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Why Pakistan Produces Jihadists

Indonesia and turkey are not created on Islamic identity. Infact Pakistan remains the only country so created. So the point he makes is technically worth discussing.

The point he and other Indians make has already been debunked partially through pointing out that there are far more Arabs, European Muslims, CAR Muslims etc. leaving their nations to fight with Al Qaeda than there are Pakistanis. So why single out Pakistan? The only connection here is FATA, the war in FATA and Afghanistan and therefore the dynamics arising out of the Afghan Jihad.

And to put another nail in the coffin of the author's argument of blaming the 'Islamic identity' :

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Taliban's presence on either side of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border is largely unwelcome, but increasingly so in Pakistan, where Gallup surveys show they have lost much of the little appeal they had. Four percent of Pakistanis in a November-December 2009 poll, conducted prior to Pakistan's current push to rout the Taliban within its borders, said the Taliban's presence in some areas of the country has a positive influence, down from 15% in June.


Gallup most recently polled Pakistanis in the particularly deadly period after the army's anti-Taliban operations in the South Waziristan tribal area started in October. Retributive militant attacks across Pakistan reportedly have claimed more than 600 Pakistanis' lives since then, which the public's increasingly negative view of the Taliban may reflect.

The Taliban lost support in every region of Pakistan. But nowhere are they more unpopular than in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP), ground zero for a full-scale military offensive against the Taliban last May. In November-December 2009, 1% of NWFP residents said the Taliban have a positive influence, down from 11% in June. The percentage saying the Taliban's influence is positive in Baluchistan, which abuts South Waziristan, dropped from 26% to 5%.


Taliban Increasingly Unpopular in Pakistan


If the identity of Pakistan was the problem, then why is the overwhelming majority opposed to terrorism?

BS and a strong anti-Pakistan bias is what the author and comments of various Indians on this thread stink of.
The government in Pakistan is only a puppet.The real boss is the ARMY AND ISI.They find good use of these young brainwashed kids to fight India as they Know they can never defeat India militarily.They hope that these kids will force India to give up Kashmir by carrying out attacks like 26/11 etc...

only 16 posts i am not shocked! typical indian media perspective! :coffee:


bosnia is made on religious grounds so is israel! so saying that pakistan's problem lies in the fact that the nation is built on religion is wrong!


WHO STARTED THE JIHADI MENTALITY? ANS:USA in 1979-1989! USA sowed the seeds which are affecting all so PAKISTAN shouldn't be blamed but USA!:wave:
This is not the place to be shut up. If you can rant in all those posts you have made till today then anyone here has one privileged, not to be shut up. You have proved my point about grass root democracy where we do not say anyone to be shut up. I can prove my point with proper references and quotes but you can not.

I want to be more blunt about this whole topic but i have seen discrimination myself in Australia when Dr. Mohd. Haniff was detained without charges and Indians were disgusted. That is why i have right to speak behalf of me and and my associates from different countries including Pakistan to talk about your nation (personal reason). There is another reason but since you have proved that you do not understand the culture of debate so I have no urgency to explain that to you.

As far as India is concerned there is nothing artificial about any single problem India is facing today but not the case with Pakistan. I would like to know your theory how India is destabilizing Pakistan and how it has effected ordinary Pakistanis to be arrested and found guilty outside Pakistan.

As far as asking support from India is concerned again this was a better option if you could have understood the meaning of logistics. Compromising sovereignty and facilitating a non believer(America) temporarily as said by Gen. Musharraf on national TV is what Pakistan is doing, why allergy with India makes you sore is the question of the day. How two same crimes have two different verdicts. How Pakistan has enacted promptly to apprehend NY bombers but has played Hippocratic politics for those concerned with terrorists acts in India makes your all assertions bias chest thumping.

Get up and put up questions/challenges to the system which is not answerable to you for sake of some thing very auspicious but using individuals as cannon fodders to prove it is . I mean ''mian ke juti miyan ke sir''.

