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Why is South Asia so tense?

Sri Lanka tried the hand of friendship with India when it signed up for FTA on 1st March 2000, but soon realised that when their exports of hydrogenated vegtable oil and pepper were cheaper in Sri Lanka than India - India slapped down trade barriers and curtailed the import of both.
So you want our farmers who produce the same products sit and watch this. India Govt is elected by and for the interest Indians. Not for the interest of our neighbors.
So you want our farmers who produce the same products sit and watch this. India Govt is elected by and for the interest Indians. Not for the interest of our neighbors.

Sajan - I agree with you, any country should look out for its own interests, however if every time i feel like i'm getting a bad deal I can pull out of agreements signed then this is no more than schoolboy politics. Off course FTA means you win in some areas and lose in others. I'm sure, for example that Indian cars are cheaper in Sri Lanka compared to all other cars? but they didnt pull out of FTA.

The point being made is India is not prepared to enter into an honest relationship with anyone when it thinks its losing the upper hand. It wants to dominate and everyone else should be subservient. This is the main reason for instability in South Asia. If India can learn to be a partner then harmony can exist between all neighbours.
The problem is Indian domination is getting stronger by the year.

Esp. Its economy technology and military power.

This is clearly a concern for pakistan which is being left further and further behind..

The internatuional community LOVE INDIA and big them up.

They invite india along with china to G8 SUMMITs

G20 includes india

They give india nuke tech

They offer india mssive defense deals with TOT

Manmohan gets red carpet treatment globally

" Thats wat i mean by big up "
The problem is Indian domination is getting stronger by the year.

Esp. Its economy technology and military power.

This is clearly a concern for pakistan which is being left further and further behind..

The internatuional community LOVE INDIA and big them up.

They invite india along with china to G8 SUMMITs

G20 includes india

They give india nuke tech

They offer india mssive defense deals with TOT

Manmohan gets red carpet treatment globally

" Thats wat i mean by big up "

Another beautiful piece of BS, thanks :cheers:
The problem is Indian domination is getting stronger by the year.

Esp. Its economy technology and military power.

This is clearly a concern for pakistan which is being left further and further behind..

The internatuional community LOVE INDIA and big them up.

They invite india along with china to G8 SUMMITs

G20 includes india

They give india nuke tech

They offer india mssive defense deals with TOT

Manmohan gets red carpet treatment globally

" Thats wat i mean by big up "

I can see that Indian propaganda is really taking its toll on the people of India, especially the youth :disagree:.
Main problem is INDIA.ok lets suppose Pakistan is bad then why all the other neighbors of INDIA are weary of it.The answer is simple INDIA wants just destruction in subcontinent.Fighting and war are motto of INDIA.

well you have hit the nail on its head.India is bad.Pakistan has got a halo around it.It can do no wrong.Wish there were more Pakistans in this world.:cheers:
If we were to look at the genesis of South Asia as a region, then we can make some sense of the currently prevalent scenario.

All of us around here got Independence around the same time. Each country is a mix of a few or in some cases several ideologies/cultures/religions/sects etc. All of us are resource scarce. All of us are ummm.... a touch densely populated. All of us have a higher percentage of young in our population and all of us are carrying one pre-independence baggage or other. None of us have matured as nation states - we still have rampant corruption, we still do not care enough for our poor, our children are still malnourished, our women are still downtrodden and not safe.

While the degree of prevalence of the above.... if I may call them birth vices.... vary amongst us, we all have it - some a lot - some a lot more.

So bottomline, we have several pressure points and faultlines via which we could be.... say inconvenienced.

We all chose different paths over these years post our independence. Being a discussion about the region, let us not get in to which one was good or which one was bad. Let the ends justify the means and I am sure we will live the verdict before our time in this world is over.

However, what has plagued our region is our genesis. Our exploiters made sure that we were born poor and hopeless. In fact we were supposed to turn out even worse and should not have been able to govern ourselves. May be for some of us it will turn out so and we will need the world to feed and tend to us and take our decisions for us. But since that it was expected of all of us. so any of us that do not fall in that category have achieved great success.

