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Why Israel will rule the new Middle East

Why Israel will rule the new Middle East
By Arthur Herman Published January 31, 2013FoxNews.com

If you still think the future of Israel looks bleak, think again.
A few months ago it looked like the Jewish state might not survive until 2013. Rockets were raining down from Gaza; revolution was about to install one Islamicist government in Egypt, and another was poised to take over in Syria. Iran was threatening to finish what Hitler’s Holocaust started, with an atomic bomb. The Obama administration seemed unwilling to stop that happening-- while Israel’s only alternative to nuclear annihilation was a preemptive strike that was bound to start a major shooting war in the Middle East.
Now, however, Israel’s future may be brighter than ever.
Iran remains the neighborhood’s unpredictable mad dog, although its nuclear bark is still far worse than its bite. But Israel itself is set to dominate the region like never before. Thanks to the industrial technological miracle known as fracking, Israel is about to become the new energy Mecca of the Middle East, and there’s very little its Arab neighbors can do to stop it.
Indeed, instead of plotting Israel’s destruction, its Arab neighbors could find themselves courting Tel Aviv’s favor the way the United States and Europe courted OPEC in the 1970's and 1980's.
What’s tilting the region’s dynamics toward Israel?
For one thing, the Arab Spring has spawned a chaos and instability in every country it’s touched, that’s going to grind on for years to come. A new report warns that Egypt is on the verge of collapse; Israel’s old adversary Syria, already is. Both are also very likely headed toward economic ruin–as has already happened to Israel’s other foe, Hamas in Gaza, and could hit Iran next.
Israel is going to be the famous “still point in a turning world”–a world turning in on itself, with little or no energy to spend confronting the Jewish state. And here’s where fracking comes in.
Hydraulic fracking is, of course, is the technology that uses a high-pressure mixture of water, sand, and chemicals to crack open deep deposits of shale oil and natural gas. It’s single-handedly revived our domestic energy industry–to the point where by 2020 we’ll be the world’s biggest oil producer.
What many people don’t know is that the land of Israel holds almost 250 billion barrels of oil shale reserves (that’s according to the World Petroleum Council). That’s almost equal to Saudi Arabia’s 260 billion barrels--and as conventional oil sources there and in the Persian Gulf gets harder to extract (it already’s happening) and the cost goes up, Israel will be the new energy frontier of the region.
It’s already happening. The fracking-savvy Canadians have joined an Israeli energy technology fund, to help companies like Israeli Energy Initiatives begin production of oil shale in reserve-rich areas like the Valley of Elah near Jerusalem; the Russians have signed a deal to help open up the vast natural gas reserves discovered in 2008 and 2009 off Israel’s coast–some 16 trillion cubic feet worth.
Right now production is still tiny, but as fracking technology continues to advance Israel could soon move beyond its declared goal of energy independence, and become a major oil exporting country–including to oil-poor neighbors like Egypt and Syria and Lebanon.
The implications are nothing less than staggering.
Instead of an embattled and isolated outpost of Western democracy, Israel would look like the Middle East’s new economic colossus.

Instead of shunning Israel for fear of offending oil-rich Arab states, Western Europeans could find themselves beating a path to Israel’s oil shale fields–and rethinking who they want as their ally in the region, and who they don’t.
That includes the United States. Fracking is changing the world’s economic map; it’s about to change the Middle East. It’s time policy-makers caught up with reality, and realized that our relationship with Israel may be our most important bond to that region’s future.

Why Israel will rule the new Middle East | Fox News

it is the greatest country in the world and everyone should bow to the inevitable and recognize their masters......
As absurd it may sound this is typical "castle in the air" talk of every disco molvi!

i am no expert but generally

provide the environment as mentioned in the constitution for muslims so that they can live according to islam(environment and company has effect on everyone)
That enviroment is already there.

better education dinni aur dunyawi same for every one not 4 syllabus for 4 classes of people
Sure but you cannot force people about what they should be taught. Educated people tend to be the first one to drift away from religion.

educated imams of masjid should be no.1 priority
Education people dont want to me imam because the pay is too low.

focus on Quran and Sunnah and not on maslak
Maslak came due to confusions in Quran and Sunnah - Islam is not clear in many aspects.

every thing from entertainment modes etc should be regulated meaning no fahashi etc

More important is to regular disinformation and morons like Hamid Mir Jafar.

minority should not be oppressed as it is in islam but some people try to oppress them they should be dealt strictly

Only in Islamic countries are minorities which are oppressed. In all secular countries they have equal rights.

