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Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

did u read pentagon analyse on iran usa war go read it and then come back but dont cry its ur pentagon analyse so plz dont say this s things about iran usa war

in 2002 we are very stronger than 2002

his a friend to us, he opposes US war with Iran and knows how powerful Iran's military power is in asymmetrical warfare. he looks at the war and knows the difference between reality and Hollywood films.
did u read pentagon analyse on iran usa war go read it and then come back but dont cry its ur pentagon analyse so plz dont say this s things about iran usa war

in 2002 we are very stronger than 2002
Offcourse i read it.

The article i posted from FOX NEWs basically said the US is stalling from sending its AC INTO the Persian Gulf. Pentagon told us the AC was "headed to the PErsian Gulf", but its as though it doesnt actually want to arrive. Pentagon knows Iran can damage the Aircraft carriers. The fact that fox news said this blew my mind because they are right wing and hawkish.
Lol! Please, you just contradicted your first paragraph with the rest of your imaginary plan. The areas you named almost add up to 30-40 percent of Iran territory.

US and Saudis and Emiraties and ....... Are fighting Yemen for almost 2 years now without success. And they are blaming Iran for their incompetence. You don't know what you are talking about and probably think asymmetrical warfare is about a bunch of guerilla warriors living in jungles and attacking enemy scouts.

You can give it a week if you like, why 2?

Read this maybe you learn something:


Do you even know what the word contradiction means, or are your english language skills poor, or are you just so desperate to defend your sinking ship that is the Mullah regime that you would resort to such nonsensical replies?

I said a US-Saudi alliance will take over strategic areas of Iran, not the whole country. Regions in which ethnic minorities like the AzerTurks, Kurds and Arabs make up a large part of the populace who will welcome any US led force as liberators.

The Iranian Mullah regime has never been weaker. Once the US-Saudi alliance takes the oil, wipes out the IRGC using pinpoint airstrikes, Naval Force, Air Force, Air Defence, Rocket force, brings down communications etc.. all that will be left is to wipe out the Mullah command and control centers and mansions dotted around the country.

The Iranian people would not be affected by collateral damage from airstrikes due to the nature of Modern US smart missiles and once they see the Mullahs start to shake they will rise up and overthrow them. I repeat this will not be like Iraq. The Pentagon are much smarter now and so are the Saudis. They realize the mistakes of Iraq just like the Americans did of vietnam before Desert Storm.

All objectives I have stated in this post can be easily achieved by US-Saudi alliance in a matter of weeks.
Do you even know what the word contradiction means, or are your english language skills poor, or are you just so desperate to defend your sinking ship that is the Mullah regime that you would resort to such nonsensical replies?

I said a US-Saudi alliance will take over strategic areas of Iran, not the whole country. Regions in which ethnic minorities like the AzerTurks, Kurds and Arabs make up a large part of the populace who will welcome any US led force as liberators.

The Iranian Mullah regime has never been weaker. Once the US-Saudi alliance takes the oil, wipes out the IRGC using pinpoint airstrikes, Naval Force, Air Force, Air Defence, Rocket force, brings down communications etc.. all that will be left is to wipe out the Mullah command and control centers and mansions dotted around the country.

The Iranian people would not be affected by collateral damage from airstrikes due to the nature of Modern US smart missiles and once they see the Mullahs start to shake they will rise up and overthrow them. I repeat this will not be like Iraq. The Pentagon are much smarter now and so are the Saudis. They realize the mistakes of Iraq just like the Americans did of vietnam before Desert Storm.

All objectives I have stated in this post can be easily achieved by US-Saudi alliance in a matter of weeks.
you are dumb AF my friend.
Do you even know what the word contradiction means, or are your english language skills poor, or are you just so desperate to defend your sinking ship that is the Mullah regime that you would resort to such nonsensical replies?

I said a US-Saudi alliance will take over strategic areas of Iran, not the whole country. Regions in which ethnic minorities like the AzerTurks, Kurds and Arabs make up a large part of the populace who will welcome any US led force as liberators.

The Iranian Mullah regime has never been weaker. Once the US-Saudi alliance takes the oil, wipes out the IRGC using pinpoint airstrikes, Naval Force, Air Force, Air Defence, Rocket force, brings down communications etc.. all that will be left is to wipe out the Mullah command and control centers and mansions dotted around the country.

The Iranian people would not be affected by collateral damage from airstrikes due to the nature of Modern US smart missiles and once they see the Mullahs start to shake they will rise up and overthrow them. I repeat this will not be like Iraq. The Pentagon are much smarter now and so are the Saudis. They realize the mistakes of Iraq just like the Americans did of vietnam before Desert Storm.

All objectives I have stated in this post can be easily achieved by US-Saudi alliance in a matter of weeks.
No, judging by where we each live my English is way better than yours.

If US-Saudi coalition could occupy any nation that had the will to fight, they would have already occupied Yemen. Just FYI, minority of an ethnic group has nothing to do with the area they occupy. The areas you mentioned, add up to 30-40 percent of Iran's total territory.

