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Why Indian Muslims don’t react to aggressive Hindutva politics.

Everyone reacts to happenings and events that affects them and/or capable of affecting.

Didn't read the article but from what I have seen, heard they have reacted and so have non muslims. Reaction have been in various forms, political as well as non political, aggressive as well as peacefully, rational and irrational as well.

I don't know what kind of reaction the publisher wants. Is it violence they want? Maybe they should explain that first. And also why to specify a group or section of society to get special attention. The focus should be on every person's individuals rights as an Indian citizen. It is only through individualism that grouping of people and their communalisation can be stopped.

If we try to unite a community (except where the whole human kind is being united), the community is obviously gonna be given or shown threat from other communities and this is how communalism is used as a tool for power and destruction. And once this idea of threat ingrained in people's mind, it takes forever to stop it at cost of countless lives wasted/ruined where they keep fighting each other without knowing why while becoming a tool of and benefitting a handful individual in power.

In the past four years, we have been repeatedly told that Muslims’ eating habits are anti-Hindu/anti-national as they eat beef; that Muslim men don’t love, they do love-jihad with Hindu girls; that Muslim couples deliberately have sex to increase their community’s population so as to outnumber the Hindus; and that they offer namazon roads to convert public (read Hindu) lands into mosque territory!

This propaganda is followed by actual violence against Muslims—lynching, molestation, and even rape. Despite this hostile anti-Muslim attitude, Muslim communities do not get involved in any anti-Hindutva counter mobilisation. Muslim religious organisations and pressure groups and even Muslim political leaders (except a few unknown faces who appear on prime-time TV every night!) do not argue for any Muslim mass protest.

It is, therefore, possible to infer that Muslims have decided to remain silent to avoid any confrontation with Hindutva and that they would open their card in 2019. This simple conclusion is problematic. The anxiety called “Muslim silence” must be unravelled for a deeper analysis based on some concrete evidence.

Two counter questions may be asked: (a) Has Muslim political attitude changed, especially with regard to identity-related Muslim issues? (b) Do Muslims think differently from other communities in India?

It is worth noting that the BJP has been using Muslim identity as an “other” to cultivate its Hindutva vote bank. Post-2014 BJP politics marks a decisive shift in this regard.

Unlike the previous NDA government, the Modi-led BJP decided to deliberately demolish Muslim issues in a more direct fashion. Obviously, any radical Muslim reaction would have given the government an opportunity to promote its political image as a truly nationalist establishment.

However, Muslim reactions were very different…the triple talaq issue could not create a Shah Bano–type hype, primarily because there was strong social opposition to this practice among Hanafi Muslims, especially in north India. Even the AIMPLB failed to mobilise Muslim public opinion in its favour. Similarly, the abolition of the Hajj subsidy remained a nonissue, as there has always been a consensus that Hajj travel should be liberalised. Violent cow politics also failed, as eating cow-meat is a highly insignificant matter for Muslim communities in India. That might be the reason why lynching as a preferred mode of violence against individual Muslims has increased in order to keep cow politics alive.

To understand this complex Muslim reaction, we must take the Babri Masjid issue as a relevant example.


Was the demolition of the Babri Masjid justified? Figures in %
Source: *NES 2009, CSDS-Lokniti Data Unit; **Religious Attitude Survey 2015, CSDS-Lokniti Data Unit


What should be the solution for the Babri Masjid-Ram temple dispute? Figures in %
Source: *NES 2009 CSDS-Lokniti Data Unit;**Religious Attitude Survey 2015, CSDS-Lokniti Data Unit

To understand the visible calmness of Muslims in contemporary India, we must also have a look at Muslim opinion in relation to what is called national sentiment.

The CSDS-Lokniti’s recent Mood of the Nation survey offers us another set of important findings. The survey finds that the popularity of the BJP-led NDA government is declining. Muslim respondents also share this view. They strongly believe that the Modi government should not be given another chance. This Muslim opposition to the present regime, we must note, does not deviate from the national sentiment as a majority of the respondents (47%) argue that the Modi government is not good for the country.

Similarly, the Muslim response to the present state of affairs is not very different from that of other communities. Muslims seem to assert, more stridently, in fact, that India as a country requires a better government that could provide a positive direction to the nation. The Muslim assertion against the Modi government is also linked to the evolving environment of hate against all marginalised groups in the country.