Dude twice I have tried to write an answer to your comments but couldn't figure how to answer. The only thing I got from your point was because the doctor got picked up in Australia, due to a flaw in their law, their mistake and you were discriminated against its Pakistan responsibility. No it is not, and the sooner you get it out of your system that we owe the world for something (that we dont) the better it is, and what is up with you retards thinking that any one who dont agree with your point of view is intellectually challenged and wont understand what you are trying to say. And if you cant take the criticism then dont come here and post the macho crap that I answered to at the first place. And also what is wrong with your country, you are telling me you dont know what is wrong with it. And as far as indias role in Pakistan is concerned, why should we trust you, give me one good reason why, the cheap talk from you indians come out great on paper but is it practical. I will give you only one reason why we cant trust your country, and that is 71. What happen then you know it and i do. You want t argue about it, be my guest in wasting time cause i wont answer you on that.
And also get this into your thick skull, we Pakistanis dont owe the world damn $h!t. What ever is there that is wrong with our system we will and are working towards changing it, we dont have our head in the sand unlike you fools who cant see the systematic massacres of their own minorities.
The point he and other Indians make has already been debunked partially through pointing out that there are far more Arabs, European Muslims, CAR Muslims etc. leaving their nations to fight with Al Qaeda than there are Pakistanis. So why single out Pakistan? The only connection here is FATA, the war in FATA and Afghanistan and therefore the dynamics arising out of the Afghan Jihad.

And to put another nail in the coffin of the author's argument of blaming the 'Islamic identity' :

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Taliban's presence on either side of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border is largely unwelcome, but increasingly so in Pakistan, where Gallup surveys show they have lost much of the little appeal they had. Four percent of Pakistanis in a November-December 2009 poll, conducted prior to Pakistan's current push to rout the Taliban within its borders, said the Taliban's presence in some areas of the country has a positive influence, down from 15% in June.


Gallup most recently polled Pakistanis in the particularly deadly period after the army's anti-Taliban operations in the South Waziristan tribal area started in October. Retributive militant attacks across Pakistan reportedly have claimed more than 600 Pakistanis' lives since then, which the public's increasingly negative view of the Taliban may reflect.

The Taliban lost support in every region of Pakistan. But nowhere are they more unpopular than in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP), ground zero for a full-scale military offensive against the Taliban last May. In November-December 2009, 1% of NWFP residents said the Taliban have a positive influence, down from 11% in June. The percentage saying the Taliban's influence is positive in Baluchistan, which abuts South Waziristan, dropped from 26% to 5%.


Taliban Increasingly Unpopular in Pakistan


If the identity of Pakistan was the problem, then why is the overwhelming majority opposed to terrorism?

BS and a strong anti-Pakistan bias is what the author and comments of various Indians on this thread stink of.

This when Taliban are killing Pakistanis - muslims, hence overwhelming opposition, not to mention these talibans are actually RAW and Mossad proxies :) I can give you surveys from the same period where 42% pakistanis think LET are the good boys. This after the mumbai attacks. Only y'day articles in pakistni newspapers on how some locals at Ajmal Kasab's village think he did nothing wrong as it was against an 'infidel' country.

infidel is a religious identification.

Anti pakistan bias, may be. but those arguments are actually supported by the behaviour of some pakistanis themselves. my bias does not negate that.
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If the identity of Pakistan was the problem, then why is the overwhelming majority opposed to terrorism?
It would have been interesting to learn what the response of these people would have been had the poll been about Kashmir.

Would they have still not supported what they consider as 'freedom fighting' and we consider as 'terrorism'?

That would have been DKDPKP (dood ka dood, pani ka pani).
Like it or not but Pakistan's biggest problem is its India centric foreign policy. Its relentless pursuit of Kashmir and battling it out with a much much larger enemy has totally destroyed its own political and social structure. Its due time Pakistan's forgets about Kashmir and focuses more on its own domestic issues. India is a large enough country and a big enough economy to support the Kashmir issue but the same cannot be said about Pakistan. Its just a simple story of trying to break stone with glass. Again this is my opinion, other opinions could vary.
This when Taliban are killing Pakistanis - muslims, hence overwhelming opposision, not to mention these talibans are actually RAW and Mossad proxies :) I can give you surveys from the same period where 42% pakistanis think LET are the good boys. This after the mumbai attacks. Only y'day articles in pakistni newspapers on how some locals at Ajmal Kasab's village think he did nothing wrong as it was against an 'infidel' country.

infidel is a religious identification.

Anti pakistan bias, may be. but those arguments are actually supported by the behaviour of some pakistanis themselves. my bias does not negate that.

Just like the hindu organizations that in india think that killing of minorities is a good thing. So what do you guys have to say about that, or did you ever try to conduct a survey about what they think.

