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Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

If rag tag forces like Taliban & ISIS and wars in Iraq, Syria etc lasted for years, I'm sure Iran can hold it's ground against the US

These guys are non-state actors hence they operate different and wherever. Iran will get knocked out quickly
I think this guy has no clue what asymmetrical warfare is. Yes if Iran play by the same rules as US military it will lose very quickly
If asymmetrical warfare means guerrilla war than it would be Iranians vs Iranians
These guys are non-state actors hence they operate different and wherever. Iran will get knocked out quickly

This clown appears to be badly obsessed with Iran.
You camel jockeys should worry first about getting slaughtered by Iranian proxies . Iran will slaughter all your kind with ease. You're less than our faeces.
If war between the US and Iran erupted, then Iran would be a failed state in a matter of 6 hours.
I think as far as I remember the last time your top diplomats predicted a war was Yemen war that it would take only 3 weeks .... so don't make stupid comments on something that your kind has no expertise.
They can never conquer Iran. They don't have an alternative proxy in place to take over, as far as I know. Mind you that never stopped them in Libya. Maybe that's the aim. Weaken the regime, instigate rebellious factions.

Not that easy in Iran. They're mostly ethnically the same and the religiously. The safavids ethnically cleansed the sunnies of Iran.
US is not out to conquer Iran as in the traditional sense of occupation by foreign forces, than their people will come in in droves. The aim is regime change, put in a pro US puppet. That's all is needed in modern takeover to gain control
If rag tag forces like Taliban & ISIS and wars in Iraq, Syria etc lasted for years, I'm sure Iran can hold it's ground against the US
Is this the benchmark for success now? These countries are in ruins and no longer prosperous regional powers.
Is this the benchmark for success now? These countries are in ruins and no longer prosperous regional powers.
Where did I say that holding off against the US is termed as success? Iran has enough military might to keep US at bay not get completely destroyed like Iraq or Syria
Where did I say that holding off against the US is termed as success? Iran has enough military might to keep US at bay not get completely destroyed like Iraq or Syria
Iraq had a very large and well-equipped force by 1990, and Saddam Hussein's decision to commit to a full-scale confrontation with US proved disastrous for his country regardless.

US is spending too much on its defense-related matters in comparison to other countries, and not only have developed superior weapons but have amassed vast stockpiles of deadly munitions to expend on a potential enemy state in order to bring it down to stone-age levels of existence if need be. US also understand warfare on a much deeper level than Iran (much greater exposure to combat situations in comparison).
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I think this guy has no clue what asymmetrical warfare is. Yes if Iran play by the same rules as US military it will lose very quickly

if your country resorts to asymmetrical warfare, you have already lost, US has no intention of occupying Iran, just completely crippling your country, and if you are resorting to asymmetrical warfare, well then your country has already been crippled in every possible way.
no chance as if Iran regime destroyed by USA, than how will USA get money from Arab Countries on the name of their defence :) Remember Saudi annual defence budget is 70 billion dollar and more than 80% money goes to USA
Iran is the matter of hours nit days for US. Like 48or 72 hours
LMAO. Even US think tanks believe US will need to do weeks of strikes to degrade Iran's overall military infrastructure. I agree.
They wont "Win" but they get a few punches in
if your country resorts to asymmetrical warfare, you have already lost, US has no intention of occupying Iran, just completely crippling your country, and if you are resorting to asymmetrical warfare, well then your country has already been crippled in every possible way.
And then we watch and keep silent?
What if shia militias in Iraq, without any violence, pressure all Iraqi oil industry to stop producing and exporting oil in solidarity with Iranian muslim brothers who are attacked? What will happen with oil prices and how can US intervene of 5 million barrels a day suddenly stop being produced, let me know.
This is only one simple and "soft" measure out of 500 measures which could be taken.

Iraq had a very large and well-equipped force by 1990, and Saddam Hussein's decision to commit to a full-scale confrontation with US proved disastrous for his country regardless.

US is spending too much on its defense-related matters in comparison to other countries, and not only have developed superior weapons but have amassed vast stockpiles of deadly munitions to expend on a potential enemy state in order to bring it down to stone-age levels of existence if need be. US also understand warfare on a much deeper level than Iran (much greater exposure to combat situations in comparison).
US will be demoralized as soon as few of their pigs get slaughtered or loose their legs. The media will do its work. Us is strong, but nothing special or undefeatable.
What if shia militias in Iraq, without any violence, pressure all Iraqi oil industry to stop producing and exporting oil in solidarity with Iranian muslim brothers who are attacked?

then the rest of oil producing countries will enjoy a slight rise in oil prices and Iraqis will watch their economy crumble

What will happen with oil prices and how can US intervene of 5 million barrels a day suddenly stop being produced, let me know.

Russia and Saudi Arabia alone can fill 5 million gap with pleasure, additional OPEC countries will also jump up in joy as they can once again increase production.

This is only one simple and "soft" measure out of 500 measures which could be taken.

thats not even a measure, Iraqis are not gonna sacrifice their economy for you, and what is them stopping production even supposed to accomplish?
Iraq had a very large and well-equipped force by 1990, and Saddam Hussein's decision to commit to a full-scale confrontation with US proved disastrous for his country regardless

Actually Iraq just came out of an eight year war with Iran, wasted alot of resources thus I don't believe they had a well equipped army. Combined that with the US not supplying them with weapons as they did during Iran-Iraq war , Iraq had very little chance at that time.
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