So, our birth pangs have followed us in to adulthood and have now grown in to insecurity towards each other. And all this while, every step we took to make ourselves more secure made us more insecure of each other.

So today we have conflicts over: territory, water, more recently a ready consumer market and most importantly, we fight for respect and recognition. Some do it with development of their country some or us who are not able to develop due to one or various reasons, try to influence / roll back that advantage of the other country. All is for sure fair here.

While looking thru our own prisms, we are all correct in our thinking. We just can't have enough of things for ourselves so who is going to care about the others. Life is a jungle and the fittest survive.... is how our thinking is now firmed up.

So, my take...... this is going to get worse before it gets better. Because we can in the short term create bonhomie (quite far fetched mind you), but for sure we cannot create respect. But slowly as we cash in on the efforts that we have invested over these years (in our different ways and focuses), and as we reap the rewards of our different approachs and trod along, I am sure that we will arrive at a point where we will all know our place on the table in our region. Some will be elder brother/s, some might be the younger brother/s but for sure we could end up at eating together (borderless trade).

Probably around that time we will also realize that we have a stake in each other security for our own sake and we will help each other fight our small little demons.

But hey, things could have been worse haan..... we are still a little better off as neighbourhood. There are worse (even if only few) neighbourhoods in the world.

Why is South Asia so tense?
By Shahid R. Siddiqi
Sunday, 03 Jan, 2010

For the past 63 years, South Asia has remained in a state of tension. The eight countries that make up this geopolitically sensitive region do not share a friendly and harmonious relationship with each other. This is despite their efforts to come on a single platform of Saarc to develop a major economic and political bloc. All smaller countries were enthusiastic about this model of cooperation to succeed in gaining progress and getting rid of pervasive poverty. But in the end it just collapsed.

All these countries have a closely interwoven history and common ethnic, linguistic, cultural and religious heritage but still they failed. It happened because all the contiguous states on India’s periphery are fearful of its hegemonic designs and its policy to dominate and dictate.

In case of India and Pakistan, given the historical divide between Hindus and Muslims, it is understandable that a certain amount of acrimony and distrust would impact their relationship. Instead of accepting Pakistan’s emergence in 1947 as a reality and resolving bilateral disputes in a spirit of understanding, India adopted a belligerent course. The resulting discord and three wars have plagued their relationship to this day, both countries diverting huge and precious financial resources to defence and development of nuclear weapons.

Even if Indo-Pakistan relationship is set aside for a moment as one of peculiar nature and even if Pakistan is presumed to be responsible for all the wicked behaviour, the question arises why do other countries of the region find it so difficult to forge a closer relationship with India? Why is it that India has failed to evoke trust and confidence among its neighbours to make any worthwhile collaboration impossible, including Saarc? Isn’t it time for hostilities to give way to a congenial environment among South Asian neighbours too?

The fact is that for regional alliances, political or economic, to succeed it is imperative for all stakeholders to treat each other as equals, irrespective of their size or strength. This comes with respecting each other’s sovereignty, willingness to set aside political differences and showing a degree of flexibility to promote a common cause. In case of South Asia, this has not happened. India has disputes with almost every neighbour, which has strained their relationships for years at end.

In Sri Lanka, India overtly and covertly supported the insurgency against the state by LTTE, a nationalist Tamil group in the northern Jaffna region of this small island country, which kept it politically and economically destabilised for decades. In the end, India paid a price for interference when its prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi, was assassinated by a Tamil activist for having betrayed the movement.

With Bangladesh it is locked in an unresolved dispute over Farakka barrage that deprives Bangladesh of its water share. Despite the gratitude Bangladesh owes to India for having militarily dismembered Pakistan in 1971 to midwife its birth, relations between the two have often sunk to the rock bottom on a host of issues, including border dispute.

The tiny mountain state of Nepal has complained of persistent Indian dictation and interference in its internal affairs. That India employs economic blockades and manipulates transit facilities to this poor landlocked country for arm twisting is no secret.