law and policing should be strict and not the patwari culture(end to arms and drug culture)

Law and policing is strict in every civilized country it has no coreleation with religion.

gradually people will revert back no one can force people it is done by tabligh,education and law

That means people are not content with living under shariah and religious theorocracy and will abandon it at first chance.

specially soodi karobar should be ban and zakat should be collected

Gov't which cannot collect taxes puntually and properly cannot be expect to handle further auxulliary duties.
Banks lend money to invest and earn a profit and in exchange charge you a small %% as their profit. The highest rate of intrests - amounting to extortion are foung among Islamic banks.
Lectures in morality from a guy who has a username based on the secret police of Nazi Germany. Rich!


that kid is iranian. acting like a german here.
Most of the deposits are within the territory of Israel. And nope, only 33 countries in the world has significant oil shale deposits. Israel and Jordan being the only two in the middle east.

This is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time.

Are you the same guy @Solomon2 ?
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The key word is "the land of Israel", which holds these reserves. It can mean different things with very different outcomes with respect to these 260 million barrels mentioned . Since this piece is published by Fox News, which is enough to raise an eyebrow, it wouldnt be surprising if these 260 m barrels have been found in contested territories as well as Israel proper.
In any case, lets say that Israel becomes an energy giant. What would it mean for the region and Usa-Iraeli relations? How will the current energy giants, Persian Gulf arabs, perceive a potential shift in energy balance?
Actually, we rule the ME via Israel and other nations we feed militarily.

Before people go crazy, I'm joking. :) :usflag:
As absurd it may sound this is typical "castle in the air" talk of every disco molvi!


Originally Posted by pkuser2k12
provide the environment as mentioned in the constitution for muslims so that they can live according to islam(environment and company has effect on everyone)

Originally Posted by somebozo
That environment is already there.

environment is not There that's why i gave these suggestion

Originally Posted by pkuser2k12
better education dinni aur dunyawi same for every one not 4 syllabus for 4 classes of people

Originally Posted by somebozo
Sure but you cannot force people about what they should be taught. Educated people tend to be the first one to drift away from religion

i am educated a lot of well educated people i know are very religious.there is some bimari in o level a level and elite class educated people who are very few as compared to matric,fsc based students but then all upper post i think are mummy daddy bureaucracy is occupied by gentry

Originally Posted by pkuser2k12
educated imams of masjid should be no.1 priority

Originally Posted by somebozo
Education people don't want to me imam because the pay is too low.

teachers are also on low pay in government schools if every one root for their pays to be raised and further training why not for imam masjid

Originally Posted by pkuser2k12
focus on Quran and Sunnah and not on maslak

Originally Posted by somebozo
Maslak came due to confusions in Quran and Sunnah - Islam is not clear in many aspects.

how foolish can you get .islam and sunnah is clear people and alims confuse them.There is a specific word for pure quran and sunnah based eduction without maslak i dont remember name of that term now. Quaid e azam set a research center for that but unfortunate he died very early and it was forgotten altogether .i will link the column of orya maqbool jan in which he mentioned these thing if i find it.

Originally Posted by somebozo
More important is to regular disinformation and morons like Hamid Mir Jafar.

you are right on the money with this one

Originally Posted by pkuser2k12
minority should not be oppressed as it is in islam but some people try to oppress them they should be dealt strictly

Originally Posted by somebozo
Only in Islamic countries are minorities which are oppressed. In all secular countries they have equal rights.
Law and policing is strict in every civilized country it has no correlation with religion

sure .are you new to pdf .i dont think so what happens with muslims,christians and low zats in india,burma.rasicm in west sikh temples fired upon in usa etc
when these ttp and laskar have gained power specially in 2006 minority oppression has sky rocketed but ttp,laskar,bla,gesh etc dont spare sunnies shia christian.as they are terrorists

Originally Posted by pkuser2k12
gradually people will revert back no one can force people it is done by tabligh,eduction etc

Originally Posted by somebozo
that means people are not content with living under shariah and religious theorocracy and will abandon it at first chance

people go off the right path if above mention are not done if you give them drug culture they will tend to go on drugs.if you let ttp to spread there agenda and philosophy by tv,radio internet people will fall for it that is why they are not allowed on tv radio by government and private media

don't try to be clever you know these thing you cannot be that hard head

Originally Posted by pkuser2k12
specially soodi karobar should be ban and zakat should be collected

Originally Posted by somebozo
Gov't which cannot collect taxes puntually and properly cannot be expect to handle further auxulliary duties.
Banks lend money to invest and earn a profit and in exchange charge you a small %% as their profit. The highest rate of intrests - amounting to extortion are foung among Islamic banks.

haven't you seen the west situation ?50% of wealth is in 1% hand .how is it possible ?through interest based bogas fiat money based banking.the interset only benefits the lender and enslaves the receiver.that is why it is banned in Judaism,Christianity and Islam.
in america students are the new slaves of student loan on interest .
you are totally blinded in hatred of islam.
interest money accumulates money at the top level always to the lender.

