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Why is China behaving like a bully?

LOL your rant is even worst than del Rosario, or at the least I could understand him.

Don't bother to quote me anymore because my eyes are not adjusted to your style of penmanship.

So learn to read then why is it so hard to understand that keeping this up this imperialistic dream and force them to your neighbors is bad for all tell me what part of that was confusing to you?
Provocative thread title :hitwall:


China is doing exactly what U.S wants.

They have no option, there are not enough resources to accomodate another billion Chinese into the middle class, and then soon after them a billion Indians. And to justify their rule they need to expand/grow constantly.

Ill use copper as an example

Q - How much production is there worldwide?

A – Not enough, most older existing mines, the foundation of our supply, have increasing costs with production rates stagnating or even declining because of lower grade ore. Half of the world’s copper reserves are more than 50 years old and four of the seven largest copper producers are over 70 years old.

Q - Are there new sources of supply?

A – Yes, but the rate of depletion is much greater than the rate of discovery.

We are also faced with increasingly complicated and more expensive extraction of metals from increasingly harder to find, lower grade ore bodies in almost inaccessible and hostile parts of the world

crying is the most commom reaction of disobedient child being punished.

That cracked me up quite a bit... hilarious...

Calm down people. Fighting on an internet forum won't get an island back. Phillipines is rising economically too, as is China. These disputes will eventually seem unworthy by the time both countries have internet connections and cars for 90% of their people.
They have no option, there are not enough resources to accomodate another billion Chinese into the middle class, and then soon after them a billion Indians. And to justify their rule they need to expand/grow constantly.

I dont think so.Chinis were after an tiny island which was of no use to them but they still sent hundred of boats against japan.
In SCS,they r using excuse of historical claims.
That cracked me up quite a bit... hilarious...

Calm down people. Fighting on an internet forum won't get an island back. Phillipines is rising economically too, as is China. These disputes will eventually seem unworthy by the time both countries have internet connections and cars for 90% of their people.

Sir all us Filipinos have internet access not private subscribe internet but mostly internet cafes and shops we always connected
I dont think so.Chinis were after an tiny island which was of no use to them but they still sent hundred of boats against japan.
In SCS,they r using excuse of historical claims.

Sure, tiny islands in what is thought to be a resource rich sea. In both cases.
Sure, tiny islands in what is thought to be a resource rich sea. In both cases.

its reflection of power projection without compromise but it will push other neighbors in U.S lap and U.S will sell arms to them.
This was how pakistan used against india.
Thanks to our new Supreme Leader Xi Jinping, our enemies are running away with tail between their legs! :)
You are nothing but a douche-bag rhetorician inebriated with the exuberance of your baloney! It's high time you grew up and stopped spewing nonsensical tripe in you posts.
China's not qualified to be a bully. Check this resume:


* 1890..................South Dakota................300 Lakota Indians massacred at Wounded Knee.

* 1890..................Argentina......................Buenos Aires interests protected

* 1891..................Chile.............................Marines clash with nationalist rebel

* 1891..................Haiti..............................Black revolt on Navassa defeated

* 1892...................Idaho............................Army suppresses silver miners' strike

* 1893- ................Hawaii............................Independent kingdom overthrown, annexed

* 1894..................Chicago.........................Breaking of rail strike, 34 killed

* 1894..................Nicaragua......................Month-long occupation of Bluefields

* 1894-5...............China.............................Marines land in Sino-Japanese War

* 1894-6...............Korea.............................Marines kept in Seoul during war

* 1895..................Panama.........................Marines land in Colombian province

* 1896..................Nicaragua.......................Marines land in port of Corinto

* 1898-1900..........China.............................Boxer Rebellion fought by foreign armies

* 1898-1910-.........Philippines.....................Seized from Spain, killed 600,000 Filipinos

* 1898-1902-.........Cuba.............................Seized from Spain, still hold Navy base

* 1898- .................Puerto Rico...................Seized from Spain, occupation continues

