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Why India needs Myanmar on its side!!

Break the Silence

Apr 6, 2010
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'China has made rapid advances into Myanmar.... Radars have been reported to have been erected on Myanmar's west coast to monitor Indian missile tests,' notes Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

Senior General Than Shwe, Myanmar's head of State, is currently on his second visit to India in six years. He comes at a time the international community has initiated the first steps to gradually open up to Myanmar and elections are due in that country later this year.

Aung San Suu Kyi , perhaps the most famous prisoner in the world after Nelson Mandela [ Images ], met Western diplomats in Yangon, including United States Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell in November 2009. Speculation was rife at that time that sanctions would soon be lifted.

India's relations with Myanmar, a devoutly Buddhist country, have been traditionally close and friendly. Geographically, India and Myanmar share long land and maritime boundaries, including in the area of the strategically important Andaman and Nicobar islands [ Images ] where the two closest Indian and Myanmarese islands are barely 30 km apart.

It is not so well known that Myanmarese ports provide India the shortest approach route to several of India's north-eastern states.

The first decade of the 21st century has witnessed growing strategic engagement between India and Myanmar. According to the ministry of external affairs, relations with Myanmar have become truly multi-faceted, 'with cooperation in a range of developmental and other projects in the areas of roads, power, hydro-carbon, oil refinery, transmission lines, telecommunications and information technology

India's national interest lies in a strong and stable Myanmar that observes strict neutrality between India and China and cooperates with India in the common fight against the insurgencies raging in the border areas of both the countries.

For India, Myanmar is a bridge with Southeast Asia. In fact, it is a bridge between the countries comprising the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (where Myanmar has observer status) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
The key drivers of the India-Myanmar strategic relationship are cooperation in counter-insurgency operations and the need for India to ensure that Myanmar is not driven into Chinese arms through Indian neglect of its security concerns and arms requirements.

Indian insurgent groups (NSCN, ULFA and the Manipur rebels among others) have been operating out of bases in the weakly controlled areas across the borders of the Indian states of Manipur and Mizoram and Myanmarese rebels, primarily the Chins and the Arakanese, have often taken shelter on the Indian side.

It is in the interest of both countries to cooperate with each other to fight these insurgent groups in a coordinated manner.

In April-May 1995, during Operation Golden Bird, a joint operation, approximately 40 insurgents were been killed and a huge cache of arms was recovered.

Since then the two armies have been cooperating with each other for mutual benefit. In November 2001, the Myanmar army had raided several Manipuri rebel bases, rounded up almost 200 rebels and recovered 1,500 guns.

India-Myanmar cooperation is also essential to control narcotics trafficking and to curb the proliferation of small arms in the region.

China has made rapid advances into Myanmar and established close political, military and economic relations. Myanmar provides China the shortest land route access to the northern Indian Ocean.

China has signed a long-term agreement with Myanmar for the exploitation of its hydrocarbon reserves and for the transportation of oil and gas through a 1,100 km overland pipeline from Kyaukryu port in Myanmar to the border city of Ruili in Yunnan. This pipeline will reduce the distance by 1,200 km and make China less dependent on the Malacca Straits. China is also developing Sittwe as a commercial port on the west coast. It is natural that Chinese naval activity in the Bay of Bengal will soon follow.

China has also been stepping up arms sales to Myanmar as other nations, including India, are loath to sell offensive military hardware to the country. China is reported to have told Myanmar to take artillery guns from North Korea in return for rice.
Radars have been reported to have been erected on Myanmar's west coast to monitor Indian missile tests. This is not a positive development, as it will further increase Myanmar's dependency on China.

However, indications from the military regime are that it does not want China to exercise undue influence in Myanmar's internal affairs.

Recent reports of Myanmar's quest for the acquisition of nuclear weapons from North Korea (with Chinese and Pakistani help), though uncorroborated, are of concern to India as nuclear weapons in the hands of yet another military regime would not be conducive to long-term strategic stability in South Asia.

If the news about Myanmar's nuclear ambitions is true, the international community must adopt all measures necessary to prevent the emergence of another nuclear weapon State in the region and India must help.

While India is concerned with the slow pace of progress on the issue of national reconciliation and the consequent delay in installing a democratically elected government in power in Yangon, the strategic scenario compels India to balance its security concerns with its support for the emergence of democratic rule.

It is only through close engagement that India can promote leverages with the ruling regime to nudge it gently towards national reconciliation.

India must also increase its economic footprint in Myanmar, particularly in areas that are contiguous to India.
The military regime is firmly entrenched in power -- the monks' agitation notwithstanding. Sanctions and other diplomatic pressures have not worked in the past and are unlikely to work in the future.

The fear psychosis of Myanmar's military junta is being exploited by China and this cannot be in the interest of either India or any of the other democracies of the free world.
It is important to end Myanmar's isolation and to allay its fears that the whole world is ganging up against it.

India and the other regional powers can play a positive role in the re-entry of Myanmar into the international mainstream so that it can be nudged towards becoming a strong and stable democracy that is also mature and responsible and willing to play by the rules and traditions governing international relations.

Perhaps multi-national talks, which include India, China, Japan [ Images ], ASEAN and other stakeholders, would be the best way forward.

Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd) is Director, Centre for Land Warfare Studies, New Delhi

Why India needs Myanmar on its side: Rediff.com India News
India, Myanmar sign on the dotted line, boost ties


Prime Minister Manmohan Singh with visiting Myanmar military ruler General Than Shwe

India and Myanmar on Monday inked five pacts, including one in the field of security and agreed on close cooperation between security forces of the two countries in tackling the pernicious problem of terrorism.

