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Why Pakistan Produces Jihadists

just the fact that he is giving the order is disturbing enough, dont you think????

theres been enough hindu terrorism. Look no farther than the Gujrat genocide and the train bombs

Lots of differences between riots and planned acts of terrorism.. And in such cases size and frequency matter. You are fond of mentioning train bombs (Samjhauta express) and a couple of other being attributed to Abhinav Bharat.. Is it even comparable to what these TTP and other idiots are letting lose in Pakistan. Thats like comparing a tri cycle with a jet plane
Dhume is once more shown as having no idea what he is talking about given that the Pakistani State has been carrying out 'increased action against militant infrastructure and ideology' (the former more so) for over a year now.

What is not being done is more due to resource and operational constraints, and the, as always, ineptitude of the politicians in devising and implementing appropriate policies on the civilian side to address the issue.

Pakistan's 'Islamic identity and DNA' do not have anything to do with it.

I thinkwhats really not being done is that Pakistan is not letting go of the insurgency option against India and that is not allowing it to go whole hog after the extremists in Pakistan. Very difficult to go after the dad when you are sleeping with the daughter...

Once Pakistan gives that option up, the ball game changes.. Suddenly the effort and resources being utilize to counter Indian armed forces on Eastern border are no longer required in that much quantity. Imagine what another 100,000 troops can do on your western border. The time to crush the vermin can be reduced exponentially..
Whether or not a lack of knowledge/information absolves them from a legal perspective is not something I am getting into, but they are absolved from moral perspective -
That's part of the problem. Yet a Muslim who doesn't believe in G-d commenting on moral issues - are you sure many of your countrymen think the same?

an overwhelming majority of Pakistanis indicating in poll after poll that they oppose terrorism and attacks on civilians.
Do they consider violence by "stateless" actors against Indians to be terrorism, too?

And the problem with banning the LeT/JuD is that there was no trial, and the governments responsible during this time, Musharraf and the PPP, both had reputations of being 'US lackeys', which made their decisions and declarations (in banning the LeT and JuD) suspect -
So maybe it's time to air the dirty laundry. A truth and reconciliation commission, like the South Africans had.

if you paid attention you would realize that the PA's decision to escalate against the Taliban coincided with the shift in public opinion against the Taliban...
You did think it was brilliant to let the Talibs take over Swat and demonstrate how terrible they are. I thought it was pretty heartless.

the JuD at least has called for a fair trial in an international court to validate their designation as a 'terrorist organization' -
Interesting. How would that work? A trial by law or by popularity?

what I am trying to point out is that the argument that Pakistan is responsible for radicalizing everyone, including many attacking the West...is incorrect, as is the argument that it is somehow Pakistan's 'identity and DNA' that is responsible.
I see these as different issues, so I don't see how one being incorrect automatically invalidates the other.[/QUOTE]
Answer to this Question is very simple.

It lies in another question - that is

Why India is producing Maoists ?

Where there is Injustice - such groups do emerge naturally.

You can't compare Maoists with the terrorists. Maoist’s agenda is totally different from those terrorist's. They are not killing innocent people in public.They don't bomb cities, hijack planes or kill women & children.

Before asking question "why India produce Maoist", you should better know who are Maoists & from where Maoism is originated.

If your answer to the question why India is producing Maoists? Is

Where there is Injustice - such groups do emerge naturally

I am afraid you are indirectly insulting one of your close friend...........
Hafiz Saeed talks about liberating Kashmir; in certain ''forums'' he talked about also liberating Hyderabad deccan and all Punjab.

I believe he loves Pakistan, but he also makes us look silly by some of his irresponsible statements.

to the standard indian -- he may come across as irksome as he has good relations with leaders in indian-occupied Kashmir. He is a proponent for an end to indian occupation of Kashmir. Makes indian get jittery.

the courts ruled that he is not a threat, and indians even to this day have failed (quite miserably) to produce any evidence against him that would be damning enough for him to be convicted. A Yamaha engine and a few aerosol cans of ''PAK'' shaving cream would not suffice to get him locked up.

keep dreaming though ;)

I think some of you guys dont get it .. Situation in Kashmir does not make us jittery..

I think Kashmir (and afg) is the biggest reason why the economic gap between Pakistan and India is widened so much. Most of Pakistan's govts (except may be Musharrf) have been so busy catering to the Kashmir card, that they screwed Pakistan's long term Economic capability to hell..

