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Why India is not a superpower

Personally it neither mesmerize me nor find it funny to make fun on poor. Simply because it's against Allah's will. This is why Allah made it mandatory(faraz) for Muslim to pay Zakat. I will urge Indians to be humble and accept the reality of their nation instead of indulge with fake pride by hoping that the whole world is blind.

First please understand that the west has come up with the concept of India as an emerging superpower. Did you ever hear any Indian leader say that India is a superpower? it is always the western leaders who say that. We Indians are humble enough to accept that we are not a superpower. we know that there is poverty in India and no Indian is denying that. we are taking steps to reduce poverty.
Take China for example. China is being described as the next superpower. who is saying that? are the Chinese saying that ? no. The west is saying that. Doesn't China have its share of poverty? it has. But that doesn't prevent it from being a superpower in the making.
The west describes China and India as next superpower and emerging superpower respectively on the basis of their growing economic and military might. if you have a problem with that then go and complain to them.

I urge pakistanis and other members to refrain from making comments in a hurry to bash India as it only shows your misunderstanding, jealousy, hatred and lack of knowledge about the matter.
India will become a superpower after this man becomes the PM:


'It hurts the pride of Indians to be reminded of the country's poverty. But the existence of poverty itself does not hurt their pride.' Photo: Reuters

Rich Indians have forgotten the country cannot meet the basic needs of poor people.

Rich Indians hallucinating about India becoming a superpower have had delivered a much-needed thump on the head courtesy of a study by the London School of Economics, which found that it's doubtful if the country can ever become a superpower.

The whole notion that India is an ''emerging superpower'' has always been ridiculous and whoever first mooted the idea - Bill Clinton or George Bush - during the excess of goodwill that invariably accompanies a state visit, should have been bundled off to a laboratory to have his brain dissected to locate the precise site of the raving lunacy.

Even more preposterous has been the uncritical alacrity with which rich Indians embraced the notion when all they have to do is drive a few kilometres outside the big cities to rural India for a flashback to the 18th century or, even closer to home, to a nearby slum to see disease, hunger and misery that beggars belief.

The LSE study by nine India experts concludes that, despite ''impressive'' achievements, India is unlikely to become a superpower for many reasons including "the increasing gap between the rich and the poor; the trivialisation of the media; the unsustainability, in an environmental sense, of present patterns of resource consumption; the instability and policy incoherence caused by multi-party coalition governments''.

The study adds: "India still faces major developmental challenges. The still-entrenched divisions of caste structure are being compounded by the emergence of new inequalities of wealth stemming from India's economic success.''

These inequalities take your breath away. While the rich consume luxury goods and the middle class buys fancy cars and gadgets and holidays in Bangkok, they blind themselves to the reality for 700 million or so immiserated Indians. In their vainglorious dinner-table talk about ''superpower'' status, they forget that a country that cannot meet a poor person's most basic needs - enough food, clean drinking water, and electricity - has no business aspiring to superpower status.

One has always heard that Indians have traditionally lacked a certain respect for the facts
but this wilful disregard of reality is disturbing. Affluent Indians have bought the superpower fantasy not just because of a contempt for the facts, but from pride and vanity and a tendency to get all puffed up the moment the country manages any achievement.

So an obscure international award for some Indian film, a bronze medal in a sport that no one watches, an Indian company's takeover of a foreign company, or an Indian kid topping a maths exam in the US, are all trumpeted as evidence that India has conquered the world.

This is the reality: about 400 million Indians have no electricity; India has more mobile phones than toilets; millions of children are not in school; most cities have no sewage treatment systems; no major city has a continuous water supply; disease is rampant; infrastructure is pitiful; and a UNICEF report released this month says there is acute malnutrition and hunger among the urban poor, with 54 per cent more infants dying from among the urban poor than from the urban non-poor. Another UNICEF report found that 93 million Indians live in urban slums, on pavements and construction sites.

Yet should anyone plead that the poor have been left behind they will be subject to heated criticism. It hurts the pride of Indians to be reminded of the country's poverty. But the existence of poverty itself does not hurt their pride.

Economic growth rates of about 8-9 per cent over the past few years have been justifiably praiseworthy. But the benefits of this growth have been confined to the middle class and the rich.

The poor still do not have homes, basic sanitation, decent schools or nutritious food. As a young girl in American author Katherine Boo's much-acclaimed new book Behind the Beautiful Forevers, about life in a Mumbai slum, says: "We try so many things but the world doesn't move in our favour."

Middle-class Indians need to read Boo's book about life in a rat-infested hovel, near a sewage lake, with rampant dengue fever, malaria and tuberculosis, with scraps for meals, a single toilet for 100 families and then try claiming that India is becoming a superpower. There are many criteria for defining a superpower, but for India an extra one should be added. Let no one utter the world ''superpower'' till every Indian family has a toilet in their home.

