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Why India Occupied Siachen?

Because normally what you occupy you get to keep. Pakistan occupied part of kashmir and they keep it, no point moralising when you do it yourself.

Besides pakistan started claiming it first by sending expeditions and then planned to occupy it themselves but they got beat. Pak army and adventurism go hand in hand, but then why be sore losers?
Interesting article:

On a moonless night in Siachen, in May 1987, Second Lieutenant Rajiv Pande’s thirteen-man patrol silently climbed towards Quaid Post, a 21,153-feet high pinnacle near the crucial Bilafond La pass that was held by 17 Pakistani soldiers. Quaid had to be captured and Pande was fixing ropes on the near-vertical, 1500-feet ice wall just below the post, to assist a larger follow-on force in making a physical assault. As the jawans fixed the ropes, gasping for breath in that oxygen-depleted altitude, the Pakistani sentries just a few hundred feet above heard them. Gunfire rang out killing nine Indian soldiers, including Pande. But the four survivors could tell their unit, 8 Jammu & Kashmir Light Infantry (8 JAK LI), that the ropes were fixed.

Capturing Quaid post was vital being the only Pakistani post that dominated key Indian positions at Bilafond La. Realising its importance, Pakistan named it after Qaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. The post, commanded by Subedar Ataullah Mohammed, was held by commandoes from the elite Special Services Group.

With the ropes in place, 8 JAK LI helicoptered an assault team to Bilafond La. Since the Cheetah helicopter can only ferry a single passenger in those extreme heights, and because of frequent blizzards, it took 25 days for the team to gather. On 23rd June, sixty-four soldiers, commanded by Major Virendar Singh, began the attack, all night they searched in waist-deep snow for the rope fixed by Pande’s patrol. Unable to find it, they fell back to base.

The next night a silent cheer went up as the rope was found. In single file, with their rifles slung across their backs, the first section (10 men) started the ascent to Quaid, crossing en route the bodies of Pande and his patrol, still roped together in death. Halfway up, the Pakistani defenders spotted them and opened a murderous fire. Pinned to the ice wall and unable to fire back --- their weapons had suffered “cold arrest”, jammed solid from the minus 25 degree cold --- the assault team sheltered in craters formed by artillery shells. There they spent the entire day exposed, frozen, hungry and under Pakistani fire.

At nightfall on the 25th, the attack began anew. Now the neighbouring Indian posts ---Sonam and Amar --- also fired at Quaid, supplementing an artillery barrage. But each metre gained was paid for in blood; every Indian casualty needed four comrades to ferry him down. A brief rest, a cup of tea, and the four helpers were thrown back into battle.

“By any measure, we should have dropped from exhaustion”, said Major Virendar Singh, describing the events to Business Standard. “But Pande had to be avenged, and the relentless firing from Quaid reminded us of what we had to do.”

By daybreak on the 26th, it became evident that capturing Quaid post would need a daylight frontal assault. With the entire army brass’ attention riveted on this unfolding drama, the brigade commander, Brigadier Chandan Nugyal, radioed Virendar, promising him fire support from every artillery gun in range if he could finish the job.

“I knew we would not last another night on a bar of 5-Star chocolate. We fixed the attack for noon”, says Virendar.

After a massive barrage of artillery fire, Virendar closed onto the post with his 8-man assault party. Simultaneously, another small team outflanked Quaid from below and cut the ropes that the Pakistanis used. Subedar Mohammad knew the game was up. Four defenders jumped off the post, preferring instant death in the abyss below to being shot or bayoneted in combat. The two who remaining were quickly killed. By 3 p.m. the Indian assault party staggered onto Quaid.

“We had no strength to celebrate. At 21,000 feet, nobody does the bhangra, yells war cries, or hoists the tricolour. Ultimately, sheer doggedness wins. If we had once hesitated, Quaid would still be with Pakistan,” recounts Virendar. An admiring army awarded a Param Vir Chakra to Naib Subedar Bana Singh of the assault party and renamed Quaid post Bana Top; and a Maha Vir Chakra and 7 Vir Chakras to other bravehearts of 12 JAK LI. Virendar, who was severely wounded by an artillery shell after Quaid post was captured, won a Vir Chakra, as did Lieutenant Pande.

The Pakistan Army --- for whom Siachen represents a stinging defeat at the hands of the Indian Army --- wants to erase that memory by “demilitarising” Siachen. It wants both sides to vacate their positions and pull back to an agreed line, well short of the glacier. But the Indian Army has little trust for its Pakistani counterpart after the Kargil intrusion and years of fighting terrorism. It asks: how do we know that Pakistan will not reoccupy Siachen after we withdraw? How can you assure us that we will not have to capture Bana Top again?

