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Why Quetta tragedy is not sectarian in nature?

It's a silly premise - Saudi Arabia's entire basis of hostility towards Iran is sectarian, always has been - if read the original piece the author so much as states just this, but of course read it for yourselves and judge:

Arab-persian conflict date back centuries linked to arab consequent of Persia Not a newborn issue.

Why reach for such a conclusion - back then there was no Saudi Arabia that was Wahabi - Don't take my word for it, just research what Wahabism teaches about Shi'ism and Takfir -- Once Iran enter the world stage as an Islamic Republic, the Saudi ambition of winng for itself and it's Wahabi ideology the title of leader of Islam was threatened -- It's as simple as that. What the emergence of Iran as an Islamic republic did was it has forced Wahabism to come under scrutiny, the mo money the Saudis spend, the more aware Muslims become of their ideology,. the more the opposition to them grows

what ideology fire worshipping!
Why reach for such a conclusion - back then there was no Saudi Arabia that was Wahabi - Don't take my word for it, just research what Wahabism teaches about Shi'ism and Takfir -- Once Iran enter the world stage as an Islamic Republic, the Saudi ambition of winng for itself and it's Wahabi ideology the title of leader of Islam was threatened -- It's as simple as that. What the emergence of Iran as an Islamic republic did was it has forced Wahabism to come under scrutiny, the mo money the Saudis spend, the more aware Muslims become of their ideology,. the more the opposition to them grows

But Iran can never be the leader of the Muslim world because Iran is Shia right? Aren't Shias like only 20% or something of all muslims in the world? So then why does Saudi Arabia feel threatened? They can rule 80% of the world's muslim population. Why so much bloodshed for just 20%. Couldn't there be some sort of modern day theological compromise or power sharing?

But what I do not understand is why Pakistan should bear the brunt of all this fighting or jostling for supremacy between two foreign countries. Again I must bring in the example of my own country, where we also have as many muslims as you, and probably the same proportion of sunnis, shias, ahmediyas, and all. Yet our muslims do not kill each other and largely live as a cohesive unit. At least I have never heard of shias being killed or blown up or anything. I may be wrong though.
arab and ajam............today Ajam is nuclear power,,,look at Pakistan,Turkey and Iran and compare rest of arab world....what any arab country produce yet.....accept tall building and luxury cars......
always thank god Pakistan is Hanfi state.....otherwise Paksitani people would be sitting on camels and living caves. I would say sensible Sunni Hanfi state.....look at Lej now it has change its name to Jamat Ahle Sunnah,,,,why ...because they trying to find refuge behind sunni.....
Why reach for such a conclusion - back then there was no Saudi Arabia that was Wahabi - Don't take my word for it, just research what Wahabism teaches about Shi'ism and Takfir -- Once Iran enter the world stage as an Islamic Republic, the Saudi ambition of winng for itself and it's Wahabi ideology the title of leader of Islam was threatened -- It's as simple as that. What the emergence of Iran as an Islamic republic did was it has forced Wahabism to come under scrutiny, the mo money the Saudis spend, the more aware Muslims become of their ideology,. the more the opposition to them grows

what was there before wahab?

wahab himself commits takfirism. and on grounds atleast here the common people dont know a shyt about these secterian goons but alas Punjab is nurturing sabz/lal/ safaid and so on topi/pagri walas.

one wonders why they promote secterianism of worst kind in name of religion.

i have seen number of mosques side by side for a small population and all carry different color pagars.

