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Why India needs Myanmar on its side!!

Why is my post reported. I just gave an alternative to a member who expressed he is sick at looking at the leader of India. Does it really bode well to report my post when your country men show the least amount of respect to your president?

Does it serve well when the Bangladeshi use the dirtiest and filthiest of words for their leaders and you enjoy reading their posts ?

Anyways, if you are sick too, get well soon. About reporting, go fish.

just use Mr % the popular name in Pakistani brothers
You're right, China has not exactly been a "model citizen" of the globally community, especially during the era of Chairman Mao. Hopefully this is changing with the new generations of leadership.

As to your other points, a key geostrategic issue for China is oil imports. We produce a lot, but consume more. Much of our oil imports come from the Middle East, Malaysia/Indonesia, and pipelines to central Asia and Russia.

India could in theory block our Middle Eastern oil supply, although that would also block oil to the rest of East Asia. Japan, Korea, etc.

In this situation, Malaysian/Indonesian oil becomes very important. So you're right that South East Asia is becoming very important in a strategic sense.

Institutionalized policies are hard to change. Support for the maoists and murderers of the Nepali Royal family , supplying nuclear weapons to destabilizing states etc are recent policy actions and its not easy to dismiss them as relics of Mao and the Cultural revolution as most Chinese analysts prefer to do when faced with uneasy questions. Most of this is of course realpolitik with the objective of securing China's economic and military supremacy tied to upholding the power of the Communist party. China will destabilize its neighbors where ever it can to produce pliant and client states. India of course is a major obstacle towards achieving the goal of Asian hegemony. Support for India's maoists for example is an internal attempt to subvert a competitor while the strings of pearls is the external dimension to the containment strategy. China's oft repeated slogan of a "peaceful" rising is all hog wash and meant for internal consumption within the great wall and the greater firewall.
Support for the maoists and murderers of the Nepali Royal family, supplying nuclear weapons to destabilizing states etc are recent policy actions and its not easy to dismiss them as relics of Mao and the Cultural revolution as most Chinese analysts prefer to do when faced with uneasy questions.

Do you have any evidence of this?

You keep saying that China supports "Maoists" but the Maoist philosophy died in China in 1978 when Deng Xiaoping instituted market reforms and turned us into a capitalist economy.

If you think that the "Peaceful rise" is hogwash, then can you tell me what we could possibly gain from a war?

The Chinese economy is doing well, the Indian economy is doing well. Why on Earth would either one want to "rock the boat" and throw away our economic growth?
India has no influence in Pakistan neither on Bangladesh.

Tell that to the jamati trolls here...:lol: it will save us a lot of time explainig to them

China's oft repeated slogan of a "peaceful" rising is all hog wash and meant for internal consumption within the great wall and the greater firewall.

:rofl: ..good play with words
Good going. Nepal, Bhutan, Srilanka, Bangladesh and Maldives already on our side. Myanmar is also crucial but China also has influence on it. We should work on Myanmar. Its just first phase.
We can't say that about Nepal, till they have a Communist govenrment which is more warm towards China. But other than that, yeah ll are either neutral or are warm towards India. Nepal has always been a good friend of ours for so many years and even people of Nepal are very kind and nice.

It is just their Communists that is creating tensions between two brother countries.
Institutionalized policies are hard to change. Support for the maoists and murderers of the Nepali Royal family , supplying nuclear weapons to destabilizing states etc are recent policy actions and its not easy to dismiss them as relics of Mao and the Cultural revolution as most Chinese analysts prefer to do when faced with uneasy questions. Most of this is of course realpolitik with the objective of securing China's economic and military supremacy tied to upholding the power of the Communist party. China will destabilize its neighbors where ever it can to produce pliant and client states. India of course is a major obstacle towards achieving the goal of Asian hegemony. Support for India's maoists for example is an internal attempt to subvert a competitor while the strings of pearls is the external dimension to the containment strategy. China's oft repeated slogan of a "peaceful" rising is all hog wash and meant for internal consumption within the great wall and the greater firewall.
Thank you for understanding. You are one Nepali who knows the reality well and doesn't believe in the Communist nonsense. Lies and propaganda is a norm among them even here in India.

India and Nepal have been traditionally two nations with one soul.
Do you have any evidence of this?

You keep saying that China supports "Maoists" but the Maoist philosophy died in China in 1978 when Deng Xiaoping instituted market reforms and turned us into a capitalist economy.

If you think that the "Peaceful rise" is hogwash, then can you tell me what we could possibly gain from a war?

The Chinese economy is doing well, the Indian economy is doing well. Why on Earth would either one want to "rock the boat" and throw away our economic growth?

Do you have any evidence of this?
Ask any man on the street who is not a Red shirt. King Birendra kept the polity together and the insurgency never gained much during his reign. The direct beneficiaries of his death have been the Chinese proxies who now also rule in the valley.

You keep saying that China supports "Maoists" but the Maoist philosophy died in China in 1978 when Deng Xiaoping instituted market reforms and turned us into a capitalist economy.
The political philosophy? And by extension the external policies of the middle kingdom.The USSR wanted to spread their political and economic model to the Soviet bloc. China now spreads its own brand.

If you think that the "Peaceful rise" is hogwash, then can you tell me what we could possibly gain from a war?
Cementing Chinese hegemony. Why fight a war which would be costly when you can achieve those by subverting other nations to make them your clients. Classic Sun Tzu and the Art of War.

The Chinese economy is doing well, the Indian economy is doing well. Why on Earth would either one want to "rock the boat" and throw away our economic growth?
China is the one rocking it. After the late 80s and early 90s China has been actively pursuing policies designed to contain and now to subvert a powerful neighbor. Idea is to eliminate all possible competition in China's neighborhood.
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