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Why Indians are supporting Israel? when their own Leader Mahatma Gandhi was in favour of Palestine.

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OP don't generalise.

We support Israel but many Indians are now beginning to think that Israel is going overboard. Most Indians on this web site may not agree.
Aare yaar reply unke language mein de naa. Just ask them the same question in reverse way .
For example :

Why is Pakistan an Islamic republic when their own leader Jinnah was in favor of a secular state. Then Quote the August 14 speech :

" You are free to go to your temples, your churches. State has nothing to do with that since all of us are Pakistanis."

Then give a big smile like this.


Israel has illegal settlement over gaza,India has illegal settlement over Kashmir, how can't they not support each other?
Now regarding this statement. Lets put it in this way .

Pakistanis are a puppet of west, Arabs are a puppets of west. How can not they support each other ?
. .
The entire civilized world should stand with Israel at this time. Israel is a tiny state with tiny population in midst of a very hostile region which is 1000 times larger in terms of population and territory.
Israel is surrounded by states and organisation's which don't accept its existence and are very adamant on the destruction of the Israeli state and consequently genocide of 10's of millions of people of Judaism. Israel has to win every time to survive, whereas its enemies have to succeed only once for the complete annihilation of Israel and its people.

Why Support Israel?
If Israel were wiped out tomorrow, Europeans would ask for a brief minute of silence, then sigh relief, and roll up their sleeves to get down to trade and business.
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Muslim world is mystified as to why Americans support the existence of Israel. Some critics in the Middle East excuse "the American people," while castigating our government. In their eyes, our official policy could not really reflect grassroots opinion. Others misinformed spin elaborate conspiracy theories involving the power of joint Mossad-CIA plots, Old Testament fundamentalists, international bankers, and Jewish control of Hollywood, the media, and the U.S. Congress. But why does an overwhelming majority of Americans (according to most polls, between 60 and 70% of the electorate) support Israel -- and more rather than less so after September 11?

The answer is found in values -- not in brainwashing or because of innate affinity for a particular race or creed. Israel is a democracy. Its opponents are not. Much misinformation abounds on this issue. Libya, Syria, and Iraq are dictatorships, far more brutal than even those in Egypt or Pakistan. But even "parliaments" in Iran, Morocco, Jordan, and on the West Bank are not truly and freely democratic. In all of them, candidates are either screened, preselected, or under coercion. Daily television and newspapers are subject to restrictions and censorship; "elected" leaders are not open to public audit and censure. There is a reason, after all, why in the last decade Americans have dealt with Mr. Netanyahu, Barak, and Sharon -- and no one other than Mr. Arafat, the Husseins in Jordan, the Assads in Syria, Mr. Mubarak, and who knows what in Lebanon, Algeria, and Afghanistan. Death, not voters, brings changes of rule in the Arab world.

The Arab street pronounces that it is the responsibility of the United States -- who gives money to Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Afghanistan and others, has troops stationed in the Gulf, and buys oil from the Muslim world -- to use its influence to instill democracies. They forget that sadly these days we rarely have such power to engineer sweeping constitutional reform; that true freedom requires the blood and courage of native patriots -- a Washington, Jefferson, or Thomas Paine -- not outside nations; and that democracy demands some prior traditions of cultural tolerance, widespread literacy, and free markets. Moreover, we give Israel billions as well -- but have little control whether they wish to elect a Rabin or a Sharon.

Israel is also secular. The ultra-Orthodox do not run the government unless they can garner a majority of voters. Americans have always harbored suspicion of anyone who nods violently when reading Holy Scripture -- whether in madrassas, near the Wailing Wall, or in the local Church of the Redeemer down the street. In Israel, however, Americans detect that free speech and liberality of custom and religion are more ubiquitous than, say, in Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Palestine -- and so surmise that the Jewish state is more the creation of European émigrés than of indigenous Middle-Eastern fundamentalists.