:argh: kambakht aik chup hota ha dosra shoro ho jata and you wake up cursing all of them at fajr
Unless Pakistan do something about the sheikh's from the middle east and kingdom's, this interference will continue.. More innocent Muslims will be killed... its time Pakistan should review its list of enemies and add a few more. We Pakistanis should accept these facts and stop supporting them for a fact that few Pakistanis work there and we get dollar's.
Recently someone said to these sheikh's
''Stop this bullshit, and fear that day when your own homes would be on fire, and there will be no turning back then'':angel:
I hope these sheikh's should wind up from Pakistan and let us fully concentrate on our good old rival,India..:azn:
Successive attacks on a particular minority, both ethnic and religious, living in Quetta raises so many disturbing questions. The fundamental questions are; is it ethnic cleansing of Hazaras, are they being targeted for belonging to a religious minority, do they pose as a threat to terrorists or a hurdle in the terrorist attacks and deserve to be eliminated so terrorists can hit at will? Incidentally, Hazaras are a peaceful community which they have demonstrated in spite of worst form of persecution. Since they do not pose a threat to even mainstream religious and social groups, their killing does not make any sense. According to available information, Hazaras are a Persian-speaking people who mainly live in central Afghanistan. They are overwhelmingly Shia Muslims and comprise the third largest ethnic group of Afghanistan, forming about 16% (according to other sources up to 22%) of the total population. More than 650,000 Hazaras live in neighboring Pakistan (mostly settled in Quetta) and an estimated one million in Iran. Literacy level among the Hazara community in Pakistan is relatively high and they have integrated well into the social dynamics of the local society. Saira Batool, a Hazara woman was one of the first female pilots in Pakistan Air Force. Other notable Hazara include Qazi Mohammad Esa, General Muhammad Musa, who served as Commander in Chief of the Pakistani Army from 1958 to 1968 and Air Marshal(r) Sharbat Ali Changezi.
The question is; then why Hazaras are being massacred? To find an answer to this question, we will have to look at the geo-political situation and the proxy war being fought in Pakistan by various powers. Before we start the analysis, let us make it very clear that Hazara massacre is not a sectarian clash as witnessed in other parts of the country; though players of sectarian games may be at the center of this unfortunate massacre.
Read more at: Why Quetta massacre is not sectarian in nature?

What ever is the case people of Hazara should be given protection and Army should take over both Quetta and Karachi

what was there before wahab?

wahab himself commits takfirism. and on grounds atleast here the common people dont know a shyt about these secterian goons but alas Punjab is nurturing sabz/lal/ safaid and so on topi/pagri walas.

one wonders why they promote secterianism of worst kind in name of religion.

i have seen number of mosques side by side for a small population and all carry different color pagars.

:argh: kambakht aik chup hota ha dosra shoro ho jata and you wake up cursing all of them at fajr

Sir stop personal attacks prove Sheikh Abdul Wahab wrong through Quran and Sunnah Sir I was barelvi came to Islam after visiting a shrine but now I call myself Salafi because so called Wahabis what ever they do most the have prove from Quran and Sunnah but when ever I ask barelvis to provide proof from these sources they have always failed
But Iran can never be the leader of the Muslim world because Iran is Shia right? Aren't Shias like only 20% or something of all muslims in the world? So then why does Saudi Arabia feel threatened? They can rule 80% of the world's muslim population. Why so much bloodshed for just 20%. Couldn't there be some sort of modern day theological compromise or power sharing?

But what I do not understand is why Pakistan should bear the brunt of all this fighting or jostling for supremacy between two foreign countries. Again I must bring in the example of my own country, where we also have as many muslims as you, and probably the same proportion of sunnis, shias, ahmediyas, and all. Yet our muslims do not kill each other and largely live as a cohesive unit. At least I have never heard of shias being killed or blown up or anything. I may be wrong though.

Yes, that's excellent - many have suggested that this struggle of who cn claim "The Truth" is not just stupid, it's entirely unnecessary - how so? Yes, this s where the heart of the threat to the Wahabi is, in the realm of ideas, see, if it is recognized as a school of law, the problem dissipates.

Now to the second point, in your country, there has not been a system collapse, whereas in Pakistan there has been - Why was the explosive growth of Madaress possible? The answer lies in the national security compulsions of the Pakistani state, recall, that after the Zia dictatorship and his Nizam e Mustafa followed by the disastrous so called "lost decade" Pakistan was even more of a economic basket case, compounded in this was the situation of the education system that was anything but uniform, English medium, Urdu medium, to which this madressah system was added - why because it was funded from abroad and allowed funds to be diverted to the national security apparatus (eating grass and all that) What these events by design and negligence created was a populace married to the utopian idealnd when utopian ideals meet reality, violence is a given
But Muse the impression amongst most of us about Pakistan is different. We always thought that you were better off than us economically till just 20 years ago. Better cars, roads, etc. Smaller population to feed. We always knew that you were enjoying American military largese often for what we had to buy from the Soviets. I am just surprised to hear that even your economy was being propped up.
But Muse I am just surprised to hear that even your economy was being propped up.