During 11 previous rounds of dialogue New Delhi had demanded a signed map from Pakistan, showing its forward troop locations, as a prerequisite for a Siachen settlement. Pakistan demurs, ostensibly because that would “legitimise” India’s “intrusion” into Siachen. Rawalpindi’s refusal to authenticate its positions has scuttled all previous dialogue. The reason for that reluctance, the Indian Army believes, is that a signed map would clearly show how badly Pakistan was beaten in Siachen. Although Pakistan terms it “the Siachen dispute”, its forward-most positions cannot even see the glacier. From 13th April 1984, when an all-volunteer Indian force was helicoptered to the Bilafond La pass, India’s complete control of the Saltoro Ridge has shut Pakistan out of Siachen.

Over the years, at enormous cost in dead and injured, the Indian Army has developed enormous skill at surviving at “super altitudes”. In the 1980s, casualties from frostbite and altitude sickness ran in the hundreds. By the end of the last decade, they were down to 20-22 per year. During the last eight years, nobody has died. Today, barely 10-12 soldiers are evacuated annually.

Broadsword: Army watches as Siachen dialogue resumes
Because India wanted to add one more conflict to the already long list of conflicts in South Asia.

Because normally what you occupy you get to keep. Pakistan occupied part of kashmir and they keep it, no point moralising when you do it yourself.

Besides pakistan started claiming it first by sending expeditions and then planned to occupy it themselves. They got beat, pak army and adventurism go hand in hand, but then why be sore losers?

Only a loser like you can compare Azad Kashmir and Siachen. Nothing surprising.
If you guys don't want it, you cqan always fall back. Why don't you?

We are just defending our territory against the aggressors. And we will continue to do so.

Where exactly is the Gyong La ? :what:

Love the way your question was ignored.;)

Fanboys here won't answer you buddy. Leave it. :D
Love the way your question was ignored.;)

Fanboys here won't answer you buddy. Leave it. :D

Here, this might help.

Gyong La is a mountain pass situated on Saltoro Ridge, sitting southwest of the vast Siachen Glacier, some 20 km (12 mi) directly north of map point NJ 980420 which defined the end of the 1972 Line of Control between India and Pakistan.[2] The Gyong La area is claimed by both countries.

Gyong La - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's NEAR Siachen glacier, not in Siachen glacier.

In fact, there is no Pakistani left in Siachen glacier now after India captured the Quaid post and renamed it Bana post.

That was the only post you had in Siachen, now you don't have that too.

Like I said in a previous post, Pakistanis are below Siachen, around Siachen but not ON Siachen.

In fact, Pakistanis can't even see Indian posts on Siachen from their forwardmost posts even.

As I said. You started Siachen Conflict. We are just responding to your aggression.

The conflict was started in 1947.

Siachen is merely a link in a chain of events. :)
In a paper published in the Pakistan Journal of History & Culture, the writer Dr Ishtiaq Ahmad, (associate professor at Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad) notes that it is disputed whether Siachen is even part of J&K. It falls under the Pakistani-administrated northern areas of the Baltistan region, the paper says. It further claims that the northern areas have no ethnic or cultural similarities with the Kashmiri people and hence their fate should not be linked with the resolution of the J&K dispute. The writer mentions that Pakistan's claim on Siachen is internationally recognized as various international magazines have shown in their maps that the region belongs to Pakistan.
The wretched place was a no mans land and as per Shimla Agrement the border is a straight line north of NJ9842, if PA had not insisted United States Defense Mapping Agency to make that piece of land as your and statyed with the Shimla Agreement, all this would have never happened.
Besides pakistan started claiming it first by sending expeditions and then planned to occupy it themselves but they got beat. Pak army and adventurism go hand in hand, but then why be sore losers?

Thats not right PA/Pakistan never attempted to control this area.. If it had planned then IA wouldn't have been able to to capture such a large area.

Truth is its the IA/GoI who initiated this dispute.
Thats not right PA/Pakistan never attempted to control this area.. If it had planned then IA wouldn't have been able to to capture such a large area.

Truth is its the IA/GoI who initiated this dispute.

Read the OP, my friend.

The PA was simply outsmarted by the Indian Intelligence Agencies. :)
Here, this might help.

Wiki :lol:

It's NEAR Siachen glacier, not in Siachen glacier.

As a result of operation "Meghdoot", two out of three passes on the Siachen – Sia La and Bilfond La -- came under India's control, while the third pass -- Gyong La – remained under Pakistan's control.

The Conflict at Siachen

From Bharat Rickshaw.

In two ways, India ’s position has already been compromised, as Pakistan controls the Gyong La pass overlooking Shylok and Nubra rivers, along with the road that links mainland India to Leh, and China ’s de facto hold over Aksai Chin.

You can consider it not to be part of Siachen. Good for you.

The conflict was started in 1947.

Siachen is merely a link in a chain of events.

The Siachen conflict was started in 1987 by Bharat and hence it is responsible for all the human loss there.
Read the OP, my friend.

The PA was simply outsmarted by the Indian Intelligence Agencies. :)

I have read it dear friend... Just turned to hoaxing guy.

It was pure aggression now you can call it whatever to want according to your wish.
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