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Why So Many Terrorists Are Arabs


Can you explain this to us please:

Jews Use Teenagers' Blood for 'Purim' Pastries

Special Ingredient For Jewish Holidays is Human Blood From Non-Jewish Youth
"I chose to [speak] about the Jewish holiday of Purim, because it is connected to the month of March. This holiday has some dangerous customs that will, no doubt, horrify you, and I apologize if any reader is harmed because of this."

"During this holiday, the Jew must prepare very special pastries, the filling of which is not only costly and rare - it cannot be found at all on the local and international markets."

"Unfortunately, this filling cannot be left out, or substituted with any alternative serving the same purpose. For this holiday, the Jewish people must obtain human blood so that their clerics can prepare the holiday pastries. In other words, the practice cannot be carried out as required if human blood is not spilled!!"

"Before I go into the details, I would like to clarify that the Jews' spilling human blood to prepare pastry for their holidays is a well-established fact, historically and legally, all throughout history. This was one of the main reasons for the persecution and exile that were their lot in Europe and Asia at various times."

"This holiday [Purim] begins with a fast, on March 13, like the Jewess Esther who vowed to fast. The holiday continues on March 14; during the holiday, the Jews wear carnival-style masks and costumes and overindulge in drinking alcohol, prostitution, and adultery. This holiday has become known among Muslim historians as the "Holiday of Masks."

How the Jews Drain the Blood From Their Young Victims

"Who was Esther, and why the Jews sanctify her and act as she did, I will clarify in my article next Tuesday, 1 Allah willing. Today, I would like to tell you how human blood is spilled so it can be used for their holiday pastries. The blood is spilled in a special way. How is it done?"

"For this holiday, the victim must be a mature adolescent who is, of course, a non-Jew - that is, a Christian or a Muslim. His blood is taken and dried into granules. The cleric blends these granules into the pastry dough; they can also be saved for the next holiday. In contrast, for the Passover slaughtering, about which I intend to write one of these days, the blood of Christian and Muslim children under the age of 10 must be used, and the cleric can mix the blood [into the dough] before or after dehydration."

The Actions of the Jewish Vampires Cause Them Pleasure

"Let us now examine how the victims' blood is spilled. For this, a needle-studded barrel is used; this is a kind of barrel, about the size of the human body, with extremely sharp needles set in it on all sides. [These needles] pierce the victim's body, from the moment he is placed in the barrel."

"These needles do the job, and the victim's blood drips from him very slowly. Thus, the victim suffers dreadful torment - torment that affords the Jewish vampires great delight as they carefully monitor every detail of the blood-shedding with pleasure and love that are difficult to comprehend."

"After this barbaric display, the Jews take the spilled blood, in the bottle set in the bottom [of the needle-studded barrel], and the Jewish cleric makes his coreligionists completely happy on their holiday when he serves them the pastries in which human blood is mixed."

"There is another way to spill the blood: The victim can be slaughtered as a sheep is slaughtered, and his blood collected in a container. Or, the victim's veins can be slit in several places, letting his blood drain from his body."

"This blood is very carefully collected - as I have already noted - by the 'rabbi,' the Jewish cleric, the chef who specializes in preparing these kinds of pastries."

"The human race refuses even to look at the Jewish pastries, let alone prepare them or consume them!" 2
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because they got too much oil and America wants it all, that's why

America doesn't want or need their oil, otherwise Saudi Arabia and Kuwait would have experienced a similar invasion to that witnessed in Iraq in 2003.

America has enough oil in the Gulf of Mexico, Texas, and Alaska to fulfill its demands for decades to come.

Oil wasn't the only reason why Iraq was invaded. Israel benefited a lot from the Iraqi invasion, America benefited very little.
Why don't you mention the too first terrorist organizations in the middle east, the Zionist ones, the Stern And the Irgun in the 40's way before the Arabs started defending themselves.
Simply because that's a lie and I stick to the facts. Arab violence against Jews started in a big way - as in making news reports - with the WWI British conquest and occupation of Palestine from the Turks in 1920. The Mufti of Jerusalem had already proposed using terror to drive out the Jews in 1899 but his Turkish masters rejected it. With the British in and its colonial-minded officers keen to apply their usual divide-the-minorities-and-rule techniques (something familiar to the Pakistanis and Indians here) the Arab and Muslim notables, feeling threatened by increasing Jewish settlement and the Jews' subsequent liberation of the Arab labor class from under their thumb, seized their opportunity to engage in murderous violence. In 1921 when Churchill visited Gaza he was greeted by a crowd of 150,000 Arabs chanting, "Death to the Jews" - years before the organizations you cite existed.

just these too facts destroy -
You're not citing facts but propaganda. I've left the links out of my above response. That's because I don't want you to take my words on faith but search and confirm the answers for yourself. In doing so you'll liberate yourself from the lies instilled in you most of your life. You have a lot to unlearn.

I invite anyone to read your Jewish religious books to find out how violent they are versus the peaceful message of Islam.
I'm dealing in the reality of deeds and their context and that's enough.