A majority of Indians feel that atrocities committed against the weaker sections of the society are not dealt with adequately by the government. They seem to suggest that the state does not demonstrate a clear attitude against those who create an atmosphere of hate and terror. This is also true about the violence against Muslims. More than half of the respondents asserted that they are not satisfied with the way in which miscreants, such as the gau rakshaks(protectors of cows), are dealt with by the government. These figures also underline the fact that the Muslims of India do share the national view on a few fundamental issues that India faces as a national community of citizens.

At the same time, being the main target of Hindutva politics, Muslims appear to be more concerned and dissatisfied with the present regime. By this logic, the Muslim silence is nothing but a reflection of political indifference, which has emerged as a norm of non-Hindutva politics in the last few years.

The possibilities of any “Muslim reaction” must also be seen in relation to the demographic plurality of Indian Muslims… As I argue that the Muslim community consists of a number of diversified Islamic communities, which speak different languages, live in different regions of the country, and even follow varied versions of Islam as a religion.

In the backdrop of this apparent heterogeneity, the idea of having a defined strategy to counter Hindutva seems unreasonable and vague. Muslim silence, on the other hand, points towards the intellectual weakness of the political class. Contemporary BJP Hindutva has failed to produce any constructive and positive programme of action for Muslims as a “community of communities.”

Hindutva survives because of its reactionary position on Islam and Muslims. Non-BJP parties have also failed to articulate any new perspective on Muslims in the absence of old identity-based issues, in which Muslims do not have any interest. To conclude, I make a futurist observation. The political class must realise that Muslim aspirations cannot be reduced to so-called Muslim issues alone.

Muslims, like other socio-religious communities, are more concerned about poverty, employment and education. No doubt, the threat to religious identity affects them psychologically, but the commonly given imaginations of siyasi Muslims do not entirely determine their aspirations as citizens.

Excerpted from Hilal Ahmed’s Siyasi Muslims with permission from Penguin India. We welcome your comments at [email protected].

@jamahir @AfrazulMandal
In my humble opinion, Muslims of India should migrate towards western borders of India. Violent times are heading towards India. Everyone will turn against everyone.
BJP leaders will try to unite India using hatred against muslims. Muslims should avoid from becoming their scapegoat.
The truth about India is, many states in India are almost ready for separation. And I am not talking about Kashmir or Asam, I am talking about Southern states. The main reason is, they have become so different in all aspects from rest of the India that they can no longer live in such situation. Tamils of India and Srilanka are cooking something, that's the reason why BJP on both sides is trying to unite local population against some enemy, and currently, Muslims are available easily. And this the reason wht srilankan is silent over aggression against Muslims.
But, Tamil nadu will be separated(may be Kernataka as well, but less chances ) , as this is western agenda, not a local, neither a Pakistani one.
There is a violence against Muslim but there are bigger number of violence by Muslims against Hindus. Should Hindu too react in same way against Muslims.
Seriously dude, any violence is most likely to be political or by those supposedly sleeping cells from across the border. Hindus don't have the fighting nature because of their individulism in Hinduism and philosophies avoiding violence. Kashmir insurgency 1990 for example.
"India is not a nation, nor a country. It is a subcontinent of nationalities, Hindus and Muslims being the two major nations. The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religions, philosophies, social customs and literature. They neither intermarry, nor inter-dine, and they belong to two different civilisations, which are based mainly on conflicting ideas and conceptions. Their aspects on life and of it are different. It is quite clear that Hindus and Muslims derive their inspiration from different sources of history." - Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
If Mr. Jinnah were alive , I would have liked to meet him and know more about his views and source of knowledge. Because I read so many of his quotes that seem to be incomplete and rarely elaborated by him and thus open to various contradictory interpretations.

What was his idea of nation? How did he define a nation?

How did he decide who is hindu-muslim?

Why did he only chose religion as a basis for categorising communities? Why did he miss other cultural, linguistic, customary differences?

I hear he was very westernised getleman.

I also read somewhere about his speeches telling people to freely practice and follow whatever their faith in newly formed Pakistan.

Then at some point, I don't know if before or after partition, he was asked once if he is a Shia or a Sunni muslim, to which he replied that he is Shia if prophet was a Shia and Sunni if prophet a Sunni. So obviously he answered smartly to a question that could create tension with the religious community which probably means he wasn't aversed to the idea of unity in diversity and differences doesn't necessarily require separate countries.

