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Why Israel and Pakistan can never be allies

I think if you wouldn't establish a relashionship with Israel out of fear of Arabs response, then you are dependent state and a real puppet to Arabs. You guys get to understand that "Arab", is not an ethnicity but rather a language, and what unites us as Arabs is Islam. I think your sincere commitment to Islam prevented you from forging such relations with Israel. We supported Muslims everywhere in Bosnia, Chechnya, and Afghanistan. And what we got? you are now accusing us of all you misfortunes. I remember how all our media were dedicated to support bereaved Bosnians, KSA dispatched 300 million worth arms although there was an arm embargo on all parties at the time, most forieghn fighters were Arabs who bought their souls to defend their brothers. Thereafter Bosnia was rebuild by Arab money. And what we got in return? even our moderate king at the time, allowed young to go and defend Bosenias. Anyway, it's your choice, but I believe there will be no Arab serious reaction if Pakistan establish relationship with Pakistan.

what you say is true, we are a puppet nation. re Arab only being a language I dont understand then why you have Arab league? you do consider yourself as one entity.

an Arab always introduces himself as an Arab first then a Saudi, Iraqi or Egyptians etc then as a Muslim or a Christian.
fair enough not judging you guys for your Arabian pride.

as it happens the majority of us Pakistanis believe in a Prophet who happens to be an Arab and you all guys get an Imperial status by default. not your fault again.. its the problem with our part of the world. the people you kick out of your own countries end up in our countries and then hide in the caves and houses while the blood is spilled in their name on our streets.
this my dear is something really upsets some of us and while we blame us we also blame the Arab card that is played on us by these unwanted guests.
what you say is true, we are a puppet nation. re Arab only being a language I dont understand then why you have Arab league? you do consider yourself as one entity.

an Arab always introduces himself as an Arab first then a Saudi, Iraqi or Egyptians etc then as a Muslim or a Christian.
fair enough not judging you guys for your Arabian pride.

as it happens the majority of us Pakistanis believe in a Prophet who happens to be an Arab and you all guys get an Imperial status by default. not your fault again.. its the problem with our part of the world. the people you kick out of your own countries end up in our countries and then hide in the caves and houses while the blood is spilled in their name on our streets.
this my dear is something really upsets some of us and while we blame us we also blame the Arab card that is played on us by these unwanted guests.

We have an Islamic league as well. I understand that your upset with what's going on in your country. But, I think it's unfair to blame the Arabs, How many Arabs are there? 2k out of 100 k for instance? and why don't we have them in our countries?

I know what they are doing right now is wrong. But they think they are defending you as their brothers. As they did in Iraq, Bonsinia and Chechanya. Being proud of being an Arab doesn't go against Islam in anyway:

{يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُم مِّن ذَكَرٍ وَأُنثَى وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ}

However, I was being such an ignorant when I labeled our prophet as an Arab. That was pure ignorance. I regret that actually.
We have an Islamic league as well. I understand that your upset with what's going on in your country. But, I think it's unfair to blame the Arabs, How many Arabs are there? 2k out of 100 k for instance? and why don't we have them in our countries?

I know what they are doing right now is wrong. But they think they are defending you as their brothers. As they did in Iraq, Bonsinia and Chechanya. Being proud of being an Arab doesn't go against Islam in anyway:

{يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُم مِّن ذَكَرٍ وَأُنثَى وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ}

However, I was being such an ignorant when I labeled our prophet as an Arab. That was pure ignorance. I regret that actually.
سبحان الله

very well said

indeed, we were created in a way to help distinguish each other and there is nothing wrong with that and whoever has more Taqwa is best among us.
I guess you might want to check out the last sermon of the Prophet re who is better and who is not . the pride is normally something that comes when one thinks he is better than the other or others. that pirde is the very reason what made a very devout entity loose the favour of its creator and be condemned forever.

very fine line here I must say.

coming back to the discussion

the improvement in this Arab- Israel relations or Muslim-Jewish relations will depend on the two way process. stop the expansion, humane treatment of the Palestinians on the Israeli side and the end of hostilities from the Arab countries. make Jerusalem like a Vatican city open and peaceful for everyone to come and visit and protected by all the three Abrahamic faiths.

