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Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

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Okay nothing to not understand and comprehend with your posts. What we have a problem is that Rule of a country over rule of Religion. Rule of country represents everyone in that country, whereas the rules of religion could or could not be applicable to the whole country. Especially nowadays when muslims are at their most ignorant. If everyone else can take our good qualities and implement them in their everyday lives and better them through the ages , what is stopping us from doing the same. If a woman must cover herself up, because she feels protected from elements then should be her decision. But if a woman feels that she knows what the religion prescribes it to her and she still chooses to uncover herself respectably what would be the harm in that? As a very personal social evil that I consider the over covering of the women in this country, because of the fact that women tend to let themselves go to an extent that their husbands are in massage parlors or readying the next wife to become a cow, it just sickens me how they are treated. We need to extend all the information we have to women so that they can defend themselves from the likes of the men that pollute this world. Millions of years have passed and we still have found ways to herd them to this day. Thats 50% of my countries workforce. It needs to mobilize now, with or without a hijab or burqa.
Sir rules of Islam are complete and they have to be implemented with full force and Hijab is the order of ALLAH and you are not smarter than ALLAH Mr
Your subject in university! ;)

English literature.
Sir rules of Islam are complete and they have to be implemented with full force and Hijab is the order of ALLAH and you are not smarter than ALLAH Mr

Oh Noes .. Sir Mian mitthu, Jenab Mr Ibkay Maar is back..!!!!
Welcome back Zarvan.
Honestly, if somebody takes another person's life, 22 years is NOTHING, keep him/her in jail for the rest of his life with hard work imposed on him/her.
In islam punishment for murder of innocent is death no concept of life sentence Mr and Blasphemer are not innocent
In islam punishment for murder of innocent is death no concept of life sentence Mr and Blasphemer are not innocent

Acha bhai .. Maaf kar day .. where do I sign for the "Shariah law for Pakistan petition"? When are you coming to get it signed?
English literature.
Oh Noes .. Sir Mian mitthu, Jenab Mr Ibkay Maar is back..!!!!
Liberal shits I am always here liberals problem is they are ashamed of everything even how they were born their problem is even if west do something with their parents they are happy because they are slaves of west
You seem to be forgetting that you are giving examples of one off instances. I might have heard of 5 cases by specific judges that could have actually been stupid or corrupt enough to allow hormonal balance as defense.

Nope, I am giving examples of daily life of people here...people I work with and talk to...

Single mothers fighting cases, divorced fathers crying because they can not see their children, broken family homes where mother at age of 60 has boy friends...O yea, hormonal balance were probably one off cases...but I was also talking about other stuff...

They do not force women on nude beaches, nor do they force me to go there.
Nope, but they make it as though it is a Norm-
Nope, nude beaches are usually for tourists...In Holland, the red light district is not a Norm...My friend who went there said that the district was only visited by tourist who think it is like a norm but the locals just laugh at them and let them believe that as it brings revenue!
The nude beaches in Scandinavia are probably the only thing that I know that is sort of normal to the locals, rest of the stuff is just tourist attraction!

The women are still not as empowered as you are showing them. They are still seen as objects of lust, while all studies point as women having the same sexual desires as men. Still we see more and more men objectifying women than the other way around.

The amount of the stupid incidents that you mention are fairly median. That is whats important. Right now in the country I live the stupid extremists incidents are on the rise. Nearly double every year. That is alarming. Right now you mention too much justice is better than having no justice for women.

Ooo..I was showing you 1 spectrum of the women here! I also mentioned how men in Italy are similar to Pakistani men...
So, secularism didn't really erase much! It just introduced new headaches!
In islam punishment for murder of innocent is death no concept of life sentence Mr and Blasphemer are not innocent
I dont have any mercy on the murderer, but what if there is a miscariage of justice? Do you see my point here?
How about we have a blasphemy law for chirstians and hindus and everyone as well? That way if anyone mocks their religion they could be put to death as well. But to be fair if any person who can not take an insult to his religion or the prophet of that religion and continues to belittle someone elses religion is dead in a way to begin with. Killing a waste of life shouldnt be a crime.
Sir in Islam insulting any PROPHET PBUH is punishable by death at least first read orders of Islam Mr

I dont have any mercy on the murderer, but what if there is a miscariage of justice? Do you see my point here?
Sir judges have to try their best but the punishment will be only death nothing else and what is the logic than putting some one behind bars ????????????? :hitwall:
Nope, I am giving examples of daily life of people here...people I work with and talk to...

Single mothers fighting cases, divorced fathers crying because they can not see their children, broken family homes where mother at age of 60 has boy friends...O yea, hormonal balance were probably one off cases...but I was also talking about other stuff...

Nope, but they make it as though it is a Norm-
Nope, nude beaches are usually for tourists...In Holland, the red light district is not a Norm...My friend who went there said that the district was only visited by tourist who think it is like a norm but the locals just laugh at them and let them believe that as it brings revenue!
The nude beaches in Scandinavia are probably the only thing that I know that is sort of normal to the locals, rest of the stuff is just tourist attraction!

Ooo..I was showing you 1 spectrum of the women here! I also mentioned how men in Italy are similar to Pakistani men...
So, secularism didn't really erase much! It just introduced new headaches!

Italian men are Europe famous, agreed. But cannot compare them with Pakistani men.. They will win the "eye raping" battles anyday. Just trust me on that. We might lose to the Indians but we will keep that trophy in the subcontinent for sure.
Acha bhai .. Maaf kar day .. where do I sign for the "Shariah law for Pakistan petition"? When are you coming to get it signed?
Soon their will be no petition take over of government INSHALLAH with the help Muslims who love Islam and are ready to fight and die for it
The blasphemy law in Pakistan was fine, then two additions were added by Zia which ruined everything. There's a quote from the Quaid saying "honest criticism of religion should be protected".
Italian men are Europe famous, agreed. But cannot compare them with Pakistani men.. They will win the "eye raping" battles anyday. Just trust me on that. We might lose to the Indians but we will keep that trophy in the subcontinent for sure.
Euorpeans and Americans have the highest rape in the world 1 out of 5 women in America is rape victim according to FBI and also in Britian 80 % rape are not reported so first know some facts than come and talk
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