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Why My Father Hated India

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@ ice_man

Article is crap or not depends on person to person.

I will say he is a bit naive in a way because Pakistan is an Independent nation with its unique/ exclusive population who has its own Identity. You do not have to go anywhere to search this identity but this very forum can self explain about how exclusive your very own affairs are like any other nation. Your achievements, your problems, your disagreements etc etc are no where identical to what Indians do have. The only commonality between both the citizens is the effort they make to earn food, cloth and shelter.

However there is range of posts in response to this thread but most of them are trying to kill the messenger with many low level comments. Also there are few other lengthy assertions made by Pakistani posters about changing Pakistani language to dari etc. Such disagreements make him stand correct. He is an author who can incur a small sample from whole lot, specially when he had his own experience/examples to comments because he had a complex relationship with his Pakistani father.

Being an Indian i may agree to some points but one should learn from post made by Ejazr bhai how to defend any article.

A mere tactical nitpick can challenge the authenticity or can raise doubts in mind of readers or can expose the intention or can give good insight about the state of mind of the author.
Dear Pakis, be straight , is pakistan now a confused state that is different from its births, have they not been moved out of thier honest and simple culture to more of the culture and teachings that was imported from arabs

Pakistan is proud of it's cultures -

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Sometimes people think they have to make a either/or choice -- but they really don't have to -- Pakistan is big enough for a variety of cultures to be successful -- this is not so much about confusion as much as it is about the effects of a re-ordering of the value system - allow me to explain:

As the author says Pakistan had better X and Y and Z -- but this was not an accident, it had better X and y and Z because there was a governmental and societal committeemen that these constitute elements of a materially better life and that Pakistanis deserved such - and the same in Socialist India, it was a particular set of values that created that reality

Again, with the re-ordering of values (Islamization) and in India (economic liberalization) values were re-ordered - the order or priority accorded values resulted in creating divergent realities.

Are most people in Pakistan secure about islamization? I think this question is important and I would suggest (anecdotal) that the majority are certainly not secure about it -- and the action of the minority which takes refuge in ever more depraved extreme ideas and political violence suggests that there is much merit to the suggestion that islamization does not enjoy popular appeal.
India unfortunately, always has to portray itself to be doing better than Pakistan, because it was Pakistan that split away from the Indian subcontinent in 1947. The Indian insecurity & inferiority complex mounted from 1947 onwards, considering the fact that Pakistan did better than India in almost all social & economic indicators since the first fifty years of inception of both nations, from 1947-1997. Now, for once in the history of both countries, that India has started to do better than Pakistan, the Indians can't wait to rub it in, making all sorts of allegations against Pakistanis, which includes unnecessary hatred & obsession of India, abandoning their historical & cultural roots, amongst many other things. Aatish Taseer's article wreaks not only with Indian insecurity, but also his personal insecurities, of being abandoned for his own father. So I wouldn't look too deeply into it.
Pakistan is soon to be a superpower once this WOT ends and we do not hate nay country in this world except USA. and we do not love any country in this world except China :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
Well I don't think the author is portraying India as "better" - he is merely offering an explanation for a phenomenon he experienced
India unfortunately, always has to portray itself to be doing better than Pakistan, because it was Pakistan that split away from the Indian subcontinent. The Indian insecurity & inferiority complex mounted from 1947 onwards, considering the fact that Pakistan did better than India in almost all social & economic indicators since the first fifty years of inception of both nations, from 1947-1997. Now, for once in the history of both countries, that India has started to do better than Pakistan, the Indians can't wait to rub it in, making all sorts of allegations against Pakistanis, which includes unnecessary hatred of India, abandoning their historical & cultural roots, amongst many other things. Aatish Taseer's article wreaks with not only Indian insecurity, but also personal insecurities, of being abandoned for his own father. So I wouldn't look too deeply into it.

I agree who cares what this guy or his father thought or think. After all his fathr was appointed by the king of crooks zardari
I agree who cares what this guy or his father thought or think. After all his fathr was appointed by the king of crooks zardari

Come on now - why the defensive posture ?? Defensive about what?? A experience that you do not experience, a experience personal to the author??

Never, never respond defensively -- it's simply not necessary - the line about Pakistan and it's identity crisis is one facet, just one facet of a phenomenon with multiple facets, if we can discuss these rationally, we will all be richer.
the thing with us was we were sanctioned we were almost bankrupt we were facing all kind of problems in home on both of our borders we were having political instability there was no end to our problem in sight two of our great pm's were killed but even after all this every one was determined to fight with these problems we knew it will be an up hill battle but we never stopped we went on to become what we are today . today we have every thing just right a proper democracy a good and growing economy good foreign relations
Come on now - why the defensive posture ?? Defensive about what?? A experience that you do not experience, a experience personal to the author??

Never, never respond defensively -- it's simply not necessary - the line about Pakistan and it's identity crisis is one facet, just one facet of a phenomenon with multiple facets, if we can discuss these rationally, we will all be richer.

Everyone faces an identity crisis. If you look at India for example, while it has done well in trying to promote a secular culture, is always 'longing to go back to its Hindu roots, the pre-invasion Hindu roots'. This is exemplified by the renaming of their cities to Hindu names, the rise of Hindutva, amongst many other things. So it would be unfair to claim that only Pakistan faces an identity crisis. I agree, there is no need to get defensive about things, but we need to look at the overall picture, & debate with facts.
India unfortunately, always has to portray itself to be doing better than Pakistan, because it was Pakistan that split away from the Indian subcontinent in 1947. The Indian insecurity & inferiority complex mounted from 1947 onwards, considering the fact that Pakistan did better than India in almost all social & economic indicators since the first fifty years of inception of both nations, from 1947-1997. Now, for once in the history of both countries, that India has started to do better than Pakistan, the Indians can't wait to rub it in, making all sorts of allegations against Pakistanis, which includes unnecessary hatred & obsession of India, abandoning their historical & cultural roots, amongst many other things. Aatish Taseer's article wreaks not only with Indian insecurity, but also his personal insecurities, of being abandoned for his own father. So I wouldn't look too deeply into it.

have you seen the size of your country your population it was small compared to us we had to face all these problems yet today we are better than you in every thing but hey afterall you guys were part of us so yeah we dont abuse you we never abuse are own parts lol

It does not have to be either/or -- Multiple identities is simply a reality -- Pakistan is a country rich with multiple identities - A village, Chak identitiy, who goes to school in a mid size city and lives in a large city in another province, whose wife is from yet another province, who votes for X or Y political party, who lives varieties of music, who reads authors from A or B

Just because one is conscious of these multiple identities does not mean one is confused - it just means that we have multiple identities -- and multiple heritages
have you seen the size of your country your population it was small compared to us we had to face all these problems yet today we are better than you in every thing but hey afterall you guys were part of us so yeah we dont abuse you we never abuse are own parts lol

A little humility is in order - sure your doing well - but who knows what will happen in just a few years, we were doing much better than you just a few years ago.
have you seen the size of your country your population it was small compared to us we had to face all these problems yet today we are better than you in every thing but hey afterall you guys were part of us so yeah we dont abuse you we never abuse are own parts lol

After 1705 posts I would have thought you would have had your fill of making jibes and putting other nationalities down but some sad people want to live like this. I could answer you in a thousand ways but whats to be gained by making jibes.... Even your own Ghandi when shoved off a pavement in SA said he could not understand why some people felt better by putting others down,
The important question is why have they done well and Pakistan so poorly - especially since Pakistan was doing so well before??
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