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Why the Indian army can’t attack Pakistan

Jana Dear
There is slight difference between our cartoons. Our cartoons yield results not just propaganda machines. it was because of these cartoons that we were able to build international pressure to accept Kasab as Pakistani national. It was because of these cartoons that we won the case on Balighar Dam. It was because of these cartoons that the so called humanitarian organizations of Pakistan were banned internationally on terrorism grounds. So our cartoons yield results actually and they do not feed there people with the twisted history like "Ashok Chakra signifies the Indian expansion plan". So it is advisable to switch on to Indian cartoon channel rather than pakistani cartoon channel because at the end of the day result matters a lot.

Coming back to the topic it was because of these people we didint fired a bullet and we won the diplomatic war against Pakistan. So what is the need for going for war when we are able to achieve our objectives without a war.

Sorry you did not win because of any skill of your cartoons but because of the intrests of those who sided with you simple as that.

In this dirty game only interests matter and there is no enemy nor any friend forever. These keep on changing.

:) And oh BTW which diplomatic war you won ?

Despite all your efforts and depsite all the world interests you still are standing on the same position viz a viz many recent developments which you were hoping to use for attacking Pakistan.

But still US is not at all in any hurry to attack Pakistan for you.

And oh as far as Kasab is concerned well did u notice there is conmplete silence over that issue as soon as Kasab confessed to all his crimes but also mentioned the involvment of Indian nationals.
India can't beat Pakistan in conventional warfare either. Pakistan employs a defensive policy, and India doesn't have the strength to break through Pakistan's defenses. During and after the Mumbai drama, Su-30s and Mirages were chased back. Remember your birds technical superiority alone cannot help you achieve "invasion" of Pakistan.

And its destruction you seek, Pakistan's vast arsenal of missiles that actually work would give you a far bloodier nose than whatever you can accomplish by air raids.

So you really should rethink that.

Ignorence is Bliss.... Wht u say for Mig -29 over Islamabad... ur national Capital.. not just ur radars but even general public had heard its sonic boom over the capital..... on some other thread.. some senior pakistani members himself confessed tht During the Kargil war ur F-16s were locked by IAF....We are not attacking pakistan ... coz India is a responsible Power..
India can't beat Pakistan in conventional warfare either. Pakistan employs a defensive policy, and India doesn't have the strength to break through Pakistan's defenses. During and after the Mumbai drama, Su-30s and Mirages were chased back. Remember your birds technical superiority alone cannot help you achieve "invasion" of Pakistan.

And its destruction you seek, Pakistan's vast arsenal of missiles that actually work would give you a far bloodier nose than whatever you can accomplish by air raids.

So you really should rethink that.

I don't understand why you underestimate Indian missile arsenal so much. Brahmos, Prithvi, Agni, even with their known deficiencies are more than capable of giving 'far bloodier nose'. With our superior naval power & aircraft carrier, we could block Karachi port for days which would result in serious economic consequences for Pakistan. This is an already tested formula, and Pakistan still does not have an answer in conventional warfare. In conventional warfare, numbers matter. And India enjoys an overwhelming superiority in that aspect as well. If you want to believe your self proclaimed theories, that is your privilege. But not that it matters. As I said, the chances of a war are zilch unless something happens out of the blue. India is too worried about her economic progress right now to attack Pakistan & break the tempo.
And its destruction you seek, Pakistan's vast arsenal of missiles that actually work would give you a far bloodier nose than whatever you can accomplish by air raids.

I'm not a military strategist but i'm pretty sure your "vast arsenal of missiles" heading towards India would ensure Mutually Assured Destruction for both countries.

India staged a fake hijacking drama.

Fake hijacking drama? Please provide a source for your unsubstantiated bs. A source that isn't run by an anti-Indian site.

During and after the Mumbai drama,

Oh i see, you're one of those who are in the habit of using the word drama. Forget everything i said above.

That in itself speaks volumes about the Indian desire to not tough it out alone against Pakistan. Its seeking partners in its fight.

