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Why India, Pakistan and China cannot live like Europe?

Here's an opinion about the same from Indian Army Cheif:

LoSiS8O7Vuc[/media] - Indian Army Chief on Indo-Pak Union

This clip from a 2007 interview with former Indian Armed Forces Chief, Mr. Shankar Roy Chaudhry, highlights Indian desire for an EU style federation with Pakistan (and other SARC countries) to promote growth and stability in South Asian region. Mr. Roy states clearly that he considers Pakistanis and Indians to be "one people" who were "part of the same entity" before Partition.

he speaks what is in the mind of us indians
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I dont think Pakistan, China, and India can ever have a union like the European Union.

Pakistan and China's relations are working out just fine like the way it is. We are Friendly neighbors. Pakistan is a Muslim nation, China is a Communist nation. China respects us and we respect them. The way we are with each other is just fine the way it is.

Pakistan and India cant have a union either. India is a largely Hindu nation with a Hindu population of more than 900 million. Pakistan is a Muslim nation with a total population of 175 million. India's population size is much larger than it's country's size and their population is only growing. It would only benefit India if there was a union. They would get extra land for their growing population and Pakistan would be flooded with Hindustanis coming into their land.

The most closest Pakistan and India can ever get is friendly neighbors like Pakistan and China are or friendly neighbors like U.S. and Canada are but that wont happen unless Kashmir dispute is solved.

The reason why European countries are successful with their union is because all the European countries are mostly Christians and Athiests. They all share the same ideology. The vast majority of Pakistanis will always stay Muslims and we will always want a Muslim country some want a secular country with large majority Muslim population like Turkey. The vast majority of Indians will most likely stay as Hindus, I understand many Hindus are becoming non-religious or athiests these days, but you will rarely find any athiests in Pakistan.

We should work towards peace, yes, and be friendly neighbors but Indians have to respect Pakistan's sovereignity and respect how Pakistanis govern their own nation. Partition happened 62 years ago, we must stop living in denial and accept reality.
Mr. Roy states clearly that he considers Pakistanis and Indians to be "one people" who were "part of the same entity" before Partition.

Mr. Roy needs to get in touch with reality then, and stop distorting history to fit his views.

Technically India and Pakistan were part of 'the same entity' of the British empire, so perhaps both nations should have stayed as part of Britain and we would have all been British.

The answer is not to engage in hyperbole about 'we are one people' which comes across as more of an "Akhand Bharat" type of re-unification agenda, but to resolve conflicts, work on shared interests, especially economic, and build trust through institution level and people level interactions.

If an economic union is in the interests of the two nations and their peoples, then it will follow naturally from the above steps, without all these 'we are one and from the same entity' platitudes.
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Mr. Roy needs to get in touch with reality then, and stop distorting history to fit his views.

Technically India and Pakistan were part of 'the same entity' of the British empire, so perhaps both nations should have stayed as part of Britain and we would have all been British.

The answer is not to engage in hyperbole about 'we are one people' which comes across as more of an "Akhand Bharat" type of re-unification agenda, but to resolve conflicts, work on shared interests, especially economic, and build trust through institution level and people level interactions.

If an economic union is in the interests of the two nations and their peoples, then it will follow naturally from the above steps, without all these 'we are one and from the same entity' platitudes.

What makes you consider that "we are one people" is resonating with "Akhand Bharat"? Have you even seen the video. The one people statement refers to a common history, and it dies not undermine Pakistani identity in any manner. The statement is simply finding a common denominator between Pakistan and India to lead to more important things. Why this insecurity of identity?

Even history can be distorted but what will you change about the present?. Can you discount that many Indians and Pakistanis even today have relatives on either sides, food is quite similar and Urdu is spoken across? Can you negate the appreciation of same entertainment ? Can you neglect the warmth between Indians and Pakistanis when they meet in a third nation?