* 1898- .................Guam...........................Seized from Spain, still use as base

* 1898- .................Minnesota.....................Army battles Chippewa at Leech Lake

* 1898 ..................Nicaragua .....................Marines land at port of San Juan del Sur

* 1899- .................Samoa .........................Battle over succession to throne

* 1899 ..................Nicaragua .....................Marines land at port of Bluefields

* 1899-01 .............Idaho ............................Army occupies Coeur d'Alene mining region

* 1901 .................Oklahoma .....................Army battles Creek Indian revolt

* 1901-1914 .........Panama ........................Broke off from Colombia 1903, annexed Canal Zone; Opened canal 1914.

* 1903 .................Honduras ......................Marines intervene in revolution

* 1903-04 ..............Dominican Republic .......U.S. interests protected in Revolution

* 1904-05 ..............Korea ............................Marines land in Russo-Japanese War

* 1906-09 ..............Cuba ............................Marines land in democratic election

* 1907 ...................Nicaragua ....................."Dollar Diplomacy" protectorate set up

* 1907 ...................Honduras ......................Marines land during war with Nicaragua

* 1908 ...................Panama ........................Marines intervene in election contest.

* 1910 ...................Nicaragua ......................Marines land in Bluefields and Corinto

* 1911 ...................Honduras .......................U.S. interests protected in civil war

* 1911-1914 ...........China .............................Continuous occupation with flare-ups

* 1912 ...................Cuba ..............................U.S. interests protected in civil war

* 1912 ...................Panama ......................... Marines land during heated election

* 1912 ...................Honduras ........................Marines protect U.S. economic interest

* 1912-33 ...............Nicaragua .......................10-year occupation, fought guerrillas

* 1913 ....................Mexico ...........................Americans evacuated during revolution

* 1914 ....................Dominican republic ..........Fight with rebels over Santo Domingo

* 1914 ....................Colorado .........................Breaking of miners' strike by Army

* 1914-18 ................Mexico ...........................Series of interventions against nationalists

* 1914-34 ................Haiti ...............................19-year occupation after revolts

* 1915 .....................Texas .............................Federal soldiers crush "Plan of San Diego" Mexican-American rebellion

* 1916-24 ................Dominican Republic .........8-year Marine occupation

* 1917-33 ................Cuba ...............................Military occupation, economic protectorate

* 1917-18 ................WWI ...............................Ships sunk, fought Germany for 1 1/2 years

* 1918-22 ................Russia ............................Five landings to fight Bolsheviks

* 1918-20 ................Panama .........................."Police duty" during unrest after elections

* 1919 .....................Honduras .........................Marines land during election campaign

* 1919 .....................Yugoslavia ........................intervene for Italy against Serbs in Dalmatia

* 1920 .....................Gautemala .......................2-week intervention against unionists

* 1920-21 .................West Virginia ...................Army intervenes against mineworkers

* 1922 ......................Turkey ............................Fought nationalists in Smyrna

* 1922-27 ..................China ..............................Deployment during nationalist revolt

* 1923 ......................Mexico .............................Airpower defends Calles from rebellion

* 1924-25 ..................Honduras .........................Landed twice during election strife

* 1925 .......................Panama ...........................Marines suppress general strike

* 1927-34 ...................China ..............................Marines stationed throughout the country

* 1932 .......................El Salvador ......................Warships send during Marti revolt

* 1932 .......................Washington DC ................Army stops WWI vet bonus protest

* 1941-45 ...................WWII ...............................Hawaii bombed, fought Japan, Italy and Germany for 3 years; first nuclear war

* 1943 .......................Detroit ...............................Army put down Black rebellion

* 1946 .......................Iran ...................................Soviet troops told to leave north

* 1946 .......................Yugoslavia .........................Response to shoot-down of US plane

* 1947 ........................Uruguay ............................Bombers deployed as show of strength

* 1947-49 ...................Greece ..............................U.S. directs extreme-right in civil war