WHO STARTED THE JIHADI MENTALITY? ANS:USA in 1979-1989! USA sowed the seeds which are affecting all so PAKISTAN shouldn't be blamed but USA!:wave:
I will give you a pointer. The motto of PA is:

Iman, Taqwa, Jihad fi Sabilillah

In other words your army somehow or the other considers itself to be an Islamic army. The fuel was already there. Ignition was inevitable.

Now don't go blaming the entire world.

bosnia is made on religious grounds so is israel! so saying that pakistan's problem lies in the fact that the nation is built on religion is wrong!

Not correct. Bosnia and Herzegovina has a large Muslim population but is not built on religious grounds. Serbs make up between 37 & 38% of the population and the Croats make up about 13-14%. That would mean that together they actually outnumber muslims. The war was actually fought to prevent Bosnia and Herzegovina from being split on ethnic lines, clearly not the best example for you.

fateh made the point about Islamic identity and therefore while Israel does not fit that description, you are right about Israel being the only other country apart from Pakistan in the whole world to be created on purely religious grounds.
To produce engineers u need Engineering collages.

To produce doctors u need Medical collages.

To produce Jihadists u need Jihadi factories and terror camps .. something alreay Pakistan has in large numbers.

The whole idea of Jihad ,first against infidel Soviets and then against kuffar India and now against west has permeated into the Psyche of common Pakistani for long time .

where would u find a orator like zaid Hamid who calls for invading India to put Pakistan's flag on top of red fort of Delhi and bring Islamic rule into India ,still given air time of national televisions and has managed decent following among educated class of Pakistan ??

The unabashedly toleration its elite including liberal intellectual hesitate to whole hearted condemn mumbai attack tell about the state confusion Pakistan its find itself in when comes fighting extremism.

One day they talks about eradicating TTP menace ,next day dream of strategic depth in Afghanistan by using its cousin Afghan Taliban as proxy.

No matter how long Pakistan choose stay in denial ,the truth of matter is whole world sees extremism rule its writ in Pakistan when Jihadists like Hafiz syeed hold open rally in city of Lahore and preach hate for non Muslims, to hallucinating crowds that fancy jannat in it. .

The thing with extremes is that ,like any other powerful a negative emotion it has the quality of fire in it , its surely going to destroy ur enemies if applied correctly ,but can also end up burning u down if u hold on to it for long.
No matter how long Pakistan choose stay in denial ,the truth of matter is whole world sees extremism rule its writ in Pakistan when Jihadists like Hafiz syeed hold open rally in city of Lahore and preach hate for non Muslims, to hallucinating crowds that fancy jannat in it. .

Not true at all, in fact a figment of Indian imagination. It's only Indians who think like that. I am on several other western and global forums and very few people point out Pakistan like the way you're claiming. Most of the times its Indians trying to convince the westerners about what you're saying.
Not true at all, in fact a figment of Indian imagination. It's only Indians who think like that. I am on several other western and global forums and very few people point out Pakistan like the way you're claiming. Most of the times its Indians trying to convince the westerners about what you're saying.

from ur point of view what western countries think about pakistan??
from ur point of view what western countries think about pakistan??

Just like they do about most other muslim countries in South Asia and Middle East. It's not that I am saying they think of Pakistan highly but neither do they pinpoint Pakistan the way he's saying they do.
Just like they do about most other muslim countries in South Asia and Middle East. It's not that I am saying they think of Pakistan highly but neither do they pinpoint Pakistan the way he's saying they do.

dude normal people always believe in local news channels
so if they always telecast about drone attacks in pakistans border area
to kill militants wht they feel about pakistan...

and its a hard core reallity
I have noticed one thing, liberal american wesbite such as Huffingtonpost did not mention religion or country of origin in their headlines where as other neocon and of course indian website are all out on it. It is very commendable of someone to be fair and balanced especilly considering the sensitiviy of the topic.

This is a simple ploy to use one person to malign everyone, as far as I can see some Indians are having a field day with this. That is fine, go ahead and have your fun but do not complain when the same happens to you.

Also regarding the origin of the terrorist, one look at the amount of people from all Muslim countries currently residing in Afghanistan and FATA will shock most people.

They were there in the 80's and returned in the 00's. Its time to do a jihad on them.

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