Although not a part of South Asia, China’s relations with India for decades have remained frosty, at best. They went to war in 1962 over a border dispute. Competing for regional leadership, it does not hesitate to antagonise China by hoisting Dalai Lama off and on to keep the issue of Tibet alive. Lately, having aligned itself with America to contain China, India is bargaining for a tense Sino-Indian relationship in the years to come.

With Pakistan, India maintains the worst of relations mainly because of Pakistan’s political and military standing and its ability to reject Indian domination. Outstanding disputes including Kashmir, water distribution, dams that India constructs in violation Indus Water Treaty and border issues have remained unresolved.

By joining the American bandwagon in Afghanistan and positioning its troops in the name of infrastructure development, India created enough concerns for Pakistan. But by its collusion with CIA and Mossad to take out Pakistan’s nuclear assets through subversion in Fata, the NWFP and other areas using the militants of Tehrik-i-Taliban, India is slamming shut the door on the peace process that Pakistan has been persistently trying to keep open ever since 1947. With a history of constant endeavours to balkanise Pakistan, Indian military build up in Afghanistan is seen by Pakistan’s military as an effort to put it in a nutcracker.

That growing Indian influence in Afghanistan is a destabilising factor in the region, is acknowledged even by Gen McChrystal in his recent review of the war in Afghanistan. The make and types of sophisticated weapons, communications equipment and satellite pictures of troop movements recovered from the militants provide undeniable evidence about Indian involvement.

Mr. Ehsanullah Aryanzai, advisor to the Afghan regime has said that India is using Afghan soil to conduct anti-Pakistan activities. The executive editor of ‘News Indian Express’ has acknowledged the evidence of Indian activities in Balochistan in the issue of July 31, 2009. And evidence was recently handed over by Pakistani prime minister to his Indian counterpart.

The Indian psyche that breeds arrogance and expansionism is clear from the words of Pundit Nehru, India’s first prime minister, who said ‘India must dominate or perish’. Perish it will not. So dominate it must. To Hindu extremists, all others on this land are aliens who do not belong there and this includes Muslims and Christians. This justifies the commonly witnessed ethnic cleansing of non-Hindus and leads to the ultimate dream of the creation of Vrihata Bharat — a Greater India.

To ensure that this fatherland is reunited under Hindu rule, India pursues designs of expanding its boundaries to eventually include Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Burma, Nepal, and Bhutan and create the huge Indian empire.

It would be very naive not to see the direction towards which India is headed. Far from becoming the sole ruler of the entire Indian Ocean, India is destabilising South Asia and working its way towards its own disintegration. This is not only because it is surrounding itself with angry and insecure neighbours, but also due to its troubles at home.


DAWN.COM | World | Why is South Asia so tense?

East is land of sun rise , when we look last 3000 years of South Asia history always invaders came to this area because of strategic and economic importance .

In last 100 years south asia is again getting importance for super powers of world , the most important factor in my point of view is rise of islam in south asia .

Second factor people of these countries are highly gifted and proved their abilities in all fields .

Western countries espacially the imperialism and capitalist system facing danger from fundamentalist idealogy of muslims in Afghanistan ,Pakistan ,India and Bangladesh having population of 600 Millions.

If this wave of fundamental islamic movement furture move towards Central Aasia China , Russia, Bosnia( central Europe) and Iran Turkey and Middle East and Malyasia and Indoneasia it will be great threat to western capitalist economies and and unilaterism of USA.
East is land of sun rise , when we look last 3000 years of South Asia history always invaders came to this area because of strategic and economic importance .

In last 100 years south asia is again getting importance for super powers of world , the most important factor in my point of view is rise of islam in south asia .

Second factor people of these countries are highly gifted and proved their abilities in all fields .

Western countries espacially the imperialism and capitalist system facing danger from fundamentalist idealogy of muslims in Afghanistan ,Pakistan ,India and Bangladesh having population of 600 Millions.

If this wave of fundamental islamic movement furture move towards Central Aasia China , Russia, Bosnia( central Europe) and Iran Turkey and Middle East and Malyasia and Indoneasia it will be great threat to western capitalist economies and and unilaterism of USA.