How dare you talk about corruption in the Muslim world, while it is widespread and rampant from you all over the world, including the US and Europe, example of it are everyday on the news.
Even if corruption was 100 times worse in the US and Europe - a charge I do not make - how does that negate the need to address corruption in your own culture and community?

Your Arab and Muslim bad anti-sentiments can be smelled thousands of miles away
If you believe all people everywhere are equally good or bad, why not choose to live in your local prison? By your logic the people inside can't be any worse than the people outside, yes? If you believe otherwise then you must logically confess to the possibility that some groups of people are better than others and that a discussion about who-is-better-than-who is a valid topic for discussion, not necessarily a thing of blind bigotry.
Hazzy, it's not all your fault that you hate Zionists. I know that conformity is enforced at gunpoint in the Gaza Strip. Nevertheless, the internet allows you the opportunity to open up your mind and figure out who your real oppressors have been in the past and are today. I think @WebMaster is big on anonymity so you needn't fear opening up here.

So you live in America, would you be willing to leave your home and become homeless if a native American were to approach you with a gun and tell you to leave your home and return the land of his ancestors who BTW lived on that land a couple of centuries ago? Would you be willing to become homeless along with the rest of your family?
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Sarah Silverman: A Feminist Jew Drinking Childrens Blood? | endzog

We need an explanation please.

Thank you.
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Can you explain this to us please -
Another OT subject, one you're probably aware has been a sustained calumny against the Jews for centuries. However, it was not part of Arab or Muslim discourse until the 1840 Damascus Affair: anti-Jewish violence inspired by a French diplomat. By embracing this hatred Arabs became playthings in the contest between French- and German-speaking peoples and traveled the route leading to colonialism.

The large numbers of Jewish victims marked the start of the proto-Zionist movement in America - for it was becoming clear that left to their own devices, Arabs would not treat the Jews living among them with justice.
Actually it's filled with lies stem from Jews genuine hatred toward Arabs and what they call as gentiles.

This is a film made under Hitler's "Nazi" Germany.

It was the ONLY film made about jews throughout the entire "Nazi" rule from 1933-1945. Meanwhile Hollywood can't seem to end its obsession with "Nazi"s and evil blond haired, blue eyed Germans.
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So you live in America, would you be willing to leave your home and become homeless if a native American were to approach you with a gun -
I bet that's something like the story you were told of the Palestinian Arabs. However, such a story takes events out of context. Put the context back in and the Arabs of Palestine have no claim to any land their fathers and grandfathers departed from.
simple, because people doing the same things in the west are called Activists not terrorists. They get taken to jail or go free not to water-boarded in Guantanamo.

One extreme member of PETA bombed a lab that tested animals for the purpose of finding cures to various diseases. PETA put forth $45,000 towards the defense of the man. This is one particular instance, but similar scenarios have occurred time and time again.

PETA: Too Extreme?
We need an explanation please. Thank you.
Why don't you give it a shot yourself? Debunking the calumny, I mean? You can't always rely on a Jew doing the work for you: there are many more Arabs and Muslims in the world than there are Jews.
Another OT subject, one you're probably aware has been a sustained calumny against the Jews for centuries. However, it was not part of Arab or Muslim discourse until the 1840 Damascus Affair: anti-Jewish violence inspired by a French diplomat. By embracing this hatred Arabs became playthings in the contest between French- and German-speaking peoples and traveled the route leading to colonialism.

The large numbers of Jewish victims marked the start of the proto-Zionist movement in America - for it was becoming clear that left to their own devices, Arabs would not treat the Jews living among them with justice.

Please don't use your typical victim card. You occupied an another country, killed it's people and displaced others.

Please explain this and don't try to distract me:

Oprah Winfrey Show


A case of Jewish child ritual murder was described on the Oprah Winfrey show, in 1989. For years the video was banned by the ADL, but it has now resurfaced. (‘Jews Protest Sacrifice Tale on Oprah Show’ as reported in the Chicago Tribune, 5/7/89) A courageous lady called Vicky Polin was interviewed on May Day:

“The guest also said of such practices: ‘there’s other Jewish families across the country. It’s not just my family.’ Winfrey said, ‘This is the first time I have heard of any Jewish people sacrificing babies, but anyway — so you witnessed the sacrifice?’ “The woman responded: ‘Right. When I was very young, I was forced to participate in that, and I had to sacrifice an infant.’ The guest was repeatedly identified by Winfrey as being Jewish. At one point, the woman asserted that {Jewish} ritual sacrifices occurred in other Jewish families around the country and that they were known to the Police.”

“Her family, and many other Jewish families throughout the USA, routinely practiced Satanic rituals in which incest, human sacrifice and cannibalism occur. The interview on May 1, 1989 also revealed that these practices were a common occurrence since the 18th century and that they were practiced by certain Jewish cults. The Jewish woman that made these revelations was “incognito” during the interview and was identified only as “Rachel.” Today she has been identified as Vicki Polin and she now runs a center to rehabilitate Jewish children who have been sexually victimized by Jewish Satanists.”