Originally Posted by somebozo
As absurd it may sound this is typical "castle in the air" talk of every disco molvi!
from your reply it is evident you are a delusional,hard head islam hating idiot who is on height of mayubiat of west.these secular and atheist idiots has given wars and hunger to the world.
first imperialism for 500 years muslim imperialism included mughals and shugals.

then staring from fascism,Communism and capitalism.the so called industrial evolution and digital age and scientific boom of last century and current century what is it worth.last and current century account for largest loss of life in human history combined through world wars,economic wars,eugenics,interest banking,imf and hunger.so called evolution.what a alternate to religion.

see with both your eyes not with one beady eye BOZO the clown

if a pakistani does something wrong it doesn't mean all pakistans are corrupt and wrong.in our case the terrorist use islam for their FITNA .IN KA DANDA PIR HAY IN SAY LARNA HAYN APNAY MUU PAY IN KI WAJA SAY JOTAY KYUN MAREN HUM
if a pakistani does something wrong it doesn't mean all pakistans are corrupt and wrong.
That depends on the response of the nation. If your co-relgionist commits a murder and, knowing that, you're willing to protect him from justice then you are corrupt. If the authorities behave that way then they are corrupt. If the people subject to the authorities are willing to protect the authorities when they are caught or try to deflect blame then the nation is corrupt.
That depends on the response of the nation. If your co-relgionist commits a murder and, knowing that, you're willing to protect him from justice then you are corrupt. If the authorities behave that way then they are corrupt. If the people subject to the authorities are willing to protect the authorities when they are caught or try to deflect blame then the nation is corrupt.
i don't think American call tell anyone they are corrupt or not ,if they are mass murderers,if they are backing militants in different regions or committing war crimes ,looters of resources as a individual or a nation etc etc
i don't think American call tell anyone they are corrupt or not ,if they are mass murderers,if they are backing militants in different regions or committing war crimes ,looters of resources as a individual or a nation etc etc
That's a lot of "ifs". Apparently to your certain knowledge Americans are not guilty of such things.
Yep and all this means much of the middle east will happily live under stoneage sharia laws once again making Israel a winner on all fronts. Israeli leader ship will walk into white house and be able to proclaim "look we told you so Arabs were bunch of backward bedouins"

my dear idiot friend, for how long? america wont remain super power for ever would it? for how long will it keep protecting israel?

look at america now, 16 trillion chinese unpayable debt and more, retreating from iraq, afghanistan and with another recession to hit america again, how long will it keep defending israel?
my dear idiot friend, for how long? america wont remain super power for ever would it? for how long will it keep protecting israel?
You've got it backwards, darkinsky. The Israelis aren't Western Europeans or Pakistanis out for unjustifiable conquest (1965). Haven't you figured out that by guaranteeing Israel's military primacy America justifies Israel holding back from defeating its enemies? (That was shown most clearly in 1973 when the U.S. kept Israel from conquering Damascus.) So what do you think will most likely happen once such military aid starts to diminish?
Because there is no unity among Arabs. Even in gulf union there are continuous spats. There is also the realization among nations outside gulf union that they treat them like trash so next time Arabs will probably going to fight with no diplomatic or military baking from non Arab nation.
You've got it backwards, darkinsky. The Israelis aren't Western Europeans or Pakistanis out for unjustifiable conquest (1965). Haven't you figured out that by guaranteeing Israel's military primacy America justifies Israel holding back from defeating its enemies? (That was shown most clearly in 1973 when the U.S. kept Israel from conquering Damascus.) So what do you think will most likely happen once such military aid starts to diminish?

HAHA funny post, a complete opposite that so called israel's damascus ambitions are justifiable where as 1965 was unjustifiable

second israel needs to understand that today its not 1973, any adventure to do anything will result in a nuclear war israel should be grateful what it has, because as america starts to diminish out, israel will fade away and natural death to an illogical state formed through terrorism
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