?
Your observation is correct , there is so much economic disparity between haves and have nots and discrimination everywhere , i guess there is no straightforward simple answer to it .

Sorry to be rude in advance.... but what merits this enlightened topic on PDF?:what:
i think your reading on this fact is wrong, people in west including USA are more rude any Pakistani people...

they just learn how to manipulate the words otherwise b/w the lines their objectives are more rude then anyone else on this planet

i hate Pakistani people who after coming to west , cant see the lines they have drawn b/w poor and rich
if you want rude people . try NYC or even London . they are equally rude if not more than us .
i think your reading on this fact is wrong, people in west including USA are more rude any Pakistani people...

they just learn how to manipulate the words otherwise b/w the lines their objectives are more rude then anyone else on this planet

i hate Pakistani people who after coming to west , cant see the lines they have drawn b/w poor and rich
I have spent time abroad.I am in Pakistan and i stand by my statement.The discrimination between rich and poor is too much here ( Even From Government). You don't see that abroad..do you ?Can you imagine someone like Raymond Davis getting away with murder in USA?Sure it happens abroad too but not on this level.Don't you know how the rich people break law without any worries but poor people even when they don't break the law are harassed by the authorities..
if you want rude people . try NYC or even London . they are equally rude if not more than us .
I've been to London and have not witnessed any discrimination there ( For the most part people only care about themselves and don't care as long as you don't infringe on their personal privacy)..I don't think a rich person would be able to avoid even traffic police ticket in London as compared to say Mumbai or Karachi ( where they would just say i belong to this popular family or i have links etc). The people serving in government just don't feel that they are working for the people.Instead they think they are elite just because they are in government.Very very bad situation IMHO.
I have spent time abroad.I am in Pakistan and i stand by my statement.The discrimination between rich and poor is too much here ( Even From Government). You don't see that abroad..do you ?Can you imagine someone like Raymond Davis getting away with murder in USA?Sure it happens abroad too but not on this level.Don't you know how the rich people break law without any worries but poor people even when they don't break the law are harassed by the authorities..

Raymond Davis was one special case, yes in Pakistan there are discrimination b/w rich and poor people, but here in london you can see this sort of things on daily basis... and on top of that if you are muslim clearly you are inviting troubles for being a terrorist...

few days Back my company (about 50 people) were flying for USA for a meeting, and security people just called out desi people for last min security checks in the name of 'Sir this is random checking, please step aside'
what i saw was they have already printed list of whom to check again...only desi people.... etc in the name of random checking people.discrimination at its best...

On streets, if you look like a rich person, have car, they will ask you questions with respect and allow you to produce any document later..
if you are a poor person they will treat you differently...
long long list of this discrimination , but with sugar coated layers... In Pakistan is not sugar coated so you can pick it easily...
I've been to London and have not witnessed any discrimination there ( For the most part people only care about themselves and don't care as long as you don't infringe on their personal privacy)..I don't think a rich person would be able to avoid even traffic police ticket in London as compared to say Mumbai or Karachi ( where they would just say i belong to this popular family or i have links etc). The people serving in government just don't feel that they are working for the people.Instead they think they are elite just because they are in government.Very very bad situation IMHO.

recently there is one MP who was made to resign as he didnt not paid his parking ticket for 9 years...
he was picked as he became MP in last year , otherwise he was getting along to avoid this ticket from last 9 years or so..

In parliament , yes they do have values but only rich people can reach that level....
Well, It's kind of related to your teachings. Usually when a poor becomes rich, he becomes arrogant as well. He starts showing his money and always harass others which are below than him, even if it's some of his friend. So, i would see it as person's own ego or thinking and won't rate it according to country. All Countries in the world has got good and bad people both and it goes simultaneously.
We are Bit high tempered Coz we have to struggle for little things in life........ we were not given all luxury of life on silver platter like US Ppl just coz u r born in that country..... Now can u imagine A janitor working for 10'000 rs/month get a loan of 30 lakh to buy a house another 10 lakh to buy a car which will be needed to replace every 4-5yr and when u lose everything you still get paid unemployement ,in our country.... not even in my dreams

Or Like Europe where u get 2 week paid vacation every yr and u have to take it compulsary...

We have reached where we are after lot of toilling in our life, like my father says "bahut papad bellne paadye "

Damn we have every right to be hot tempered but calling it rudeness is a bit going overboard
You forgot Pakistani and indian people with foreign passports (FBCD'S) They are the definition of arrogance & snobbery, especially when in their native lands. Not to mention the obsessions with foreign accents...... ;)
I am sure not every Pakistani and Indian is like what is described in post #1.
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