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Why Israel embassy website is Urdu

We must create a difference between our enemies & friends it is only be done by the rules of Holy Quran not with the golbal facts & figure.In the Holy Quran Almighty Allah Says:
"Ashida o alal kuffar-e-rehma o benahum"
"Muslims are those who are aggressive against cruel but love themselves/each others"
The philosophy of this rule have cleared in "Surah-e-Muhammad,Surah-e-Ahzab,Surah-e-Taubah & Surah-e-Infal".
Let us read & directly in contact with Allah the Greatest.
Momin hay tou larta hay be taigh Sipahi.(By Allah Iqbal)
"If a Muslim does not know to die for Allah,They don't have rights to Live in the universe created by Almighty Creator"
In india urdu is being "marketed" as hindi. Urdu is a mainly a mixture of persian and arabic where as hindi mainly has Sanskrit. The "spoken hindi" is more inclined towards urdu or to the matter of fact simple urdu.
In india urdu is being "marketed" as hindi. Urdu is a mainly a mixture of persian and arabic where as hindi mainly has Sanskrit. The "spoken hindi" is more inclined towards urdu or to the matter of fact simple urdu.

I dont think Urdu has just persian and arabic because urdu has majority of words taken from hindu including the grammer. I am not 100% sure about it But the similarity between the two signifies it.
So overall there are more people in Pakistan who can speak,read and write urdu than India.:coffee:

Ofcourse I agree with you on that, but I was talking about native speakers. A punjabi or pathan in PAkistan would most definitely have to know Urdu just like majority of Urdu speakers in India know Hindi.

But the mother tongue is Punjabi and Pashto respectively while it would be Urdu for an Urdu speaker in India

In india urdu is being "marketed" as hindi. Urdu is a mainly a mixture of persian and arabic where as hindi mainly has Sanskrit. The "spoken hindi" is more inclined towards urdu or to the matter of fact simple urdu.
Like mentioned, Hindi and Urdu share a lot with each other. You can't speak in Urdu to an Arab or Persian and converse with them. However, you would have no problem in conversing with a Hindi speaker in UP or Bihar. And just as a normal Urdu speaker will not be able to understand highly persianised Urdu, a normal Hindi speaker will not be able to understand highly sanskritised Hindi. Please check out the NCERT textbook links here to see the Urdu used in India.
NCERT Textbooks

I don't understand why it is such a big deal. This is just another example that we have a shared culture in the subcontinent.
I dont think Urdu has just persian and arabic because urdu has majority of words taken from hindu including the grammer. I am not 100% sure about it But the similarity between the two signifies it.

HINDI AND URDU IS NOT DIFFERENT LANGUAGE because before 1947 we were same means of same country and it is common that after 16 miles alteration comes in languages of areas.

and about israel , israel want to attracts pak and muslims and website in urdu means simply to convey prpoganda in muslim minds who are innocents and unaware about israels.......
and israel knows muslims can d waht for israel wwhich hindus ccant

The reason of having URDU website could be because the Israeli's do not want to 'hurt the feelings' of millions of Muslims living in India. A small step to perhaps appease the largest majority in an otherwise Hindu dominated society? Muslims in India share the general feeling of Israeli aggression on Palestinians and hence the Urdu page version to 'communicate' in the language most understood and written by the Muslims of the Sub Continent.

Israeli's have always been good in taking care of little diplomatic details. They could even be practicing of having a similar website for their embassy in Islamabad one day. You never know!!
The reason of having URDU website could be because the Israeli's do not want to 'hurt the feelings' of millions of Muslims living in India. A small step to perhaps appease the largest majority in an otherwise Hindu dominated society? Muslims in India share the general feeling of Israeli aggression on Palestinians and hence the Urdu page version to 'communicate' in the language most understood and written by the Muslims of the Sub Continent.

Israeli's have always been good in taking care of little diplomatic details. They could even be practicing of having a similar website for their embassy in Islamabad one day. You never know!!

well i dont think so its to appease them. But i guess its more to do for more outreach viz viz information about visa and other procedure
well i dont think so its to appease them. But i guess its more to do for more outreach viz viz information about visa and other procedure

Thats what I am saying the majority of words which you think are from hindi actually have persian or arabic roots. Simple sentences of urdu are similar to the languages of north India.
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