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Why Israel Must Destroy Hamas

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one thing is clear hamas is more destructive for gaza then israel , there useless rockets did not killed even one street dog still they fire rocket and in return israel bang them with real rockets . hamas using every steel iron pipe as rocket

You're funny .

How is Hamas more destructive when Israel started the war ?

Useless rockets ?!!

If your beloved Saudi Arabia has better rockets , then give it to them otherwise you'd better keep silence like your fellow Saudi jihadist friends .
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Coming from losers who has changed their language script to the roman script just to lick D!(K of west. Turkey is last country to which Indians shows concern. Why to show concern to a country whose name is on a duck like creaturehttp://


I will ignore your attacks to my Nation for the sake of the topic, otherwise i would have some solid arguments against you but the translation of turkey in Turkish is Hindi. :)
Yet not one Jewish or Indian poster can prove that the Palestinians launched a massive unprovoked attack on Israel which caused Israel to 'respond' as they say with facts or sources.

We are still waiting it.

The Palestinians struggle is a legitimate struggle just as the Algerian or Syrian struggle against French colonialists was.

This is not about Hamas either. People try directing attention at Hamas. Hamas(the military wing) is 12,000 of the Palestinian people. Yet Palestinians(millions) have always bee colonized by the Israeli people.

Israel has yet to declare their borders, only country in the world to do so. Israel had a 'soldier' who deliberately murdered 69 Palestinian civilians in the 'Qiblya Massacre'.

He was then promoted to defense minister. Then, he was also complicit in the 'Sabra and Shatilla' massacre. His own government indicted him as well.

What happened? He was promoted to PM of the nation. People need to look at the nature of this barbaric colonialist state.

This kind of catchy threads are meant to make peoples minds adapt to the false implications that Hamas is the problem so Israel could claim 'self defense' every time it massacres Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

Israel's daily crimes go unmentioned. Just look at the UN resolutions or HRW, Amnesty, B'tselem reports.
Why did Israel pull out of Gaza?
We are not intersted in controlling millions of Palestinians. After the pullout from Gaza in 2005 Israel planned the pullout from West Bank in 2006. But this plan was foiled due to Hamas rocket barrages.

Yet not one Jewish or Indian poster can prove that the Palestinians launched a massive unprovoked attack on Israel which caused Israel to 'respond' as they say with facts or sources.
Long list of Hamas terrorist attacks with lots of links:

List of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel, 2014 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You should learn using google little terrorist supporter.

Wikipedia is no reliable source. Yet again, the pro-Israel crowd needs to support there assertion that the Palestinians launched a massive unprovoked attack on Israel which causes Israel to respond eventually. When was this 'massive attack'? Where are the sources for it? Why did the Palestinians launch a 'massive attack'?

Any sources or facts yet? I'm still waiting. It's your assertions you made. Still avoiding presenting facts to the table. Do you know what that tells people about you and your 'country'?
Some Indians members are so low on this forum as these days showed us.

I despise all kinds of @ss lickers.

Indians & Israelis both are same thing. What Israel does in Palestine...India does in Kashmir/IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir. In fact it was Israel who taught Indians how to crush Kashmiris more effectively & Israel lobbied in favor of India in EU & US.

Indians may act friendly & sweet but most of them are pure haters & like a sweet knife...they hate Muslims from the depth of their hearts.
Indians will lie to your face to appease.

They will go to your countries for work and then behind closed doors despise you and lick Israeli @ss.
Yeah, well said. This overwhelming staunch supports of Indians for Isreal should be an eye opener for the Arabs, who favor India time and again.
No we do not support Hamas duh!

We support, and have officially supported the Palestinian self rule, but we do not support terrorism.

And its a question of opinion, if Israel is targetting civilians like Hamas does, then there is no difference between the two. But so far I've not seen irrefutable evidence to that effect, except of Hamas using human shields.

And of course we consider Israel a freind, they have helped us deal with islamist terrorism that has killed tens of thousands of indians in the past and the islamic world was enjoying the blood flowing in indian streets. So get off your high horses and stop firing rockets at civilians from civilian areas and for once take responsibility of your own actions.

Are you going to cling to the same rigid definition of terrorism as the rest of the zombies?
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