* 1948 ........................Germany ..........................Atomic-capable bombers guard Berlin Airlift

* 1948-49 ....................China ...............................evacuate Americans before Communist victory

* 1948-54 ....................Philippines ........................CIA directs war against Huk Rebellion

* 1950 .........................Puerto Rico ......................Independence rebellion crushed in Ponce

* 1951-53- ....................Korea ..............................U.S./So. Korea fights China/No. Korea to stalemate, still have bases

* 1953 .........................Iran ..................................CIA overthrows democracy, installs Shah

* 1954 .........................Vietnam ............................French offered bombs to use against siege

* 1954 .........................Guatemala ........................CIA directs exile invasion after new gov't nationalized U.S. company lands

* 1956 .........................Egypt ................................Soviets told to keep out of Suez crisis; Marines evacuate foreigners

* 1958 .........................Lebanon .............................Army & Marine occupation against rebels

* 1958 .........................Iraq ....................................Iraq warned against invading Kuwait

* 1958 .........................China .................................China told not to move on Taiwan isles

* 1958 .........................Panama .............................Flag protests erupt into confrontation

* 1960-75 .....................Vietnam .............................Fought South Vietnam revolt & North Vietnam, longest war for US

* 1961 .........................Cuba ..................................CIA-directed exile invasion fails

* 1961 .........................Germany ............................Alert during Berlin Wall crisis

* 1962 .........................Laos ..................................Military buildup during guerrilla war

* 1962 .........................Cuba .................................Blockade during missile crisis; near-war with Soviet Union

* 1963 .........................Iraq ....................................CIA organizes coup that killed president, brings Ba'ath Party to power

* 1964 .........................Panama ..............................Panamanians shot for urging canal's return

* 1965 .........................Indonesia .............................Million killed in CIA-assisted army coup

* 1965-66 ....................Dominican republic ...............Army & Marines land during election campaign

* 1966-67 ....................Guatemala ...........................Green Berets intervene against rebels

* 1967 .........................Detroit ..................................Army battles African Americans, 43 killed

* 1968 .........................US .......................................After King is shot; over 21,000 soldiers in cities

* 1969-75 .....................Cambodia .............................Up to 2 m killed in decade of bombing, starvation, and political chaos

* 1970 ..........................Oman ...................................U.S. directs Iranian marine invasion

* 1971-73 .....................Laos .....................................U.S. directs S Vietnamese invasion; "carpet-bombs" countryside

* 1973 ..........................South Dakota ........................Army directs Wounded Knee siege of Lakotas

* 1973 ..........................Mideast ................................World-wide alert during Mideast War

* 1973 ..........................Chile .....................................CIA-backed coup ousts elected marxist president

* 1975 ..........................Cambodia ..............................Gassing of captured ship Mayagüez, 28 die when copter shot down

* 1976-92 ......................Angola ..................................CIA assists South African-backed rebels

* 1980 .......................... Iran .......................................Hostage rescue, 8 troops die in copter-plane crash

* 1981 ...........................Libya .................................... Two Libyan jets shot down in maneuvers

* 1981-92 ......................El Salvador .............................Advisers, overflights aid anti-rebel war, soldiers involved actions

* 1981-90 ......................Nicaragua ...............................CIA directs exile (Contra) invasions, plants harbor mines

* 1982-84 ......................Lebanon ..................................Marines expel PLO and back Phalangists, Navy bombs and shells ..............................................................................Muslim positions. 241 Marines killed when Shi'a rebel bombs barracks.