"India is not a nation, nor a country. It is a subcontinent of nationalities, Hindus and Muslims being the two major nations.
People make nation so if someone says people are nation (irrespective of similarities and difference), I understand but a religion is a nation, goes over my head. We would not have around 200 countries in the world if that were so.

@jamahir @AfrazulMandal
In my humble opinion, Muslims of India should migrate towards western borders of India. Violent times are heading towards India. Everyone will turn against everyone.
BJP leaders will try to unite India using hatred against muslims. Muslims should avoid from becoming their scapegoat.
The truth about India is, many states in India are almost ready for separation. And I am not talking about Kashmir or Asam, I am talking about Southern states. The main reason is, they have become so different in all aspects from rest of the India that they can no longer live in such situation. Tamils of India and Srilanka are cooking something, that's the reason why BJP on both sides is trying to unite local population against some enemy, and currently, Muslims are available easily. And this the reason wht srilankan is silent over aggression against Muslims.
But, Tamil nadu will be separated(may be Kernataka as well, but less chances ) , as this is western agenda, not a local, neither a Pakistani one.
With lack of people with knowledge and wisdom at the helm, division is inevitable but India's plurality is both a problem and blessing in its unity. Even in worst case scenario, break up can't happen internally or externally. No state leader can lead a full blown revolt towards disintegration and concensus can never be formed with other states and when it comes to southern states, they are actually the most intelligent people of India and capable of dealing just about any issue through reasons. It has happened before. It's also not in the interest of any external powers including US and Russia to have disintegration of India with a rising superpower China in neighborhood. So it's basically a wishful and ill informed thought of India being divided.
Why did he only chose religion as a basis for categorising communities? Why did he miss other cultural, linguistic, customary differences?

Quaid-e-Azam did not choose religion as a means to categorise communities, it were the bhagats who did, when congress came to power in 1937 to 1939 they forced Muslims to bow down in-front of Ghandi's portrait, forced to sing the vand-e-matram song, forced pigs inside Masjids, forced to not consume beef, so much so that he ordered the celebration of the day the congress was ousted from power as the deliverance day, every action has consequences if you can see without your nationalist bhagat lenses you will see he was for pro unity in the 1920's, hindutva bhagats changed his views, the 14 points was the last straw.

Considering the condition of present day Muslims in bhagat India, he made the right choice.
If Mr. Jinnah were alive , I would have liked to meet him and know more about his views and source of knowledge. Because I read so many of his quotes that seem to be incomplete and rarely elaborated by him and thus open to various contradictory interpretations.

What was his idea of nation? How did he define a nation?

How did he decide who is hindu-muslim?

Why did he only chose religion as a basis for categorising communities? Why did he miss other cultural, linguistic, customary differences?

I hear he was very westernised getleman.

I also read somewhere about his speeches telling people to freely practice and follow whatever their faith in newly formed Pakistan.

Then at some point, I don't know if before or after partition, he was asked once if he is a Shia or a Sunni muslim, to which he replied that he is Shia if prophet was a Shia and Sunni if prophet a Sunni. So obviously he answered smartly to a question that could create tension with the religious community which probably means he wasn't aversed to the idea of unity in diversity and differences doesn't necessarily require separate countries.

People make nation so if someone says people are nation (irrespective of similarities and difference), I understand but a religion is a nation, goes over my head. We would not have around 200 countries in the world if that were so.

With lack of people with knowledge and wisdom at the helm, division is inevitable but India's plurality is both a problem and blessing in its unity. Even in worst case scenario, break up can't happen internally or externally. No state leader can lead a full blown revolt towards disintegration and concensus can never be formed with other states and when it comes to southern states, they are actually the most intelligent people of India and capable of dealing just about any issue through reasons. It has happened before. It's also not in the interest of any external powers including US and Russia to have disintegration of India with a rising superpower China in neighborhood. So it's basically a wishful and ill informed thought of India being divided.
I as a Pakistani can clearly see what is happening to India. West is broadening your fault lines. Yes India is needed against China, the the rule of thumb these Western powers follow is, they hire killer for a killer first. I can see same happening for Pakistan. Specially the people who settle in west after retirement.
@jamahir @AfrazulMandal
...The truth about India is, many states in India are almost ready for separation. And I am not talking about Kashmir or Asam, I am talking about Southern states. The main reason is, they have become so different in all aspects from rest of the India that they can no longer live in such situation. Tamils of India and Srilanka are cooking something, that's the reason why BJP on both sides is trying to unite local population against some enemy, and currently, Muslims are available easily. And this the reason wht srilankan is silent over aggression against Muslims.
But, Tamil nadu will be separated(may be Kernataka as well, but less chances ) , as this is western agenda, not a local, neither a Pakistani one.