OPRAH: …You come from generations of ritualistic abuse?

POLIN: Yes, my family has an extensive family tree, and they keep track of who’s been involved and who hasn’t been involved, and it’s gone back to like 1700.

OPRAH: And so you were ritually abused.

POLIN: Right. I was born into a family that believes in this.

OPRAH: Does everyone else think it’s a nice Jewish family? From the outside, you appear to be a nice Jewish girl?

POLIN: Definitely.

OPRAH: And you all are worshipping the devil inside the home?

POLIN: Right. There’s other Jewish families across the country. It’s not just my own family.

OPRAH: Really? And so who knows about it? Lots of people now.

POLIN: Well, I talked to a police detective in the Chicago area, and several of my friends know, and I’ve spoke publicly before, and…

OPRAH: So when you were brought up in this kind of evilness, did you just think it was normal?

RACHEL: I blocked out a lot of the memories I had because of my multiple personality disorder, but, yes. I mean, it’s like if you grow up with something, you think it’s normal. I always thought something…

OPRAH: So what kinds of things? You don’t have to give us the gory details, but what kinds of things went on in the family?

POLIN: Well, there would be rituals in which babies would be sacrificed, and you would have to, you know…

Please read more on this issue:

blood-sacrifice | eusat

Why So Many Terrorists Are Arabs

Another important element was the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. The Wahhabi preachers saw this as an assault by communist atheists (which is what Islamic conservatives considered the Soviets) on an Islamic state. The Wahhabi declared jihad against Russia. Billions of dollars, and thousands of Arabs (most of them Saudis) went off to help the Afghans fight the Russians. The Pakistanis cooperated because at about the same time the generals running Pakistan had seized on Islamic conservatism as a cure for the corruption that was making the country ungovernable. The Wahhabis and their money were welcomed and exploited.

The Americans were there as well, as the "Afghan Freedom Fighters" were popular in the United States. Meanwhile most of the money and weapons were being supplied by the Saudis. In addition to guns, the Saudis also brought in Wahhabi preachers, to set up religious schools for the millions of Afghan refugees. Pakistanis were allowed to attend these schools as well. The result was that the Pushtun tribes on both sides of the Afghan border, were radicalized with Wahabbi beliefs. At this point Saudi Arabia was also exporting billions of dollars, and thousands of Wahhabi preachers to many other Islamic countries in Asia and Africa. Some of that money went to Moslem communities in Europe and the Americas as well. But in the 1980s, Pakistan was where the Wahabbis were building a new generation of Islamic radicals. In the 1990s, Islamic radicals in the Pakistani military created the Taliban, by arming Afghan students in Wahhabi religious schools in Pakistan, providing some training and technical support, and sending the lads off to end the civil war raging in Afghanistan. The Wahhabi clerics also infected Pakistan and Afghanistan with many of their bad cultural habits and caused all sorts of misery. The Wahhabi oppose education and freedom for women as well as technical education in general. The Wahhabi tolerate technical progress they find useful but don’t encourage it. The same with many of the cultural norms that make the West prosperous while leaving the Arab world a backwater.

When the Taliban gained control of Afghanistan in the late 1990s the Pakistanis began to have second thoughts. In fact, by then the Pakistani generals and politicians had abandoned Islamic conservatism, for it had proved no solution to Pakistan’s problems. Too late. When September 11, 2001 came along American troops engineered the overthrow of the Taliban government two months later. At that point the Pakistanis found Islamic terrorism had become entrenched among their Pushtun tribes and was spreading to urban areas. After al Qaeda was chased out of Afghanistan the terrorist group declared war on the Pakistani government, for siding with the Americans. That war continues, with al Qaeda losing but not yet destroyed.

I found this part to be very interesting and quite factual. But the blame goes on the West just as equally. Had they not abandoned Afghanistan after 1989 and instead focused on post-war reconstruction of the country which they ended up doing some 12-13 years later anyway, perhaps the radicalization would have been limited or even reversed.
Why don't you give it a shot yourself? Debunking the calumny, I mean? You can't always rely on a Jew doing the work for you: there are many more Arabs and Muslims in the world than there are Jews.

I'm just looking for an answer man, why do you always try to play the victim card? You don't need to, just answer my questions.
simple, because people doing the same things in the west are called Activists not terrorists. They get taken to jail or go free not to water-boarded in Guantanamo.
True, but the number of westerners in that category is very small - in the U.S. less than one hundred, perhaps? - compared to the number of Arabs devoted to terrorism. After all, the topic isn't about who is and who isn't a terrorist but why so many are Arabs.

I'm just looking for an answer man, why do you always try to play the victim card?
I do get tired of this. You and I have sparred for years. You're not a stupid person. If you care about the truth you have the means and intelligence to find it yourself; if you don't care what impact will my answers have on you?
Arabs are really not themproblem. Only the ruling minority could be considered jehadist. The problem is in the prodigal nations where islamic extremism is THE religion.
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