* 1983-84 ......................Grenada ...................................Invasion four years after revolution

* 1983-89 ......................Honduras .................................Maneuvers help build bases near borders

* 1984 ...........................Iran .........................................Two Iranian jets shot down over Persian Gulf

* 1986 ...........................Libya .......................................Air strikes to topple Qaddafi gov't

* 1986 ...........................Bolivia ......................................Army assists raids on cocaine region

* 1987-88 ...................... Iran ..........................................On Iraq in war, defend reflagged tankers and shoot down civilian jet

* 1989 ...........................Libya ........................................Two Libyan jets shot down

* 1989 ...........................Virgin Islands .............................St. Croix Black unrest after storm

* 1989 ...........................Philippines .................................Air cover provided for government against coup

* 1989- ..........................Panama .....................................Nationalist government ousted by soldiers, leaders arrested, 2000+ killed.

* 1990 ...........................Liberia ........................................Foreigners evacuated during civil war

* 1990-91 ......................Saudi Arabia .............................. Iraq invade Kuwait,540,000 troops stationed nearby

* 1990-91 .......................Iraq ............................................Air strikes; 200,000+ killed

* 1991 ...........................Kuwait ........................................Kuwait royal family returned to throne

* 1991-2003 ...................Iraq .............................................No-fly zone over Kurdish north, Shiite south; constant air strikes ........................................................................................and naval-enforced economic sanctions

* 1992 ...........................Los Angeles ................................Army, Marines deployed against anti-police uprising

* 1992-94 ......................Somalia ......................................U.S led UN occupation during civil war; raids against Mogadishu faction

* 1992-94 ......................Yugoslavia ..................................NATO blockade of Serbia and Montenegro

* 1993- ..........................Bosnia .......................................No-fly zone patrolled in civil war; downed jets, bombed Serbs

* 1994 ...........................Haiti ..........................................Blockade against military gov't; troops restore Pres Aristide

* 1996-97 .......................Zaire (Congo) .............................Troops at Rwandan where Congo revolution begins

* 1997 ...........................Liberia ........................................Soldiers under fire during evacuation of foreigners

* 1997 ...........................Albania .......................................Soldiers under fire during evacuation of foreigners

* 1998 ...........................Sudan .........................................Attack on pharm plant alleged to be "terrorist" nerve gas plant

* 1998 ...........................Afghanistan .................................Missiles on training camps

* 1998 ...........................Iraq .............................................Intensive air strikes after inspectors allege Iraqi obstructions

* 1999 ...........................Yugoslavia ...................................NATO air strikes after Serbia declines to withdraw from Kosovo, occupy

* 2000 ...........................Yeman ........................................USS Cole, docked in Aden, bombed

* 2001 ...........................Macedonia ..................................NATO forces deployed to move and disarm Albanian rebels

* 2001 ...........................US ..............................................Reaction to hijacker attacks on New York, DC

* 2001- ..........................Afghanistan .................................30,000 U.S. troops overthrow Taliban, hunt Al Qaeda

* 2002 ...........................Yeman .........................................Predator drone missile attack on Al Qaeda

* 2002- ...........................Philippines ..................................Train Philippine military fighting Abu Sayyaf rebels

* 2003- ...........................Columbia .....................................US special force back up Colombian military protect oil pipeline

* 2003-............................Iraq ..............................................US led UN force for WMD

* 2003 ............................Liberia ..........................................Peacekeeping as rebels drove out leader

* 2004-05 .......................Haiti .............................................Marines & Army land after right-wing rebels oust Aristide

* 2005- ...........................Pakistan .......................................Drone strikes

* 2006- ...........................Somalia ........................................Special Forces advise Ethiopian invasion

* 2008 ............................Syria ........................................... Special Forces in helicopter raid from Iraq

* 2009- ...........................Yeman .........................................Cruise missile attack on Al Qaeda kills 49 civilians

* 2011- ........................... Libya ...........................................NATO coordinates air strikes and missile attacks

History of U.S. Military Interventions since 1890

w00t, bot posting walls of text :china:

You are nothing but a douche-bag rhetorician inebriated with the exuberance of your baloney! It's high time you grew up and stopped spewing nonsensical tripe in you posts.

dude, it's 50 cents, have some soul on the poor guy, he will buy a bowl of rice after...
If China will not stop from his aggressiveness and assertiveness in the West Philippine Sea/South China Sea then we should start recognizing Taiwan as a nation and stop honoring the "One China Policy" :enjoy:
lol, so angry. No keep to get angry on an internet forum. Sounds like someone needs a hug!