Tamilnadu is not going anywhere. Rest, you are free to make your assumptions. Insurgencies in North-East and Maoist violence is also on decline. So, we are not going to see 'disintegration' of India in near future.
Looks like you're stuck in some alternate reality.
LSD or shrooms?

what alternate reality ..arent most scammers & scumbags in India brahmins and banias ? If you take a caste census of Indian corporates 90 percent plus comes from these communities. And truly for a country of 1.3 billion people they dont make a single tradeable internationally competitive product. Cars mostly made by Japanese and Korean, Applicances mostly Korean and chinese, computers mostly american and chinese, mobile phones mostly chinese and korean, internet hosting platforms from cloud to plain webhosting is american and chinese, most popular phone apps are american and chinese. How are Indians able to purchase these ? who is actually working and what work is happening that is generating foreign exchange to enable indians to buy this ? agriculture toil, gems industry, predominately south based pharma generics and software exports and offcourse the indian worker. Your visionaries are scumbags of highest order.
That farmer had taken loan of 6.5 lakhs from the nationalised / government-owned State Bank of India ( SBI ) and 6 lakhs from a private lender.

Turns out SBI was constantly reminding him of repayment of principal + interest that had gotten inflated to 21 lakhs.

He saw no way out from this harassment.

Looks like he didn't pay back anything for at least 10 years for the loan to quadruple.
No one will give you free money. But the bank gave him money at a very low interest ( I think the bank rate is roughly 7 %for agricultural loans upto 3 lakhs and 12 to 14 percent for more) . That's a good thing.

Moneylenders charge upto 100% interest, and that's a bigger problem.

I don't see a farmer's failure as much different from a businessman's failure. Businesses and business owners go bankrupt quite frequently. They are hounded by their creditors too.

A small amount of interest is justified, to counter inflation.
I don't see what you disagree with. I just see a weak person who committed suicide. Unless the bank was physically threatening him.

what alternate reality ..arent most scammers & scumbags in India brahmins and banias ? If you take a caste census of Indian corporates 90 percent plus comes from these communities. And truly for a country of 1.3 billion people they dont make a single tradeable internationally competitive product. Cars mostly made by Japanese and Korean, Applicances mostly Korean and chinese, computers mostly american and chinese, mobile phones mostly chinese and korean, internet hosting platforms from cloud to plain webhosting is american and chinese, most popular phone apps are american and chinese. How are Indians able to purchase these ? who is actually working and what work is happening that is generating foreign exchange to enable indians to buy this ? agriculture toil, gems industry, predominately south based pharma generics and software exports and offcourse the indian worker. Your visionaries are scumbags of highest order.
Lol... Anyone can do business here. Caste doesn't matter there. Of course, traditional business communities have an edge.

Innovation isn't big in India. Cos nobody cares about it. Just like any other poor country. Innovation and research require a lot of wealth. We just started getting rich. It will take a few decades for us to produce anything significant.
Why cry about Indian Muslims? A Muslim is safer in India than in Pakistan.
:lol: Just like indians on pdf

Yes but visionaries, industrialists wont come form brahmins only crooks and cunning chanakya like scumbags do.

Lynch innocent people, do nothing against organizations and idelogies which enable and then parade a few demonstrations as an achievement. Only an Indian can be such a gutter bag.
Sane hindus are the real minorities of india not brain washed muslims who don't know how to react.
Lol... Anyone can do business here. Caste doesn't matter there. Of course, traditional business communities have an edge.

Innovation isn't big in India. Cos nobody cares about it. Just like any other poor country. Innovation and research require a lot of wealth. We just started getting rich. It will take a few decades for us to produce anything significant.

