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Why Indian SSN/SSBNs are Superior to Chinese ones?

I don't understand why India start to develop SSBN so late, when China made it at 1980s. Is there any reason behind that?

I don't understand why China start to develop nuke sub so late, when United
States made it in 1950s. Is there any reason behind that?
India hasn't built any SSN's so what is there to compare?

SSN is far easier to make than SSBN. FYI, Arihant was also first meant to be an
SSN after 1971 war when USS Enterprise came into IOR, but later India considered
that a second-strike capability is more important than having a nuke-propelled
attack sub, hence by the time S-1 started construction, it was a pure SSBN.

Secondly, the 4 missile silos on Arihant's hull can store triple-packed missiles
for cold launch (storing 3 missiles in a single silo). Carryin a total of 12 slim K-15 missiles
(750-km) or 4 bulky K-4 missiles (3500km).

Do chinese SSBNs also use triple packing?

Indian SSBNs(Arihant) aren't being made by Russia, they r manufactured in India although the Russian did provided technical help.

However, since really specs of Arihant r still not out as its still facing sea trials n no matter how noisy Chinese SSBNs r they r already inducted in big no.
So, this thread doesn't serve much purpose....:agree:

china has 4 SSBNs right now.
The akula II class is one of the most quitest subs in the world. They instill fear even in UN navy circles...

according to a recent report, RuN was able to monitor UN subs/bases across pacific using these subs !!!
There is no point comparing Chinese nuclear sub to the Indian subs, currently China has 10+ SSN & SSBN, while we have only 1 Akula-II SSN. We are in the initial phases of building & operating nuclear submarines, while PLAAN have mastered the art by operating it for decades. I think it will be better to compare the two in a decade time when i guess IN will be operating about 5 SSN + SSBN (2 Akulas, 3 Arihants), till than it's advantage PLAAN.
I don't understand why China start to develop nuke sub so late, when United
States made it in 1950s. Is there any reason behind that?
I really appreciate you got a explanation by kick back a question I ask you guys....we also faced a crackdown economy in 1960s, but, I mean but, we Pull it off at predicament. Very nice of Yogi answer my question.
Indian Classes of SSN/SSBN:

  • Akula
  • Arihant

Let's see Where do they stand?

Arihant is on par with Akula:
So anything india makes is of superior quality(according to indian big mouth claim).............:no:

But when reality dawns

Arjun becomes ArJunk
LCA becomes Late Coming Aircraft or three leg tiger.......
Kaveri ki to baat hi mat karo.(dont even ask about kaveri)
Arihant?What is feck is that?

Does it move under water? Can it fire any weapons?Does India have the missiles?:azn:

Indians are really a bunch of delusional kids playing water on a sandy beach。:victory:
Indians must learn to make their own rifles first。:whistle:
So anything india makes is of superior quality(according to indian big mouth claim).............:no:

But when reality dawns

Arjun becomes ArJunk
LCA becomes Late Coming Aircraft or three leg tiger.......
Kaveri ki to baat hi mat karo.(dont even ask about kaveri)

MAOIST AUNTYJI.....................................PLEASE GET LOST!!!!
So anything india makes is of superior quality(according to indian big mouth claim).............:no:

But when reality dawns

Arjun becomes ArJunk
LCA becomes Late Coming Aircraft or three leg tiger.......
Kaveri ki to baat hi mat karo.(dont even ask about kaveri)

Whats wrong with Arjun?
Arihant?What is feck is that?

Does it move under water? Can it fire any weapons?Does India have the missiles?:azn:

Indians are really a bunch of delusional kids playing water on a sandy beach。:victory:

It cant move underwater.....It moves in an orbit 500 Kms above Earth

India does not have any missiles this is what we have


Happy now??????:rofl:
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