Pluralism exists in Israel, rarely so in the Arabic world.
Pluralism exists in Israel, rarely so in the Arabic world. We see an Israeli peace party, spirited debate between Left and Right, and both homegrown damnation and advocacy for the settlers outside the 1967 borders. Judaism is fissured by a variety of splinter orthodoxies without gunfights. There are openly agnostic and atheistic Israeli Jews who enjoy influence in Israeli culture and politics. In theory, such parallels exist in the Arab world, but in actuality rarely so. We know that heretical mullahs are heretical more often in London, Paris, or New York -- not in Teheran or among the Taliban. No Palestinian politician would go on CNN and call for Mr. Arafat's resignation; his opposition rests among bombers, not in raucous televised debates.

Israeli newspapers and television reflect a diversity of views, from rabid Zionism to almost suicidal pacifism. There are Arab-Israeli legislators -- and plenty of Jewish intellectuals who openly write and broadcast in opposition to the particular government of the day. Is that liberality ever really true in Palestine? Could a Palestinian, Egyptian, or Syrian novelist write something favorable about Golda Meir, hostile to Mr. Assad or Mubarak, or craft a systematic satire about Islam? Past experience suggests such iconoclasts and would-be critics might suffer stones and fatwas rather than mere ripostes in the letters to the editor of the local newspapers. Palestinian spokesmen are quite vocal and unbridled on American television, but most of us -- who ourselves instinctively welcome self-criticism and reflection -- sense that such garrulousness and freewheeling invective are is reserved only for us, rarely for Mr. Arafat's authority.

Americans also see ingenuity from Israel, both technological and cultural -- achievement that is not reflective of genes, but rather of the culture of freedom. There are thousands of brilliant and highly educated Palestinians. But in the conditions of the Middle East, they have little opportunity for free expression or to open a business without government bribe or tribal payoff. The result is that even American farmers in strange places like central California are always amazed by drip-irrigation products, sophisticated water pumps, and ingenious agricultural appurtenances that are created and produced in Israel. So far we have seen few trademarked in Algeria, Afghanistan, or Qatar.

There is also an affinity between the Israeli and Western militaries that transcends mere official exchanges and arms sales. We do not see goose-stepping soldiers in Haifa as we do in Baghdad. Nor are there in Tel-Aviv hooded troops with plastic bombs strapped to their sides on parade. Nor do Israeli presidents wear plastic sunglasses, carry pistols to the U.N., or have chests full of cheap and tawdry metals. Young rank-and-file Israeli men and women enjoy a familiarity among one another, and their officers are more akin to our own army than to the Republican Guard, Hamas, or Islamic Jihad.

The Israelis also far better reflect the abject lethality of the Western way of war. Here perhaps lies the greatest misunderstanding of military history on the part of the Arab world. The so-called Islamic street believes that sheer numbers and territory -- a billion Muslims, a century of oil reserves, and millions of square miles -- should mysteriously result in lethal armies. History teaches us that war is rarely that simple. Instead, the degree militaries are westernized -- technology that is a fruit of secular research, group discipline arising from consensual societies, logistical efficiency that derives from capitalism, and flexibility that is the dividend from constant public audit and private individualism -- determines victory, despite disadvantages in numbers, natural resources, individual genius, or logistics.

We hear a quite boring refrain from enraged Palestinians of "Apache helicopters" and "F-16s". But in the Lebanese war of the early 1980s we saw what happens in dogfights between advanced Israel and Syrian jets in the same manner Saddam's sophisticated weapons were rendered junk in days by our counterparts. So Israel's power is more the result of a system, not merely of imported hardware. The Arab world does not have a creative arms industry; Israel does -- whether that be ingenious footpads to wear while detecting mines or drone aircraft that fly at night over Mr. Arafat's house. If the Palestinians truly wished military parity, then the Arab world should create their own research programs immune to religious or political censure, and ensure that students are mastering calculus rather than the Koran.