No, I don't want to kill half of California. (OK, Maybe some of the actors in LA deserve a good beating, but I'm good with most Californians!) I'm just pointing out how weak and stupid your argument sounds.

I mean, Native Americans are good because they have their own indian reservations? LOL?

China isn't perfect either, but compared to some of the atrocities committed by the US in recent history, China's practically saintly. The most brutal acts China has committed has been against its own people, unfortunately.

And no, Vietnam isn't a part of China. Nor do we want it to be. But you have to acknowledge the fact that Nations often have disagreements, and you cannot just take a side and call the other side wrong because it suits your purposes. This is exactly what the Western Media has done. This is wrong.

All interference will do is harm all party involved. It's not even in Vietnam's or Philippines interest to have the US intervene. All the US will do is egg the participants on and have the stupid people in Vietnam and Philippines do the dirty work for them. Why should America spend a dime or risk a life when Vietnamese and Filipinos will die for them to contain China?

In that respect, the Indians and the Koreans are actually much smarter about the situation than Vietnam and Filipinos. They know to get the most advantage out of the situation they must remain neutral. The world is changing, and their strategy changed to adapt.

All I'm saying it's brilliant strategy on the US front on a short term basis. It's Win to the US to foment Asian conflict IN THE SHORT TERM and if you look at the world as a zero sum game. It's just too bad that Asia has to loses for the US to win in this scenario.

Long term though, that strategy is a loser. China will inevitably rise just as the US will inevitably decline. When the time comes, the US will realize how foolish it was to have tried to contain a Rising China using other Asian nations. why? because in doing so, they are throwing away the biggest leverage they have to balance China: the goodwill of the Chinese people.

Some Native American lecture are in order.

The problem is never the American Indian, up until 1812, we have a good relation with the native american, they are colonized by the british and the Spanish, and some of them support the birth of America in 1776 war, and some fought against the American with the war of 1812, problem came when Indian no longer wanted to co-exist with American from 1850 and on, we have numberous clashes wit hthe native indian.

The land we get form indian is a combination of cession and colony from britain and wargain. Which is nothing the Indian didn't done to themselve already. We push them to North Western Region and we retain our land and they sort of retain theirs.

We did not bully them out of their land, we tried to pay them for their land, they refused, we ask them to live with us and co-exist nicely, they refused, and when you are in 1900, what more can you do except rooting them out??

However, this we have seen as a mistake and we are trying to restore the national identity of Native American.

China isn't perfect either, but compared to some of the atrocities committed by the US in recent history, China's practically saintly. The most brutal acts China has committed has been against its own people, unfortunately.

lol, i did not bring up the atrocity commit on either side (US or China) it's your countrymen that said why do i have the qualification to post here if my country do this and that bad thing. For me, ever country have their ghost in their closet, best each left them where it is, if you want to take my and talk about it, i will take out your dirty laundry

No, I don't want to kill half of California. (OK, Maybe some of the actors in LA deserve a good beating, but I'm good with most Californians!) I'm just pointing out how weak and stupid your argument sounds.

OK, how stupid was my thinking?? I mean, we killed them and they killed us in the wars with Native american war, yes, we killed more of them than they killed us but what are you going to do about it today? Let them loose in United States and kill the equal number of people?

We gave them back their Tribal sovereginty, which is considered the ultimate thing US can do, you need to know, Native American did not settle all of America when there was a America, they lived sparsely and have settlement here and there, and we are now compensating them with their own settlement back, plus compensation, plus Indian nationality act which regonise them as US Citizens as well as their native sovereignty citizens What more can we gave them?

I mean, Native Americans are good because they have their own indian reservations? LOL?