Are you suggesting a particular religion is the source of envy of imperial nations? I dare to disagree.
It is more of our short-sightedness and so-called ego.
South Asia is tense because of all the masala.

Shift to a boiled bland diet for a year and see the difference it makes across the sub-continent.

The use of paper by the newer generation has also had an impact.

Agar pet garam ho to dimaag kabhi thanda nahin ho sakta!

See a bazooka being fired ..... it has fire emanating from both its ends.

This actually has a scientific basis in Oriental medicine too (a Yin and Yang thing).

Cheers, Doc
the major problem is that India wants everyone in South Asia to recognize it as the Big Brother! now the problem is everyone wants to have an identity of its own and doesn't want to feel belittled! this has sprang up from the insecurites created by the rule of the BRITISH!

Europe was similar in the 1800's all the way to the end of second world war! the quarreled & tried to subdue the other! however at the end of second world war west europe realized that they need to work together inorder to not be overshadowed by the americans or the russians....

today all that is needed to be done is that each SOUTH ASIAN COUNTRY RESPECTS THE OTHER! & RESPECTS ITS SOVEREIGNTY!
South Asia is tense because of all the masala.

Shift to a boiled bland diet for a year and see the difference it makes across the sub-continent.

The use of paper by the newer generation has also had an impact.

Agar pet garam ho to dimaag kabhi thanda nahin ho sakta!

See a bazooka being fired ..... it has fire emanating from both its ends.

This actually has a scientific basis in Oriental medicine too (a Yin and Yang thing).

Cheers, Doc

:rofl: sir i think all we need is to massively produce the the stuff inside it & give it out free of cost to our people & trust me once you have that stuff all issues would be cordially dealt with & solved! if only Afghanistan instead of just producing also used the weed they would be a calmer lot too!
the major problem is that India wants everyone in South Asia to recognize it as the Big Brother! now the problem is everyone wants to have an identity of its own and doesn't want to feel belittled! this has sprang up from the insecurites created by the rule of the BRITISH!

Europe was similar in the 1800's all the way to the end of second world war! the quarreled & tried to subdue the other! however at the end of second world war west europe realized that they need to work together inorder to not be overshadowed by the americans or the russians....

today all that is needed to be done is that each SOUTH ASIAN COUNTRY RESPECTS THE OTHER! & RESPECTS ITS SOVEREIGNTY!

You conviniently blamed eveyhting on India. Very nice. :hitwall:
I again repeat our false pride is the main reason behind all evils.
We have no big brother mentality. There is no point in showing big brother mentality towards the untrustworthy neighbors around us. China and Pakistan must try to resolve our border problems in a constructive manner not a manner in which today talk tomorrow war, then south asia will once again become a safe heaven.

I always dreamed about a roadway, railway through China-India-Pakistan. That dream won't realize in my life time. May be my future generations will get that chance to see it.
the major problem is that India wants everyone in South Asia to recognize it as the Big Brother! now the problem is everyone wants to have an identity of its own and doesn't want to feel belittled! this has sprang up from the insecurites created by the rule of the BRITISH!

Europe was similar in the 1800's all the way to the end of second world war! the quarreled & tried to subdue the other! however at the end of second world war west europe realized that they need to work together inorder to not be overshadowed by the americans or the russians....

today all that is needed to be done is that each SOUTH ASIAN COUNTRY RESPECTS THE OTHER! & RESPECTS ITS SOVEREIGNTY!
bro, big is relative. So your perspective of "big brother" may be different than what we have on this side of the border. We have bigger territory to defend, our own geo-political threat perceptions so we have to have a bigger security establishment. We have a bigger population so our economy has to be bigger. But that does not mean that if a country does not have a bigger territory then it has to look at others as "big brother" Luxembourg is a city state and has the largest per capita GDP in the world.... some say the honour is now with Qatar, but even that is small territory.

So this will get us nowhere. Best that we prioritize our energies on what we want and where we want to go. That should be the primary objective. In this course, there may be friction areas with others but then what will be... will be.....
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