The 20th century taught Americans that some Europeans would annihilate millions of Jews.
Nor are Americans ignorant of the recent past. The United States was not a colonial power in the Middle East, but developed ties there as a reaction to, not as a catalyst of, its complex history. Israel was instead both created and abandoned by Europeans. The 20th century taught Americans that some Europeans would annihilate millions of Jews -- and others prove unwilling or unable to stop such a holocaust. We sensed that the first three wars in the Middle East were not fought to return the West Bank, but to finish off what Hitler could not. And we suspect now that, while hundreds of millions of Arabs would accept a permanent Israel inside its 1967 borders, a few million would not -- and those few would not necessarily be restrained by those who did accept the Jewish state.

Somehow we in the American heartland sense that Israel -- whether its GNP, free society, or liberal press -- is a wound to the psyche, not a threat to the material condition, of the Arab world. Israel did not murder the Kurds or Shiites. It does not butcher Islam's children in Algeria. Nor did it kill over a million on the Iranian-Iraqi border -- much less blow apart Afghanistan, erase from the face of the earth entire villages and their living inhabitants in Syria, or turn parts of Cairo into literal sewers. Yet both the victims and the perpetrators of those crimes against Muslims answer "Israel" to every problem. But Americans, more than any people in history, live in the present and future, not the past, loath scapegoating and the cult of victimization, and are tired of those, here and abroad, who increasingly blame others for their own self-induced pathologies.

#Europe's policy in the Middle East is based on little more than naked self-interest.

The Europeans are quite cynical about all this. Tel Aviv, much better than Cairo or Damascus, reflects the liberal values of Paris or London. Yet the Europeans rarely these days do anything that is not calibrated in terms of gaining money or avoiding trouble -- and in that sense for them Israel is simply a very bad deal. All the sophisticated op-eds about the shuffling of Mr. Jack Straw about Islamic liberalism cannot hide the fact that Europe's policy in the Middle East is based on little more than naked self-interest. If Israel were wiped out tomorrow, Europeans would ask for a brief minute of silence, then sigh relief, and without a blink roll up their sleeves to get down to trade and business.

Our seemingly idiosyncratic support for Israel, then, also says something about ourselves rather than just our ally. In brutal Realpolitik, the Europeans are right that there is nothing much to gain from aiding Israel. Helping a few million costs us the friendship of nearly a billion. An offended Israel will snub us; but some in an irate Muslim world engineered slaughter in Manhattan. Despite our periodic tiffs, we don't fear that any frenzied Israelis will hijack an American plane or murder Marines in their sleep. No Jews are screaming at us on the evening news that we give billions collectively to Mubarak, the Jordanians, and Mr. Arafat. And Israelis lack the cash reserves of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, and they do not go on buying sprees in the U.S. or import whole industries from America. So the reason we each support whom we do says something about both Europe and the United States.

Instead of railing at America, Palestinians should instead see in our policy toward Israel their future hope, rather than present despair -- since it is based on disinterested values that can evolve, rather than on race, religion, or language that often cannot. If the Palestinians really wished to even the score with the Israelis in American eyes, then regular elections, a free press, an open and honest economy, and religious tolerance alone would do what suicide bombers and a duplicitous terrorist leader could not.
The entire civilized world should stand with Israel at this time. Israel is a tiny state with tiny population in midst of a very hostile region which is 1000 times larger in terms of population and territory.
Israel is surrounded by states and organisation's which don't accept its existence and are very adamant on the destruction of the Israeli state and consequently genocide of 10's of millions of people of Judaism. Israel has to win every time to survive, whereas its enemies have to succeed only once for the complete annihilation of Israel and its people.
"Israel has to win everytime ..." What a statement ! so are you writing history or are there facts that we don't know ?
Just like puppita sits with a puppita
Watermalon looks like a Watermalon
Mouselini supported Hitler
Churchill supported Stalin

India doesn't gain much from Israel. Indians support Israel because one mass murderer/occupier of Muslims in Kashmir shares its love for killing Muslims with another mass murderer/occupier of Muslims in Palestine.

Both have a similar pseudo secular, religiously motivated fascist ideology, for Hindutva is an Indianized version of Zionism.

Both states seek an apartheid. Zionists seek a 'Jewish state', Hindutvadasis seek a 'Hinduvansh'.

