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Why is Pakistan afraid of international perception when testing its ICBM?

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It is the economy that is holding us back. When we developed Shaheen missile series, people had more to eat and there was no energy shortage in fact we had energy surplus. After more than a decade of WOT and huge mismanagement at government level, we simply can not afford to develop new missiles. The reason goes both ways. First is the cost of development and the other is the external costs imposed by outside actors on our economy. India has made its economy so huge that even if those outside actors wanted to impose some kind of sanctions, they could not since it would only hurt themselves.

Our situation has become different. Till the end of 1990's there was no difference between India and Pakistan. But since then things have changed. Pakistan's traditional western allies have left Pakistan to make friendship with India and Pakistan has not been able to make new alliances to take the place of west. That is why India can get away with it and we have problems. If our economy gets on track then everything else will follow.

Pakistan doesn't get this- the importance of economy, they need high-level EDUCATION and ECONOMY !

Our culture has three words: Nukes, Religions, and Army (same circles many years)!
India got the cryogenic engine tech from Russia, so there's no harm in admitting that Pakistan would use Chinese help.

First, India got the engines. A certain limited number. Second, I am not disputing the "harm" of Pakistan getting it from China. What i am disputing is whether China would give it to Pakistan. Why would China give that to Pakistan? What use will it to be China? Think?
Pakistan doesn't get this- the importance of economy, they need high-level EDUCATION and ECONOMY !

Our culture has three words: Nukes, Religions, and Army (same circles many years)!

up u got it my frnd, i hope u spread the message:tup:
Asim there is no need for Pakistan to test any such missile - These things are best kept secret.You people are too naive.India is not a Muslim Nation and Western Countries are not in any conflict with Hindus so they don't fear any threat from them as India has no enmity with them but the attitude towards Muslim Nation is very disturbing.Any test of ICBM conducted by Pakistan would send shock waves throughout the world and isloamophobes will use it to justify an attack on Pakistan to denuclearize Pakistan.Pakistan has mentioned it several times that our nukes are largely meant for regional pigs (and it has worked for the most part - See how Pigs in Migs were afraid of surgical strikes) so that they don't interfere with us.We have to deal with great powers such as US diplomatically.
Although I am not a grandparent yet, please allow me to tell you a story as an elder brother at least:


Once there was a young wolf who wanted to be the leader of the pack but was simply not big enough to challenge the current leader. So he decided to go and meet with the lion to learn something useful which could help him do that. The lion agreed to take him on the next hunt to teach him new skills.

So both the lion and the young wolf crept up to a deer in the bush. The lion asked the wolf,"Is my tail erect?" The wolf said, "Yes, Sir!". The lion asked," Are my eyes red?" "Yes". The lion asked "Are my ears up?", "Yes" came the reply. The lion said, "Now I am ready!" and with a mighty leap sprang upon the deer and captured him.

After learning this useful lesson, the young wolf went back to his pack and gathered them all around him and said, "I have come to be your leader, because I have been taught by the lion himself. Follow me and you will never want for fresh meat!" The wise leader of the pack said, "Well, that is good. Why don't you demonstrate your skills, and if you can hunt as well as you say you do, then I will step aside gladly."

The young wolf boasted, "Show me the animal to be hunted!" and the leader pointed out a water buffalo in the the savannah. Upon seeing the mighty animal he was supposed to bring down, the young wolf's heart leapt into his throat, but he had the whole tribe looking on, so he trembingly stalked the water buffalo, and then jumped upon it.

Of course, the buffalo gave him one mighty kick, flinging the poor wolf far into the bush, bruised and broken. All the pack laughed at him and went away, except a few friends, who came to look after their friend. One asked him, "Whay happened? I thought you were trained by the best!". The young wolf meekly said, "I would have killed the buffalo, except that my tail was not erect, my eyes were not red, and my ears were not up."


First moral of the story: First, get ready.
Second moral of the story: Even after you get ready, don't be over ambitious.

Very Good. Now think for whom the story suits better..!!! Coz definitely its not us, as we know realities and our feet is always grounded then who????..!!! ;)
Very Good. Now think for whom the story suits better..!!! Coz definitely its not us, as we know realities and our feet is always grounded then who????..!!! ;)

The metaphors are scaleable in that story! :D
Pakistan doesn't get this- the importance of economy, they need high-level EDUCATION and ECONOMY !

Our culture has three words: Nukes, Religions, and Army (same circles many years)!

That is not true. Almost all people save for a few know the high importance of education and economy. But our leaders have been impotent to take the initiative on these issues. People do not formulate the budget and implement it. The leaders do. At any rate, I see this as a temporary issue since sooner or later we will come out of it. Probably after the coming elections. Pakistan is too resilient to go down like that. We are not some African banana republic. All great nations have had set backs. Pakistan is no different.

Asim there is no need for Pakistan to test any such missile - These things are best kept secret.You people are too naive.India is not a Muslim Nation and Western Countries are not in any conflict with Hindus so they don't fear any threat from them as India has no enmity with them but the attitude towards Muslim Nation is very disturbing.Any test of ICBM conducted by Pakistan would send shock waves throughout the world and isloamophobes will use it to justify an attack on Pakistan to denuclearize Pakistan.Pakistan has mentioned it several times that our nukes are largely meant for regional pigs (and it has worked for the most part - See how Pigs in Migs were afraid of surgical strikes) so that they don't interfere with us.We have to deal with great powers such as US diplomatically.

I disagree with that. We need to develop and test ICBM. It will add to our deterrence and improve our nationalistic morale. Besides I think the world respects you more when you are powerful than when you are weak.
What is the meaning of these names?




Taimur de lung Mongol warrior
Mohammad Ghauri , former ruler of Afghanistan , known to have captured present day Pak

Shaheen , i dont know about it , maybe the name of daughter of some Muslim warrior
our targets are in our range
i think we donot need such ICBMs
Taimur de lung Mongol warrior
Mohammad Ghauri , former ruler of Afghanistan , known to have captured present day Pak

Shaheen , i dont know about it , maybe the name of daughter of some Muslim warrior

So missiles in pakistan are named after the invaders? wow...
But we need SLV capability. Why should Pakistan not have the ability to maintain its own fleet of geosync and spy satellites?

That's why the whole program exists. I think the government will now work to pump more money into it because after all, this is a d**K measuring contest. If the Indians have it, so must we, however we fail to realize that neither India nor Pakistan require an ICBM. There are parallel programs for a number of missiles, the exact status of their development is classified. For all we know, we may have an ICBM but we decided that 'Selective Disinformation' is in our favour. Like nukes, we had 'em but we played dumb.
First, India got the engines. A certain limited number.

India got more than just a finished product. It got the know how of cryogenic tech from Russia.

Second, I am not disputing the "harm" of Pakistan getting it from China. What i am disputing is whether China would give it to Pakistan. Why would China give that to Pakistan? What use will it to be China? Think?

That is between Pakistan and China. Contrary to Indian claims, that relationship does not center around India.

this is a d**K measuring contest. If the Indians have it, so must we, however we fail to realize that neither India nor Pakistan require an ICBM.

But that's what I am saying. A space program is not such a contest; it is a perfectly legitimate need for any country striving for self-sufficiency and technological competitiveness.
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