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Why no action yet against source of dawn leaks?

Regd dawn case... I think Army for now, should arrest federal minister and bureaucrats involved..

Not doable. You need the report first from govt to do that. Taking action without investigation report will be a dangerous move. BTW, investigation report is ready to be submitted to PA with some scapegoats identified. PA needs the "real culprits" not just the bureaucrats or ministers.

leave PMs daughter...ofcourse u cant arrest PM or his daughter..

But then what's the benefit of arresting scapegoats? PM and his daughter are the main culprits who want to play innocent after arrests of useless people. They want to take full benefit of the situation.

make Gen Asim Bajwa do a press conference, tht with mutual consultation with govt

Government is ready, PA is not ready as the main culprits will be there in open. There will be no inquiry report from government as it wants Army to take action on its own so that they become political martyrs and become immortals. You know political martyrs never die.

What other options, other than SC can be available? What do u think?

1 - IK dharna tehreek, with IK not knowing how the NS has been hit. Participation of more and more parties in Dharna that are considered establishment parties, such as TUQ or JI. If they really join IK, their workers will really freeze the city of Islamabad. We know about TUQ's supporters, JI supporters are 10x when compared to TUQ's.
2 - Disclosure of Justice Baqir Report by Namaloom Afrad (this option is less effective against NS. This is reserved for SS for any future misadventure by him).
3 - Sudden activity from independent institutions such as from NAB and FBR.
4 - Sudden change in electronic and print media's tone (some people who support PMLN start opposing it).
5 - Surfacing of scandals one after another.
6 - Appearance of another group from within PMLN.
Not doable. You need the report first from govt to do that. Taking action without investigation report will be a dangerous move. BTW, investigation report is ready to be submitted to PA with some scapegoats identified. PA needs the "real culprits" not just the bureaucrats or ministers.

But then what's the benefit of arresting scapegoats? PM and his daughter are the main culprits who want to play innocent after arrests of useless people. They want to take full benefit of the situation.

Government is ready, PA is not ready as the main culprits will be there in open. There will be no inquiry report from government as it wants Army to take action on its own so that they become political martyrs and become immortals. You know political martyrs never die.

1 - IK dharna tehreek, with IK not knowing how the NS has been hit. Participation of more and more parties in Dharna that are considered establishment parties, such as TUQ or JI. If they really join IK, their workers will really freeze the city of Islamabad. We know about TUQ's supporters, JI supporters are 10x when compared to TUQ's.
2 - Disclosure of Justice Baqir Report by Namaloom Afrad (this option is less effective against NS. This is reserved for SS for any future misadventure by him).
3 - Sudden activity from independent institutions such as from NAB and FBR.
4 - Sudden change in electronic and print media's tone (some people who support PMLN start opposing it).
5 - Surfacing of scandals one after another.
6 - Appearance of another group from within PMLN.

Wait... While waiting for the "real culprits" like the PM and his daughter....what, if nothing is done at all..in the end? If the other insituitions dont play..as army thought? This is what i am afraid of...tht while rejecting scapegoats..as u say..in the end nothing is done..like memo gate...thts why i want atleast some symbolic punishment...

NAB, FBR...all are too unreliable to pin hopes on....... PML N has its own people entrenched in the top of all these instituitions.... Last yr, also, NAB was activated....and there were rumors...tht Army had worked behind the scenes for it to get activated...and Gen Raheel Sharif ahd also given public statements too, on nexus between corruption and terrorism......then one arrest of Asim Hussain, and Ayan Ali, and all hell broke lose..all parties ganged up...and look now... No one after them has been arrested... Judiciary hasnt concluded their cases...dates after dates....and now tht operation against corruption and terrorism has been stalled...so these parties can effectively stop their activity...

So..i am afraid...army while waiting for real culprits..will not be able to get even symbolic punishment for anyone...and every one will be free...like previous times...

Do u really think tht Nawaz can be ousted and punished through judiciary..or through any other means? And tht too before 2018?
Do u really think tht Nawaz can be ousted and punished through judiciary..or through any other means? And tht too before 2018?

Possibility of exit from Pakistani politics: Extremely likely. Possibility of appropriate punishment: Very unlikely.