Both states have racially motivated demographic engineering aspirations. Zionists want a 'Jewish majotity state', the Hindutvadasis desire a 'Hindu majority state'.

Both states have fear of the 'other'. Zionists are deporting the 'illegal niggers', Hindutvadasis are deporting the 'illegal Bengali invaders.'

Both states want to displace massive population to deprive them of their natural resources. Zionists seek Gaza's gas fields, Hindutvadasis seek natural resources of the Maoist 'terrorists'.

Zionists and Hindutvadasis are a match made in heavens, similar hegemonic mindset, similar policies, common Islamophobia, common racist vision, common militarism, common arrogance that comes with being an occupier underpims this Hindutva Zionist marriage.

I'll leave these thoughts with you... Peace
Now since an administrator is saying this, I have to reply BECAUSE YOU CALL US TERRORISTS.

Just like puppita sits with a puppita
Watermalon looks like a Watermalon
Mouselini supported Hitler
Churchill supported Stalin

Pakistan doesn't gain much from Palestine. Pakistanis support Palestine because one terrorists/oppressors of Non-Muslims in Kashmir shares its love for killing Non-Muslims with another Terrorists/oppressors of Non-Muslims in Arab.

Both have a similar pseudo secular, religiously motivated fascist ideology, for Islamist is an Pakistani version of Terrorism.

Both states seek an apartheid. Terrorists seek a 'Shariah state', Islamist seek a 'Islamic state'.

Both states have racially motivated demographic engineering aspirations.Terrorists want a 'Muslim majority state' by violence, the Islamist desire a 'Muslim majority state' by violence and opression ( example Pakistan).

Both states have fear of the other's opinion. Terrorists are Killing who has different point of view, Islamist are killing who have other " faith ".

Both states want to displace massive population to deprive them of their natural resources and rights. Terrorists seek Gaza's gas fields, Islamist seek natural resources of the KPK 'terrorists'.

Terrorists and Islamist are a match made in heavens, similar hegemonic mindset, similar policies, common victim hood mentality ( Islam in danger), common racist vision, common violence, common invader mentality, common arrogance, common superior mentality that comes with being an Invader underpins this Islamist Terrorist marriage.

I'll leave these thoughts with you... Peace.

Honour the sovereignty of Kashmiris aswell-
Yes, but which Kashmiris ?
"Israel has to win everytime ..." What a statement ! so are you writing history or are there facts that we don't know ?
Tell us what would happen to Israel and the Jews of Israel, if Hamas or Hezbollah or ISIS or Syria were able to defeat Israel?
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Tell us would would happen to Israel and the Jews of Israel, if Hamas or Hezbollah or ISIS or Syria were able to defeat Israel?
They would seek refuge in Europe and or the united states , like they are already doing nevertheless , I have studied enough of this conflict to realize that jews has gone hand to hand for centuries between Europe and the middle east and united states is pretty much irrelevant even today , Israel's fall is Not imminent , but as more white Israelis seek to emigrate to the west , the Israelis simply cannot play the race card anymore into the future , and they will lose , somehow , somewhat , cause the whole existence of Israel to this day is dependent on the race card and supposed white superiority that their arab neighbors buy , including iran.
I feel Indians have NO reason to oppose Israel. They have NO reason NOT to support Israel.

Tell us what would happen to Israel and the Jews of Israel, if Hamas or Hezbollah or ISIS or were able to defeat Israel?

:)))))))))))))))))) well Terrorists Vs Terrorists.
They would seek refuge in Europe and or the united states , like they are already doing nevertheless , I have studied enough of this conflict to realize that jews has gone hand to hand for centuries between Europe and the middle east and united states is pretty much irrelevant even today , Israel's fall is Not imminent , but as more white Israelis seek to emigrate to the west , the Israelis simply cannot play the race card anymore into the future , and they will lose , somehow , somewhat , cause the whole existence of Israel to this day is dependent on the race card and supposed white superiority that their arab neighbors buy , including iran.
I suppose Israel doesn't believe in this taqqiya. If Arabs were to prevail over the Jews, they have no doubt that each and every Jew- man, woman and child will be butchered. They have no option, but to keep fighting for survival. Defeat or surrender is not an option.
I suppose Israel doesn't believe in this taqqiya. If Arabs were to prevail over the Jews, they have no doubt that each and every Jew- man, woman and child will be butchered. They have no option, but to keep fighting for survival. Defeat or surrender is not an option.