On the contrary, the only thing your "assessment" speaks volume about is the level of anti-Indian brainwashing that you have been exposed to.
I'm not a military strategist but i'm pretty sure your "vast arsenal of missiles" heading towards India would ensure Mutually Assured Destruction for both countries.
Why? Now you're threatening to go nuclear? We have a nice arsenal of cruise missiles (actual cruise missiles not modified anti-ship missiles) that can do some serious damage even when used conventionally.

Fake hijacking drama? Please provide a source for your unsubstantiated bs. A source that isn't run by an anti-Indian site.
I know its much easier to forget the more embarrassing moments of India's finest, but here's some substantiated 'BS' readied according to your taste, Indian Hijacking Was False Alarm - ABC News

Oh i see, you're one of those who are in the habit of using the word drama. Forget everything i said above.
My bad, you're more used to the word nautanki?

On the contrary, the only thing your "assessment" speaks volume about is the level of anti-Indian brainwashing that you have been exposed to.
Pardon me, but there's hardly anything anti-Indian about stating that India cannot invade Pakistan, have a decisive victory, cause our Khatma, or give us a "moonh tor Jawab". You need to develop a thicker skin, and not buckle under pressure while facing the other POV.

---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 PM ----------

She is ill... require "Jadoo ki jhuppi".. daily 1 Dose.
And you've trolled here enough.
India has the advantage in numbers but Pakistan does not lack for a lot of numbers when looking at its area of operation...
An Army the size of Pakistan will do serious damage and that you can count on...

The cold start doctrine was actually proposed in wake of Pakistan's rapid deployment capability so it is not like Pakistan will be a walkover for India...
Indian Armed forces also have their deficiencies...

Mutually assured destruction capability is not actually a given in case of Indo Pak so those of you talking about it need to read about it in detail...
it implies that in a first strike scenario both countries would retain enough WMDs to take out the other one in the second strike...
At this point in time both countries are not entirely meeting this parameter so MAD is not assured.

Setting aside the nukes, India has upper hand but it will not be a one sided conflict like many others that this world has seen in the recent decades.
Even in defeat the Pakistan Military will make India bleed a lot more than you guys think and in the end both countries will effectively be thrown back to the stone age...

Both armies are professional and will never go down without a fight
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India can't beat Pakistan in conventional warfare either. Pakistan employs a defensive policy, and India doesn't have the strength to break through Pakistan's defenses. During and after the Mumbai drama, Su-30s and Mirages were chased back. Remember your birds technical superiority alone cannot help you achieve "invasion" of Pakistan.

And its destruction you seek, Pakistan's vast arsenal of missiles that actually work would give you a far bloodier nose than whatever you can accomplish by air raids.

So you really should rethink that.

Dear Mod,

Just two questions, If pak is much superior to India in conventional arms then why don't you have "No first use" policy of nukes?

How can you claim of disapproving ziad hamid pov and call mumbai terrorist attack as drama? Aren't those statements contradicting?


I respect you for posting failed DRDO tests. Can you post one failed missile test by pak??
Sorry you did not win because of any skill of your cartoons but because of the intrests of those who sided with you simple as that.

In this dirty game only interests matter and there is no enemy nor any friend forever. These keep on changing.

:) And oh BTW which diplomatic war you won ?

Despite all your efforts and depsite all the world interests you still are standing on the same position viz a viz many recent developments which you were hoping to use for attacking Pakistan.

But still US is not at all in any hurry to attack Pakistan for you.

And oh as far as Kasab is concerned well did u notice there is conmplete silence over that issue as soon as Kasab confessed to all his crimes but also mentioned the involvment of Indian nationals.

interests of others.. lol... i know even i was shocked to know that how does an indian cartoon character( former economics professor from delhi university and considered guru by none other than another pakistani genious SHAUKAT AZIZ.. the other being zaid hamid ) have the audacity to invite bigger and famous american cartoon characters to take up a joint investigation. some enthusiasts call those americans FBI. the same disney cartoons wanted to conduct an act of investigation in pakistan ..how dare they !!!! the pakistani government said they have no work permit to cme and act in some puppet show in pakistan . poor them.. and the whole script play was shared with 16 other cartoon goevrnments in the world ..each one of them, except may be israel, all at some point or the other came back to convince pakistan to atleast have a guest appearence and thus participate and help them to bring about the climax.. but pakistan was ofcourse a million dollar actor who would have none of it 'coz you now they have acted in BIGGER AND BETTER SCREENPLAYS. and yeaa the so called american cartoon character testified in the court thru video conferencing and the whole effort was supported by the so called ally in war on terror .. YOU KNOW WHO CANT BE NAMED..