maybe then Pakistanis will have no reason to stay back and come close to Israel too.
certainly not pakistan cares about palestinians it didn't have a problem killing plenty palestinians at the behest of it's jordanian arab masters during black september now did it ? you think arabs give a shi t about kashmir ? Let the arabs deal with palestine we have enough on our own plate to deal with the KRL didn't actually happen and israelis have never killed any pakistanis americans and indians have done much more damage to pakistan than israel yet we don't froth at the mouth when we talk about relations with them now do we ? israel is far away and nothin to do with us i'm not saying be friends with them i'm just saying I don't care about them I say forget them and worry about our own shi t.

TTP is taking up Fata... whats PA doing? PLO was doing the same to Jordan and it ordered brig Zia (US sponsored dictator) to deal with them... 98 did occur and we have several sources tht confirm it....... what abt Kargil conflict? wasnt it ur frnd israel tht delivered arms n munitions to the indians in emergency? was tht also a hoax?

I agree tht israel is a reality and tht Pak should have diplomatic relations with them but at what cost? would they stop selling weapons to india? would they help the kashmir cause?
My friend the reason Muslims are in current state of denial is that we havent learnt from our history. The Arab regimes are filled by crooked Monarchs who are in direct contradiction with Islamic teaching. We have introduced and associated such literature with Islam that have lead divisions, and misery in Muslim Ummah. The Arab vs Iran fiasco is a communal hatred based on ethnicity which will dewarf the Muslims world. Pakistan needs to bring its house together so that it can give new hope to Muslim civilization which is beyond the thug of wars between these two fascist state of mind.

If I accept the current reality then Pakistan doesnt need to rethink its foreign policy towards Israel. Whatever is happening in Syria, Iraq and Yemen is in direct collaboration between SA, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE and Israel. These Arab dont know that they are helping Israel in their dream of greater Israel i.e. from Nile to Euphrates. It is like they want to perform suicide with their own dagger. They lost Palestine due to mutiny with Ottomans and the rest will go in no-time.
Israel is the reality that Pakistan has to accept, not because we want to but we have no choice. We as Muslims are in state of denial and havent learnt from past that progress is made only through Science and Technology. Instead we concocted ridiculous literature and doctrine and associated to Islam which in present days is haunting us. We havent given anything tangible to humanity. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would be very disappointed watching the state of affairs of Muslims.
I think Pakistan/ Israel can go along easily if a two state solution is reached in Palestine.
Article by Zab



Pakistan and Israel can't be allies because they are natural enemies
I think 20th century was the worst century for Turks , and Islam , except Pakistan , as they got independence , Ottoman Empire wars etc , arab wars etc 21st century will be rise of islam and Turks

i said this in the other thread

had the wahhabis not sided against the Ottomans - Palestine would have been an OFFICIAL reality today. Free of occupation and british meddling
TTP is taking up Fata... whats PA doing? PLO was doing the same to Jordan and it ordered brig Zia (US sponsored dictator) to deal with them... 98 did occur and we have several sources tht confirm it....... what abt Kargil conflict? wasnt it ur frnd israel tht delivered arms n munitions to the indians in emergency? was tht also a hoax?

I agree tht israel is a reality and tht Pak should have diplomatic relations with them but at what cost? would they stop selling weapons to india? would they help the kashmir cause?
Which of your current allies do?:what:
honestly speaking in Pakistan , hating Israel is more for political and religious gains .. i dont like israeli but my reasons are different to hate them...almost all arab countries have their embassies in Israel and they have their consulates in Israel ..
last time i heard that mushi tried to melt some ice while visiting some of Israeli peoples .. but that doesnt work out ...
there is no doubt that in israel there are some peoples still see Pakistan as potential threat ...and what gives them a little worry that if in Pakistan a " son of man " leader comes into power than they can take stand ..
i honestly believe Pakistan should create diplomatic ties with Israel , and than try to solve Palestine issues

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