So should we let them loose and kill the equal amount of American to get even?? That was a war, they lose man, we lose man. That's quite even. We gave them their reservation, they can decide what to do themselve, we gave them back their NAtive American Identity, we gave them a great deal of compensation, what more do you want??

And no, Vietnam isn't a part of China. Nor do we want it to be. But you have to acknowledge the fact that Nations often have disagreements, and you cannot just take a side and call the other side wrong because it suits your purposes. This is exactly what the Western Media has done. This is wrong.
Dude, we never take side to dispute that have nothing to do with us. We don't say who own SCS (I doubt any American will know what is SCS) and we do not take side on the Dispute of senkaku. Hilary Clinton said it, Even BO Said it, you guys choose not to listen and keep saying American meddling someone else's business.

For all we care, Chin acan take Senkaku, just not by military means. The word Mutual Defense are when you attack Japanese military, we will jump in, not when you get Senkaku, we will jump in.

I will say again, we do not take side, but if you attack Japan because you want to take back Senkaku or whatever reason, then we will attack you. Taking side and honoring a mutual defence pack are two different thing, we did not know there will be a dispute with China and Japan in 1970 when we sign the mutual defence pack back in 1950.

We tkae side on israeli and palestine issue, that is because it related to us most. What do we got from SCS and Senkaku? You think if we intervene on behalf of anybody, they will give us exclusive drilling right of either SCS or Senkaku?? IF we wanted the Senkaku, we could have not gave them back to Japan...

All interference will do is harm all party involved. It's not even in Vietnam's or Philippines interest to have the US intervene. All the US will do is egg the participants on and have the stupid people in Vietnam and Philippines do the dirty work for them. Why should America spend a dime or risk a life when Vietnamese and Filipinos will die for them to contain China?

How do we intervene the SCS exactly?? Can you tell me that?

In that respect, the Indians and the Koreans are actually much smarter about the situation than Vietnam and Filipinos. They know to get the most advantage out of the situation they must remain neutral. The world is changing, and their strategy changed to adapt.

Indian have their own patrol within their interest zone in Vietnam SCS EEZ. they are not neutral in this factor.

Korean have nil interest in SCS. Why would they need to intervene? It's the same Australia, New Zealand, Iraq and Afghanistan have no interest on SCS, of course they will stay neutral. Your reason is funny.

All I'm saying it's brilliant strategy on the US front on a short term basis. It's Win to the US to foment Asian conflict IN THE SHORT TERM and if you look at the world as a zero sum game. It's just too bad that Asia has to loses for the US to win in this scenario.

I have a serious question on what you just said, it's of no interest to serve the US to get involve in SCS and Senkaku dispute with China. I don't care who said what or who told you that. We have no intention, as many of our high ranking government official said it already. To get into the dispute and take side.

We will attack you, if you attack Japan, even if Senkaku were Chinese in the first place. This is not because of we want to protect senkaku, this is because of we are to protect Japan itself. We will do the same thing even Senkaku does not exist in this world.

LOL let me guess, you were educated in a CCP youth school, right?
The sentences you wrote are more or less copied texts from Global Times. :rofl:

That is what they always say, you mess with us, tomorrow you are gonna pay big time, but day after day, tomorrow never came, tomorrow seems too far away.

You are good at at finding excuses. Who told you tribal ppl's lands can be grabbed at will. Let me make a concession, hypothetically you are right, California was grabbed by USA from Mexico, which was obviously not a tribal ruling country. Does uncle Sam feel guilty and plan to return it to Mexico?

lol this again. i can word play too

hypothetically you are right, Aksai Chin was grabbed by China from India, which was obviously not a tribal ruling country. Does uncle Hu feel guilty and plan to return it to India?