I'm not taqqyia , taqqyia is hiding in her closet ;

and i'm sure the united states and Europe will establish their own air corridor in the event of an Israeli annihilation , the butchered Israelis are the undesired ones , Israel has its own ethnic diversity too , for example the black jews are placed next to dimona nuclear reactor so that they get sick and die eventually , Persian jews live in Haifa and Eilat which are synonymous with sex and night life and so on...
I'm not taqqyia , taqqyia is hiding in her closet ;

and i'm sure the united states and Europe will establish their own air corridor in the event of an Israeli annihilation , the butchered Israelis are the undesired ones , .
The Muslim lands stretch from Morocco to Malaysia, which is a million times larger than west bank and Gaza. Why not provide refuge for the Palestinians in any of those places? A couple of million Palestinian Muslims can easily accomodated by 1,600 million Muslim population.

This is what the Arabs and Pakistanis did to Palestinians when they wanted a small piece of land in Jordan.
Black September in Jordan

The term Black September (Arabic: أيلول الأسود‎; aylūl al-aswad) refers to the Jordanian Civil War that began in September 1970 and ended in July of 1971. The conflict was fought between the two major components of the Jordanian population, the Palestinians represented by the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) under the leadership of Yasser Arafat and the native Jordanians represented by the Jordanian Armed Forces under the leadership of King Hussein. At its core the civil war sought to determine if Jordan would be ruled by the Palestine Liberation Organisation or the Hashemite Monarchy. The war resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, the vast majority Palestinian. Armed conflict ended with the expulsion of the PLO leadership and thousands of Palestinian fighters to Lebanon.
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Now since an administrator is saying this, I have to reply BECAUSE YOU CALL US TERRORISTS.

Just like puppita sits with a puppita
Watermalon looks like a Watermalon
Mouselini supported Hitler
Churchill supported Stalin

Pakistan doesn't gain much from Palestine. Pakistanis support Palestine because one terrorists/oppressors of Non-Muslims in Kashmir shares its love for killing Non-Muslims with another Terrorists/oppressors of Non-Muslims in Arab.

Both have a similar pseudo secular, religiously motivated fascist ideology, for Islamist is an Pakistani version of Terrorism.

Both states seek an apartheid. Terrorists seek a 'Shariah state', Islamist seek a 'Islamic state'.

Both states have racially motivated demographic engineering aspirations.Terrorists want a 'Muslim majority state' by violence, the Islamist desire a 'Muslim majority state' by violence and opression ( example Pakistan).

Both states have fear of the other's opinion. Terrorists are Killing who has different point of view, Islamist are killing who have other " faith ".

Both states want to displace massive population to deprive them of their natural resources and rights. Terrorists seek Gaza's gas fields, Islamist seek natural resources of the KPK 'terrorists'.

Terrorists and Islamist are a match made in heavens, similar hegemonic mindset, similar policies, common victim hood mentality ( Islam in danger), common racist vision, common violence, common invader mentality, common arrogance, common superior mentality that comes with being an Invader underpins this Islamist Terrorist marriage.

I'll leave these thoughts with you... Peace.

Yes, but which Kashmiris ?

Learn English first before giving your opinion on complex geo-political issues.
What are you blabbering about in the whole post?
The Muslim lands stretch from Morocco to Malaysia, which is a million times larger than west bank and Gaza. Why not provide refuge for the Palestinians in any of those places? A couple of million Palestinian Muslims can easily accomodated by 1,600 million Muslim population.
thats the reality my friend , most people wouldnt even speak a word if jews where treated the same way by palestinians
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