Sir, we are to some extent "one people" and we do have certain similarity. As far as Akhand Bharat - I dont think any county can even hold on to a territory (purely Hypothetical situation of a war where one of us emerges clearly victorious) where natives are as hostile as Indians and Pakistanis are.
india,pak and china amount to almost 2.5 billion of humanity...we surely need to resolve our differences...living like the EU is impossible...china doesn't concern me...the pakistanis were more than hospitable when some of my friends visited pakistan...they got taxi-waivers in pak just by saying that they were from india...
one other friend of mine was the sone of someone with the Indian attache in pakistan....he stayed in pak for a long time and praises the pakistanis heavily.
for me these are reasons to give up hate.
Why India, Pak, China, etc cannot live like Europe.We have lot of hate for each other. The Visa formalities are very difficult. Look at Europe, they can travel to any country without Visa. We always believe in West countries. Take example of India, Pak whenever any problem comes they run to Western countries. I Would like praise china here for not doing so.

Can we youth of all the Asian countries come together and do something unprecedented to make everything correct and become more powerful region then Europe or America.

Waiting for your suggestions.

We cant be them we are us , The fact is europeans got a lot more civilised and have open borders is mainly becuase they have fought each others for decades untill ww2 they have slaughtered each other in millions, they have learned big lessons from War ....... they understood war is no Good and the kind of destruction it can bring.

Where as Pakistan , India and China all get carried away by war threats , there isnt much dialogue btw us ...... "a little drama and we go crying like ******* on western doors ,there is too much western and other foriegn interests in the region who is instead not our interest if we see a long term picture. This all will keep happening unless we all put a full stop to that. Look at middleeast what a nightmare it is ...... , Westerners are not capable of solving our problems and we have to sort out our problems our selves. First clean up the mess inside us than get on table and talk talk talk talk talk hel out!

And yeah finaly fail those conspiracies ploted amoungst us to sell more weaponery .... !
india,pak and china amount to almost 2.5 billion of humanity...we surely need to resolve our differences...living like the EU is impossible...china doesn't concern me...the pakistanis were more than hospitable when some of my friends visited pakistan...they got taxi-waivers in pak just by saying that they were from india...
one other friend of mine was the sone of someone with the Indian attache in pakistan....he stayed in pak for a long time and praises the pakistanis heavily.
for me these are reasons to give up hate.

Well thats just the nature of Pakistanis we are hospitable people when GUESTS come and visit our country, but a union is impossible. Pakistan today has just 4-5 major ethnic groups and we still see some tensions in our major cities like Karachi. Imagine if 5 more ethnic groups from India would settle in Karachi? That would cause so much chaos.

Pakistan and India should work on being friendly neighbors like U.S. and Canada but a union is out of the question. You can always visit as guests.
even i dont support the idea of cross-settling...or buying properties and stuff...
i would want pakistanis to visit the jama masjid and the other historical monuments...the taj mahal etc...let tourism be a confidence building measure.
China wants its old lands back while India want to inherit the legacy of invasion made by already dead British empire that is why. This is dead end although i know both countries are already tired...
But as I said dead end!
why India - China - Pakistan cant live like Europe

1. cause we are not europe we are "asian's" who have for more than 2500 years have had constant invassions from every one from greeks to huns to kushans arabs to turks to mangols to tars -tars who ravged , looted , pillaged and raped the land and its people at will when ever we tried to live in peace ... same was not the case with europe which was quite stable under greece empire and then Roman and later diffrent dynesties and hence we cant react or act the same way

2. India cannot be friends with China cause Chinese communist want Neo Imperial rule (in 40-70s ot was forced by gun) after that now its more based on economics and cunning socio economic schemese like OBOR as for pakistan it wants revenge from hindu indians whome majority of punjabi & pakhtoon mulsim still consider children of there former slaves who need to be reinvaded under ghazwa tull hind and indians bieng very very agresssive about there freedom dont want to be treted like subbordinates by either western world or by powerfull chinese or there pakistni sidekicks

hence we indians will remain to live inlimited political and economic islolation with chinese and pakistanies ... period
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