helloooo we are talkin about the same diplomatic war which led to that brit cartoonist called gordon brown to comment that majority of terror attacks originate from pakistan and most of the puppet nations are telling pakistanis to DO MORE in bringing mumbai terror panners to justice.. guess what the best circus in town called INTERPOL has joined in the chorus.

how do you know US is not goinn to attack you.. dont you thin it is already doing that right now in the tribal region. ?? and you know unfortunatly these indian pygmy cartoon army sure hell know how to fight.. they really dont need to piggy back any so called non-state actors.. i know i know what you would say .. LTTE .. MUKTI BAHINI.. never said those were non state actors just over patriotic lankasn and bangladeshis .. ;) .. all i am sayin is own up just like india did .. lol.. then let the world decide .. thats fair .. isn't it.. ..

uhh, so you are tracking the mumbai terror trial after all. are you sure there haven't been any developments after his confessions in the court ????!!!!.. lolol.. search again. it isn't that the clown judge or any one in the courtroom heard something they haven't heard before .. ever heard of an idiom " lull before a storm" .
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I respect you for posting failed DRDO tests. Can you post one failed missile test by pak??

You will not find any failed test of Pak Missile for some unknown reason. I was able to find US failed Missile but not Pak.
Its poor topic.

But for those of you full of patriotic Jingoism. Just some food for Thought.

Pakistan has a fraction of India,s Resources. Be it GDP FOREX military budget, purchasing power, energy, fuel, factories, airports, nuclear power stations etc etc.

In some cases 10-1.

In war How long can Pakistan last without MASSIVE outside assistance. ???

In the long run The GAP both in Economy and thus military will get wider and bigger in india.s favour.

You can already see this GAP emerging with nuke deals. new nuke subs, SU30MKI, awacs, MRCA and soon PAK FA..

india is dealing with everyone to obtain technology and weapons ie Russia, USA Israel France UK..

Just two questions, If pak is much superior to India in conventional arms then why don't you have "No first use" policy of nukes?

And do you believe that those who have ""No first use" policy of nukes will ever act upon it in case of war ??

I dont think so so whats the use of pretending to be nicey nicey.
And do you believe that those who have ""No first use" policy of nukes will ever act upon it in case of war ??

I dont think so so whats the use of pretending to be nicey nicey.

Yes they will. Even if not, what is there to declare "No First Use". At least at the end of the war, investigation will find the culprits.
Its poor topic.

But for those of you full of patriotic Jingoism. Just some food for Thought.

Pakistan has a fraction of India,s Resources. Be it GDP FOREX military budget, purchasing power, energy, fuel, factories, airports, nuclear power stations etc etc.

In some cases 10-1.

In war How long can Pakistan last without MASSIVE outside assistance. ???

In the long run The GAP both in Economy and thus military will get wider and bigger in india.s favour.

You can already see this GAP emerging with nuke deals. new nuke subs, SU30MKI, awacs, MRCA and soon PAK FA..

india is dealing with everyone to obtain technology and weapons ie Russia, USA Israel France UK..

I do not think it is a poor topic...

India has multiple times deployed its forces to attack Pakistan but did not carry out the attack...this is not a joke...to mobilize your Army means you are posturing yourself in the most aggressive manner.

What gives that India did not go through with so much aggression?
Surely they were not playing games all the time.

I think the reason is the damage which India knows it will also take if it tries to annihilate Pakistan Army...

To eliminate Pakistan Army and still retain economic survivability is not something i see India managing...
So this topic is not something that is resulting from any notion that Indian Army is weaker than Pakistan...

It is like a conflict between two predators whereas the smaller one may be killed in the conflict the bigger one will also be ravaged gravely and will later starve to death after being crippled...

This is all in context of conventional warfare...which will be extremely bloody...

Bring in the nukes and it is the end for us all...
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