There are many court ruling stating tribal rules do apply for Terra Nullius cause. Do bear in mind, the Native American in India case is conquer colonism by the British, the labnd was ceded by Native American by treaty, so does the colonization of New Zealand, Hong Kong, Africa and Indian Ocean territories. Almost all of the Terra Nullius Clause claim are by Indigenous Australian. As British using a "Settlement" Colony apporach (Whcih mean ignoring the native living in Australia and treat them as a non-factor, ie the stuff you said)

Milirrpum v Nabalco Pty Ltd, (1971)
R v Tommy (1827)
R v Ballard (1829)
R v Boatman or Jackass and Bulleyes (1832)
Cooper v Stuart (1889)

All these case law failed and Australian Government Regonise Terra Nullius Clause.

however, there are 1 case that stand alone which do not regonise Terra Nullius clasue , but also do not acknowledge the NAtive Entitlement right. It treated as a draw instead of a win for commonwealth.

Mabo v Queensland (No 2) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What it said is, The ultimate beneficial right to land is not to the commonwealth solely, but it stop short on saying who the right belong to. And it also stop short on saying the case could be used as an open door for all indigenous australian claim to land. So basically, it did not say anything but rejected terra nullius claim (Hence the switch form Settle colony to conquered colony in Queensland)

Regarding Xisha islands, I feel funny that you started your theory from 1974. Could we judge the ownership of an asset after a thief has finished his work? When the WW2 was over, it was China who got the right to accept Japanese surrender in SCS. So China has legal reasons to take these islands back. It's an award for our huge sacrifice and contribution to the war. Back then Vietnam didn't even exist.

Dude, China (PRC) did not exist pre-1945. China (ROC) exist, and as far as i concern and i know which most people agree with me, China (ROC) still exist in the form of Taiwan and retain the government of ROC. So, should you return the Paracel to ROC now? IF you want to claim before 1945.

China have NO LEGAL REASON to take the island back. When you finish off ROC, you can own the island via Inherit Ownership. Last time i heard, ROC had not surrendered to PRC yet. So your claim of "Legal" ownership are very much in doubt. May i remind you, there are no Inherit Ownership by PR of China as Republic of China still exist as of today, for the world prespective, it's PRC that took mainland China from ROC, China (The landmass) itself has no meaning, it's about the government. So if you have to count before Vietnam took procession, then you should REALLY gave back the Island to Taiwan, as they are the legal owner from 1912 onward, ROC have not sign any treaty to cede Paracel to PRC, hence ROC should still maintain ownership of the island, just their capital city has change from peking to taipei, that does not change the ownership of other land.

South Vietnam does not exist does not mean you can take the Island as yourselve. Socialist Republic of Vietnam have inherit ownership from all South Vietnam land as part of the reunitification, so if you count the 1974, you should return the Island to Vietnam.

I love how chinese use double standard and twist the fact that when they grab land, it's all legal, when the west grab land, they are all nono.

If China will not stop from his aggressiveness and assertiveness in the West Philippine Sea/South China Sea then we should start recognizing Taiwan as a nation and stop honoring the "One China Policy" :enjoy:

Taiwan is actually playing it really smart as they stayed out of all these.............every step they did not take get them closer to target. But in the end, if they want China out of the question, they need to alliance themselve with others, there ar eno doubt about it.
Just look at the map, China is surrounded with US Asian allies.

Well this may just be the opportunity that the US is waiting for to dissolve the Chinese debt and contain their development by using the Philippines or Japan as bait. If China attacks the Philippines or Japan, The US can take the moral high ground citing the Mutual defense treaty to impose commercial and military sanctions either way China is screwed. China will turn to ashes if they start the war.


We never heard about these issue 10 or even 5 years back, why it is so heated up now

China should be very very careful, war in the current century brings no good.

China should play delay tactic like Taiwan crisis, move along avoid any conflict

As you can see, these are no issues, these issues are brought up and made hot, so that US can benefit from the crisis

One mistake from china and boom, US will get a chance to exploit
Vietnam and specially Philippine should be very careful not to become pawn of US.
Whatever consequences will be, the people of said countries will suffer the most impact.

I don´t want to become a slave to the Chinese. Pls feel free to do so on your own. Honestly I don´t need your advice.

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