The pacts were signed after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh held talks with visiting Myanmar military ruler General Than Shwe over a wide range of issues, including counter-terror cooperation, enhanced energy ties and collaboration in a string of developmental projects.

The two leaders expressed their desire for greater economic engagement and in this context Dr Singh conveyed India's commitment to continue with developmental assistance to Myanmar, according to a joint statement in New Delhi.

It said that the Myanmar side expressed deep appreciation for the generous and concessionary credit facilities given by India to finance significant infrastructure and other projects.
Projects that are currently in progress under such aid assistance include those for railways, road and waterway development, power and industrial training centres, tele-communication, etc.

The Indian side agreed to consider Myanmar's request for assistance in three areas namely -- IT development, industrial development and infrastructure development, which will lead to boosting the bilateral cooperation to a higher level.

To enhance road connectivity, especially through the state of Mizoram, both leaders announced the construction and revamping of the Rhi-Tiddim road at a cost of more than $60 million to be financed through grant assistance from India.

The Myanmar side expressed its appreciation for this gesture. The two leaders welcomed the expansion of trade and commerce between the two countries, manifesting in the rise in volume of trade to more than US$ 1 billion per annum. They agreed that trade at border trade points should be further enhanced to boost the immense potential that exists in bilateral trade, which would also directly benefit the north-east states in the country.
The pacts include a treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, an MoU on Indian grant for small developmental projects, agreement on cooperation in the field of science and technology and an MoU on Indian assistance in restoring the Ananda temple in Bagan, a renowned Buddhist shrine and a major tourist site in central Myanmar.

Besides being a crucial instrument in enabling India get access to insurgents from India's north-east states, who continue to get shelter along the sprawling 1,650-kilometre India-Myanmar border, the treaty on mutual assistance in criminal matters also aims at deepening bilateral cooperation in combating transnational organised crime, terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering and smuggling of arms and explosives.
Understanding that continued cooperation will lead to success in fighting the insurgency issue, Dr Singh and Shwe agreed to strengthen cooperation and collective efforts of the two countries along the border.

In this context, the two leaders welcomed the Home Secretary level talks held in Nay Pyi Taw in January 2010, and the important decisions taken in that meeting. The two leaders also encouraged to conduct business meetings, to be held alternately in both countries, for trade promotion and noted that such measures can help build bridges at the business level and promote economic and commercial opportunities.

In recognition of the close and friendly tourism cooperation between India and Myanmar and cooperation under the frameworks of ASEAN+India and BIMSTEC, the two sides agreed to further promote tourist contacts.

Notwithstanding Shwe's not so cordial relations with Western countries, India has rolled out the red carpet to welcome the General, who began his five-day visit to the country Sunday by offering prayers at the Mahabodhi temple at Bodh Gaya in Bihar.

Shwe's visit to India also takes place days after the US renewed sanctions, barring trade with companies associated with the junta in Myanmar.

India, Myanmar sign on the dotted line, boost ties: Rediff.com India News
Good going. Nepal, Bhutan, Srilanka, Bangladesh and Maldives already on our side. Myanmar is also crucial but China also has influence on it. We should work on Myanmar. Its just first phase.
Why India needs a dictatorship country such as Burma on her side ?
Is India ready to betray Democracy and embrace Human Right abuse ?
Good going. Nepal, Bhutan, Srilanka, Bangladesh and Maldives already on our side. Myanmar is also crucial but China also has influence on it. We should work on Myanmar. Its just first phase.

On your side against China???? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
This Junta is a Joker... He changes his color with the sky...
Why India needs a dictatorship country such as Burma on her side ?
Is India ready to betray Democracy and embrace Human Right abuse ?

What you say about China's relationship with Myanmar's dictators? World's most powerful democracy USA's relationship with Saudi rulers and other military dictators?

National interests matters first. But here, in case of Myanmar, India thinks working with junta will help to stop human right abuse and step by step procedure towards democracy. Other than that the only way to bring democracy back is invading Myanmar like Iraq, which is very much undesirable and will not be good. So better we work with them and put pressure.
Why India needs a dictatorship country such as Burma on her side ?
Is India ready to betray Democracy and embrace Human Right abuse ?
We can influence on burma to stop their human rights abuse only if we have good friendship with them(then we can say...hey pal, stop your hr abuse...it suckzz:cheers:)
btw what is your openion on china providing weapons and having good relationship with that dictatorshio country?
Good going. Nepal, Bhutan, Srilanka, Bangladesh and Maldives already on our side. Myanmar is also crucial but China also has influence on it. We should work on Myanmar. Its just first phase.

what make you sure about Nepal,where maoist influences are gradually increases?
On your side against China???? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

When I said 'against China'? Who said we are going to fight against China? Yes, they are our adversary and we are modernizing our forces just like others but that doesn't mean we are going to fight against China. Every adversaries doesn't fight.

Its true that India has much more influence on those countries than any other countries. China also trying to grow its influence on these countries but except Pakistan and Myanmar they have failed to influence on any of its neighbors.
what make you sure about Nepal,where maoist influences are gradually increases?

Maoist influence in Nepal increased substantially over past few years but the govt and the Army is still under Indian influence. As of now Maoist didn't take over control of Nepal's internal and external foreign policies.
Maoist influence in Nepal increased substantially over past few years but the govt and the Army is still under Indian influence. As of now Maoist didn't take over control of Nepal's internal and external foreign policies.

i can see the fact going on in same order in Nepal as china in 1940's.
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