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Why Pakistan's Mohammed Ali Jinnah Was No Nelson Mandela: Kapil Komireddi

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Majority hindu rule with hinduvta picking up pace on daily basis, a terrorist being hailed as a hero and as the potential candidate for the next ruler.Those Indian muslims who chose to be dominated are paying the price.

so what....anything other than a complete muslim rule would only be denounced as "hindutva" rule by you pakistanis......the majority of indians are hindus, hence the majority rulers are also hindus....is that so hard for you to understand....?

oh and dont blame "those indian muslims".....blame l.a.k for closing the pakistani borders to "those indian muslims" in 1951 and stranding them in india.....the fault lies equally with pakistan too....for abandoning "those indian muslims".

In place of Ismail.

lol sorry....isaac and ishmael always confuses me.....thanks...
Read your own history, India had never been a centrally ruled federation with two exceptions of Ashoka and Orangzaib which lead to further fragmentation. The word India is derived from the word Indus/Sindh and has evolved over time. The ancient name of India is Bhaarat and its inhabitants known as Bhaarti/s.

But Pakistanis acknowlege common history of the sub-continent and stories of Tipu Sultan is also part of Pakistani history. Mughal Empire united whole of India., Mughals too inspire Pakistanis.

Bharat name came from the legendary king Bharata who ruled the land from Himalayas to three seas and his kingdom was called Bharat(India), that is central to our culture.
interesting view point.....though i dont agree with junagadh, hyderabad or assam......they were always hindu majority and would have fought back.....but yeah....east punjab, west bengal would have been lost......these pinko liberals sitting in london ought be given one tight smack on their butt for even suggesting these things......

but then as i said....the real focus of the article, as far as i see, is on disparaging modi as modern day jinnah intent on dividing india....it has been couched in one whole long winded article on partition...:blah:

look no one calls u indians...you also dont call yourself one...lets collectively ignore these pinko liberals who are so far removed from reality as earth is from mars.....

This was the partition plan that Pakistan Muslim League actually wanted which Congress never let happened.

so what....anything other than a complete muslim rule would only be denounced as "hindutva" rule by you pakistanis

Exactly how anything else is denounced by my Bhaarti friends as "Sharia Rule".

The majority of indians are hindus, hence the majority rulers are also hindus

You cant claim to be a "democracy" and have 5-6% Muslim representation in the parliament out of 15% population at the same time. That just doesn't stick.

.is that so hard for you to understand....?

I am happy at seeing the present situation. Power to you.

oh and dont blame "those indian muslims".....blame l.a.k for closing the pakistani borders to "those indian muslims" in 1951 and stranding them in india.....the fault lies equally with pakistan too....for abandoning "those indian muslims".

I am literate on that matter, do carefully educate me on that by providing a credible source.


This was the partition plan that Pakistan Muslim League actually wanted which Congress never let happened.



The map was drafted in secret,without any knowledge of anyone,District by district. Such maps are just ludicrous.

KAPIL KOMIREDDI (Just so you can put a face to this retardation)

(This Messiah of untold love for Pakistani Muslims have written another article in FP namely Take Pakistan's Nukes, Please linked here > Take Pakistan's Nukes, Please - By Kapil Komireddi | Foreign Policy - Quite a read)

Another nut-case, most Indians fall under two categories when it comes to Pakistan:

1- Those who lost their Pakistani brethren in Mela of Khumb (reunification - live happily eva aftah)
2- Those who want to teach Pakistanis a lesson (destruction, occupation - Greater India unified Gao Mata which will shoot 'Da Dung' at western hemisphere completely drowning the West in 'Da Dung' and laying claim to the Oldest and Bestest civilization eva)

Analyze the rhetoric and dig deeper you soon reach the point of inception of these two great schools of retardation namely 'Why did you leave us?' and I am being serious over here. Whats this obsession? You really can't fathom that one segment of subcontinent may not want to enjoy the greatest culture eva or your company? One can understand the hope of friendly relations but why does it always end up at the same spot - death or reunification, lost brethren met again at mela of khumb? I think they will do something very nasty if it (GOD FORBID) really happens (damn, I was scared to even write this possibility) :lol:.
This was the partition plan that Pakistan Muslim League actually wanted which Congress never let happened.


oh bc.........

Exactly how anything else is denounced by my Bhaarti friends as "Sharia Rule".

no there is something called "secular" governance that apparently you people dont know and hate........

You cant claim to be a "democracy" and have 5-6% Muslim representation in the parliament out of 15% population at the same time. That just doesn't stick.

lol if you had an idea of demographics and elections you would not make such points....except in some places muslims are a distributed population and hence wont be able to decide the electoral results in proportion to their population...simple pshepology.....

I am literate on that matter, do carefully educate me on that by providing a credible source.

am on a mobile....but feel free to use google....
The map was drafted in secret,without any knowledge of anyone,District by district. Such maps are just ludicrous.

Its the fact that Jinnah wanted whole of Punjab, whole of Bengal and Assam for Pakistan and he was initially against partition of Bengal and Punjab.
no there is something called "secular" governance that apparently you people dont know and hate...

This one? India's failing secularism

lol if you had an idea of demographics and elections you would not make such points....except in some places muslims are a distributed population and hence wont be able to decide the electoral results in proportion to their population...simple pshepology....

I'll take it as an unconvincing apology.

Its the fact that Jinnah wanted whole of Punjab, whole of Bengal and Assam for Pakistan and he was initially against partition of Bengal and Punjab.

Its usually better to back up those "presumed facts".
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