Don't take my word for any of it - check it for yourself - Pakistan economy has always done better in dictatorship than in "Democracy"
What ever is the case people of Hazara should be given protection and Army should take over both Quetta and Karachi

Sir stop personal attacks prove Sheikh Abdul Wahab wrong through Quran and Sunnah Sir I was barelvi came to Islam after visiting a shrine but now I call myself Salafi because so called Wahabis what ever they do most the have prove from Quran and Sunnah but when ever I ask barelvis to provide proof from these sources they have always failed

what personal attacks?

frankly speaking in my part of Pakistan not many people knew these divisions it was only after the goons from other parts started spreading different colors of such divisions here.

and honestly speaking despite having post-graduate degree i myself dint know what the fk is barelvi.deobandi, salafi and so on few years back.

if anyone asks me what school of thought i belong to i dont have any solid answer. all i and thousands of others know that we believe in Allah, offers 5-time prayers , have to pay zakat if we are entitled to pay , keep fast, and believe in prophethood.

what the hell there is any need for promoting this and that pagriwala and their ideology on dedicated TV channels?

oh by the way last but not the least here in KPk even amog uneducated families we in 99% cases hear a curse word for wahabis
what personal attacks?

frankly speaking in my part of Pakistan not many people knew these divisions it was only after the goons from other parts started spreading different colors of such divisions here.

and honestly speaking despite having post-graduate degree i myself dint know what the fk is barelvi.deobandi, salafi and so on few years back.

if anyone asks me what school of thought i belong to i dont have any solid answer. all i and thousands of others know that we believe in Allah, offers 5-time prayers , have to pay zakat if we are entitled to pay , keep fast, and believe in prophethood.

what the hell there is any need for promoting this and that pagriwala and their ideology on dedicated TV channels?

oh by the way last but not the least here in KPk even amog uneducated families we in 99% cases hear a curse word for wahabis

Sir prove me any point which Abdul Wahab said through Quran and Sunnah other was stop attacking him
Sir prove me any point which Abdul Wahab said through Quran and Sunnah other was stop attacking him

what the fk he said? and tell me why i need to follow what he said instead of following Quran and Sunnah
what was there before wahab?

wahab himself commits takfirism. and on grounds atleast here the common people dont know a shyt about these secterian goons but alas Punjab is nurturing sabz/lal/ safaid and so on topi/pagri walas.

one wonders why they promote secterianism of worst kind in name of religion.

i have seen number of mosques side by side for a small population and all carry different color pagars.

:argh: kambakht aik chup hota ha dosra shoro ho jata and you wake up cursing all of them at fajr

I had explaind before that the Wahabi and those who pimp it, are Enemy seeking and Enemy making - now what does this mean? what is Enemy seeking and Enemy Making? (Think takfir)

Because they have "The Truth", all others have to be by definition, selling "Non-Truth", right? And if you jave "The Truth" and it is your responsibility to propagate it, to banish Non-truth, you must...

Enemy seeking because they go around with a chip on their shoulder with "The Truth"
Enemy Making because they attack all others

Now so long as they were in Arabia, no skin off our teeth, and a curse on their house, but for the Afghan Jihad and the stupidity of Pakistani generals and jamaatis, who had no idea that this kind of money could be made and some of them honestly thought that if we can do this to the Soviet, we can take all of Central Asia - Now of course it's a different world, this ideology always needs an enemy, if it does not have an enemy, it will simply disappear, because it's a nihilistic ideology that is not constructive, exactly the opposite -- Look in Saudi they claim they are doing reforms, but if this ideology which claims it was to reform Islam now itself needs "reform", what with women in governance and such (still can't be trusted to drive or be trusted alone), what does that say about it's future - remember whenever the utopian encounters reality, violence is the outcome of such an encounter
what the fk he said? and tell me why i need to follow what he said instead of following Quran and Sunnah

I didn't ask you to follow him he told you what is written in Quran and Sunnah you are attacking him for no good reason stop attacking him and if you want to attack him prove him wrong through Quran and Sunnah which you are not doing wait a minute do you even know what he said and taught ?
http://store.dar-us-salam.com/Eng_Aqidah/007b.html Read this book you will know what he said
I didn't ask you to follow him he told you what is written in Quran and Sunnah you are attacking him for no good reason stop attacking him and if you want to attack him prove him wrong through Quran and Sunnah which you are not doing wait a minute do you even know what he said and taught ?

i am asking you what the fk he he said? post and i will reply you
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