Caste doesnt matter to you. Becuase you have no sense of justice and your caste enjoys 100 percent reservations in its core areas like priesthood. what "edge" when 90 plus percent in corporate business owners come from banias and brahmins. 90 percent is not an "edge" it is apartheid. And brahmins are not traditional merchant communities. Infact real traditional businesses in India are run by other classes. Why are dairy plants not owned by yadavs but banias ? why are beef industry owned by banias and brahmins but not muslims or chamars ? why are film heroines or cricket players brahmins not come from traditional dancer and entertainment castes ? why are dhobis not running washing machine and appliance business ? how come none of them got the "edge" which logically they should be having.

no other civilized country has this level of apartheid as hateful India. Even in olden america which had slavery a catholic pole could come to america convert to protestant religion and become a priest if he put in efforts.
Caste doesnt matter to you. Becuase you have no sense of justice and your caste enjoys 100 percent reservations in its core areas like priesthood. what "edge" when 90 plus percent in corporate business owners come from banias and brahmins. 90 percent is not an "edge" it is apartheid. And brahmins are not traditional merchant communities. Infact real traditional businesses in India are run by other classes. Why are dairy plants not owned by yadavs but banias ? why are beef industry owned by banias and brahmins but not muslims or chamars ? why are film heroines or cricket players brahmins not come from traditional dancer and entertainment castes ? why are dhobis not running washing machine and appliance business ? how come none of them got the "edge" which logically they should be having.

no other civilized country has this level of apartheid as hateful India. Even in olden america which had slavery a catholic pole could come to america convert to protestant religion and become a priest if he put in efforts.

As usual, you are clueless. People care about caste mainly in marriages.
India has reservations, which means that it is much easier for a person of a lower caste to get to the best colleges and government jobs. So the system is biased against the upper castes/classes.
Film actors are mostly selected on looks, and some on acting.

People with money and brains can start their own businesses and succeed. No one is stopping them.

You have no idea about economics. You don't understand who produces what.
You expect Labour to start businesses. Instead of rich people who can front capital. People who have ideas.
Eg- India now produces some of the best single cylinder motorcycles. Credit goes to the owners of such motorcycle companies like Rahul Bajaj. Not to a mechanic in his factory. Not to an engineer in his factory.
@jamahir @AfrazulMandal
In my humble opinion, Muslims of India should migrate towards western borders of India. Violent times are heading towards India. Everyone will turn against everyone.

To be honest I don't know what to make of BJP's victory in the general elections. There are quite many non-Muslim progressives who also alarmed by this in the same way as many Muslims. There have been four Hindu progressives assassinated by the Hindu Right-wingers since 2013.

To answer your specific point about Muslim migration, what can perhaps happen is migration to Bengal and Kerala states where there is sizeable presence of the socialists. But in doing so, particularly for Bengal, the Muslims should adopt progressive ideas. For example, they should look at the Pakistani intellectual Faiz Ahmed Faiz for inspiration. Actually, today's Pakistanis should also be looking at him.

Also in India, the youth should look at JNU ( Jawaharlal Nehru University ) in Delhi for education as this place has in recent years produced fine young activists like Kanhaiya Kumar, Shehla Rashid and Umar Khalid.
To be honest I don't know what to make of BJP's victory in the general elections. There are quite many non-Muslim progressives who also alarmed by this in the same way as many Muslims. There have been four Hindu progressives assassinated by the Hindu Right-wingers since 2013.

To answer your specific point about Muslim migration, what can perhaps happen is migration to Bengal and Kerala states where there is sizeable presence of the socialists. But in doing so, particularly for Bengal, the Muslims should adopt progressive ideas. For example, they should look at the Pakistani intellectual Faiz Ahmed Faiz for inspiration. Actually, today's Pakistanis should also be looking at him.

Also in India, the youth should look at JNU ( Jawaharlal Nehru University ) in Delhi for education as this place has in recent years produced fine young activists like Kanhaiya Kumar, Shehla Rashid and Umar Khalid.
Nothing matters, as far as the label of being a Muslim is present. No matter how enlighten you become, u will not be spared. Better be what you are, and save ur souls.
As usual, you are clueless. People care about caste mainly in marriages.
India has reservations, which means that it is much easier for a person of a lower caste to get to the best colleges and government jobs. So the system is biased against the upper castes/classes.
Film actors are mostly selected on looks, and some on acting.

People with money and brains can start their own businesses and succeed. No one is stopping them.

You have no idea about economics. You don't understand who produces what.
You expect Labour to start businesses. Instead of rich people who can front capital. People who have ideas.
Eg- India now produces some of the best single cylinder motorcycles. Credit goes to the owners of such motorcycle companies like Rahul Bajaj. Not to a mechanic in his factory. Not to an engineer in his factory.

Really ? so its just naaarmal 90 percent of indian corporates which dont really produce any competitive tradable products by the way just belong to two castes who together dont make even 5-10 percent of Indian population. Ofcourse You dont see any problem with it. you are a brahmin scumbag after all - a leech on other peoples work.
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