India Is Not A Superpower

Because India wants to be No.2 and Not no.1,No.1s keep dying anf new number ones keep coming but No.2s survive always.it is called art of survival.
Hey, Indian buddies how many times we will have to prove that we r growing, to that communists..Who even r not able to protest for their rights..
Hey sinos, just try to buy a single 2-3 room flat in mumbai and u'll definetly fill that it's better to buy jf-17 and live inside it rather than buying a flat in Mumbai and delhi...:angry:
My cousin had a kholi(2 small room house), and he said that, he has been offered 35 lakhs inr($ 80k-85k) for that slum house..
And pakistani buddies, i have nothing more to tell about u all it's useless to reply u when it comes to poverty, healthcare and economy...
And indian buddies, do see profile of that extinct animal Chinese_dragon you will understand everything...
i don't see how you guys can stomach making fun of poverty that is immoral and wrong on every level
The Problem with india is there are too many hungry Mouths To feed ,Too much corruption as well as lack of national unity.They can forget about being superpower for now.:no:
Because India wants to be No.2 and Not no.1,No.1s keep dying anf new number ones keep coming but No.2s survive always.it is called art of survival.

i dont think that when india china reach their max potentil of economic growth there will any country that will be able to challenge us. we will be at 1 and 2 for a long long time and i hope asia will be a very powerfull block.
The Problem with india is there are too many hungry Mouths To feed ,Too much corruption as well as lack of national unity.They can forget about being superpower for now.:no:
china has more mouths to feed. altho china is bigger in area, india has more arable land hence we will do well evetually.
Pakistanis NEED to stop worrying about SUPER POWER india or REGIONAL POWER india lines.

THESE TERMS originate from the WEST ie GOLDMAN SACHS. investment banks, UN think tanks and PENTAGON studies.

they ARE NOT referring to india in 2012 ...............BUT predicting a FUTURE o 2020 OR 2025 where indian GDP will alomost certainly be a TOP 5 GDP behind USA CHINA RUSSIA & JAPAN --------------------BUT AHEAD OF THE REST.

but i agree with our pdf friends from accross the border THAT there is too much poverty and HUGE infrastucture issues to be classed any thing more than a developing country. ALBEIT a very LARGE powerful INDUSTRIAL NATION.

aryan is correct in some ways RE THE poverty BUT totally wrong to compare india to AFRICA or PAKISTAN IN wealth as a NATION india is very rich both in GDP forex gold and raw materials.
china has more mouths to feed. altho china is bigger in area, india has more arable land hence we will do well evetually.

The probability of something happening is never a zero,however,the eradication of the age old caste system which discriminates and the entrenched corruption as well the "Brain Drain" Will pose a serious hurdles on the way.China is grooming itself as a superpower and have shown good indications unlike india.oh i forget about that naxalite stuff.
Guys guys. I do not mean to offend some of you Indian's but any consideration of India as a Superpower now or in the future is preposterous. I mean on the forum I noticed today that the following thread went live:


How can a nation of 1.2 billion who have until recently been receiving aid from a nation of about 60 million be considered even a candidate of super power status
Guys guys. I do not mean to offend some of you Indian's but any consideration of India as a Superpower now or in the future is preposterous. I mean on the forum I noticed today that the following thread went live:


How can a nation of 1.2 billion who have until recently been receiving aid from a nation of about 60 million be considered even a candidate of super power status

china was receiving aid from european countries untill 2008-9 and then once economy grew big they stopped it. same is now happening with india. they know we dont care about their money anymore.
Guys guys. I do not mean to offend some of you Indian's but any consideration of India as a Superpower now or in the future is preposterous. I mean on the forum I noticed today that the following thread went live:


How can a nation of 1.2 billion who have until recently been receiving aid from a nation of about 60 million be considered even a candidate of super power status

we are not asking for aid, we already told them to stop it if they want to. Anyways that aid is just peanuts for us.
china was receiving aid from european countries untill 2008-9 and then once economy grew big they stopped it. same is now happening with india. they know we dont care about their money anymore.

this thread is nothing to do with china , leave china alone , we dont want anything to do with india being world superpower
The Problem with india is there are too many hungry Mouths To feed ,Too much corruption as well as lack of national unity.They can forget about being superpower for now.:no:

Please, you should not talk about corruption, hunger and national unity and all the such stuff, you should understand that first before giving a lecture friend.

You know we are rich enough, but on papers we show as poor, if you see in my locality almost all are having more than a million but we dont disclose it to our govt. Now you can understand I think so.

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