When the arms are twisted, institutions start doing what they are supposed to do.
Possibility of exit from Pakistani politics: Extremely likely. Possibility of appropriate punishment: Very unlikely.

When the arms are twisted, institutions start doing what they are supposed to do.

Exit can only happen through judiciary..if they are convicted through courts....so why no punishment, then?

Lets assume, if he is disqualified....through SC...then wont army be able to arrest him, and his daughter, once they are out of power, in this dawn case, esp when all proofs are already available? Dnt u think..its possible then? Or even then..not?
Action against Dawn? For what? Blasphemy of the incompetent DG ISI who has failed at his job.
Action against Dawn? For what? Blasphemy of the incompetent DG ISI who has failed at his job.
for telling lies about state insitutions...for spreading lies of pakistan--it is the so called politicians who are sponsoring terrorists remember the kidnap of CJ of sindh...he was trasnported out of kci in a"rented" [!] polkice van and kept in a wadera [brother of sitting MPA/minister in sindh] home in rural area.....
I'd rather have it delayed and have the real culprits arrested than a scapegoat in a rush. NS and his part are being squeezed from multiple sides, it is all coming together inshaAllah.
mukmuka ??
i don't think so, the military knows who fed this story to Cyril Almieda as this meeting took place in PM house & i think they want gov. to announce who is involved in this matter so that military can take further action. If military directly arrest the person behind the story thn PMLN will start another propaganda against military presenting themselves as political martyrs. Sooner or later the culprit will be exposed !!
mukmuka ??
i don't think so, the military knows who fed this story to Cyril Almieda as this meeting took place in PM house & i think they want gov. to announce who is involved in this matter so that military can take further action. If military directly arrest the person behind the story thn PMLN will start another propaganda against military presenting themselves as political martyrs. Sooner or later the culprit will be exposed !!

@bold... how govt will announce tht PM and his daughter are involved in this scandal???
@PakSword @Verve

Didn't I say...tht everything will be forgotten in few days..and it will be business as usual...? I said na...tht army has conveniently forgotten national security breach..
You guys were saying tht army..doesn't want scapegoats.in the form of ministers and bureaucrats...rather they want to go after PM Nawaz, and they want him to be ousted through SC and other means..
But now...the bigger joke is tht...the same army..who called those feeds.."national security breach"..and they know its the PM and his daughter are responsible...the same Army chief...is sitting in a joint meeting, along with DG ISI, and DG MI under the same Prime Minister(who acc to army is a national security threat..since hed fed tht dawn news) and discussing sensitive security issues..again...
And again..if theres another serious conflict with India..the same army chief will again be briefing the same PM, in NSC meeting, &talking sensitive security issues, who was responsible for feeding of the news, which was breach of national security, according to army, till few days ago.. yes...this joke, Pak has become now.. we can conveniently forget national security breaches, as and when we desire
Army Chief could have also, conducted his own meeting with senior army commanders, in Corps Head Quarters, Quetta..to discuss security issues. and left... he was there, since morning in Quetta....... PM arrived much late... but no...he waited for PM to come, and then sit in a joint meeting with PM, and discuss security issues...
Thts the problem, I have with army right now..behaving tht nothing happened at all..and some alien said abt national security breach and giving the impression...tht everything is normal, and its business as usual.. they don't even want to give a symbolic message to prime minister...tht we don't consider it safe, from now on to discuss sensitive matters with you..... but they are telling the PM through these gestures, tht everything is fine..and its just another day..after national security breach
Neither there will any scapegoats be punished, nor action will be possible through judiciary against PM..as some of you were hoping... Mark my words
@bold... how govt will announce tht PM and his daughter are involved in this scandal???
exactly, to find it out we have to wait more,
in my opinion PM will sacrifice one or two ministers to save his daughter but that's just my opinion !!
let's hope the attempts to sweep this case under the rug like memo-gate won't be successful.
Lets assume, if he is disqualified....through SC...then wont army be able to arrest him, and his daughter, once they are out of power, in this dawn case, esp when all proofs are already available? Dnt u think..its possible then? Or even then..not?

It is possible to punish through courts on breach of security case. However this punishment will ultimately benefit Nawaz who will say that he is targeted for raising issue of Pakistan Army's support of terrorists. Nawaz and his cunning daughter, even if disqualified, will bring NS grand children to rule on Pakistan for at least 2-3 decades. Same was the case with ZAB, who died but left the menace of his children and grandchildren who are still getting considerable votes in his name.