None of those ethnicities you mentioned is going to welcome foreign troops especially Saudis. And, yes Iranian will die and get hurt in these attacks same way Iraqi's died during US illegal invasion. Don't tell me you don't know how many Iraqi's died in that war.

You know zero about Iran's military capability. Judging by your number of comments you just found this thread and felt like jumping in. Go read about Iran's abilities and then lets see if you stay with your estimate.

For now, let's see when the US strike group gets the balls to enter Persian Gulf. They seem to feel safer in Arabian sea.
No, judging by where we each live my English is way better than yours.

If US-Saudi coalition could occupy any nation that had the will to fight, they would have already occupied Yemen. Just FYI, minority of an ethnic group has nothing to do with the area they occupy. The areas you mentioned, add up to 30-40 percent of Iran's total territory.

None of those ethnicities you mentioned is going to welcome foreign troops especially Saudis. And, yes Iranian will die and get hurt in these attacks same way Iraqi's died during US illegal invasion. Don't tell me you don't know how many Iraqi's died in that war.

You know zero about Iran's military capability. Judging by your number of comments you just found this thread and felt like jumping in. Go read about Iran's abilities and then lets see if you stay with your estimate.

For now, let's see when the US strike group gets the balls to enter Persian Gulf. They seem to feel safer in Arabian sea.

I know about Iran's abilities all to well

You are a paper tiger compared to the US military and all service branches would have no problem in delivering a crushing blow to your forces.

And my English? It's far better than yours. A Canadian who has to hark back to the Mullah Education system. Mind you did you did you get that PhD in cave studies yet?
and GPS is only navigation you dumb troll google it @WinterNights

It seems your brain is twisted, I am not taking about GPS specifically. That was just one example.
You are really really retard, you know what is cooperative engagement capability to overcome multiple threats, you retard @WinterNights

you're kid, that insist his crap again and again @WinterNights

It seems the issue here is that you're simply too retarded to understand the basics of what I am saying. Those "cooperative" engagement mean nothing if there is nothing they can do to stop a particular threat. The plain fact is, none of those missile used in the ABD can reliable defeat the newer Iranian missiles, it does not matter if you have 1 layer or 100.

Don't be foolish

The twelver regime has been on shaky legs for a long time. The average Iranian is Persian first then Twelver second. Once the US-Saudi coalition takes the oil and the high ground your nation's economy will be that of afghanistan's - a complete ruin. With a depleted IRGC unable to protect them and an increasingly Hungry populace the regime in Tehran will fall quicker than your average domino.

What the fck are you even blabbering about you moron?
It seems your brain is twisted, I am not taking about GPS specifically. That was just one example.
It seems the issue here is that you're simply too retarded to understand the basics of what I am saying. Those "cooperative" engagement mean nothing if there is nothing they can do to stop a particular threat. The plain fact is, none of those missile used in the ABD can reliable defeat the newer Iranian missiles, it does not matter if you have 1 layer or 100.
Ok, I front of mighty armed service of Iran US armed force have no Chance to win, now happy you troll @WinterNights :p::p::sick::P;):enjoy:
I know about Iran's abilities all to well

You are a paper tiger compared to the US military and all service branches would have no problem in delivering a crushing blow to your forces.

And my English? It's far better than yours. A Canadian who has to hark back to the Mullah Education system. Mind you did you did you get that PhD in cave studies yet?
I know about Iran's abilities all to well

You are a paper tiger compared to the US military and all service branches would have no problem in delivering a crushing blow to your forces.

And my English? It's far better than yours. A Canadian who has to hark back to the Mullah Education system. Mind you did you did you get that PhD in cave studies yet?

So what's holding the U.S back? I thought the U.S has been waging a War on terror for the past 18 years? They call Iran the leading State Sponsor of Terror and they even designated the IRGC as a terror organization, so again why don't they attack the leading state sponsor of Terror with its paper military? It would be a walk in the park right?
So what's holding the U.S back?
Because Uncle Sam is basically a nice guy. :enjoy:

I thought the U.S has been waging a War on terror for the past 18 years? They call Iran the leading State Sponsor of Terror and they even designated the IRGC as a terror organization, so again why don't they attack the leading state sponsor of Terror with its paper military?
You have an incomplete understanding of the word 'terror'.

We labeled Iran as a state level sponsor of terrorism mean Iran support various non-state paramilitary organizations as well as advocating for the same. It does not mean we label Iran such so that we have a reason to attack Iran. Iran can label US the same in return. No one is stopping ya.

But if you really want a taste of what we can dole out, all you have to do is attack US mano-a-mano, meaning UNIFORMED COMBATANTS VS UNIFORMED COMBATANTS. No hiding behind any proxy. State vs State. Not State vs Agent. You can identify a US soldier, a US Marine, or a US Airman by our uniforms. You should have respect and have your combatants do the same.

It would be a walk in the park right?
Right. It would. Not could, but would. I will preempt you by stating there will be no invasion. We learned from our mistakes in Afghanistan and Iraq. More from Iraq than from Afghanistan. The main lesson is that the ME is not worth our effort to introduce democracy. Defeating the Iranian military will be stroll in the park.
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