By design or by chance, India just played a holding game there and Pakistan expended a whole lot of energy to counter that hold. The low cost strategy of insurgency (after its success in Afghanistan) was a lucrative option for Pakistan but it failed to appreciate the differences between the Afg and Kashmir situation. Its only in the minds of Pakistanis that J&K is an occupied territory. And that misconception led to the stragey's failure culminating in Kargil...
But they do try, just dont get enough liberty and lack the requisite 'courage'.

And I thank god for that.. Thats the difference between a suicidal terrorist and a man simply angry (at times misguided) at those terrorists for blowing up someone he knew...
And I thank god for that.. Thats the difference between a suicidal terrorist and a man simply angry (at times misguided) at those terrorists for blowing up someone he knew...

So you agree that india do have (similar) problems.

What i like the most here is that someone picking up arms against aggression and occupation (like in kashmir) is termed a terrorist, but another who influence 200 plus districts of a secular country becomes some angry man.

Are people here actually so naive?
So you agree that india do have (similar) problems.


Which part of my post made you think that i agree with you?

Just pointing out the difference between some one talking about doing it vs some one actually going and doing the same

Ask a virgin the difference between almost doing it and doing it.. ;)
What i like the most here is that someone picking up arms against aggression and occupation (like in kashmir) is termed a terrorist -
As Abu Z pointed out, Pakistani minds are pretty much closed when it comes to Kashmir; facts don't matter. I don't think Kashmir can move towards a settlement until Pakistanis accepts it is a matter of debate and discussion. (Not that Indians are much more flexible here, as really the onus should be on them, rather than Pakistani misconduct.)

...but another who influence 200 plus districts of a secular country becomes some angry man.
¿No Comprende?
This is the best exapmle of troll...I just saw you starting a thread starting with the same link and you posted the same thing here.
well, nothing new I am seeing...please post something to topic.:disagree:

Not quite simple as that since i only posted the piece relevant to this thread with a link.
What i like the most here is that someone picking up arms against aggression and occupation (like in kashmir) is termed a terrorist, but another who influence 200 plus districts of a secular country becomes some angry man.

Are people here actually so naive?

Dude.. You cant prosecute someone for speaking out. That way 80% of people on this forum are terrorists..

Its the result that matters.. Cant compare a tri cycle and a fighter jet..
same comparison is between the results of homegrown terrorism in India and Paksitan...
A long winded Indian response to my deductions which is so proved by the post above.
The article was talking about a solution to the Jihadists problem in pakistan and I have said "that I am sure the problem will be solved". Are you talking about this "WINDED INDIAN RESPONSE"...if so I appericate that..

How come that when Italians came to America some of them got involved in mafia actibvities but that did not mean all italians are Mafia.

Is Maifa = Islamic Terrorism ? just for your knowledge, many mafia movies produced @ that time were based on Italians including the famed "God father".

And when Irish some irish started to suport IRA it was not that all irish were suporter of IRA.

Is IRA or Islamic Jihadists a threat to pakistan/world?

so my friend what Indians are trying to pin on Pakistan by their clever posts such as above, will not in any way paint all Pakistanis what Indians wish.

world is much wiser and smarter than to fall for such crude massages thrown by Indians.

Friend, Can you show me where I have tried to PAINT all pakistanis? I am just posting a solution to the problem that too given by a pakistani news paper. Is that so called PAINTING?, if so I will do that PAINTING FOR EVER. Which WISER WORLD ARE YOU LIVING? just check your news papers..
Is Maifa = Islamic Terrorism ? just for your knowledge, many mafia movies produced @ that time were based on Italians including the famed "God father".

the politically correct term is ''Islamist terrorism''

you wouldnt care or be bothered though

(of course) :rolleyes:

Is IRA or Islamic Jihadists a threat to pakistan/world?

the Italian, Russian mafia; and the IRA were having actual supporters in the U.S.

Eastern European Jews settling in places like NYC who were anti-communist were giving support to help fund the anti-communist movement (ironically, it was many of these people who were being witch-hunted during the Senator McCarthy days)

do you hear about Muslims in America actively supporting fanatic/fundamentalist groups? 99.999% of them are just any other person, who report to work before going home to family.

the biggest threat to the world is poverty and lack of development. you being indian, you should know how bad are the effects of poverty and underdevelopment. Look what the naxals are doing to your country.

any religiously motivated violence is wrong; and counter-intuitive really.

But dont exaggerate the extent to how ''global'' any of these groups are. You are basing your post on very isolated cases.

Friend, Can you show me where I have tried to PAINT all pakistanis?

if you want to post on this forum, you will capitalize the 'P' in Pakistan

and i am getting tired of warning you indians about this.

if so I will do that PAINTING FOR EVER. Which WISER WORLD ARE YOU LIVING? just check your news papers..

actually, i would advise you to do that first before talking or posting

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