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Why Is Indian Food So Popular All Over The World?


Apr 27, 2011
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Why Is Indian Food So Popular All Over The World?
by Jeff Schuman

Have you heard from someone that Indian food is really delicious, but are not sure this is something you believe? Then you have to be aware of the reasons why this food is popular all over the world with so many people.

That will help you see that it really is delicious food or there wouldn’t be so many people that enjoy it. The following are the reasons why this food is some of the most popular and delicious food you can eat.

One: Flavor – The flavor for this food is always passionate and the spices that are used are always rich. There are a large variety of Indian dishes that are prepared with a lot of flavor and spices that will have your taste buds sitting up and taking notice.

Two: Wide selection of choices – You will never be left without an option for a good meal, which is one of the things that so many people enjoy about this food. There are so many different choices for everyone, which means finding a delicious meal will be easy for you to do.

Three: Vegetarian and non vegetarian – One of the things that a lot of people like is that you have your choice of vegetarian meals or non vegetarian. This is not something that you will find with other cultures that offer delicious foods.

Being able to go to a restaurant or cook an Indian meal at home and choosing a meal that fits with your diet preference is definitely a benefit for anyone because this is not always easy to do.

Four: Recipes and restaurants – These days being able to cook this food at home is important for many people and with so many different recipes you can use to help you achieve this, it is one reason people all over like it.

There are many people that enjoy going to a restaurant for their food and these days you will be able to easily find a restaurant in your area that serves this type of delicious food. Either way, you have choices for where you eat and for what you want to eat, which is not always easy to do with many different types of food these days.

These are the main reasons why Indian food is so popular all over the world with such a large variety of people. Now you just need to decide if this is food you want to try or if you just want to keep eating the same boring meals you have been eating. If you want a change and are searching for food that will always be delicious, no matter what meal you eat, then you definitely can’t go wrong choosing this food to eat.

Article Directory Blog » Why Is Indian Food So Popular All Over The World?
Indian & Pakistani foods are very spicy, hate emm. I like Italian and Chinese foods.
i think the title should be subcontinental food or south asian food. foreigners do like subcontinental food but not in real way. they like it without or with very less spices.
Most Europeans prefer food with a lot less spice than the standard Indian cuisine .

Essential its a case of them having "loose bowels " after spicy meals in India , whereas its a case of us having " puking tendencies" when we take a bit of their boiled , tasteless and spice-less meals :P :D :D ....
i think the title should be subcontinental food or south asian food. foreigners do like subcontinental food but not in real way. they like it without or with very less spices.

Thats the biggest Myth, west in particular like authentic Indian food, most of them do not want to westernize Indian food just like they have done with Italian and Chinese food to suit Their buds..
I met a ''Gora'' in North London who thinks that Pakistani Masala lamb chops are much better than Indian dosa and palak daal. :D
Guys please post some pics of your favorite dishes, lets see what your taste buds like.
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