That's why direct action is not recommended in this case unless government comes with the names of ALL the culprits, which is not likely at all.

PA should take an alternate route to disqualify Nawaz and that's what they are doing. Allah (swt) knows the future but I feel something big is in plate for NS and his family that will not even raise questions on Army's role. PA will in shaa Allah come clean on this issue.

It could be only one from SC, NAB, FBR, EC or some weird happenings in IK's Dharna that will lead to the demise of the King and his family forever.
exactly, to find it out we have to wait more,
in my opinion PM will sacrifice one or two ministers to save his daughter but that's just my opinion !!
let's hope the attempts to sweep this case under the rug like memo-gate won't be successful.

:) The investigation is complete. All the names have been found out. And yes you are right these ministers were being made scapegoats but one of the men who was fed and forced to leak the information refused to become a scapegoat and he revealed everything.

Lets hope it would be made public
But now...the bigger joke is tht...the same army..who called those feeds.."national security breach"..and they know its the PM and his daughter are responsible...the same Army chief...is sitting in a joint meeting, along with DG ISI, and DG MI under the same Prime Minister(who acc to army is a national security threat..since hed fed tht dawn news) and discussing sensitive security issues..again...

What else PA can do? If the head of the state is working for enemies, there are very limited options left. One option is Martial Law that we can't afford due to internal and external pressure and financial implications. Other option is to wait and hit when the enemy doesn't expect. There is no other option that will prevent Nawaz from becoming a hero.
It is possible to punish through courts on breach of security case. However this punishment will ultimately benefit Nawaz who will say that he is targeted for raising issue of Pakistan Army's support of terrorists. Nawaz and his cunning daughter, even if disqualified, will bring NS grand children to rule on Pakistan for at least 2-3 decades. Same was the case with ZAB, who died but left the menace of his children and grandchildren who are still getting considerable votes in his name.

That's why direct action is not recommended in this case unless government comes with the names of ALL the culprits, which is not likely at all.

PA should take an alternate route to disqualify Nawaz and that's what they are doing. Allah (swt) knows the future but I feel something big is in plate for NS and his family that will not even raise questions on Army's role. PA will in shaa Allah come clean on this issue.

It could be only one from SC, NAB, FBR, EC or some weird happenings in IK's Dharna that will lead to the demise of the King and his family forever.

the same cunning PM, who is a security threat is presiding a meeting on security issues, in which COAS, DG ISI, and DG MI are also present... ..yes..we live in thse times, where after being known tht PM, is a security threat, can still preside over security meetings...
Army is not even signaling to the PM, through its gestures, tht all is not hunky dory and tht national security breach is not a small issue...tomorrow, they will be discussing strategies, in response to india also again,in meetings under the same PM.. ok..if they cant do direct action against PM right now...atleast throw some gestures or hints..tht we dnot consider it safe anymore to discuss security issues with you..at times, when you cant take direct action..u throw hints or gestures........ . Why are they not even signaling their displeasure? My point..is tht army is behaving tht breach of national security has suddenly disappeared and theres no issue at all.... everything is business as usual..
I am amazed...really amazed...

What else PA can do? If the head of the state is working for enemies, there are very limited options left. One option is Martial Law that we can't afford due to internal and external pressure and financial implications. Other option is to wait and hit when the enemy doesn't expect. There is no other option that will prevent Nawaz from becoming a hero.

cant they even send some signals..or hints? COAS was there since morning... he could have presided..over a meeting in Corps headquarters quetta..with army personnel...and left Quetta.. PM arrived much later... he could have said....tht I am going to LOC or whatever other excuse..there are hundereds of other ways..if you want..to send some hints....but seems..they don't want to...
I don't know..if I am able to express myself clearly or not.. first their inaction...ok..even if we accept tht now is not the right time, to take action directly..don't they even have guts to show through their gestures..tht everything is not hunky dory..and its a serious matter?
I seriously feel..tht army is taking us for fools.. they must have made some deal with govt, on next army chief of their choice...and thts it..next army chief of their choice is enough for them to ignore security breach
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